Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Translate all the episodes of Tongzhi Tang Jian.

Translate all the episodes of Tongzhi Tang Jian.

Tang Jiba ruled Tang Gaozu Wude for nine years (Xu Bing, AD 626).

In September, Turkic Li Jiehan offered 3000 horses and 10000 sheep, but Emperor Taizong refused to accept them. Just ordered him to return the population plundered by the Central Plains, and recruited Wen Yanbo, who was captured by the Turks last year, to return to the DPRK.

In Ding Wei (22nd), Emperor Taizong led the Guards to practice archery in the courtyard of Xiande Hall, and lectured them face to face: "Since ancient times, there have been intrusions from neighboring nationalities such as Rongdi. What is worrying is that when the border is a little peaceful, the monarch will wander freely and forget the threat of war, so it is difficult to resist once the enemy attacks. Now I won't let you build ponds and pavilions, specializing in archery. When you have nothing to do, I will be your teacher, and once the Turks invade, I will be your general. In this way, the people of the Central Plains may be able to live a peaceful life! " From then on, Emperor Taizong led hundreds of people in the palace every day, taught them archery, and personally tested it. Soldiers who shot many arrows were rewarded with bows, knives and fabrics, and their generals were rated first in the assessment. Many ministers advised, "According to the laws of the Tang Dynasty, anyone who holds a spear in the emperor's residence will be hanged. Now, your majesty, you let these humble people bend bows and hold arrows by the temple, and your majesty is among them. If a fanatic acts rashly, something will happen. This is not the way to value the country. " The secretariat of Hanzhou lied that something was wrong, and rode a post horse to the court to voice his remonstrance. Most of them don't listen. He said: "The real monarch regards the four seas as one family, and the people under the jurisdiction of the Tang Dynasty are all my loyal subjects. I can be honest with everyone, but why should I doubt the soldiers who defend me? " Since then, everyone has been thinking about self-improvement and self-motivation, and they have become elites in a few years.

Emperor Taizong once said: "I fought from the south to the north since I was a child, and I learned a lot about using troops." Every time we observe the enemy's position, we know its strength. We often use our weak brigade to resist its Qiang Bing and our strong division to attack its weak brigade. The enemy chased our weak brigade only a few hundred steps. When our army attacked its weak brigade, we must take advantage of the situation to fight back. All the enemy troops fled. This is my way to win! "

On the 24th, Emperor Taizong and his ministers agreed face to face on the titles of the founding fathers, Wuji and others, and ordered Chen to call the roll under the palace. Emperor Taizong said, "I grade your contributions. If there is any unhealthy trend, you can declare it separately." So the generals have been fighting for merit and discussing endlessly. Li Shentong, the king of Huai 'an, said: "I started my army in Kansai, and I should take the banner of righteousness first. Fang, Du Ruhui and others just robbed the knife and made a pen, but the credit is above me. I find it hard to convince. " Emperor Taizong said, "Although my uncle responded to the dispatch of troops first, the flag of righteousness was also for his own disaster relief. When Dou Jiande embezzled Shandong, his uncle was completely annihilated; Liu Heita gathered the rest again, and his uncle deserted. Fang et al. strategized and won thousands of miles, which made Datang Jiangshan stable and had boundless merits, and the credit was naturally above his uncle. Uncle, you are the closest relative of the royal family. I'm really rude to you, but you can't reward me more than a meritorious minister. " The generals then said to each other, "Your Majesty is so fair. Even if he is not unfaithful to his uncle, King Huai 'an, how can we people feel uneasy about our duties?" "Everyone is completely convinced. Fang once said, "All the old courtiers of the King of Qin who were not promoted complained:' We have served your Majesty for many years, but now we are lagging behind the former East Palace of the King of Qin and the courtiers of the King of Qi. "Emperor Taizong said:" The monarch is selfless, so he can convince people all over the world. You and I get our daily food and clothing from the people. Therefore, it is reasonable to choose talents for the officials and the people. How can we choose new people and old people as the order of selection? If the newcomers are talented and the old ones are not, how can we give up the newcomers and only take the old ones? Now, whether you have talent or not, you just keep complaining. Is this the way to govern the country? "

Emperor Taizong wrote a letter; "Folk people are not allowed to set up a demon temple without permission. Except for proper divination, all other miscellaneous divinations are forbidden. "

