Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Several plants have anesthetic effects.

Several plants have anesthetic effects.

The most famous are the following two.

1, poppy. 2. Datura.

Datura, also known as the prostitute of angels. Leaves have musk flavor; Flowers are trumpet-shaped and have a unique smell; There are spikes on the capsule. Datura stramonium and Datura stramonium leaves can treat asthma spasm and hypersalivation. Flowers can cure toothache and are commonly used anesthetics in minor operations. These two herbs are effective for nerve disorder and numbness, and external use of flowers and roots can treat rheumatism. Datura contains scopolamine, which can prevent carsickness. The ancients used it to ask for the Oracle. This plant has large leaves with sharp and shallow edges, which can be used to treat asthma. Seeds can be illusory; Indian Datura has big leaves, white, yellow or purple flowers, poisonous brown seeds and prickly pods. This plant is poisonous, which can lead to madness and even death. In ancient times, nomadic people or Indians lived by chasing water plants, and their daily life depended on the natural relationship. Therefore, the patriarch will eat some nerve-numbing plants (such as marijuana or belladonna plants) to make his soul out of body, and float away to see if there are abundant water and grass sources there. The whole country will follow the instructions of the patriarch and take action. Roman is born every year. Leaves have musk flavor; Flowers are trumpet-shaped and have a unique smell; There are spikes on the capsule. Leaves alternate, oval, irregularly wavy or sparsely toothed, with long petioles. Veins sparsely pubescent. Flowers are solitary in leaf axils or branches; Corolla funnelform, white to purple. The capsule is ovoid with hard spines on the surface, and it is divided into four parts when it matures. Seeds slightly flattened kidney-shaped, dark brown. It can be divided into three types: big flower (white flower), safflower and purple flower. Datura stramonium is a hallucinogenic plant. The whole plant of Datura stramonium is poisonous, especially the fruits and seeds. Dry leaves are less toxic than fresh leaves, and their leaves, flowers and seeds can be used as medicine. Black Datura is the noblest variety of Datura, and it is a noble, elegant and mysterious flower. Datura at night is a flower that looks like a lily. The fragrance is elegant, but it is the kind of fragrance that will have a slight illusion if you smell it too much. There is a legend in the black mandala. Every pot of black Datura flower has an elf who can help you realize your wish! However, they also have an exchange condition, that is, human blood! As long as you water the enchanting black Datura flower with your own blood, the genie in the flower will help you realize your wish! Can only be watered with blood, because they love this warm and deadly feeling! As long as the black Datura cultivated by heart can be psychic, its flower language is unpredictable death and love. Monroe's dream refers to hallucinations under anesthesia, or coma. Native to India. Six petals bloom, as big as a morning glory, which is different from camellia. There are also red bloomers, originally from Peru. Datura flower, from South America, has sparse branches and leaves, beautiful flower shape and rich aroma. There is one of the most legendary and romantic legends about Datura: It is said that when the Buddha preached Dharma, it began to rain gracefully all over the sky, so camellia also symbolizes tranquility, serenity and good luck. "Compendium of Materia Medica" describes her as "spring grows and summer grows, with a single straight stem, four or five feet high, green stems and leaves like eggplant leaves. White flowers bloom in August, and six petals are as big as morning glory. " She is a flower full of Buddhist colors: Datura, which is a transliteration of ancient Sanskrit, meaning variegated. According to legend, when the Buddha talks about Buddhism to the best level, he will drop this flower, and its fragrance will make believers feel relaxed and happy. Roman, another name of religion, according to Taoism, there is a messenger Luo Luo of Beidou, holding this flower. Therefore, later generations called it "Roman". The flowers are relatively blooming and gorgeous in the cold drizzle. The leaves are dark green and shiny, and will not wither after winter. As early as the Qin and Han Dynasties, there was a record in China's Shennong Materia Medica Classic: "Hemp (sound fen) tastes like Xin Ping, which leads to five strains of seven injuries ... Eating too much makes people crazy, and eating for a long time makes people fit ..." It can be seen that our ancestors discovered hallucinogenic plants and their functions as early as two thousand years ago. For a long time, hallucinogenic plants have been used by some wizards for superstitious activities such as offering sacrifices to gods, divination, asking sick people, giving ghosts and so on. And passed down from generation to generation. For example, naked mushrooms in Mexico were used in religious ceremonies as early as 300 years ago. Blind people will have a strange illusion after eating in groups. Everyone will feel completely out of touch with their surroundings. The world in front of us is so unreal, and everything seen in the illusion is so real and credible. In this way, they became tame tools of religion and theocracy. Some hallucinogenic plants are used as psychotropic drugs. /kloc-At the beginning of the 5th century, slaves in Africa lived a worse life than cattle and horses, and they all carried nutmeg with them. Whenever they are in pain, they eat this fruit. For an instant, they saw a bright and beautiful illusion in a trance, thus temporarily forgetting their tragic life experiences and unfortunate experiences. A certain part of herb cannabis contains hallucinogenic substances, which is a famous anesthetic, and it can make people feel indescribable euphoria. No matter what color or shape you see, it is particularly bright and bright, and then you enter the dream, the past reappears and the words increase. Such as excessive poisoning, it will make people laugh or cry, and some even meditate on depression, anxiety and suspicion. In some countries, the abuse of narcotic drugs makes young people suffer and fall into crime. This is also one of the drawbacks of the capitalist system. The nuts of wild litchi can cause hallucinations. People who are poisoned by eating by mistake first see countless strange insects flying around, and then see many well-dressed men, women and children beating gongs and drums, singing and dancing to meet themselves. At this time, the patient feels high, so he is eloquent and arrogant. Boletus minor and Boletus gorgeous, after food poisoning, can make people hear voices and feel that someone is calling him and talking to him in the air. So he acted according to his own "command", running tirelessly day and night, and then standing in a daze, in a daze, shaped like a puppet, medically called "stupor." Most poisoned patients only feel dizzy during the day, but at night, they will see many short and small red and green strangers. Patients feel that they are squeezed into nowhere, so they make a hullabaloo about and fidget, which is called "the visual illusion of lilliput" in medicine. In the eyes of hallucinations, occasionally, "little people" will become "giants" in an instant. They are tens of feet high, which will make people breathless and make patients panic. This is called "optical illusion". There are also some hallucinogenic plants with peculiar functions. After eating by mistake, people will see fierce monsters coming at them, or feel their hands and feet apart, and fly like clouds in an instant. Cats eating this substance are actually afraid of mice, and mice are not afraid of people, just like drunkards, stumbling. Why do hallucinogenic plants make people hallucinate? Through scientists' long-term exploration and research, it is found that most hallucinogenic plants contain some alkaloids. Its chemical structure is very similar to some chemicals existing in human brain, such as norepinephrine, dopamine, catecholamine, 5- hydroxytryptamine and so on. These hallucinogens will confuse true and false, affect the metabolic activities of chemicals in the brain, and then affect the function of the brain, causing people to have all kinds of bizarre hallucinations. The poisoning symptoms of some hallucinogens are often very similar to those of some types of mental patients, which gives people new enlightenment, can explore the mystery of the brain with the help of their subtle relationship, and also opens up a new way for finding and developing more and better antipsychotic drugs.