Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - 2022' s hottest life sentiment golden sentence

2022' s hottest life sentiment golden sentence

The most popular inspirational golden sentence in 2022 is very short:

65438+ Tears fell on my heart, my pen fell on my inkstone, my poems and books were half full of words and songs, and your drifting away beautiful image rhymed with sadness.

2. When the hug becomes weak, the language becomes pale and life becomes haggard, stop quietly and remember a young time devoutly.

3, the world is still stable, quietly together, one person is willing to grow old with another person, which is a most beautiful promise.

4, covering the sky, who can cover the sky with a flick of a finger? Heaven and earth are ruthless, why do all things struggle for disability? A moth shakes a tree and gives up its life, because its heart snake swallows the fairy! Cover the sky, who covers the sky, who is covered by the sky, or who is covered by others? Covering the sky to the end is the desire to get drunk!

5. Can a free soul live with a woman? I think, generally speaking, people who think and talk about truth will prefer to fly alone, just like ancient divining birds.

6. Boil three rivers and taste old Wuyue tea.