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Problems related to Spartan 300

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300 Spartans-A bloody battle with Pifur

The fighting spirit of courage, tenacity and death is always the soul of a soldier. In the cold weapon era of iron and blood fighting, 300 people resisted a million troops and wiped out 20,000 enemies, and the fighting spirit was so brilliant and tragic that perhaps only Sparta could do it. It was they who created the myth of the Battle of Seppil.

Millions of troops marched on Greece.

In 545 BC, the emerging Persian Empire, under the leadership of cyrus the great, extended its northern territory to the coast of Asia Minor and approached the Greek city-state. Due to the threat of foreign enemies in Northeast China, Ju Lushi did not launch a war against Greece during his reign. In 529 BC, Ju Lushi was killed in the battle to conquer the Masagatai people, and the threat of the Persian Empire to Greece was temporarily eliminated.

The real threat began in 499 BC. Herodotus, a Greek historian, recorded in his magnum opus History that Darius, the Persian emperor, was furious when he learned that Athens, the Greek city-state, had been subsidizing opponents of Persia. He shot an arrow into the air and shouted, "I will punish the Athenians well!" " "At that time, before every meal, Darius' servant would remind him," Master, remember the hateful Athenians! " "However, although Darius pushed the Persian Empire to its peak, he failed in both wars against Greece. In 486 BC, Darius died of illness, and his son Xue Xisi inherited his father's last wish to conquer Greece.

Xue Xisi carefully prepared for four years. He collected soldiers in every corner of Persia, hoarded equipment and food and grass, and organized a large and complex army. In this army, there are Persians, Medes and Assyrians. They wear bronze helmets, hold spears, shields, knives and hammers, wear soft hats, wear waist belts, and use short spears, wicker shields and compound bows. There are Daxia people, Parthians and Krans Mia people who are good at bows and arrows and short spears; There are Scythians who wear high-pointed hats and make good use of tomahawks; There are Indians wearing cotton robes and holding iron arrows; In addition, this Persian army also has soldiers from 46 conquered countries and more than 100 nationalities. Because of its large number of personnel, all kinds of clothes and weapons, this Persian army is very similar to a large-scale exhibition of armies and armaments of various nationalities. According to Herodotus' estimation, this army is unprecedented in scale-the total number is as high as 2.6 million (including 900,000 navies and other European allies). If you count servants, craftsmen and other followers, the number exceeds 5 million.

In Xue Xisi's army, the Persians were privileged-they were accompanied by wagons full of women and slaves. In the Persian army, the most elite is the so-called "Immortal Corps", which consists of 10,000 Persian soldiers with the most fighting capacity, and the casualties and sick will be replaced immediately.

In the spring of 480 BC, Persian troops gathered in Sardis, Asia Minor, and began to March into Greece by land and sea.

Confrontation of the Greek Union

Xue Xisi probably didn't want to fight the Greeks at all, because his army was too strong, and Xue Xisi thought the only thing he could do was to accept surrender. Before departure, Xue Xisi sent an envoy to ask the Greeks to send the traditional symbols of surrender-soil and water, or they would be destroyed.

As for the Persian army, most Greek city-states chose to yield, but two Greek city-states-Athens and Sparta resolutely rejected the Persian ultimatum. The messenger sent to Athens was thrown into a deep pit, and the Spartans pushed the messenger into a well-a place where soil and water could be found.

In the face of a strong enemy, the Greek city-state temporarily ended its internal disputes and held a meeting to try to organize a pan-Greek intelligence to defend the Persian army. At the meeting, the Spartans proposed to build a wall across the Isthmus of Corinth (the Spartans' own city-state is the only one without a wall, and they rely on brave citizens for defense) to protect the southernmost tip of Greece. However, the city-states north of Lilins thought that Xue Xisi could mobilize troops to attack Greece in the north by bypassing the Aegean Sea, so early defense should be established there. The meeting adopted their strategy and chose fur as the front line. The Greeks' intention was to win time, form a joint fleet, and fight decisively with the Persian fleet through early defense there.

Topographically speaking, it was a crucial decision for the Greeks to choose Pir in Cyprus, because the Pir Pass in Cyprus was particularly narrow and Persian troops had to pass through it. In this way, the Persian army rushing from the other side of the valley will not be able to fight, and the numerical advantage will not play a role; Persians had to engage in hand-to-hand combat with Greeks who were good at hand-to-hand combat.

