Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - My astrolabe Sun Scorpio Moon Aries Mercury Scorpio Venus Scorpio Mars Gemini Jupiter Lion Pluto Scorpio 3 Capricorn Rising Libra, seeking expert analysis.

My astrolabe Sun Scorpio Moon Aries Mercury Scorpio Venus Scorpio Mars Gemini Jupiter Lion Pluto Scorpio 3 Capricorn Rising Libra, seeking expert analysis.

The sun sets in Scorpio.

The sun is in Scorpio-a cool and indifferent lone ranger.

Personality characteristics:

Calm, mysterious, willpower, possessiveness

Describe you in two sentences!

1. Calm and rational, not impatient when things happen.

2. I am withdrawn, do not like to communicate with others, and have a strong emotional possessiveness.

The sun represents self, external image, external and life energy. People with the sun in Scorpio are calm and rational, think twice before you act, and act cautiously. You tend to be withdrawn, treat loneliness as a kind of enjoyment, and don't like to associate with people. You have a strong possessiveness.

Under the protection of Pluto, which represents death and rebirth, Scorpio people with the sun are born with a frightening mysterious temperament, and you are also the most powerful group in the twelve constellations. Scorpio people are calm and rational, and they are also quite smart. You never act in a hurry, but always take action after careful consideration; But this deep personality will make friends around you feel insecure and make people afraid of you. You scorpions are always desperate in love and have strong feelings; But if this passionate love relationship is a little careless, it will often be destroyed by your strong possessiveness and jealousy.

Scorpio people tend to be aloof. You like to be alone, but you don't like to communicate with others; In your career, you are absolutely confident in yourself, do everything yourself, and have great distrust of others' abilities. It is difficult for you to get along with others, and you are extremely disgusted with others prying into your privacy. People in the scorpion family always maintain a detached attitude towards the crowd. Due to the influence of Pluto, you in Scorpio have amazing willpower. You will not be easily knocked down by failure, but will stand up again and again from the desperate situation. This desperate power is unique to Scorpio.

The moon falls in Aries.

The Moon is in Aries-an activist driven by emotion.

Personality characteristics:

Strong action, clear likes and dislikes, eager for attention.

Describe you in two sentences!

1. He needs applause and attention, has strong expressive ability, is independent and doesn't care about outside criticism.

2. I like to be emotionally dominant, so I am easily influenced by emotions and very attached to my mother.

When the moon is in Aries, it will make individuals emotionally dependent on their mothers, and their emotional changes or performances will be very direct and intense. Aries' desire for attention and self will be shown in their public relations, which will make them do different things, such as holding opposite opinions with others or falling in love with a particularly controversial person. They also have the habit of being emotionally dominant. Only when they control the whole emotional situation will they think that this is a perfect relationship.

People with the moon in Aries have a strong attachment to their mothers, and they often behave childish in front of their mothers or older women. In your subconscious, you hope to get the attention and love of the other person through this behavior pattern. Male Aries often has Oedipus complex emotionally; Women will rely heavily on the friendship between the same sex. In front of the same sex, female Aries is more likely to show delicate or feminine parts.

People with the moon in Aries often rely on intuition and first impressions to decide your attitude towards strangers. Coupled with the unabashed personality of the sheep, you often have only two relationships in the group: friends and enemies. Love and hate are clearly your attitude towards emotions. However, your feelings are easily changed by external stimuli. Praise from the heart of the enemy can make you re-examine your relationship, and may even turn your enemy into your friend. And a friend's unintentional words may also hurt your self-esteem and make the relationship between you cold.

The character of the sheep family is very independent, and they have their own opinions on everything, and others are not allowed to question it. Even your parents can hardly change your decision, and sometimes you will insist on it even though you know it is a wrong decision. It is much more important for you to be loyal to your own ideas than to follow the norms of the whole society. Sheep people often become special elements in the group. This single-mindedness comes from your loyalty to your own principles and from the hopeless desire to express in the hearts of sheep people. You are like children. You like to get everyone's attention and affirmation in different ways. Even if the method is a little stupid, you will not hesitate to try.