Emperor Taizong collected more than 200,000 volumes of four books in the Hong Wen Temple, and set up the Hong Wen Pavilion beside the temple. Yu Shinan, Chu Liang, Yao Silian, Ou Yangxun, Cai Yungong, Xiao Deyan and other domestic scholars were selected. In their original posts, they also served as a bachelor of Hong Wen Pavilion and let them take turns to stay in hotels. In his spare time, the emperor took them to the inner hall to talk about the words and deeds of sages and discuss the major policies of the dynasty, sometimes until midnight. Descendants of officials with three or more products were selected as students of Hong Wen Pavilion.

In winter, in October, there is a solar eclipse in Bingchenshuo (the first day of junior high school).

Emperor Taizong wrote that the late Prince Li Jian became the king of interest, and posthumous title disappeared; The emperor's younger brother, posthumous title of Li Yuanji, King of Qi, was reburied at the royal funeral. On the day of burial, Taizong cried in Yiqiumen and was very sad. Wei Zhi and Wang Shangbiao requested to accompany the hearse to the burial place. Emperor Taizong agreed to their request and ordered the former East Palace and Qi's old family to attend the funeral.

Guihai (eighth day), the court made Li Chenggan, the king of Zhongshan, the Crown Prince, at the age of eight.

Chen Geng (25th), in the Tang Dynasty, initially stipulated that heroes were awarded the title of food city.

At first, Xiao recommended Feng Deyi to Gaozu, who appointed him as the secretariat. When Emperor Taizong ascended the throne, he served as the left servant of Shangshu. Feng Deyi was appointed as the right servant, and they agreed what to play. Before Emperor Taizong, Feng Deyi changed people many times, which caused the estrangement between them. At that time, Fang and Du Ruhui had just come to power, and they were estranged from Xiao and closely related to Feng Deyi. Xiao was very wronged, so he sealed the throne theory, and his words were bleak and violated the imperial edict. It happened that Xiao and Chen were flushed in front of Taizong. Both Xiao and Chen were dismissed for disrespecting the emperor.

Shen Jia (29th), Pei Ju, Minister of Civil Affairs, said: "For the people ravaged by the Turkish tyranny, please give silk to every household." Emperor Taizong said: "I rule my subordinates with honesty and faithfulness, and I don't want to have a reputation of caring for the people without real materials." How can we unify and reward the same? " Therefore, calculating the population takes this as the reward standard.

At first, Gaozu wanted to strengthen the power of the royal family to conquer the world, so his distant cousins and their sons and even children were crowned kings, reaching dozens.

To this end, Emperor Taizong gently asked the ministers' opinions: "Is it good for the world to let all the children of the royal family be kings?" Feng Deyi replied: "In a previous life, only the son and brother of the emperor were crowned king, and other people would not be crowned king without great achievements. The emperor's father treated his relatives well and made great efforts to enfeoffment the imperial clan. Since the Han Dynasty, there have not been so many. I'm afraid I can't show my selflessness to the whole world because I have been given a high title and more hard work! " Taizong said, "That makes sense. I am the son of heaven, just to protect the people, how can I work hard for the people in order to protect my clan! " In November, except for a few outstanding contributors, Geng Yin demoted the imperial clan king to the county magistrate.

In the afternoon of (2 1 day), Emperor Taizong and his ministers discussed the problem of anti-theft. When hell to pay was asked, Emperor Taizong replied with a smile, "The reason why ordinary people are thieves is because of heavy taxes, officials taking bribes, and the people are hungry and cold, so they don't care about shame. I advocate putting an end to extravagance and waste, neglecting thin taxes, choosing honest officials, and letting the people have more food and clothing, so that they will naturally not be thieves. Why use severe punishment! " A few years from now, the world will be peaceful, roads will not be picked up, households will not be closed at night, and businessmen and tourists can sleep in the wild.