However, in Xue Xisi's eyes, nothing in the world can stop him. When the storm tore up the first cable-stayed bridge built by Persian craftsmen in Heiles's ancient strait (connecting Malama Sea and Aegean Sea), Xue Xisi ordered all the craftsmen to be executed, cursed the rainstorm and the sea that stopped him from advancing, and ordered people to whip the sea 300 times. Later, newly mobilized Persian craftsmen set up a pontoon bridge in Heller's ancient channel, using nearly 700 deck boats. These ships are connected by thick ropes, and there are two roads on board, one is taken by people and the other is taken by mules and horses. Under the technical conditions at that time, Persian craftsmen were able to build such a pontoon bridge in a short time, which was a miracle in military engineering. When the new pontoon bridge was completed, the Persian army set foot on the land of Greece.

Compared with the huge number of Persian troops, the number of Greek allied forces marching into the Sephir Valley is pitiful, including 300 Spartans, 80 Mycenae, 500 Tajiks and 700 Tespis, with a total strength of only about 4,900. When the Greek Coalition forces set out, the Athenians began to make serious preparations for the possible future battles: all men of school age boarded warships, and women and children were evacuated to the safety zone of the Peloponnesian Peninsula to defend the property and temples of the Acropolis.

For Greece, the most dangerous task was undertaken by Sparta-Leonidas. Although each city-state appointed its own general, Leonidas was elected as the commander-in-chief of the Greek Coalition forces, and he wanted to shed his last drop of blood to defend Greece. At that time, there was a legend that Leonidas and his 300 Spartans died generously because they received an Oracle: Sparta either promoted a country or watched its city-state be destroyed.

The attackers guarded the border according to the risk.

Sai Pier is a natural barrier because of its dangerous terrain and the mountain pass is only 15m wide. The Greeks rebuilt the destroyed city wall at the mountain pass, but when they surveyed the terrain, they found that although the mountain pass was impassable, there was still a weakness hidden in the whole defense line: there was a narrow path that could pass through the mountains and go straight to the back hill. If the Persian army knew this road, it could bypass the Sephir Pass from here and surround the rear of the Greek Coalition forces. Aware of this danger, Leonidas quickly sent 65,438+0,000 Funsians to guard this path in case Persian troops found it and made a detour. Unfortunately, the Fonsecae felt that there was no danger in defending on the mountains on both sides of this path, and the defensive task was too arduous, so they did not make serious preparations, but hoped that the Persians would never find this mountain road.

Xue Xisi's army is getting closer and closer, and a Persian cavalry on a reconnaissance mission first discovered the Greek camp. But to the surprise of Persian scouts, many Spartans trained naked, while the rest were quietly combing their hair. In fact, for Spartans, combing their hair before the war meant fighting to the death. Neither Persian scouts nor Xue Xisi could understand this.

At this time, the Greeks also got information about the size of the Persian army from the late Lord. Before the battle began, the Persians were full of confidence in their victory and ran around, saying that the sun could be covered by the rain of arrows from their archers. After listening to this, Spartan general Deans replied humorously, "If the arrows put by the Persians cover the sun, it's just right for us to fight in the shade." Although Dionysus and other Spartans lacked courage and confidence, when the Persian army was getting closer, other Greek city-states began to waver. Military committees composed of various city-states discussed fiercely whether to retreat. Finally, Leonidas said: Spartans will perform their duties. Seeing this situation, the wavering Greek city-state generals had to stop arguing and agreed to resolutely fight the Persians here until reinforcements arrived.

A bloody battle in fur.

The Persian army camped in the flat area of the city-state of Telassis, close to Pir. Here, Xue Xisi let his troops stay for four days, seeking to shock the Greeks with powerful military force and make them retreat automatically. But on the fifth day, August 17, 480 BC, the Greeks still showed no signs of withdrawing, and the Persian king was no longer patient-those "unscrupulous" Greeks dared to openly challenge his will like the storm in the Heller Strait. So he ordered the avant-garde troops composed of Medes and Cicetians to launch the first wave of attacks on the Greeks.

The Medes and Sistine were repulsed by the Greeks, and suffered heavy casualties. In order to punish the resisters, Xue Xisi once again ordered a powerful attack. The Persian army surged forward, but it gained little.

