Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Questions about Harry Potter

Questions about Harry Potter

Flying class (first grade) (Mrs. Hooch)

Potions class (Professor Snape, Professor Lagerhorn)

History of Magic (Binns Cuthbert, Ghost)

Curses (Professor Welfare)

Deformation class (Professor McGonagall)

Herbal Medicine Class (Professor Sprout)

Defense against the dark arts course (Professor Quirrell, Professor Lockhart, Professor Lubang, Professor Moody, Professor Umbridge? ), Professor Snape, Carol (Death Eater) (Brother))

Astronomy class (? Forgot)

↑ The above are compulsory courses ↑

↓ The following are optional courses ↓

Protect magical creatures



Ancient magic script

Muggle research

Use marauder's map

I solemnly swear that I have done nothing good.

End of use

"prank over"


Dragon dregs, abstinence, violets, nonsense, Mimi treasures, tapeworms.


A bunch of dirty words

Slytherin lounge


Ravenclaw lounge

answer the question

Go to Hogsmeade through the statue of the one-eyed witch
