Fortune Telling Collection - Ziwei fortune-telling - Venus has life? Why did humans go to Mars instead of landing on Venus?

Venus has life? Why did humans go to Mars instead of landing on Venus?

Can you believe it?

Mars, which humans want to land on, is actually not the closest to the earth, but Venus, which is closer, has been abandoned by the whole world!

Why does Venus face such an embarrassing situation? What mysteries on Mars attract human beings?

In ancient times, Venus was called Taibai Venus. Because it is closest to us, Venus has become the brightest celestial body except the moon and the sun in the morning.

The allusion of "It's too white to rise, crape myrtle to fall" appears in the Book of Wei Zidou, which means that the Big Dipper is about to fall, day and night will change, the night will soon pass and the day will come.

Its moral is the change of power, and it also contains the meaning of rebirth, so Venus is also called the "morning star".

In Roman times, Venus was the embodiment of Venus, representing the harvest of fruits and vegetables.

However, quite different from the ancient oriental civilization and Greek civilization, the Maya's metaphor for Venus is death, and it also contains rebirth.

In contrast, the ancient definitions of Mars were surprisingly consistent between the East and the West. Because Mars is as bright as fire, it implies that war, regime change or major disaster is coming.

Mars and the earth overlap once every two years and two months, and the eccentricity of Mars orbit reaches 0.093, so the whole orbit is more elliptical. When the fires overlap and get closer, the phenomenon of "flicker" occurs once in seventeen or eight years.

In ancient times, people thought that when we found that "fluorescence" appeared, it meant chaos in the world. Speaking of chaos, it's fate. If nothing happens, it means that the emperor has a smooth road to avoid disaster.

In fact, Venus is of great significance to human beings. Humans have been exploring Venus since the 1960s, earlier than Mars. For example, on February 2, 196 1, the Soviet Union took the lead in launching the "Venus 1" unmanned probe for detecting Venus, but lost contact with Venus when there were 65,438+10,000 kilometers left.

Subsequently, the United States and the Soviet Union successively launched several probes to explore Venus. However, with the deepening of exploration, the hope of human migration to Venus in the future is getting smaller and smaller. Why?

In 20 15, an American film "Mars Rescue" won the box office of 60190,000 dollars in the world and won many awards.

The story of "Mars Rescue" is about an astronaut who was blown away by a Martian sandstorm and used the facilities left by humans on Mars to save himself.

Although this movie made many logical mistakes, such as the atmospheric density of Mars is only 0.6% of that of the earth, even if there is a super storm on Mars, its power is limited and it is difficult to blow people away.

However, "Mars Rescue" can still be popular, and it can also be seen that human beings are eager to immigrate to other planets. Many people are full of illusions about the exploration of the universe.

But we talk about that Mars is more than Venus, and the diameter of Venus is 12092 km, which is only slightly less than the earth by more than 600 km. Why?

On the whole, Mars is only half the size of the Earth and only one-ninth the mass of the Earth. In contrast, the mass of Venus is 8 1.5% of that of the Earth, which is almost the same as that of the Earth.

But the environment of Venus is not as good as that of Mars.

1962, the United States successfully launched the Venus probe Mariner 2, reaching within 35,000 kilometers from Venus, and found that there was no magnetic field inside Venus, and the atmospheric temperature reached 500 degrees Celsius.

1967, mariner 5 launched by the United States detected the magnetic field intensity of Venus and determined that Venus basically had no magnetic field. The following year, Venus 3 and Venus 4 launched by the former Soviet Union successively reached the surface of Venus, which gave us an intuitive understanding of Venus.

The actual situation of Venus is similar to that of the Earth. Venus also has a strong atmosphere, but unlike the Earth, which is mainly nitrogen, Venus is more than 96% carbon dioxide and the rest is nitrogen.

Carbon dioxide is also a well-known greenhouse gas. The atmospheric pressure inside Venus is 75 to 100 times that of the earth, with an average of 92 times.

This kind of pressure is equivalent to the depth of one kilometer in the ocean. That is to say, even if humans can reach Venus at present, they will be instantly crushed into "meat pies", and most creatures on earth cannot survive on Venus.

With the arrival of Venus 5 and 6 at 16, as well as the pioneer Venus series orbiters launched by the United States and the subsequent Magellan probe, Venus was monitored and investigated.

Humans have really detected a lot about Venus. First of all, the average temperature of Venus has reached 462 degrees, which is enough for barbecue.

Many people want to know whether Venus is too close to the sun.

This may be a factor, but the core is not this reason, because Venus has thick clouds and reflects 60% of the sunlight back into space, so the surface of Venus doesn't get much sunlight.

Then why is Venus so hot? The main reason is the runaway greenhouse effect. This is the main reason why China advocates energy conservation, emission reduction and carbon neutrality.

The thick clouds of Venus are not rich in water resources, but are 20-30 kilometers thick clouds composed of concentrated sulfuric acid. These thick clouds prevented Venus' heat from spreading to the universe. Instead, the heat radiated by the sun was sealed up and the surface of Venus became hotter and hotter.

Venus's high pressure is also caused by this thick sulfuric acid cloud, which will rub with the atmosphere to form thunderstorms and lightning. Much thunder and little rain, filled with concentrated sulfuric acid, 90% of Venus' surface is dark red basalt lava.

Come to think of it, this scene is like the end of the world.

But even so, human research on Venus has never stopped. Why?