Xue Xisi didn't realize the superiority of the Greeks in Cyprus. The narrow battlefield made it difficult for the Persian army to expand, and also made it impossible for them to play their usual training methods. It is said that Persian men are taught only three things: riding, archery and talking. But in the Thermopylae Valley, there is not enough room for cavalry to exert their impact; What's more, there is no place to organize a large number of archers to release dense rain of arrows in the narrow valley. The Greeks, on the other hand, hid behind their walls in Osamu Yamaguchi, making it extremely difficult to be found and attacked.

The Persian army was neither trained nor equipped for hand-to-hand combat. Their preferred tactic is to keep a certain distance from the Greeks in the valley. Archers hiding behind wicker shields can shoot arrows. They have almost no armor, and the only weapons in hand-to-hand combat are short swords and spears. The Greeks paid special attention to protection. They were covered in armor and gesticulated with 3-meter-long spears. In hand-to-hand combat, Greek heavily armored infantry can effectively resist the attack of Persian spears and swords. In that battlefield, armored protection brought great psychological comfort to soldiers. On the other hand, Greek spears can stab opponents before Persian dagger and spear names reach them. In addition, the Greeks had an intangible advantage: they fought to defend their homeland and had a common enemy; Strict discipline, loyal to their duties.

In the face of serious casualties, the Greeks resisted the Persian army's attack at the Pir Pass. In the battle, the experienced and well-trained Spartans jumped out from behind the city wall, fought bravely against the Persians, then pretended to retreat, lured the Persians into a trap and killed them severely. It is said that Xue Xisi jumped three times that day because his army suffered heavy casualties and hesitated.

For the Greeks, although their casualties are far less than their opponents, after all, they can't change the situation of inferior forces. Their only hope is to delay the time in the wool pile as long as possible. However, just as the two armies were deadlocked, an unexpected situation happened that the Greeks never expected: a Greek traitor named Effie Altai told Xue Xisi the secret passage.

After receiving this message, Xue Xisi was overjoyed and immediately sent a Persian army to pass this path at night. When we approached the top of the mountain, the unsuspecting Feng Xi 'an was awakened. But it is too late! Just as the Persians frantically assembled their troops, the Persians were already raining down. Because of this sudden attack, the Fonsecae retreated without tenacious resistance. The Persians were not interested in chasing, so they quickly folded down and ran from the rear to Maodui Pass.

Warriors prepare for war and go home.

When the lookout called the police, it was too late for the Greek Coalition forces guarding the Pier Pass to evacuate. Seeing that the tide was gone, Leonidas agreed to the withdrawal of other Greek troops from their respective city-states, but he and the Spartans persisted intermittently. Along with him, there are loyal Tespis.

Later generations often feel puzzled by Leonidas's decision, thinking that his superstition forced him to sacrifice his so-called Oracle. In fact, the situation at that time left Leonidas no choice. If all the Greek allied forces in Fur retreat, they will all be slaughtered by the chasing Persian cavalry. Leonidas's insistence is to buy time for the Greek army.

Xue Xisi ordered an attack immediately after the camp was built. Many Persian soldiers were trampled to death by their companions, and some were pushed aside and fell into the sea and drowned. From beginning to end, Spartans and thespis fought to the death with Persians, which brought more and more fear and death to Persian soldiers. Herodotus Zixin wrote, "No one can know how many Persians died."

In the final battle, the Spartans fought until the spear was completely broken, and then fought with swords. When the sword was broken, they beat and bit with their teeth ... Leonidas fulfilled his duty and promise. In the case of great disparity in strength, he led the Spartans to beat back four Persian sieges until they all fell.

Leonidas and 300 Spartans died, and there were 700 Tespis, while the Persians always died about 20,000 people. In order to cover up this terrible loss, Xue Xisi ordered the vast majority of the war dead to be buried in secret, and only 1000 dead bodies were taken away.

In Sparta, people held a grand funeral for Leonidas. Xue Xisi ordered Leonidas's head to be cut off and tied to a stump for public display. The dead Greeks were buried to hide why so few people could stop his army for so long.

The battle of Furui hardly delayed Xue Xisi's March, but the Persian army was undoubtedly hit hard and its morale was greatly affected. The influence of the Battle of Furui on the Greeks is also obvious-when the Greeks hit the Persians hard to win the third Bo Shi War, they set the anniversary of Furui and erected a monument on the former battlefield, including one sentence: "4,000 people resisted the 3 million people who once stood here"; Another famous inscription commemorating Leonidas and 300 Spartans wrote: "Passerby, please send a message to Spartans, we faithfully fulfilled our promise and were buried here".