Fortune Telling Collection - Ziwei fortune-telling - What advice does Zhuge Liang have for Liu Chan? Is Liu Chan's attitude towards Zhuge Liang good?

What advice does Zhuge Liang have for Liu Chan? Is Liu Chan's attitude towards Zhuge Liang good?

Zhuge Liang's advice to Liu Chan Liu Bei failed in the war with Sun Quan of Soochow. On his deathbed, he entrusted his youngest son, Liu Chan, to Zhuge Liang and Li Yan, asking them to help Liu Chan manage state affairs. And told Liu Chan to treat Zhuge Liang like a father. Everything should be discussed and decided with Zhuge Liang.

Zhuge Liang of Liu Chan

Liu Chan regarded Zhuge Liang as his father, and Zhuge Liang also tried his best to assist Liu Chan in handling state affairs. In order to achieve national unity, Zhuge Liang wrote an Liezi before the Northern Expedition, describing a series of political and economic measures, and mainly put forward three suggestions to Liu Chan:

First, hold a holy meeting. Zhuge Liang suggested that Liu Chan should be open-minded, be good at listening to courtiers' opinions and carry forward the virtues left by Liu Bei, the former emperor. Have enough confidence in yourself, don't look down on yourself, and don't say something inappropriate, which prevents the courtiers from persuading you. Accept the opinions of courtiers with a broad mind and inspire the spiritual morale of those with ideals and ambitions.

Second, rewards and punishments are clear. Inside and outside the palace are a whole, and palace guards and officials of various government departments should be treated equally.

People inside and outside the palace should be treated equally, and rewards and punishments should be carried out according to the same standard. To evaluate a person's quality, we should not just take his own likes and dislikes out of context, but leave them to the officials in charge of the matter to judge.

Third, close friends and ministers are far from villains. Zhuge Liang listed the reasons for the prosperity before Han Dynasty and the decline after Han Dynasty, and warned Liu Chan to keep close to talents and stay away from those treacherous villains. And gave Liu Chan several examples of good ministers, and asked Liu Chan to consult Guo Youzhi, Fei T, Dong Yun and others when dealing with palace affairs; Negotiate with General Xiang Chong about the military camp and recommend him as the central chief.

Liu Chan's attitude towards Zhuge Liang. The harmonious relationship between Liu Chan and Zhuge Liang was praised by people of insight in past dynasties and became the most ideal relationship between monarch and minister in feudal society. To have such a harmonious relationship, in addition to the loyal assistance of the courtiers to the monarch, the monarch also needs to embrace the courtiers and accept them humbly. This is Liu Chan's attitude towards Zhuge Liang, always listening to Zhuge Liang's opinions and accommodating Zhuge Liang in everything.

Portrait of Zhuge Liang

Before he died, Liu Bei specifically told Liu Chan to cooperate with Zhuge Liang, to discuss everything with Zhuge Liang, and to treat him as his father. Liu Chan also did as Liu Bei said. He discussed everything with Zhuge Liang and did everything according to Zhuge Liang's words. Liu Chan didn't complain or get angry about Zhuge Liang's monopolization of power, but patiently did everything.

On the eve of Zhuge Liang's Northern Expedition, he didn't trust Liu Chan, so he specially sent his confidant Dong Yuanlai to assist Liu Chan and "supervise Liu Chan". Zhuge Liang's tone to Liu Chan is not like a courtier, but more like a father educating his son. Liu Chan acquiesced and didn't show displeasure, because he didn't want to confuse the domestic political situation.

Although Liu Chan didn't quite approve of Zhuge Liang's sending troops to the north, he cheered for Zhuge Liang. Because he has always taken Liu Bei's teachings to heart, the most important thing is to maintain Zhuge Liang's authority in the court.

Liu Chan is also very supportive of Zhuge Liang's policy of governing the country. Although Zhuge Liang sometimes made mistakes, his measures did bring opportunities to Shu. After Zhuge Liang's death, Liu Chan still followed the measures of Zhuge Liang's period and even reused the talents selected by Zhuge Liang for him.

How does Liu Chan pronounce Liu Chan's Zen? There are two pronunciations of "chán" and "shàn" in modern Chinese. According to the meaning of these two pronunciations and the historical background at that time, it can be inferred that Liu Chan should pronounce "shàn" in Zen.

The original meaning of Zen "shàn" refers to the ritual of ancient emperors offering sacrifices to the land, that is, combining Zen. Before Liu Bei had no children, he adopted Koufeng, the son of Luo Luokou, as his adopted son. Later, Koufeng changed his surname to Liu and was named Liu Feng. Liu Feng is Liu Chan's righteous brother. Together, their names happen to be "Feng Chan". Moreover, the ancients always had the habit of taking epigrams. Liu Chan's epigram is the heir of the public. If "Zen" is pronounced as "shàn", then they form a complementary relationship with epigrams. "Zen" means letting, and "inheritance" means continuation. "shàn" also means that the emperor made way for others. Liu Chan is the eldest son of Liu Bei and Chu Jun of Shu Han, and Liu Bei naturally passed the throne to Liu Chan.

