Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - How did Halloween come down in western countries?

How did Halloween come down in western countries?

Halloween should actually be translated into Halloween. The word "Halloween" comes from Christianity. It was originally Halloween, which means holy night.


Halloween is an ancient festival, which can be traced back to the Celtic Festivals. The Celts will celebrate Samhain Festival on June 3 1 every year, which is the most important day in their calendar that alternates between late summer and early winter. Just like the combination of orange and black on Halloween today, orange stands for harvest and autumn, and black is usually a symbol of death and darkness, reminding people that Halloween was once a festival marking the boundary between life and death.

Orange and black

People believe that on this special day and night, the boundary between the living and the dead will become blurred, so there will be some souls wandering in the world. These ghosts are a big trouble, which will destroy people's bookmakers and pose a threat to the living. In order to keep ghosts away from their houses, people will put some food outside their houses to appease them. But the good news is that with these ghosts, the ability of druids and Celtic priests to predict the future will be greatly enhanced on this supernatural night. In that era when technology was underdeveloped and productivity was low, it was a great test for people to spend the severe winter, so the priests' predictions were of great significance to people. At night, people will gather together, light sacred bonfires, sacrifice crops and animals, put them into the fire, put on animal fur costumes, perform divination ceremonies and predict their fate.


Besides, the fire and ashes of the bonfire on Halloween night can also protect them from ghosts (it sounds a bit like China people setting off firecrackers). Some people think that fire is a symbol of the sun and has the magic power to stop the long winter.