Mercury falls in Scorpio.

Mercury in Scorpio-An Emotional Critic

Personality characteristics:

Clear love and hate, intuition, frankness and wisdom.

Describe you in two sentences!

1. The thinking process is easily disturbed by emotional factors, and it is too smart, so it lacks tolerance.

2. I like frank and direct communication, and the calculation of interests is very clear, which is easy to give people a sly feeling.

Mercury in Scorpio has a strong intuition and a high IQ, so even very difficult things can always be solved as long as they reach your hands. Because of the innate excellent characteristics of Mercury Scorpio, your road to success is much smoother than others. You have many opportunities to associate with the top people in society, and you can make some good achievements at a young age. However, such a smooth journey often makes people in Mercury Scorpio lack tolerance and frustration, which makes you always critical and sharp towards others.

Scorpio people with mercury are easily influenced by emotions, and your objectivity is inversely proportional to the involvement of emotional factors. If you hate a person or an environment, you are prone to have serious prejudice in matters related to these things, and it is very likely that you will all adopt a negative and critical attitude. In other words, you will not only love my house and my dog, but also hate it. In addition, Mercury and Scorpio are very sensitive to interests, so it is easy for you to calculate others for one purpose. Even if you don't like someone, you will deliberately stay with him, because he has the talents you need.

People with mercury in Scorpio like to speak their minds frankly, and they are often shocked. If you are to be tactful, you would rather say nothing. Although this kind of frank communication can reduce unnecessary misunderstandings and get along with each other less burdensome, Mercury Scorpio people often forget to save face for others, so your interpersonal relationship will often hurt feelings because of quarrels and disputes.

Venus falls in Scorpio

Venus is located in Scorpio-a wild person who dares to love and hate.

Personality characteristics:

Sexual charm, strong sexual desire, dare to love and hate, possessive.

Describe you in two sentences!

1. Sexy and charming, with strong feelings and clear love and hate.

2. Have a tendency to indulge in sexual desire and are interested in metaphysics and mysticism.

Scorpio people with Venus have strong feelings and are full of primitive sexual charm. You dare to love and hate, possessive, and often put too much pressure on each other. Strong sexual desire, there is the possibility of indulgence. I like works of art with strong style and am interested in mysticism.

Venus represents emotional expression, love relationship and aesthetics. Scorpio people with Venus are warm and charming, and their feelings and sexual desire are quite strong. You have a strong sexual desire in your feelings, and you are full of the original charm of animals; Strong sexual desire, never satisfied, often falls into the abyss of lewdness. People with Venus in this position have strong feelings, dare to love and hate; You can totally pay for love, but once you realize the betrayal of your lover, the strong flame of revenge will be surprising. You are possessive, jealous of your partner, and sometimes it is unbearable.

Because Taurus, guarded by Venus, is not conducive to the house, Venus is in this position. Your excessive investment in love will not only put too much pressure on the other party, but also lead to a situation of crash and burn if you are not careful, which is something that people with Venus in Scorpio should pay attention to. You love strong artistic style, and you are also gifted in mysticism and metaphysics.

Mars falls in Gemini.

Mars is located in Gemini-a witty debater.

Personality characteristics:

Quick reaction, good expression ability and lack of patience.

Describe you in two sentences!

1. Flexible thinking, quick response and excellent expression ability.

2. Something often lasts for three minutes, and my personality is a bit impetuous and not calm enough.

People with Mars in Gemini are quick-witted, quick-witted, excellent in expression and naturally eloquent. Strong curiosity, understanding, but lack of patience; Things are always hot for three minutes, which often leads to nothing.

Mars represents the expression of energy, will, explosiveness and vitality. People with Mars in Gemini are very active mentally; Flexible response, good eloquence, good at expression and criticism. You have a strong desire to win in the field of knowledge, argumentative and eloquent; Sometimes it gives people the feeling that they speak very fast, and they seem too impetuous and not calm enough.

