Fortune Telling Collection - Ziwei fortune-telling - Sitting posture to see personality

Sitting posture to see personality

Can you tell a person's character by sitting? 1. People sitting with their hands and feet open suggest that you may have a preference for being in charge of everything, a commanding temperament or a dominant personality, or you may be extroverted and sometimes ignorant. If women adopt this sitting posture, it also shows that they lack rich life experience, so they often act self-righteous. 2. Sit with your feet together and move forward slightly. Touching the ground with all your feet shows that you are sincere and open-minded. Your characteristic is that you do things in an orderly way, but you are easy to be serious, strive for complete perfection, and sometimes even have a tendency to be neat. It is inevitable that you will stick to the form and appear dull. Although you look a little cold from the outside, it's all an illusion. You are a warm-hearted person. You only do what you are sure of and never take risks, so you lack enough innovation and flexibility. It is natural to sit with your legs crossed, no matter which leg is placed on it. 4. Sitting with your legs crossed, with one leg hooked on the other, shows that you are cautious, reserved, unconfident and even hesitant. And people around you will think that your personality is too complicated. However, because your attraction and proper limit are not bad, people can correctly evaluate you and like you. Sitting with your toes together and your heels apart means that you are easy to hesitate, and sometimes being too meticulous will affect your flexibility. You are used to being alone, and communication is limited to people you feel close to. But you are very insightful and can make an accurate analysis and judgment of other people's personalities as quickly as possible. It's just that sometimes you overestimate your abilities. 6. Feet forward and cross your ankles. When men show this sitting posture, they usually put their fists on their knees or hold the armrest of the chair tightly with both hands. When women take this sitting position, they usually put their hands on their knees, or press one hand on the other while their feet touch each other. That means you like giving orders and are naturally jealous. So, to be honest, you may be a difficult person to get along with. Research shows that this is a typical sitting posture to control feelings, tension and fear, and it is very defensive. 7. My legs and feet keep shaking, and I like to shake my whole leg with my feet or toes. The most obvious manifestation of this kind of person is selfishness. From the perspective of self-interest, everything is stingy to others, but indulgent to oneself. But you are good at thinking and can often ask some unexpected questions.

How to look at a person's personality from sitting posture and see if you have heard of it.

The simpler things are.

The more complex thinking logic and massive wisdom resources are needed to calculate.

For example, you say that sitting posture depends on a person's personality.

In fact, you can also see it.

However, we can't see.

Why? Because analyzing a person needs to start with the most basic and subtle things.

In my opinion, there is a lot of knowledge to analyze.

Anyway,,, I am

Not observed

No memory.

No ability to think quickly.

There is no vast amount of knowledge.

Not easy to learn.


So, it doesn't work,

Only a little quiet thinking,,, extravagant hopes.

Enlightenment from children of the night

How to judge a person's character from his standing posture and sitting posture? Posture reveals the mystery of scientists deciphering body language.

As early as Charles? Before Darwin began to study body language, he wrote an article entitled "Emotional Expression between Man and Animals" in 1872. He thinks that being able to read body language is very useful for study and work.

Julius, an internationally renowned psychoanalyst and nonverbal communication expert? Fast once wrote: "Many actions are deliberate and intentional in advance, but some are purely subconscious. For example, a person rubbing his fingers under his nose shows that he is a little embarrassed; If you hold your arm, it means he needs protection. "

Psychologists call body language body posture, which is their "dialogue manual"

Head posture

1. Step aside-show interest in the conversation.

2. Stand up straight-show neutrality towards negotiators and interlocutors.

3. Bow your head-indicating that you are not interested in the other person's conversation or have a negative attitude.

Shoulder posture

1. Stretch-shows determination and responsibility.

2. drooping-indicates a heavy mood and low mood.

3. Shrinkage-refers to the fire.

4. Bow up-it means you are in a panic.

Leg posture

Crossing one's legs generally indicates a deadpan wait-and-see attitude. However, people often sit like this without any subtext, just because the chair is uncomfortable or because the room is a little cold. Or there is a subtext, but it is very different from the above, so psychologists suggest that we should refer to other body movements when analyzing this posture. take for example ...

If a person crosses his legs, puts his hands across his chest and contracts his shoulders, it means that he is tired, tired of meetings and no longer interested in what is in front of him.

