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Please come in (about horoscopes and fortune telling)


To convince Taurus that they are loved and appreciated, they need loyalty and friendship. And to make Leo people believe that they are loved and admired by people, they need worship and praise. However, even people with exactly the same birth factors (cattle belong to soil, lions belong to fire) cannot cherish each other. The more they ask each other to "overlap" emotionally, the more frustrated they will be.

The images of these two constellations are both squares, which means that the relationship between them will not be harmonious and perfect unless the images of the sun and the moon show signs of mutual consistency. Because in all astrolabes of 4- 10, the orientation of the quadrant (Taurus and Leo are at 90 degrees) causes tension. However, when both of them listen to fate and try to establish a love relationship with forbearance and selflessness, the change of 4- 10 map will bring harmony and tranquility.

Between Taurus and Leo, the tension begins with the latter's excessive self-reliance, no absolute sacrifice and obedience to the powerful and silent former, so the two have been deadlocked for a long time. The former is too stubborn and lacks indisputable worship of the conceited lion, so both of them hold their own opinions. Because both of them are stars, good at organization and have extraordinary emotional reliability. Of course, both have perseverance. In my words, it is "stubborn".

Sometimes, a grumpy lion relies on a stable cow to cope with difficulties, but later steals honor for himself. Even so, cows will not be bothered by this selfish practice. What cattle value ultimately is personal honor. Taurus people will cherish it more if they get honor, but they will never take credit. They prefer sincere praise and inner peace.

Hard work and constructiveness are the knowledge of Taurus, lion and potential. Lions like to put forward grand plans and ideals, while Taurus is more willing to carefully consider how to make their ideal seeds blossom and bear fruit. The path chosen by Taurus is stable, purposeful and bumpy. He won't get angry when encountering obstacles like a lion, because Taurus admits the limit and is willing to sacrifice local interests in order to achieve the ultimate goal. His favorite motto is: Do a good deed to the end-much trouble grinds.

Lions are crazy about freedom and refuse to admit their limits. They are always full of hope and confidence. No matter in career, friendship, love, marriage or gambling, Leo will never lose every chance to win a brilliant final victory. Cats always seize every opportunity, as a philosopher said, "Dare to put all your eggs in one basket. If you lose, start again and never give up. "

Lions don't admit defeat because they believe they haven't failed. However, that is completely fantasy. Taurus, to put it mildly, will not seize every opportunity so quickly, although sometimes it will take risks with property and love. When they fail, the memory of failure will never be forgotten and become a beneficial experience in the future. Moreover, Taurus and lion will despise this unfortunate situation when they lose locally. They let the tears of pain flow into their stomachs without making a fuss. Lions and Taurus don't like to cry in public, and they don't like to admit defeat in public.

In the long run, Taurus believes that the safest way to increase the value of money is to fold it up and put it in your pocket. This is the best summary of Taurus's philosophy of life. When you are a Taurus, you think the security of bank deposits and the pursuit of heterosexual love are the most important events in your life. As they get older, they believe this more and more.

The only thing a lion can be sure of is his own ability. It is no wonder that when the passion and noble spirit of the lion are combined with fate, it will attract people, including the goddess of luck, who brings the lion generous love and money.

Lions are big cats, ambitious and powerful. When their self-centered ideas can't influence others, or they live in a flattering environment, they will regard themselves as kittens ignored by adults.

Although lions always want to take the lead and sometimes take advantage of Taurus' patience unintentionally, proud lions always provide protection for those who love them, give them expensive gifts and show kindness to them. Isn't that how a wise king treats his subjects? Taurus will show a hidden joy because of the protection, love and happiness that lions bring him or her. Although Taurus will stubbornly deny this, no one will need and cherish this charity and friendship like them. This sentence stung Taurus's loyal and trustworthy heart. This is another similarity between lions and Taurus, because they are equally loyal. The friendship established by lions often makes Taurus feel close and safe, and makes them enter a state of mutual empathy.