Emperor Taizong once said to the ministers around him: "The monarch depends on the country and the country depends on the people. Exploiting the people to support the monarch is like cutting meat to fill your stomach, eating to death, making the monarch rich and the country dying. Therefore, the monarch's worries are not from the outside, but often from himself. Where there are many desires, the price is high, and the price is heavy tax. If taxes are heavy, people will feel sad and the country will be in crisis. If the country is in crisis, the monarchy will be lost. I often think about this, so I dare not indulge my desires. "

On December 15th, Dou Gui, the governor of Yizhou, played a play, saying that the local Liao people rebelled and asked the court to send troops to crusade. Emperor Taizong said: "It is their common habit that people often go out to do petty theft." . If local officials can kindly appease them, they will naturally obey. How can we easily wage war, arrest and beat people and treat them like animals? Is this the original intention of being a parent? "Finally, there is no army.

Emperor Taizong said to minister Pei Ji, "Recently, many memorials have been posted on the walls of the bedroom, so that I can see them in and out. I often think about the way of governing the country, and sometimes I can't sleep until late at night. I hope that you will also do your duty and be commensurate with this intention. "

Emperor Taizong tried hard to seek governance, and repeatedly let Wei Zhi enter the bedroom to ask about political gains and losses. Wei Zhi knew everything, and Emperor Taizong was willing to adopt it. Feng Deyi said, "Although middle-aged men are under the age of 18, those who are big and strong can also be recruited together." Emperor Taizong agreed. When the law was promulgated, Wei Zhi stubbornly opposed it and refused to sign it, so he ran back and forth four times. Emperor Taizong was furious and called him into the palace, reprimanding him: "The strong men among middle-aged people are those who lied about their age to escape the corvee. What's the harm in recruiting them, but you are so stubborn! " Wei Zhi replied: "The army is well managed, not large. Your majesty recruits talents, well managed and invincible in the world, so why recruit more young people to increase the imaginary number! And your majesty has always said, "I rule the world with honesty and trust, and I want to make people cheat." "Now your majesty has been in office for a long time, but he has broken his word many times!" Taizong asked in amazement, "How did I break my word?" Wei Zhi replied, "As soon as your Majesty ascended the throne, he wrote a letter saying,' All property owed by the people to the government shall be exempted. "The relevant departments think that the property that Qin owes the State Council is not official property, and they still ask for it. Your majesty was promoted from the king of Qin to the son of heaven, but what property of Qin is not the property of the court? He also said:' rent adjustment in Guanzhong area is free for two years, and corvee in other areas is free for one year.' Soon another decree said,' Anyone who has paid taxes and served as a corvee will be exempted from next year.' If the tax paid is returned and then recovered, the people will have to blame it. Now they are all collecting rent and distributing it to soldiers, don't say that it will be exempted in 2008! In addition, all the people who rule the world with your majesty are local officials, and their daily affairs are entrusted to them; As for recruiting some soldiers, but suspecting that they are cheating, is this to govern the country with sincerity? Emperor Taizong said happily, "I used to think you were stubborn and suspected that you didn't understand government affairs." Now that you talk about national principles and policies, you really hit the nail on the head. If the government's laws and regulations are not kept, the people will not know what to do. How to govern the country? My fault is deep! " So instead of recruiting some middle-aged men as soldiers, he gave Kevin·Z a golden urn.

When Emperor Taizong heard Zhang's name as a clerk who joined the army in Jingzhou, he called him into the palace and asked him how to govern the country. Zhang replied: "The Sui emperor monopolized all kinds of government affairs and did not appoint them as ministers; Governors are afraid, only know that will be carried out, who also dare not disobey. But judging the affairs of the world with one person's wisdom, even if there are mixed gains and losses, there are many paradoxes and mistakes. When will the country not die? If your majesty can carefully select ministers, let them do their own things, sit quietly and examine the success or failure of his men, with clear rewards and punishments, the country can still be governed badly! Moreover, I observed the great turmoil in the late Sui Dynasty, among which only a dozen people wanted to fight for the world, and most of the rest wanted to save the village, save their wives and children, and wait for the right king to join. This shows that the people rarely have anything to do with chaos, but the monarch can't make them stable. " Emperor Taizong appreciated his remarks and promoted him as a counselor.