If a person sits opposite you with his legs tilted at an angle, it shows that he is stubborn, strong and aggressive. If he still holds his knees in his hands, it means that the outcome of the conversation is hard to predict, because this person will not give in, and he is articulate and witty, and it is difficult to convince him.

If a person stands with his legs crossed, it shows that he is not confident, nervous and unnatural. People like to stand like this in strange and uncomfortable situations.

If a person stands with his ankles tightened, it means that he is angry and trying to control himself.

Hand movements

Fingers crossed, palms up, indicating concentration, determination and superiority. Teachers usually use this gesture when giving exams to students, which shows that he has a good idea about this question, but he is more or less skeptical about your answer. But if you can give a strong argument, he can still continue to listen, so pay attention to the change of the teacher's gesture in the process of answering questions.

Scratching your ears or gently rubbing your ears (1)-means that the other person doesn't want to listen to you anymore.

Touching your neck gently with your finger (2)-indicates that the other person doubts or disagrees with what you say.

Put your hands behind your head-show that the other person is interested in arguing.

Cover your mouth with your hand or touch your lips or nose slightly (3, 4)-indicating that the other person wants to hide his true thoughts.

Tap the table with your fingers to show that the other person is bored or impatient (the same is true for tapping the floor with your feet).

Hold your chin with your hand and point to the temple (5)-it means that people are thinking carefully about what you say.

That is, the chin is generally held by hand (6)-indicating that the other person is bored and wants to relax.

Touching the chin gently (7)-indicates that the other person is considering making a decision.

Fingers clenched into fists-indicating that the other party is cautious and in a bad mood.

Hands on your waist-indicates that the other person is hostile and ready to take action.

The other side of the conversation is carefully cleaning up the invisible dust on the clothes (8)-meaning that I don't agree with what you said in my heart, but for some reason I didn't say it.

sitting position

Sitting lazily in a chair, hands and feet spread out-this shows that this person is quite confident and has a slight contempt for the person he is talking to. If you can't tolerate the attitude of the chief executive, you can "force" him to change his sitting posture, which will naturally change his psychological orientation. You can find a chair far away so that he can't reach you. At the same time, you keep showing him things (documents, photos or others), and he has to move his seat.

Sitting in a chair-this posture shows others ... >>

A girl's sitting posture can tell what kind of personality she is, so she can sit on her feet accurately (1).

The most popular sitting posture for women. Women who have been sitting like this have strong self-control and vigilance. I guess it's hard to talk. Because of my strong spiritual cleanliness, I pursue spiritual love more than physical love.

(2) Sit with your feet tilted.

This sitting posture is very common among artists and models. Fully aware of being watched, let people see themselves more beautiful. To put it bluntly, the person who should sit has strong self-esteem. Such a woman is easy to put on airs and is very demanding of men. Ordinary men are often not the object of mate selection. But there is a tendency, after knowing the true meaning of happiness, even if the other person is not the standard of mate selection in his heart, he will slowly fall into it. Such a woman also has this weakness.

Sit with one leg on the other.

It is easy to get tired, so my personality is slightly lacking in initiative. Never say "I like you" to a man. Often dominated by men. It is often the strong attack of men that produces results. In addition, women with right feet are more lively and prefer to make their own choices.

(4) Cross your feet and sit in a relaxed position with your knees not open.

Don't care much about the surrounding atmosphere. More self-centered. I prefer to communicate frankly with men, but it is difficult for them to open their hearts. I am not very sensitive to men's feelings and atmosphere, so when I fall in love with this type of woman, I will feel a little lonely.

⑤ Open your feet and put your thighs together.

Most women of this type hold the idea that they won't even touch a finger when they meet an annoying male type. I like people older than myself, uncle type. That is, there is a tendency to "love the father complex." A woman sitting in this posture is likely to be a girl, both physically and psychologically.

6. Stretch your legs and put one foot on the other.

Such women are particularly concerned about what others think of them at present. In a word, it is excessive self-awareness. Very sensitive to fashion, more fashionable. Naive and mature, it's a wonderful combination. I like sweet talk and hate tough guys very much.

⑦ Sit with your legs slightly apart.