As long as the orders given by the lion make Taurus feel forced to submit, there will be trouble. Sometimes, the lion's fiery emotions will scorch Taurus's patience until Taurus's stubbornness and passive resistance bury the lion's feelings. However, the lion is ruled by the sun, symbolizing warmth and light. The sun is a great power that gives life to all things. Taurus is ruled by Venus, which symbolizes peace, love and musical harmony. The interaction between these two celestial bodies maintains the rotation of the world, and all other celestial bodies are just their carriers. The sun is life; Venus is love. Besides, what is higher?

Taurus (male)-Leo (female)

Will Taurus men pursue a queen? Most Taurus men would rather stay in their own porcelain shop than attend the royal ceremony. You know how busy and nervous they are in the store. They are not afraid of the grand scene, but people are surrounded by a gold-encrusted carriage, bowing and saluting, being crowned for several days in a row, stopping work and getting drunk. All this is really "exaggerated and redundant" in the eyes of the wise Taurus man.

But it doesn't mean that he doesn't like beauty, and he doesn't like beauty. Most Taurus men have the talent of artists. They like painting, dancing, sculpture or music, but their greatest talent is that they are good at seeing the world with practical eyes. In order to achieve a good cause, it is of course the good cause determined by his way of thinking. He has accumulated money and interests, but he is not interested in court life with a red carpet under his feet and a crown on his head.

A woman who belongs to a lion longs for a man who treats her like a queen (especially respects her), and such a man will bring her the life she deserves. She needs a lover who can let her live a luxurious life. She should always be surrounded by a group of educated and luxurious friends. She should be well dressed, with countless parties and witty and interesting conversations. She should wear a ring on her hand and a silver bell on her feet, and occasionally take pictures.

From this, you can know that when the Taurus man she loves just lets her live in a small room and prepares beer and pretzels for him, but he wears smelly socks while watching TV and reading newspapers, how can such a life not make her feel nervous? How vulgar and despicable! She would rather compromise with him than force him to go to court for divorce. Because as long as she waits patiently and doesn't collide with him, maybe one day he will meet all her requirements, including the ring and the silver bell tied to her feet, maybe there will be a warm house in the suburbs, maybe there will be a beautiful farmhouse, and there will be a renovated fireplace. The newly cut grass on the eaves will give off fragrance through the window every morning. He won't achieve his goal safely in one morning, but she will never find a man like him who will one day present her with a kingdom dominated by her. Give him time and don't nag him.

As long as every Taurus man loves a Leo woman, he will stay with her for life anyway. She will be regarded as a lovely kitten at home and be honored as a king. She will finally understand that if she helps rather than hinders the long road he is walking, then he will achieve his goal. It is this man who will give her an expensive birthday present one day (she should imagine it is on their wedding anniversary, when Taurus men will be more emotional than before).

When a Taurus man finally completes his mission in life and has a comfortable house and a lot of money, she will also be rich. She thought he would be completely satisfied with the thick carpet under his feet, the soft light on his head, the stereo music of the violin, fiddling with things and indulging in the quiet and peaceful environment. Nothing can make him yearn for it more.

But in fact, he is still saving money to contribute to his career and will not waste his time in a magnificent home. He hates getting involved in party relations and playing politics with friends. He expects his wife to enrich herself with wisdom and spirit. In his view, it is a waste of time to encourage her pride and self-centeredness again. Taurus doesn't want to waste time, which is worse than wasting money.

Although Taurus and Leo's astrolabes are harmonious, it is inevitable that they will bump into each other because of differences. However, no matter how big the dark clouds are, the relationship between Taurus and lion is still extraordinary. When he strolled on the high balcony, fed swans by the lake, had a candlelight dinner, a suspension bridge outside the castle and an advanced bed at the entrance to the bedroom, he felt that he had a great companion as long as he saw these. Listen, I always talk about bed. They will have their own house, because lions will have their own beauty dressing room. She needs a place to put all her creams, perfumes, sunscreens, mousses and so on.

As long as they are patient, of course, Taurus itself is patient, so it won't be a big deal. However, the lion belongs to fire, and all the constellations belonging to fire are a little impatient. This makes the life when the castle was just built full of troubles and subtle tensions, just like the only way for people to climb to the top through mounds. As soon as they are free, they dream of carving their names on the tableware, and then having sex when they are free to kill time, but in fact Taurus rarely has leisure. And in a few sexual opportunities, we rarely fully satisfy each other. Otherwise, one party is unwell. Most of the reasons are due to their star image.