Zhang Yungu, a former secretariat of Youzhou who joined the army and went straight to Zhongshu Province, presented an article "Dabaozhen" to Emperor Taizong. It is roughly written: "The sage inherits the destiny, saves the people from fire and water, and saves the crisis of the times. Therefore, we must rule the world with one person's way, instead of serving one person in the world. " He also wrote: "the palace is extremely spacious and spacious, but the emperor lives in a narrow place;" However, they were ignorant, and they built Yaotai Qiongshi at will. The table was full of delicious food, but the emperors only ate a few things to their taste; But they suddenly went crazy thinking, piled up bad things into hills and used wine as a pool. " He also wrote: "Don't be silent and confused, and don't be picky about small things. You think you're smart. You should be able to see the unformed state of things, although you have a pendant in front of the crown to cover your eyes, you can hear the sound that has not yet been made, although you have a scorpion blocking your ears. " Emperor Taizong was deeply commended, awarded Shu Si, and appointed him Cheng Dali.

Emperor Taizong summoned Fu Yi, gave him food, and said to him, "The Venus you played in June appeared in the branch of Qin State, and the king of Qin won the world, which almost killed me. However, whenever the weather changes in the future, you should always say everything, don't take it to heart, and always remember the past. " Emperor Taizong once said to Fu Yi, "As a religion, Buddha can learn from mysterious truth. Why are you the only one who doesn't understand? " Fu Yi replied: "The Buddha is a cunning person in the Hu nationality, deceiving the world and showing off in the western regions. Some people in China avoid evil spirits, and choose Zhuangzi and Laozi to talk about the theory and decorate it with magical words to deceive the ignorant people. This is not good for the people, but more harmful to the country. I'm not saying I don't understand, but I look down on it and don't want to touch it. " Taizong was deeply impressed by this.

Tang Taizong was worried that many officials would take bribes, so he secretly arranged for people around him to test them. A division of punishments ordered Shi to accept a silk horse, and Emperor Taizong wanted to kill him when he knew about it. Pei Ju, Minister of Civil Affairs, protested: "An official who accepts bribes should indeed be put to death; However, your majesty sent someone to the door to let him take it. This is intended to lead people to break the law. I'm afraid it doesn't conform to the old saying of Confucius that "induce by virtue and organize people's hearts by virtue". " Emperor Taizong was very happy to hear that. He summoned hundreds of civil and military officials with more than five grades and said to them, "Pei Ju can be brave enough to take up the post and not blindly obey me. If everything can be done this way, how can the country not govern well? "

Minister Sima Guang said: The ancients said: A wise gentleman dares to speak. Pei Ju was a courtier of the Sui Dynasty and a loyal courtier of the Tang Dynasty. It doesn't mean that his character has changed. When the monarch hates to hear people expose their shortcomings, the loyalty of the minister will become flattery; The monarch likes to hear outspoken advice, and flattery will turn into loyalty. It can be seen that the monarch is like a shadow meter, and the minister is like a shadow. When the watch moves, the shadow moves with it.

This year, Li Ke, king of Changsha County, was promoted to Hanwang, and Li Ke, king of Yiyang County, was promoted to King of Chu.

Silla, Baekje and Korea have been enemies for generations, attacking each other and fighting constantly. Emperor Taizong sent Zhu Zishe, the assistant of imperial academy, to convey the imperial edict and persuade them to make peace. All three countries apologized.

The first year of Zhenguan of Emperor Taizong (Ding Hai, AD 627)

Spring, the first month, yiyou (the first day), change the year number.

Ding Hai, a banquet minister of Emperor Taizong, played "The King of Qin breaks Chen Le" during the dinner. Emperor Taizong said: "I was ordered to lead the special forces to attack, so this song was circulated among the people." Although I don't have the gentleness and elegance of virtue, my achievements have been achieved, so I never dare to forget my roots. Feng Deyi said, "Your Majesty used SHEN WOO's talent to pacify the world. Can you compare with Wende? "Tang Taizong said:" Peaceful rebellion builds the country by force, while the success of governing the country depends on the ingenious use of literary talent and civil and military skills, and each item changes with the change of the situation. "You say that writing is not as good as martial arts, which is very poor!" Feng Deyi kowtowed and apologized.

Ji Hai in the Tang Dynasty (15) wrote: "From now on, officials from Zhongshu Province, Xiamen Province and above will be accompanied by admonishers when they go to court, and they will immediately remonstrate if they make mistakes."