Optimistic and cheerful personality. Never be stingy or complain. I'm not neurotic and I don't hide myself, so I don't have to worry too much about being with them. You can relax and associate with it.

What is the character of the person who sits confidently? What's your walking posture? How about standing? What about sleeping posture?

Here are related articles, you may wish to refer to them-

Walking posture and personality

After years of observation, American psychologist Dammam found that people's walking posture can be roughly divided into six types, and each type of people has specific personality characteristics.

Slow and steady: these people are realists, smart and steady, not credulous, faithful and trustworthy.

Fast-paced: No matter whether there is an emergency or not, these people always come and go in a hurry, lively and rhythmic. Their personality characteristics are not shirking their responsibilities, full of energy and like to meet all kinds of challenges.

Upper body slightly inclined type: most of these people are peaceful and introverted, modest and introverted. When they get along with people, they are taciturn on the surface, but they attach great importance to friendship.

Arrogant type: this kind of person tends to be self-centered and a little indifferent to people, but he is quick-thinking, methodical and organized.

Swing style: mostly female, frank and enthusiastic, kind-hearted, always the center of social occasions, excellent popularity.

Walk neatly and wave regularly: this kind of person is resolute, strong-willed and strong in organizational ability, but tends to be arbitrary.

Look at your personality and psychology from your standing posture.

Stand upright, hold your chest high and look straight: show full confidence, give people the impression of "imposing manner" and "optimistic and happy mood", and be open.

Stand hunchbacked, slightly hunchbacked: it is a closed type, showing a tendency of self-defense, atresia and depression. At the same time, it also shows that it is at a mental disadvantage and has a feeling of confusion or self-suppression.

Standing with hands akimbo: it is a manifestation of self-confidence and spiritual superiority, and it belongs to open sports. Never take such action when you are not completely ready to face something.

Don't stand cross-legged: this means being reserved or slightly refusing, and it is also a sign of feeling constrained and lacking confidence.

Stand with your hands in your pockets: tend not to show your thoughts, secretly plan and calculate; If you have a hunched posture at the same time, it is a reflection of depression or distress.

Stand by Wall: People who have this habit are mostly frustrated, and they are usually frank and easy to accept others.

Stand with your hands behind your back: Most people are confident and like to grasp the situation and control everything. If a person takes this posture in front of others, it shows that he is condescending.

Sleeping posture reveals your character.

Few people pay attention to their sleeping posture. In fact, you know, the sleeping position and personality of each of us are directly related. It is reported that Professor Chris, an authoritative British sleep expert, confirmed six most common sleep postures through research, and each posture is the embodiment of different personalities.

Six sleeping positions and six personalities

① Fetal type

The most common sleeping position, especially for women, is that when sleeping, the whole person leans to one side, the body curls up, the head leans tightly against the pillow, and sometimes the hand will grab a corner of the pillow.

People who often sleep in this position generally have a strong personality, but they are also sensitive and shy in their usual interactions with others.

② prone position

One of the least used sleeping positions, that is, the posture of lying face down on the bed.

People who like to sleep like this are extroverted, but impatient and arrogant, and generally can't accept criticism from others with an open mind.

(3) Sleeping position of soldiers

It is a little similar to the "starfish style", both of which lie flat on the front, but the difference is that the former posture is that the arms are close to the sides of the body.

People who like to sleep like this are quiet, conservative, especially self-disciplined and demanding of themselves.

④ Log type

This posture means that when sleeping, the body leans to one side and the arm sticks to the body. The whole person looks like a log.

People who often use this sleeping position are cheerful, easy to get along with and belong to a relatively relaxed group, but they are also more likely to trust others.

⑤ Missing style

Also, the body leans to one side, but the arm is raised near the head and slightly bent.

People who like to sleep like this are suspicious, prone to extremes and often cynical.

⑥ Starfish style

There are also many people who use this sleeping position, that is, when sleeping, their arms are slightly raised, skipping the top of their heads and lying flat on the bed.

People who are used to this posture are a >>

Can a woman's sitting posture tell a person's character? You can see part of it. If she doesn't sit alone, she will be very casual and unruly. If she has a certain sitting posture, she is rigorous and has a regular life.

What personality characteristics can a girl's sitting posture reveal? Have you noticed the way girls sit? You can probably see her character ~ ~ ~

1。 Put your legs together.