When "Zen" is pronounced as "chán", it means something related to Buddhism. Such as Zen gate, Zen room, Zen master and so on. Although "chán" was recorded in the pre-Qin period, there was no fixed name at that time. Moreover, during the Three Kingdoms period, Buddhism was introduced into China less than a hundred years ago, and Confucianism and Taoism were the mainstream sects in China. Moreover, in such a situation of constant war, people have no extra energy to study Buddhist culture. There is no historical evidence that Liu Bei is obsessed with Buddhism.

In this context, Liu Bei only got the son Liu Chan at the age of 46, which is naturally cherished. Shu Han's subsequent career will be inherited by him as long as there is no accident. Liu Bei has high hopes for Liu Chan. Despite his cowardice, Liu Chan insisted that Liu Chan should inherit the throne regardless of his other two sons, and made Zhuge Liang swear to help Liu Chan before his bed. Therefore, to sum up, Liu Chan's Zen word should be pronounced "shàn".

It is another name for Adou, Liu Chan, Adou and Liu Chan, because Liu Chan, assisted by Zhuge Liang and Jiang Wei, led to the demise of Shu Han. Later generations found Liu Chan particularly useless, so they used the adjective Adou to describe those mediocre and incompetent people. Usually, what we call "A Dou can't help it" refers to Liu Chan.


The name "A Dou" has a reason. It is not casually called, nor is it invented by future generations. My mother, Mrs. Gump, once dreamed that she swallowed a big dipper at night and became pregnant soon after the dream. At that time, Liu Bei was 46 years old, which can be said to be very old in ancient times. Most people have become grandfathers. Mrs. Gump's pregnancy is like a son given to him by God, so she named it Dou. On the day when Liu Chan was born, a white crane flew to Liu Bei's house at night, shouted for more than forty times, and then flew west. When Mrs. Gump gave birth yesterday, the whole room smelled fragrant.

The Big Dipper, in ancient times, refers to the star of the emperor, which is the purple MSI that we often see in TV dramas. It is the brightest star in the night sky, as if the emperor is the brightest person in the world. The Big Dipper is located in the north, surrounded by seven stars, just like the courtiers next to the emperor. The weakness of the stars symbolizes the talents of the courtiers around the emperor. The ancient emperor compared himself to the Big Dipper. At that time, except Taoism, the Big Dipper was an unforgivable sin for others as long as it was used.

Liu Bei was ambitious at that time and wanted to recover the Han Dynasty and become the master of one side. He couldn't show it, so he named his son Dou.

Is Liu Chan mentally retarded? Everyone in the world thinks that Liu Chan is an incompetent person and mentally retarded. How cowardly and happy he is. In fact, many people think that Liu Chan is a very clever and capable emperor. According to the Records of the Three Kingdoms, Zhuge Liang once praised Liu Chan as a counselor who told Liu Bei what had happened. Liu Bei should be happy and should be rewarded. Zhuge Liang is so proud that he will never flatter. This shows that Liu Chan is definitely a smart man.

Liu Chan Steels

Influenced by the heroic thought of success or failure, people seem to be more and more unwilling to accept the failed hero, and it seems that living vigorously is the real hero. Liu Chan's surrender without a fight and drag out an ignoble existence have always made Liu Chan a villain. Soldiers died in the war and people were hurt. If you resist too much, you may be slaughtered. Wei is not without experience in slaughtering cities. The death of Wei and the Xuzhou Rebellion are good examples. In order to save his people, Liu Chan decided to surrender. Because of this, Liu Chan was branded as a traitor. Some people want to say why Liu Chan, who thinks of the people wholeheartedly, can't be praised. Isn't he such a hero? Shouldn't he be honored just because he is a loser?

After the demise of Shu, Liu Chan's words at a banquet in Si Mazhao became a household name. This is also the main reason why Liu Chan is considered as an unaffordable Adou. This may be stupid. Little imagine, if Liu Chan hadn't said so at that time, would Si Mazhao have let him live?

If Si Mazhao wants to kill Liu Chan, it's a piece of cake. As a prisoner, how could Liu Chan not know? So if you want to save your life, you must make Si Mazhao think that he is weak and he has given up resisting. Therefore, this happy image is Liu Chan's best disguise, which will reassure Si Mazhao and ensure Liu Chan's own life. This was the best choice and the best policy for Liu Chan at that time. Can't Liu Chan, who acts like this, be called a smart man as stupid as a fool?