Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - What does Reimu mean? What is the explanation?

What does Reimu mean? What is the explanation?

Refers to an incredible dream. Generally speaking, people believe that dreams are prophecies given by heaven, gods and Buddha. According to the good or bad in dreams, we can predict the quality of reality. Therefore, no matter whether the person in the dream is a god or an ancestor, if the dream is consistent with the actual situation in the future, it is called a supernatural dream. In this regard, Hinayana said that everything was true, while Mahayana dismissed it as an illusion. There are many descriptions of spiritual dreams in Buddhist scriptures, such as the spiritual dreams of white elephants when they are pregnant, which are recorded in practice books and ancient and modern causal books. There are also those who are induced by seeing Amitabha in a dream, such as the Great Prajna Sutra Volume 18 and the Samadha Sutra Volume. In addition, there are many stories about spiritual dreams in biographies of eminent monks in China and Japan. On Great Wisdom Volume 6 (see Dreams 5774 and Dreams 5778) p6940