Emperor Taizong asked Sun Chang Wuji, a senior official of the official department, and others to renegotiate the law with the bachelor and the judge, reducing the number of hangings by 50 and cutting off the toes of the right foot instead. Emperor Taizong still thought it was severe, saying, "Corporal punishment has long been abolished and should be replaced by other punishments." Pei Hongxian, a soldier of the Shu Palace, demanded to be exiled by hard labor for three years. Emperor Taizong issued a letter to handle it according to this.

Emperor Taizong thought that Dai Zhou, a doctor of the Ministry of War, was honest and honest, and promoted him to Shao Qing of Dali Temple. At that time, many candidate officials disguised their qualifications and background, and Emperor Taizong ordered them to surrender or be executed. A few days later, he found a fake one, and Emperor Taizong wanted to kill him. Dai Zhou said, "According to the law, you should be exiled." Emperor Taizong was furious: "Do you want to obey the law and let me break my promise in the world?" Dai Zhou replied: "The decree was made out of the monarch's temporary mood, and the law was used by the state to show the greatest credit to the world. Your Majesty was angry at the impostor of the candidate officials, so he wanted to kill them, but now he knows that it is not appropriate to do so, and then he will be tried according to law. This is a little bit angry and saved a lot of credit! " Emperor Taizong said, "Why should I worry if you enforce the law like this?" Dai Zhou offended the emperor many times before and after, and broke the law. When answering questions, Emperor Taizong listened to his advice, and China had no injustice.

Emperor Taizong ordered Feng Deyi to recommend talents, but he didn't recommend anyone for a long time. Emperor Taizong questioned the reason and replied, "It's not that I don't try my best, but that there are no wizards now!" "Taizong said," A gentleman uses people as tools, and each takes his own advantages. In ancient times, did the monarch who made the country realize great governance borrow talents from other times? You should blame yourself for not being able to identify talents. How can you slander people of the whole era? "Feng Deyi step down in shame.

Du Yan, an ancient censor, said, "I'm afraid the official documents of various departments may be delayed, so I ask the censor to check them in various departments." Emperor Taizong asked Feng Deyi for advice, and Feng Deyi replied: "There is a division of labor in official positions. If there is any mistake, it is suggested to picket and report it. It would be too much trouble for Shi Yu to visit various departments and find fault. " Du Yan was silent. Emperor Taizong asked Du Yan, "Why don't you argue?" Du Yan replied: "The affairs of the country should be fair and do good. What Feng Deyi said was so profound that I was completely convinced and dared not criticize. " Taizong said happily, "If you can all do this, what concerns do I have?"

Sun Shunde, commander-in-chief of the right, accepted money from others. When this incident was exposed, Emperor Taizong said: "If Sun Shunde can benefit the country, I can share the wealth of the state treasury with him. Why is he so greedy? " Emperor Taizong still cherished his contribution to the Tang Dynasty. Instead of punishing him, he gave him dozens of silks in his palace. Dali Temple's nonsense: "Shunde's eldest grandson is guilty of taking bribes and bending the law, and his sin is unforgivable. Why give him silk? " Emperor Taizong said: "If he is human, he will be humiliated by me, far exceeding the punishment;" If you don't know shame, you are just an animal. What's the use of killing him? "

Xin Chou (17th), General Tian Jie and King Li Yi of Yan Jun occupied Jingzhou to resist the imperial court.

Li Yichu was proud of himself when he entered the imperial court. People around Li Shimin, the king of Qin, came to his camp, and Li Yi beat him for no reason. Angry, Emperor Gaozu put Li Yi in prison and released him soon. After Emperor Taizong ascended the throne, Li Yi felt uneasy. Li Wujie, an evil wizard in Cao Zhou, said to Li Yi, "County King, you look very expensive!" Persuade him to rebel. Yi Li then pretended to serve the emperor's secret edict and led his troops to the imperial court. Li Yi led the soldiers and horses to the gate of Zhaizhou, and Zhao Cihao, the prefect of Zhaizhou, rushed out. Yi Li entered the city and occupied Zhaizhou. Emperor Taizong ordered Sun Chang Wuji, a senior official of the official department, and others to be the general manager of the March and led troops to crusade. When Zhao Cihao heard that the officers and men were coming, he secretly consulted with Yang Ji, commander-in-chief of the whole army, to stand up for Li Yi. When it came to light, Yi Li imprisoned Zhao Cihao. When Yang Yun noticed the changes outside the city, he led his troops to attack the city, and Li Yi's soldiers fled. Li Yi left his wife and children behind and prepared to go to Turkey. When he arrived in Urumqi, people around him killed him and sent his head back to Chang 'an. Li Shou, the official governor of Lizhou, was also implicated and beheaded.

