Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - How to get from Lili Town in Wujiang District to Liu Xu Street Group Photoelectricity in Wujiang District?

How to get from Lili Town in Wujiang District to Liu Xu Street Group Photoelectricity in Wujiang District?

Bus route: 757 → 732 → 709, the whole journey is about 32.4 kilometers.

1. Walk about 1.5km to Lili Bus Station in Lili Town, Wujiang District.

2. Take bus No.757, pass 14 station, and arrive at the first and last station of Bada.

3. Take bus No.732, pass 22 stops and arrive at Chuihong Jiayuan Station.

4. Walk about160m to Hongqiao Station.

5. Take bus No.709, pass 10 station and arrive at Liu Xu Street Station.

6. Walk about 360 meters to Liu Xu Street.