Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - It's only been six months since I went to Jinggangshan. How did 23-year-old Lin Biao become the fourth person in GongSiJun?

It's only been six months since I went to Jinggangshan. How did 23-year-old Lin Biao become the fourth person in GongSiJun?

Speaking of Lin Biao, we all know that he is one of the top ten marshals in the founding of the People's Republic of China. No matter during the Agrarian Revolution, War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression and even the War of Liberation, he made great contributions, which can be said to be great!

Lin Biao was a student in the fourth phase of Huangpu Military Academy in his early years. Everyone knows this, but what some people don't know is that Lin Biao's participation in the * * * Production Party and even the Whampoa Military Academy is inseparable from the influence of his family. Have you ever heard of the Lin San brothers? This refers to Lin Biao, his cousins Lin Yuying and Lin Yunan. The latter two are important leaders in the history of our Party, and Lin Biao is the oldest of the three brothers, deeply influenced by his two cousins.

Everyone should know about the Nanchang Uprising. It can be said that in this uprising, many important figures of our party participated in the Nanchang Uprising, and there were some founding marshals, such as Zhu De, He Long, Liu Bocheng and Lin Biao. At that time, Lin Biao was already the company commander.

Unfortunately, however, the Nanchang Rebel Army was completely annihilated on the way south. Fortunately, Zhu De saved the day, only led 800 people to continue the revolution, launched the uprising in southern Hunan, and the troops increased by 1 10,000 people. Lin Biao was promoted to battalion commander by Zhu De because of his outstanding military exploits. After the uprising in southern Hunan, Zhu De led his troops to join forces with Chairman Mao in Jinggangshan, known as "Zhu Mao" in history. After the meeting, the troops became the famous Gongsi Army.

As we all know, later in Jinggangshan, 23-year-old Lin Biao has become the commander of GongSiJun, is the fourth person in GongSiJun. 23 years old? At the same age, in today's era, many people just graduated from college, and at that time, Lin Biao was already the commander-in-chief of more than 10,000 people, which shows Lin Biao's ability.

So how did Lin Biao become the fourth person in GongSiJun?

It's a long story. Zhu Mao joined forces. Soon the troops were reorganized into Gongsijun, and then they were besieged by the Kuomintang. It can be seen that the Kuomintang is quite afraid of the Red Army in Zhu Mao. Later, when Wang, the head of the Red 28th Regiment, pursued the traitor Yuan Chongquan, he died not at the hands of the enemy, but at the hands of his classmates, fellow villagers and old people who treated him like brothers. He was only 25 when he died.

When Wang died, the Red 28th Regiment could not live without its head, so Lin Biao, then the battalion commander of 1 battalion, was appointed as the head of the 28th Regiment. Do you know that?/You know what? Red 28th regiment is the first main regiment of GongSiJun, that is to say, only half a year or so, Lin Biao became the fourth figure of GongSiJun, when Lin Biao was only 23 years old.

As we all know, many of the troops led by Zhu De are the "Iron Army" of the Ye Ting Independent Regiment, with strong combat effectiveness and high literacy; Most of Chairman Mao's troops are "agricultural troops", and their combat effectiveness is relatively not so strong. So this has caused a contradiction: Tiejun is very dissatisfied with this, saying that the "peasant army" likes to pick up leaks, while the "peasant army" says "Tiejun" departmentalism.

In a word, this contradiction indirectly caused Wang's sacrifice. Yuan Chongquan, battalion commander of the 2nd Battalion of the 28th Regiment, defected with six companies. Wang was shot dead by Yuan Chongquan on the way to chase the traitor. As I said just now, this series of time is collectively called "August failure".

Subsequently, there was a "Zhu Mao dispute" in the GongSiJun. Of course, this is not a power struggle between Mr. Zhu and Chairman Mao, but a question of "the party leads the gun" or "the gun leads the party". In this debate, Lin Biao did not stand on the side of his old superiors, Zhu De and Chen Yi, but on the side of Chairman Mao.

At Gutian Conference, the dispute between Zhu and Mao was finally resolved, and at this conference, Lin Biao was elected as a member of the General Front Committee, which means that he officially entered the decision-making level of the Red Army. Two months later, Lin Biao became the commander of GongSiJun, become GongSiJun number four!