At the beginning, there was chaos in the world at the end of Sui Dynasty, and the heroes swarmed in, supporting troops according to the land and dominating each side. After the rise of the Tang Dynasty, they joined one after another, and Gaozu divided the counties for them and implemented Rong Lu for them. Therefore, the number of counties greatly exceeded that of the Sui Dynasty in Huang Kai and Daye years. Emperor Taizong thought that there were more officials and fewer people, and he wanted to get rid of the disadvantages. In February, the state and county were ordered to merge, and the whole country was divided into ten roads according to the topographical conditions of mountains and rivers: "one pass, two Henan, three Hedong, four Hebei, five Shannan, six Longyou, seven Huainan, eight Jiangnan, nine Jiannan and ten Lingnan.

In March, on the tenth day of Qiuci, the queen led the concubines in the harem and the women with titles outside the palace to hold a ceremony to practice sericulture.

In March, there was an eclipse.

On the 20th, Emperor Taizong said to Prince Xiao, "I liked bows and arrows when I was young. I once took more than a dozen good bows, but I thought nothing could surpass them. Recently I showed it to an archer who makes bows and arrows. He said,' None of them are good materials.' I asked him why, and the archer said,' The wood center of the bow is not straight, so the veins are also inclined. "Although the bow is strong, the arrow is not straight." I just realized that I couldn't tell the performance of bows and arrows before. I used bows and arrows to pacify the world, but I haven't fully understood the performance of bows and arrows, let alone all the affairs in the world! "So he ordered officials with five grades or above in Beijing to take turns to work the night shift in Zhongshu. Emperor Taizong met them many times and asked the people about their sufferings and political gains and losses.

Liangzhou satrap and Changle Wang Li Youliang have a bad temper. Around 100 people are scoundrels, harassing and abusing people and trading with Qiang, Hu and other ethnic groups. Someone told Emperor Taizong that Li Youliang had second thoughts, so Emperor Taizong wrote a letter and ordered him to go with him as soon as possible, acting as an agent for the time being and paying attention to this matter. Everyone around Li Youliang was afraid, and plotted to hijack Li Youliang to the gourd land in the north, and tried to kill Yu and occupy Hexi area. It wasn't long before someone took his plot to court. In summer, in April and December, Emperor Taizong hanged himself for Li Youliang.

In May, he led his own soldiers and horses to surrender to Yuan. At first, Yuan lured Turks to capture Mayi, killed Gao Manzheng and retreated to Heng 'an. His soldiers were all from the Central Plains, and most of them left him for the Tang Dynasty. Zhang Jun was very scared, so he surrendered voluntarily and asked him to defend the northern border to atone for his sins. Gaozu promised. Zhang Jun asked to sign a contract, and Gao Zu sent Yuan Pu of Yanmen to give him a golden ticket. Valerie Khan sent someone to surrender again, and Zhang Jun hesitated. Guo, a native of Heng 'an, advised, "Heng 'an has dangerous terrain, strong city walls and powerful Turks. We should rely on it to observe the changes in the situation and not be subject to others. "Yuan Zhang Jun arrested Yuan Pu, and sent him to the Turks, once again United with the Turks, and invaded the Tang Empire several times. In May, when he saw Li Jiehan's political chaos, he knew that the Turks were not enough to rely on, so he led the troops to surrender. Emperor Taizong named Yuan as the prefect of Xizhou and the Lord of Ruiguo.

Someone wrote to get rid of the adulterer. Taizong asked, "Who is the adulterer?" Answer: "I live in the wild, it is impossible to know who the traitor is." I hope your majesty will make it clear to the ministers, or pretend to be angry and sound it out. Those who insist on their own opinions and do not give in to pressure are honest and frank loyal subjects; Those who are afraid of imperial obedience are traitors. " Taizong said: "Jun is the source of water; The minister is a tributary of the water. It is impossible to confuse the source and hope for the clarity of the tributary. If the monarch does it himself, how can he ask his lieutenants to be honest and frank? I rule the world with sincerity, and I often feel contemptible when I see that former emperors like to treat their men with little tricks. Although your suggestion is good, I won't adopt it. "

Xinsi (the first day) in June, the right servant shot Mi Gong Ming, who was named Deyi.