Judging from the positive significance of their harmonious and bright birthdays, they have the material ability to combine together. The lioness is arrogant and evasive, and keeps a certain distance from strangers. But if she falls into the arms of someone who really loves her, her fierce lion nature will be revealed, and she will openly show her love and ask for sex. When the lion touches his hair and skin with her gentle hand, kisses his ear, holds his hand and pats his back to convey his love, Taurus will never resist. Taurus men are almost easily teased by her gentle voice and sweet soul, because both lions and women like perfume. As long as Taurus smells that unique fragrance, it will enter the most ecstatic state of happiness, just like a calm cow in Disneyland. His power is awesome, but like David Samson, he became Dalila's love prisoner as easily as a lion. Under the control of Venus, nothing can satisfy his spirit more than getting the love of a passionate lion girl, except counting stacks of new green bills or smelling the smell of apple chops when he comes home.

In a negative sense, if their birthday pictures show that the energy conversion between the sun and the moon is harmonious or antagonistic, that is to say, they must make major adjustments in achieving sexual harmony. If he has to sleep alone often, or always faces a bored figure in bed, he will slowly and finally try his best to satisfy her greedy desire. If she doesn't get enough caress during the day, she will be as happy as a queen at night.

Maybe she is a woman who is very light and slow at first, but in the end she is ashamed to let him do his best to satisfy her desires. Taurus is sexy and real. Sometimes his unimaginative sexual life style keeps her awake after the event. I think the prince around me can't understand her ... I think I'm too proud to communicate with others, so I cried. Since then, the lion who was originally passionate about sex has become completely indifferent.

Cold is a potential danger to the passionate lioness. If you still have no scruples about her, you will fall into a cold and withdrawn abnormal condition and an unnatural passive defense attitude from the lion's initial passionate fantasy and pursuit. That's terrible. Why are you withdrawn and abnormal? The fiasco queen would rather hide her broken heart from people than let them know her spiritual emptiness and loneliness. Hypocritical arrogance is every lioness's waterloo.

Taurus's dull mind and the lion's hypocritical arrogance will make them restless all their lives. There is no sincere communication between them. So they don't discuss their uncomfortable feelings in sex life, so love only means living at home, having a partner, or simply getting divorced. Sometimes one of them will drown his sorrows, take drugs, or find an affair. Of course, this is not usually the case. Because Taurus men and Leo women are loyal and care about their reputation, they will live together gently and easily, although they both seem a little stupid (Taurus) and arrogant (lion) in order to uncover the mystery of life. But it is never too late to create unexpected miracles openly and humbly. This will remind them of how they fell in love. Recalling the past will make their relationship more harmonious and they can start a new life course.

Taurus is not a man who appreciates his wife's delicious food and is satisfied with her forcing him to dress appropriately at home and outside. She often accuses him of being a little rude, but of course he is always opinionated and rude. He often accuses her of being arrogant, supercilious and withdrawn, which is of course her character. What will you do when the complaint hits the nail on the head? This is very simple. She summed up his rudeness as a kind of earthy performance, and it was rooted in his contempt for frivolity and hypocrisy. She will follow his example. She also knows that rudeness is also a manifestation of his strong characteristics, so when she is not proud, she will put on a spoiled queen's shelf. As long as she tries to satisfy him with hugs and kisses, it is not difficult for him to restrain himself.

He must know that arrogance is that she was born to protect her weakness so as not to lose face and be laughed at. Therefore, he should not refuse to admit that she is an extraordinary woman, and she needs flattery. As long as he keeps her less exposed in public, tell her that he is lucky to marry a strong woman like her, and it is not difficult to get along with her (every lioness is not a small mistake). Her lion can give people love and accept others' love. As long as you are kind to her, she will give you love.

Taurus men, no matter how old they are, are always in a young position in the zodiac (as mentioned in the Twelve Mysteries of Love).

Taurus and lion should listen to each other and talk calmly ... The lion will ask shamelessly, "Please tell me, do you really love me?" ..................................................................................................................................................................................