Standardized form

Very ladylike sitting posture, generally speaking, this kind of girl's personality is not too lively, nor too melancholy.

2。 ‖ thighs together, calves apart.

Cheerful type

This kind of girl can't sit still, and she is lively and outgoing.

3。 The thighs are close together and the calves are crossed.


introvert type

Some shy and introverted girls.

PS. That kind of girl with wide thighs is probably the uninhibited type!

According to the research of Professor Peter, a psychologist at Manhattan Psychological Research Center in new york, people's various sitting postures can really reflect their personality and attitude towards others.

First, bold and unconstrained.

Sit with your legs apart and your hands on the armrest. Such people (mostly men) will never be ascetics, and they will feel very happy to get along with them.

Second, retreat.

When sitting, such people will try to get close to the back of the chair, and their legs will often be hidden under the chair. In sexual life, such people always give the initiative to others.

Third, overlap your knees

Such people sit there with their knees crossed, suggesting that they need encouragement from others to open themselves up. In husband and wife life, it is slow.

Fourth, ADHD.

This kind of person can't sit still, stagger for a while, stand up and sit down for a while. If such a person is a lover, he will be very active, enthusiastic and high.

Verb (short for verb) rebel.

This kind of person likes to put one leg on the armrest, or simply sit on the armrest. Men in this group regard it as a very important thing, while women are picky and difficult to please.

Six, rigid type

Sit very intently with your back straight and your knees crossed. As lovers, they are conservative, slow and traditional.

Seven, drooping type

This kind of person sits listless and wants to sleep. They are generally indifferent to life, and they are lazy. Yes, but everything is interdependent.

I really don't know how to tell a girl's character by sitting posture. Now there are so-called forehead cultivation and more sensitive people to create words. Actually, there's nothing wrong with pretending As long as it is installed for a long time, it will come true, so it is generally not easy to see, but it will be careless when you know it. Generally, it can be seen from the combination of speech and other aspects.

Various sitting postures in body language and their representative meanings and habits. The personality of a sitting posture is 10. Different sitting postures mean different meanings.

Sit tight, nervous posture is serious |, serious performance;

People with deep chairs and stiff backs are in a psychological advantage;

Shake your feet and legs to convey your inner anxiety and impatience;

The man sitting with his legs crossed is confident and dominant;

Women who naturally put one leg on the other show confidence in their appearance;

Frequent exchange of leg postures is a manifestation of emotional instability and anxiety;

Putting your feet on the table to extend your sphere of influence shows that this person has a strong desire for domination and possession, and will be arrogant and rude when dealing with people;

Educated women sit with their ankles crossed instead of their legs crossed. This posture is not only beautiful in appearance, but also euphemistically conveys the meaning of refusal.

People who always sit in chairs show psychological disadvantages and mental instability, and cater to each other or are ready to get up at any time;

When sitting in a meeting place or public place, covering your mouth, covering your mouth and touching your chin are mostly "judging" attitudes.

Sitting posture to see personality

Experts research and analysis, through a person's sitting posture, we can also understand his personality and psychology.

A person who always sits on his back and looks at others: a person who strives for perfection and is careful and practical. Such people only do certain things and never take risks, but they often lack innovation and flexibility.

People who like to sit sideways in a chair: feel comfortable and don't think it is necessary to leave a good impression on others. They are usually emotional and informal.

People who try to curl up together and sit with their hands on their thighs: they tend to have a heavy sense of inferiority, modesty, lack of self-confidence, and most of them are obedient.

People sitting with hands and feet open: Ding Ke prefers to be in charge of everything, is a natural or dominant figure as a conductor, or is an outgoing, ignorant and informal person. If women adopt this sitting posture, it also shows that they lack sexual experience.

People who sit with one foot on the other: usually shy, shy, timid and lacking in self-confidence.

People sitting with their ankles crossed: when men show this posture, they usually put their fists on their knees or hold the armrest of the chair tightly with both hands; When women adopt this posture, they usually put their hands on their knees or press one hand on the other, but their feet are different. A large number of studies show that this is a gesture for human beings to control the outflow of negative thoughts, feelings, tension and fear, and to show vigilance or prevention.

