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< < Li Sao is a great romantic poem. How are the characteristics of romanticism reflected in the article?

Qu Yuan, a Great Patriotic Poet, and Li Sao, a Chu Ci

Li Sao (note: the meaning of Li Sao's title), Sima Qian quoted the king of Huainan as saying: "Li Sao is still worried." Ban Gu's solution is to worry, and Wang Yi's solution is to worry. Although the two theories are different, they both make sense. ) is the longest lyric poem in China's classical literature and a brilliant romantic masterpiece.

The poet spent most of his life writing Li Sao. In order to realize his political ideal, he was constantly squeezed out and hit by decadent aristocratic groups, and now he is exiled, to the point where there is no way to save the country; Chu is also a promising country, but it has been brought to the brink of extinction. The poet looked back and forth with excitement. He put the painful feeling of persisting in struggle and failing to realize his patriotic ideal into this exciting poem.

Li Sao clearly and completely expresses the poet's ideal. In the Warring States Period, when the Seven Heroes were in dispute and all countries were in life and death, the poet's ideal was to push the motherland to the road of prosperity and even unify China. He listed the sage kings who rejuvenated the country and the faint kings who died in disorder in history, hoping that the king of Chu would take Yao Shun, who "got the way by the way", as an example and take "shortcut and embarrassment" as a warning to build Chu into a powerful country. Not only that. In the period of great transformation from slave society to feudal society at that time, in order to truly achieve this goal, the poet also broke through the limitations of the aristocratic class, reflected the political requirements of the emerging class, and put forward the idea of reforming politics: "Cultivating talents and empowering people, not seeking after them." The so-called "appointing talents and empowering them" means selecting talents to govern the country regardless of rank; The so-called "following the rope without sticking to it" means practicing the law and doing things in strict accordance with it. This is in direct opposition to the hereditary system of maintaining aristocratic privileges and the principle of "ruling with heart behind laws and regulations". It can be said that the prosperity of the motherland is the poet's ideal goal, and political innovation is the means to achieve this goal. His patriotism is closely combined with the spirit of pursuing progressive politics. This not only shows the progressiveness of the poet's thought, but also shows the profundity and popularity of his patriotic ideal.

The basic content of Li Sao is to express the poet's passionate pursuit and unremitting struggle to realize this lofty ideal. The whole poem can be divided into two parts. The first part is from the beginning of the article to "I can punish my spare heart"; The second half is from The Woman Beards Slow to the end of the article. The first part is the poet's review of the past history. He described his family background, his birth name, and his struggle to help the king of Chu carry out political reform. The poet has been practicing self-study since his early years, training his own quality and talents, and is determined to dedicate all this to the prosperity of the motherland. He said to the king of Chu, "Why not change this degree and strengthen it?" Take a ride and gallop, and guide my husband first! However, the poet's desire to love the motherland and the people violated the interests of the aristocratic group and caused heavy persecution and blow. The nobles besieged him and tried their best to slander him; The king of Chu listened to slanders, not only distrusted him, but also exiled him. The talents he painstakingly trained to realize his ideals have also deteriorated. When the poet looked back on this incident and thought that his ideal had been shattered and the fate of the motherland was in jeopardy, he could not restrain his resentment and made a fierce attack on the decadent reactionary forces. He denounced the aristocratic groups for their "greed", "jealousy" and "correcting mistakes according to the rules, and pursuing happiness behind their backs". It is pointed out that they are greedy for profits and lead the motherland to the desperate situation of peril: "Only husband and wife are happy to steal, and the road is dangerous. "He resents the fatuity of the King of Chu and doesn't distinguish between loyalty and evil." I don't care about the rest of my feelings. I believe him and am angry. "He also boldly accused the king of Chu of being capricious:" At first I talked to Yu Cheng, but I regretted having him. It is not difficult for me to leave my husband, and it hurts the numerology of practice. " The poet also expressed deep regret for the degradation of talents: "Although it is withered, it is harmless and mourns the filth of the public!" However, the poet was not overwhelmed by such heavy feelings, and he never gave in to the reactionary forces. He would rather endure persecution than follow the custom: "I would rather die in exile, but I can't bear it!" "Convinced of your own correctness, you should always stick to your own path and be loyal to your own ideals:" People's livelihood has fun, and I am good at repairing it. "Although I didn't change my mind, how can I be punished?"

