Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Drums are decorated with thunder and tempered by wind and rain.

Drums are decorated with thunder and tempered by wind and rain.

Drum with thunder embellish with wind and rain partial complex words are as follows:

What does the drum mean here? Heather (Huai Jin) interpreted it in modern language as: "representing the kinetic energy of that life (material world); The energy of this impulse expands and grows. " Therefore, if we interpret "drums are like thunder", can we expand our understanding? Zhengua can be regarded as the change from yin to yang at the bottom of Kungua.

Teacher Ceng Shiqiang called it an underground movement. It is precisely because of the struggle between Yin and Yang in the sky that its light is electricity and its sound is thunder, and its rapid potential can shake the depths of the earth in an instant, so it is called an earthquake and its image is thunder. Like thunder, divination marks the kinetic energy that breeds everything!

What does embellish mean here? Compared with the rigidity of the drum, Luning is elastic, which means smooth, moist, moist and moist. Whether it's hard or not should also be interpreted from its corresponding Xun hexagrams and Kan hexagrams.

The pulp can be regarded as dry pulp, and the pulp bottom moves from yang to yin. The teacher called it moving in the world, and the wind was created because of the imbalance between the yin and yang of the sky and the atmosphere, so it was named Xun, and its image was wind.

Two morphemes with related or opposite meanings are combined into one word. In a specific context, in fact, only the meaning of one morpheme is taken, and the other morpheme only plays the role of setting off syllables. This kind of word is called a compound word with partial meaning. Compound words, pronounced fù cí, Chinese words, refer to Chinese words composed of two or more words, and also refer to words with repetitive meanings.

The notional words in classical Chinese are mostly polysemous, and some notional words have changed their meanings in ancient and modern times. The biggest difference from modern Chinese is that disyllabic words dominate, and then there are more compound words. A compound word with partial meaning consists of two words, only one of which expresses meaning and the other serves as a foil.


Chapter 8 of Wang Qingfu's Reading Four Books, The Analects of Confucius and Yang Huo: "Later, it is not a compound word to say' how is heaven'. The former cloud "What is the sky saying?" It is said that the reason why the sky is the sky is not said. Behind the clouds, "What is the sky saying?" Those who say that it breeds everything and walks at four o'clock are not talking. "