Renchen XII appointed Prince Xiao as the left servant of Shangshu.

Wu Shen (28th), Emperor Taizong and his ministers discussed the political gains and losses of the Zhou Dynasty and the Qin Dynasty. Xiao Yue said, "There is no way in the Yin, so I will March eastward. The six countries of the Zhou Dynasty were all innocent, and Qin Shihuang destroyed them respectively. Although the way to get the world is the same, people have different opinions. " Taizong said, "You only know one thing, but you don't know the other. The Zhou dynasty won the world, and many lines of righteousness; The Qin dynasty won the world, blindly advocating fraud and violence. This is the difference between long and short gains and losses. Therefore, it may be possible to seize the world by force, but ruling the world must not be popular. " Xiao Qin was impressed.

Due to the drought in Shandong, relief funds and pensions were issued in various places, so this year's rent and tax need not be paid.

In autumn and July, Renzi (the second day) appointed Sun Chang Wuji, a senior official, as the right assistant minister of the official department. Mowgli and Emperor Taizong were friends in their early years. Together with the status of the consort of the Queen's brother, they also made great contributions to assisting Emperor Taizong in his accession to the throne. Emperor Taizong regarded him as a confidant, and his courtesy was unparalleled. He tried to reuse him as prime minister several times. Empress Wende stubbornly requested: "As a queen, my family's honor and glory have reached its peak. I really don't want my brother and brother to take charge of state affairs again." The three consorts of Lu, Huo and Shangguan in the Han Dynasty were all bitter lessons. I hope your majesty will be merciful! "Emperor Taizong didn't listen, and finally reused it.

At first, the customs of the Turks were simple and the laws were simple. Jie Li Khan got Zhao Deyan, a Han Chinese, and made great use of it. With the power in his hand, he changed a lot of old customs and habits, and the laws became cumbersome and harsh, which greatly dissatisfied the people. Valerian also trusted the Hu people and alienated the Turks. These conference semifinals were insatiable and capricious, and fought for several years. Catch up with the heavy snow, the snow is several feet deep, many livestock freeze to death, famine for years, and the people are hungry and cold. When the cost of Valerian was insufficient, heavy taxes were imposed on the tribes, which caused complaints from top to bottom, tribes rebelled and the army gradually weakened. Ministers in the Tang Dynasty often asked for the opportunity to send troops. Emperor Taizong asked Xiao and Wuji, "Jie Li, the monarch and his subjects are fatuous and cruel, and they will be in danger." Now we are sending troops to crusade, and as soon as we entered into a Covenant with the Turks, we became nobody; If we don't send troops, I'm afraid we'll lose the opportunity again. What should we do? " Xiao asked for troops. Sun Chang Wuji said: "The Turks have not invaded our border, but they want to betray their beliefs and waste people's money. This is not what the righteous teacher did. " Emperor Taizong did not send troops.

Emperor Taizong asked the officials how to make the national luck last. Xiao said: "Xia, Shang and Wednesday dynasties ruled for a long time, but Qin soon died without enfeoffment." Emperor Taizong thought it was reasonable, so he had a motion to enfeoffment princes.

Assistant Minister Wang Huangmen asked for a report and gave it to Assistant Minister Gao Shilian. Shi Lian put it on hold and didn't convey it. After learning this, Emperor Taizong transferred Gao Shilian in August, the day of the Reform Movement of 1898 (19th), and was appointed as the governor of Anzhou.

There is a solar eclipse in September in Gengxu (the first day of junior high school).

(12th), the secretariat ordered Yu to be downgraded to the supervisor of the temple, and Du Yan, an ancient scholar, participated in the affairs before the temple. It was at this time that officials other than the Prime Minister participated in state affairs.