People with Mars in this position have strong curiosity and understanding, and have the ability to know one thing and draw inferences from others. However, impetuousness and impatience are your greatest shortcomings. This indecisive and three-minute attitude will often make you accomplish nothing and be in vain. People with Mars in Aries have excellent expression skills, either good at talking or good at writing; This gift gives you the ability to inspire the masses and even lead public opinion. The vacillation of personality makes you change jobs frequently; The nature of work is also engaged in the news communication industry.

Jupiter is in Leo.

Jupiter is in Leo-a warm and authoritative mentor.

Personality characteristics:

Self-confidence, pride, love of luxury and loyalty.

Describe you in two sentences!

1. It pays great attention to procedure and appearance, so it likes grand scenes and is easy to be extravagant.

2. He is the leader of a group, but because of his self-confidence, advocating authority and often maintaining a lofty posture, he is easy to be willful.

People with Jupiter in Leo are often overjoyed, so although you are very interested in religion, philosophy and higher education, it is often the superficial and gorgeous parts that attract you. For example, the grand scene of religious celebrations, diplomas from first-class schools and so on. You seldom pay attention to the spiritual significance of these things, but what you value is the part that they can add value to you in the real world.

Jupiter lions are easy to become leaders in groups because they advocate strength and self-confidence. Your enthusiasm is enough to inspire people and trigger the power of reform. However, overconfidence can easily lead to self-expansion and attract resentment from others. Therefore, you must learn to accept others' opinions in time and learn to pay and cooperate, so that you can have an unshakable position in the group and become a real spiritual leader. Mature Jupiter lions can exert their personality advantages, such as generosity, kindness and caring for others. At the same time, you will have a deeper interest in philosophy and religion. If you study hard, you can achieve success, which can give full play to the advantages of kindness and warmth in your character and help you get sincere love and support from others.

Jupiter in Leo is often the spiritual mentor of young friends, because you pay great attention to the process of personal mental maturity. When you reach the stage of mental maturity, you often go back and lead the younger generation to solve their difficulties in the process of maturity. It is easy to see a group of young, talented and mature people around Jupiter lions, which stems from the fact that Jupiter lions do not hesitate to share their wisdom and experience.

Pluto falls in Scorpio

Pluto is in Scorpio-a reborn generation

Personality characteristics:

Rebirth, destruction and power

Describe you in two sentences!

1. Facing the achievements of human civilization, prepare for the rebirth of the next generation.

2. Many things are facing the era of collapse and restart.

Pluto is the slowest moving planet, and it takes about 248 years to go around the ecliptic. It stays in each constellation for 12 to 23 years, and its influence on the times is greater than that on individuals.

Pluto is the leading star of Scorpio, and Scorpio represents death and the power of death. Therefore, when Pluto moves to Scorpio, it indicates that a critical era is coming. Whether human civilization is sublimated or destroyed depends on whether human beings have enough wisdom to make the right choice during this period.

Pluto's influence on individuals and things mainly depends on its zodiac sign. Please refer to your analysis of the zodiac.

The rising constellation falls in Libra.

Rising constellation in Libra-elegant and harmonious communicator

Personality characteristics:

Elegant, fair, gentle and considerate

Describe you in two sentences!

1. has an elegant and moving temperament.

2. Try to maintain good interpersonal relationships and have empathy.

Rising constellation in Libra often gives people an elegant and meticulous impression at first sight, and your every move shows good education and temperament. You have a unique attraction, which comes not only from your educated temperament, but also from your considerate personality. Therefore, in the process of cooperating with others, you can not only get the affirmation and love of your collaborators, but also find your own value orientation in the group, which is the source of your confidence.

Librans have a sense of justice, and you attach great importance to fairness, especially in the process of cooperation. If you want to seek a harmonious partnership, fairness and justice are undoubtedly very important, and you often play the role of maintaining fairness and justice within the group.

Libra rising, sometimes it is inevitable to tell the theory of disobedience, which seems to be somewhat contradictory to your personality of attaching importance to fairness and justice. However, the purpose of doing this is actually to maintain a harmonious atmosphere between people. As long as everyone can live in harmony, Libra ascending people will hide their true thoughts to cater to others.