Because the future of the earth may be Venus.

1989 in may, the United States sent the space shuttle Atlantis into the sky. Atlantis is equipped with the most expensive Magellan Venus probe in human history, with a cost of 4130,000 USD.

The detector was the most advanced Venus detector in the world at that time, equipped with an advanced TV camera radar system. The system can draw the image of Venus surface through the thick concentrated sulfuric acid cloud of Venus.

In addition, Magellan is also equipped with high-resolution synthetic aperture radar, which can observe Venus at an altitude of 250 kilometers.

Magellan's scientific task is to study whether Venus existed in riverbeds and oceans before through advanced radar detection technology.

Prior to this, a series of Soviet exploration plans for Venus made scientists in the former Soviet Union predict that the Wang Yang Sea might exist on Venus about 4 billion years ago. Why do you say that?

Because humans have observed that there is water vapor in the atmosphere of Venus, Venus once had an atmosphere similar to that of the Earth, but the runaway greenhouse effect caused the temperature of Venus to rise, and the water in the sea of Wang Yang was evaporated.

Plus Venus's rotation period is as high as 243 days, which is slower than the revolution of 224.7 days. This also causes the wind speed on the surface of Venus to move only a few kilometers per hour, which also makes the temperature difference between day and night of Venus very small.

On the contrary, the wind speed above the clouds of Venus can reach 300 km/h, which is 60 times the rotation speed of Venus. Because there is no magnetic field, a large amount of water vapor is decomposed into hydrogen and oxygen under the irradiation of solar wind and enters outer space.

Phosphine escaped together.

On September 15, 2020, British scientists first discovered the existence of phosphine in the atmosphere of Venus and published it in Nature Astronomy, which may indirectly prove that Venus may have life or once had life. How to understand this sentence?

Because the human body or the excreta of many organisms contain phosphine, Wang Zhuoxiao, a doctoral student in astrophysics at the Institute of Advanced Studies of Tsinghua University, said in an interview that phosphine can be produced stably in large quantities, and it is easy to appear only when organisms produce efficient chemical reactions.

However, Wang Zhuoxiao also said that it is unknown whether other unknown non-biochemical reactions outside the earth can also produce phosphine.

According to relevant researchers. Venus's atmosphere is mainly composed of inert carbon dioxide and concentrated sulfuric acid. Phosphine may also be a chemical process of Venus formed by geology or sunlight, or it may be a sign of life activities.

But this does not prove that phosphine found in phosphorus in Venus' atmosphere is evidence of biochemical reaction.

Even though Venus is called "corot-7b", this is relative to most living things on the earth. There are also places called "temperate zones" in the sky 40 or 60 kilometers away from the surface of Venus.

The temperature range of "temperate zone" is about 0 to 50 degrees Celsius, and the atmospheric pressure is similar to that of the earth. Although Venus has no oxygen in the atmosphere, it is not a "hell" but a "paradise" for anaerobic bacteria.

In fact, mankind's obsession with outer space has existed since ancient times, but compared with Venus, which has a bad climate, Mars is indeed the most suitable first stop for the future development of mankind.

Because human exploration of Mars is more perfect, at present, human beings have found traces of liquid flow on the surface of Mars, and even some traces are likely to be traces left by liquid explosion.

At present, humans have not found any signs of water on Mars, and the Mars probe found that the water ice at the South Pole of Mars is actually dry ice.

However, there is a small amount of water vapor in the atmosphere of Mars, which can indirectly prove that there is a high probability of water on Mars. At present,

The erosion ditch on Mars may be caused by flowing water, but some experts believe that dry ice causes soft sand to slide.

Although the atmosphere of Mars is only 6 hectopascals, it is about 0.6% of the earth's surface pressure. But more than 95% is carbon dioxide, 3% nitrogen and 1.6% argon, and a small amount of oxygen and water vapor.

The more carbon dioxide, the higher the probability of forming dry ice. The farther away Mars is from the sun, the less solar radiation and the lower the surface temperature. Although the atmosphere of Mars is mostly carbon dioxide, it is too thin to store heat like Venus.

This also leads to a great temperature difference between day and night on Mars, and the surface temperature can reach 28 during the day, which is actually quite suitable for human survival. But at night, the disadvantages of Mars' lack of atmosphere are revealed, and the temperature can be as low as-132.

Generally speaking, Mars is not suitable for human migration, but the environment is slightly better than Venus.

However, there is no direct evidence that there was life on Mars. Many people take a short passage from the media and say that there is life on Mars.

Whether Mars has the ability to create life depends first on whether humans can find water on Mars.

It should be noted that Mars has the largest volcanoes and canyons in the solar system. Therefore, scientists suspect that this was once a trace left by the ocean or river bed, because Mars has an extraordinary coastline. The valleys and traces left by water on the earth can be found on Mars.

Of course, this is just a guess, and it doesn't prove that there is water on Mars. In addition, it is not known whether there is groundwater under Mars.

Another point is that the atmospheric structure of Mars is similar to that when there is no life on the earth.

Therefore, human beings are not only interested in Mars, but also interested in the origin of human beings or the benefits of future immigration. The discovery of new life means that the origin of human beings can be found, and it also means that there may be advanced civilizations in this world.

At present, the Mariana Trench, the deepest part of the earth, has an extreme environment, but there is still life there.

It can be said that human exploration of life is still very limited, and there is still a long way to go in the future.