People who turn their chairs around and straddle: This is a kind of protective behavior when people are threatened by language, tired of others' speeches or want to suppress others' advantages in conversation. People who have this habit generally want to be independent and dominate the country.

A person who suddenly sits in front of others: on the surface, it is a casual and impolite behavior. In fact, it shows that this person is hiding anxiety or has something on his mind that he doesn't want to tell anyone, so he unconsciously uses this action to cover up his inhibition.

A person swings or shakes his legs in a chair, or taps the floor with his toes: this shows that he is anxious, uneasy, impatient, or doing so to eliminate some nervousness.

The person who sits with you and consciously moves his body: it means that he wants to keep a certain distance from you psychologically. Two people sitting side by side feel more psychologically than two people sitting side by side.

People who prefer to sit opposite each other rather than side by side: they prefer to be understood by each other. The person reclining in the chair has a sense of psychological superiority or a higher status than the person sitting next to him. People who sit up straight may show respect for each other, may be aroused by each other's words, or want to show their psychological advantages to each other ... >>

Is there a relationship between a woman's sitting posture and her personality? Different sitting postures also symbolize different personalities and traits. Men's sitting posture is generally spontaneous, while women's sitting posture is mostly "distorted", which is an unreal self-image. For example, if a woman thinks she should be quiet, then she will naturally adjust her sitting posture to a quiet category. Although she was a little tired at first, it would become a habitual action after a long time. There is no doubt that her "twisted" action reflects her true inner thoughts. Legs together is the standard lady sitting posture, sitting very intently, with straight back and knees together. Generally speaking, this kind of girl's personality will not be too lively or too melancholy. Legs together, legs apart, this kind of girl is outgoing, unable to sit, lively and romantic. The thighs are close together and the calves are crossed for some shy and introverted girls. Women who sit on the ground and start at the highest price are often self-centered and not at the mercy of their lovers. However, such people are sincere to others, and it is not too difficult for them to sit with friends. Women who sit cross-legged often pursue perfectionism. They pay attention to image, and appearance comes first. If you have no patience or unique ability, they will despise you. Sitting posture is to sit as close as possible to the back of the chair. Women who often hide their legs under the chair have no opinion and always flinch when encountering difficulties. In life, such people always give the initiative to others. The woman sitting with her legs apart and her hands on the armrest is heroic and bright. Such people (mostly men) will never be ascetics, and they will feel very happy to get along with them. * * * The attitude of such women will never let you down, nor will they be stingy with their previous reserved attitude. Although sometimes they don't talk, they keep looking for something new to convince them. Women sitting cross-legged are reserved, suggesting that they need encouragement or others' encouragement to open their hearts. In husband and wife life, it is slow. In fact, it is human nature for a man and a woman to sit together with their knees next to their knees, which does not mean that this is a special signal. However, if you see whose leg is raised, it means that person is impatient. This kind of woman is extremely proud, loves to be famous, and also wants to maintain "dignity" in sex. You can't force her to do what she doesn't want to do. Original address; Shbkcs/ ... open and slippery. Asp women sitting on quail legs are sunny and cheerful, belonging to a kind of love, which is more popular with the same sex than the opposite sex. Although the opposite sex is very curious about them, they are often intimidated by their passivity. When sitting, I like a woman who leans back. She is unrestrained. According to psychology, there are two explanations for violent sitting in a chair: 1. Its informal or relaxed performance. 2. Hidden anxiety and heavy pressure burden. When sitting, I like to kneel on one knee. Women pretend to be passive and practical. It is an affectation for a woman to arrange clothes in front of a man. If the woman doesn't mind showing you this little sock-pulling gesture, it not only proves that she is extremely confident, but also shows that she has a good impression on you. I like to put one leg on the armrest, or just sit on the armrest. Men in this group attach great importance to * * *, while women are picky and hard to please. Sitting listlessly, trying to sleep. They are generally indifferent to life and lazy. They have * * *, but everything is interdependent. A woman sitting with her legs straight is irritable. In fact, like stretching, she usually has to cooperate with a series of actions such as twisting her waist, expanding her chest and stretching her legs. Women who can't sit still sometimes stagger and sometimes even stand up and sit down. If such a person is a lover, he will be very active and enthusiastic.