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About love?

What if I like a female classmate? I'll teach you a few tricks to successfully chase her.

Campus romance is the best memory of youth. During that period of youth and ignorance, campus romance was undoubtedly the best. But many brothers like a girl when they are studying, and they really want to have an intersection with her, trying to enter her life circle, but you are still a stranger and have no choice. Here are some tips to help you quickly pursue the person you like. Write it down quickly.

I once knew nothing about how to chase girls. I didn't know how easy it was to chase girls until I read the complete works of Ouyang Huayun. There are many dry goods chasing girls in this book. Brothers who want to see it can find the complete works of Ouyang Huayun on the Internet and look at this book. I hope it helps you.

1, show concern: a woman needs others to care about her, especially in some small things, which can easily arouse her feelings. For example, lending her a scarf in cold weather is a feasible and effective simple method.

2, eye contact: using eye contact is also a good way to impress her. When she finds out that you look at her from time to time, she will definitely feel special.

3. Strive for solitude: No matter how short the time is, you and he should strive for the opportunity to be alone with her, which will directly and effectively give her the impression of "being different".

4. Pretending to be innocent: Many people will mature in a group and have experience in men's and women's affairs. You can do the opposite and pretend to be innocent, which will attract her attention.

5. Sit as close as possible: Usually women only pay attention to the people around them, so you should try to sit as close to her [preferably next door] at every party, which will make you perform better.

6. Echoing opinions: When discussing a problem, if your opinions are consistent with hers, she will feel that you are "standing on one side" and will have extra goodwill.

7. Food attraction: Women are interested in some delicate and small foods, so it is a good way to prepare some such things often.

8. Strengthen communication: ask her to call you and say that she didn't wake up in the morning or other similar reasons, and strengthen the communication frequency between two people.

9. Divination and fortune telling: All women are interested in things like fortune telling and forecasting. So, if you are familiar with one or two of them, you will have a better chance to get close to them than others.

10, * * Same hobby: pay attention to all her daily necessities and buy the same one. Then, when she sees you, she will call you a "bosom friend" and feel friendly at the same time.

1 1. Lend things to each other: The so-called "seeing things and thinking about people" means that when you or she have each other's things, you will miss each other. Therefore, often borrowing things from each other [such as books and small bags] can increase the mental impression.

12, Pet Policy: Be kind to small animals and women. Therefore, if you have a pet at home, it will be very helpful to study it.

13. The front between men and women: It often happens that a group of people separate the front between "men" and "women" like primary school students. If you put on a biased attitude towards women, she will think you are a lovely person.

14. Close appearance: The closer you are to her in appearance and habits [such as holding a book], the more she will feel that you can be close and feel special.

15. Smile: When you see her, don't forget to wear a kind smile, which will make her feel happy to see you and leave unforgettable memories.

16, respect: If a friend says something insulting to women or has nothing to say, directly refute and stop it, it will make her feel special respect for you.

17, painting a portrait: it is the easiest way to please her. The cuter she is, the better the effect. So, learn some "skills" in this area from now on!

18, giving gifts: giving her something lovely or not available in the market will definitely make her happy. The value of the gift is not expensive, mainly because you have to create a good reason to emphasize that it is memorable.

19, highlighting the other party: Usually, the expenses of a group of people are "AA system", but when you collect other accounts, you should exempt her and let her know that you are different from others.

20. Intimacy: Show that you care about her with some small gestures [such as dusting her clothes and handing her a paper towel]. As long as it is not too explicit, she will accept it and will not resist.

Dark clouds hung over the city and it was raining cats and dogs.

"Why, why ..."

In just a few hours, her world has changed dramatically. Today was supposed to be the most brilliant day of her life. As the daughter of Shili Group, she married Mu Chen Jr, a famous family in Yanjing. But at this grand wedding, the groom didn't show up at all.

Not only that, the shares of Li Group also fell all the way, and suddenly fell into a quagmire. Shareholders of all sizes plunged in succession, and the originally profitable group was instantly burdened with heavy debts. ... "In front of the porch, a thin woman kept begging, standing in the heavy rain without any shelter.