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Guiguzi: Speaking Style and Logical Thinking

Guiguzi: Speaking Style and Logical Thinking

Guiguzi has two unique skills, one is the way of speaking and the other is the tactical method. There are five ways to speak. One is to learn to listen. The second is empathy. The third is to talk less and do more. The fourth is to think about it. The fifth is to dare to express.

A good word warms three winters, and a bad word hurts in June. The former is like buff, and the latter is like debuff. Whether you can speak or not can reflect many aspects of a person.

In my opinion, the way of speaking is also the way of thinking. In the popular saying, it is logical thinking. Logical thinking is a problem-solving thinking method, so the way of speaking is also a practical problem-solving ability, which can be applied to life or work.

Generally speaking, the three steps to solve a problem are fact, explanation and action.

The first is to ask questions and find out the facts. "What is it?"

The second is to analyze the problem and find the reason, "Why?"

Finally solve the problem and come to the conclusion, "How?" .

(1) What is learning to listen? Guiguzi has a saying, "People speak and move. Silent people are quiet. " Generally speaking, others said, but his brain was stirred; I listen silently because I can understand each other's true meaning when I calm down.

From the perspective of logical thinking, it is to find out the facts first, find out the problems, try to figure out the psychology of others, understand their intentions, and understand the real purpose of speaking through listening. This is the first step to solve the problem.

Never grab words, it's neither wise nor polite.

(2) What is empathy? Guiguzi has a saying, "Know yourself and know yourself, and you will win every battle." It means understanding others, empathizing with others, trying to figure out their psychology from reverse thinking, and understanding others before doing things and speaking.

From the perspective of logical thinking, it is to reconstruct the argument, re-demonstrate the logical relevance between statements, and check whether the statements are true and convincing. Avoid one-sided understanding of the facts.

It is wise to know others, and it is also wise to know friends.

(3) What is talking less and doing more? Guiguzi has a saying, "Those who combine, or take it together, or go together." It means self-discipline by closing; Make others leave by closing.

From the perspective of logical thinking, we should not draw one-sided conclusions without complete evidence, so as not to talk too much and lose too much. Learn to observe and think more. Avoid inappropriate factors caused by inaccurate language expression.

A gentleman cannot be cautious.

(4) What do you want to talk about? There is a saying in Guiguzi, "If you can't see the shape, you can round it with the Tao." It means that things are slow and round. Think for three minutes first.

From the point of view of logical thinking, it means not to express acceptance or rejection before the conclusion made by others has no basis, otherwise it will be easily controlled by others.

(5) What is daring to express? There is a saying in Guiguzi that "sizing up the situation and determining doubts are the foundation of everything". It means to dare to make reasonable decisions and dare to speak, which is the basis for solving everything.

From the perspective of logical thinking, we should dare to find out the facts, analyze and grasp the complete basis to support the conclusion, so as to draw a conclusion. This is the last and most crucial step to solve the problem.

Learn to express, dare to speak and make decisions. In other words, after fully understanding the facts, thinking and mastering the complete basis to support the conclusion, we dare to draw a conclusion. This is the last and most crucial step to solve the problem.

Hesitation when decisive decision is needed will breed trouble; When a firm decision is needed, hesitation will bring trouble to people; hesitate when decision is needed