Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Tarot Consulting Case Record 6- Understanding the Meaning of Life from Causal Cycle Card Matrix

Tarot Consulting Case Record 6- Understanding the Meaning of Life from Causal Cycle Card Matrix

Question: After seven years of love, how to heal the emotional damage?

The background case experienced a seven-year relationship. It is difficult to trust other members of the opposite sex because the other party is cheating and breaking up. I feel that I am unlikely to fall in love and get married again, and I often feel lonely and want someone to accompany me, but I just can't get through the hurdle in my heart. As I grow older, I want to come out and believe in love again, but I am stuck here and don't know what to do.

Card array causal loop card array


The seven cards in the first cycle are: Sword 4, Staff 9, Sword 9, Power 8, Sword 5 and Star Guard.

The initial state of the case: four inverse sword+nine scepters.

The sword is reversed four times, and the inner pressure is relatively high. I feel ready to fight at any time.

Staff No.9, an injured soldier looked around nervously.

Combining the two certificates, the initial state of the case: psychological pressure is relatively large, full of vigilance and hostility to the surrounding environment, and will take the initiative to protect themselves if there is any trouble.

Subjects to be experienced in the case: Nine inverse sword+Strength+Eight inverse sword.

Strength, the characters on the card are communicating with their inner primitive instinct, trying to understand their fears.

Nine-reverse swordsmanship and eight-reverse swordsmanship are all related to their inner subconscious.

When the three cards are combined, there is a feeling of looking inward, which is related to your inner fear. Therefore, the subject that the case needs to go through is: a process of looking inward, and re-communicating and linking with one's own heart.

Result: Sword Five+Star Coin Protection.

Sword five, spirit number five represents breaking the limit, and sword five has a fierce sense of domineering and unruly.

Star coin guards, with star coins in their hands, can appreciate what they have, accept the real life now, have a down-to-earth state, and have more confidence and security.

Looking at the two cards together, after the previous topic, the result is no longer depressed, no longer afraid, and there is a feeling of wanting to release energy.

The seven cards in the second cycle are: Holy Grail Ten, Star Coin Nine, Star Coin Five Inversions, Emperor, Holy Grail Nine Inversions, Temperance and Staff Ten Inversions.

Initial state: Holy Grail Ten+Star Coin Nine. 10 and 9 are relatively large mental numbers. Judging from these two cards, they are in a very confident and blooming state. After this round of energy release, they got the feeling of rebirth. Compared with the previous four inverse sword nine-cudgel staff, the present role is more relaxed and natural, and there is a feeling of self-confidence due to the inner richness.

Problems to be faced: five inversions of Star Coin+Emperor+Nine inversions of Holy Grail.

Star coin is in the opposite position, and the two of them are not only moving forward as partners, but have begun to have heart-to-heart contact, getting closer and closer.

The characters in Nine Contradictions Holy Grail are no longer entertaining themselves, but trying to be open and share.

The above two cards have the meaning of connecting with others and opening your heart.

The emperor represents a kind of rule and order, and he tends to be cautious. Moreover, the emperor corresponds to Aries and has the fighting spirit of a soldier.

Judging from these three cards, she will try to contact, link and open her heart under the premise of a self-set rule and bottom line. At the same time, she needs to work hard to realize herself and go forward bravely.

Follow-up results: temperance+scepter ten inverted.

Moderation is not excessive, it is either black or white. Moderation corresponds to Sagittarius, which is relatively free, and seeks the meaning of its existence through constant experience.

The reverse position of the scepter is to let go of obsession and bondage.

Judging from the two cards, the case will go to a state, will not be bound by some absolute concepts, will be more open-minded, will not have too much obsession with feelings, and will pay more attention to their feelings and experiences in feelings, but it is not necessary to get married.

The result of each cycle can't draw a satisfactory full stop, because each of us is growing endlessly. What we see through this card array is just various topics that we have to experience in every specific event in our lives. In fact, isn't our soul experiencing a bigger topic in the reincarnation experience again and again? This also fully shows that each card of Tarot is neutral. It is also difficult for us to distinguish between good and bad in life. What we have to do is to go deep into every experience and actively create every situation we want. This is actually the meaning of life.