Du Yan recommended Di Huaidao, the minister of punishments, and Taizong asked him what he could do. Du Yan replied, "Emperor Yang Di will visit Jiangdu and gather hundreds of officials to ask about his plans to stay or stay. Huai Dao was an official in charge of the official department at that time, and he was the only one who insisted on not going to Jiangdu. This is what I saw with my own eyes. " Taizong said, "You praised Dihuaidao for doing the right thing. Why don't you say it? " Du Yan replied: "I was in a humble position, didn't hold any important position, and I knew I wouldn't listen to advice." It's no use dying. " Emperor Taizong said, "You know that Emperor Yang Can won't remonstrate. Why do you want to be an official in North Korea? How can you not protest? You served in the Sui Dynasty, so you can say that your position is humble. Later, you worked in Wang and held a prominent position. Why didn't you give an opinion? " Du Yan replied, "It's not that I don't give advice to Wang, but that he doesn't listen." Emperor Taizong said: "If Wang is wise, you can protest, and he should not perish. If you are cruel and refuse to remonstrate, how can you avoid disaster?" Du Yan could not answer. Emperor Taizong said, "Now your position is noble. Can you make a suggestion? " Du Yan replied, "I am willing to risk my life to protest." Emperor Taizong smiled.

Xin Wei (22nd), the secretariat of Wang Junkuo in Youzhou, conspired to rebel and was killed halfway.

When Wang Junkuo was in Youzhou, he was arrogant and lawless, and was later recruited into North Korea. Li Xuandao, the secretariat of Youzhou, is Fang's nephew. Please send a message to Fang. You opened the letter in private, but you didn't know the cursive font, so you suspected that you were guilty. He went to Weinan, killed the post office official and fled. He was about to run to Turkey, where he was killed by a savage.

Feng Ang, Tan Dian and others, the leaders of Lingnan tribe, fought with each other and did not enter the DPRK for a long time. About a dozen times, the local governments declared that Feng Ang had rebelled, and Emperor Taizong ordered General Lin and others to make a large-scale conquest of Jiang and Ling's military forces in dozens of states. Wei Zhi remonstrated, saying, "The Central Plains has just been pacified, Lingnan is a long way, the terrain is dangerous, and there is a miasma and plague, so we can't station troops. Moreover, the situation of Feng Ang's rebellion has not yet formed, and it is not appropriate to encourage the masses. " Emperor Taizong said: "There is an endless stream of conspirators who tell Feng Ang. How can we say that the situation of rebellion has not yet formed? " Wei Zhi said, "If Feng Ang rebelled, he would divide his troops and take risks and attack the neighboring counties. It has been several years since he was accused of rebellion, and Feng's military forces have not left the country. Obviously, there is no sign of rebellion. As the state capitals suspected Feng of rebellion, Your Majesty did not send envoys to appease him. Feng was afraid of death and dared not come to the court. If your majesty sends envoys to show his sincerity, Feng Bixi will avoid disaster and make him obedient without having to work in the army. " Taizong then ordered the retreat. In October of winter, Yiyou (the sixth day of the first month) sent assistant minister Gong Li to Lingnan to mourn Feng Ang, and Feng Ang asked his son Feng to accompany the envoys back to the DPRK. Emperor Taizong said, "Wei Zhi asked me to send a special envoy, so that Lingnan can be stabilized, which is more important than a hundred thousand troops. I can't help but reward it. " Give Kevin·Z 500 silks.

In December, in Renwu (the fourth day), Shangshu Zuofu shot Xiao and was dismissed for his crime.

Wu Shen (30), Li Xiaochang and Lizhou secretariat conspired to rebel and were executed.

Li Xiaochang stayed in Beijing on official business of the imperial court, and discussed the omen of God with the right general Liu Deyu, nephew Yuan Hongshan and army general Sun Anye, and plotted to rebel with the help of palace guards. The eldest grandson Anye is the half-brother of the eldest grandson queen. He drinks too much and does nothing. After his father's death, his eldest grandson Sun Sheng, his younger brother Sun Chang Wuji and his eldest grandson Queen were all young. Anye drove them back to his uncle Gao Shilian's house. When Emperor Taizong ascended the throne, the queen did not forget the old grievances, and the courtesy to Anye was still very generous. When the rebellion was discovered, the queen cried and asked Taizong, "The crime committed by Anye is really a sin. But he was unkind to me before, and the people of China know that now he is executed, and everyone must think that I intend to retaliate, which may also tie up the holy court. " Anye was saved from death and sent to the country. ...