The second half of Lisao describes the poet's exploration of the future road: "The road is long and Xiu Yuan is Xi, and Xiu Yuan is Xi, so I will go up and down for it." The poet was excluded from the real political life by the decadent aristocratic group. He faced the future in dismay. What path did he choose? First of all, the woman must persuade him not to "rush to repair" and to protect himself wisely. However, through his speech to Zhong Hua, the poet analyzed the history of rise and fall in the past, proved his correct attitude and denied this passive escape road. Therefore, the strong desire to realize his ideal made him ascend to heaven. He went to knock on the emperor's shovel, but the shovel turned a blind eye; He also begged his daughter to let the emperor go, but nothing happened. This heaven is actually a symbol of the world, which shows that it is impossible to win the trust of the king of Chu. Then the poet went to the spiritual atmosphere for divination, and the witch sent immortals to ask them for directions. Lingqi advised him to travel abroad and find another place to display his ambition, while Wu Xian advised him to stay in Chu temporarily and wait for the opportunity. The poet felt that time and tide wait for no man, and there was no hope of staying in the dark state of Chu, so he decided to leave. However, this action had a sharp contradiction with his patriotic feelings. Just as he was about to rise and die, he saw the land of his motherland: "I longed to rise to the emperor and suddenly came to my hometown." The servant is sadder than Mahuay, but he can't do it. "He finally stayed. Through this series of fictional realms, the poet denied all kinds of roads that ran counter to his patriotic feelings and his desire to realize his ideals, and finally decided to die in order to sacrifice his ideals: "If I am not satisfied politically, I will live in Peng Xianjia. "This is a road that the poet may have chosen at that time, a road that insists on ideals and resists the dark political reality with death.

Li Sao shows the poet's fighting spirit of dedicating himself to the motherland for lofty ideals through the poet's unremitting struggle and faithful action for his ideals all his life. Showed the deep patriotic feelings of sharing weal and woe with the motherland; It also shows his personality of loving progress and hating darkness and brilliance. At the same time, through the course of the poet's battle and the tragic ending, it reflects the sharp struggle between the progressive forces and the reactionary forces in Chu politics, and exposes the darkness and corruption of Chu politics and the arrogance of the reactionary forces. Although it is a lyric poem, it reflects rich social reality; Although it is a romantic work, it has profound reality. It is worthy of being a great poem in the history of China literature.

Li Sao also has high artistic attainments and unique style.

Li Sao is a positive and romantic work with profound practical significance. It developed the mythological romanticism created orally by ancient people in China and became the direct source of romanticism in China literature. Li Sao created a pure and tall lyric hero. Because of lofty ideals, sober personality and strong feelings, this image far exceeds customs and reality. Li Sao runs through the poet's tenacious struggle spirit of transforming reality with ideals from beginning to end. When the cruel reality finally shattered his ideal, he even expressed his firm will to die for it. All these show the romantic spirit of the long poem Li Sao. At the same time, Li Sao also uses a lot of romantic expressions. This is manifested in the poet's imagination, blending myths and legends, historical figures and natural phenomena to weave a fantasy realm. For example, in a fugue description, the poet went to the county nursery in the evening. He took Wang Shu, Fei Lian, Luan Huang, Feng Bird, Piao Feng, Yun Ni and other attendants, knocking on the sky to beg for women. His imagination is rich and strange, the realm seems blurred, and the scene is magnificent, which effectively shows the poet's spirit of pursuing ideals. In addition, poets often use exaggeration to highlight the characteristics of things. For example, the description of the poet's character: "Ximugen is a knot of chicory, which runs through the falling core of Ficus pumila;" Correcting bacteria and laurel is a gift to Hu Sheng. " "The stakes are high, but Pei can't have them. Fang and Ze were mixed, but they didn't lose. "Poets use flowers and plants as a symbol of character, full of beautiful imagination. This concentrated and exaggerated description makes the poet's character extremely noble and romantic.

Another artistic feature of Li Sao is the extensive use of figurative techniques. It inherits the tradition of metaphor in the Book of Songs and develops it further. The metaphors in the Book of Songs are mostly simple, and the things used to arouse harmony are still independent objects; But the metaphor in Li Sao is integrated with the content and symbolic. As mentioned above, vanilla symbolizes the nobility of the poet. Secondly, the metaphor in The Book of Songs is often just a fragment of a poem, while Lisao expresses its content with one metaphor after another in a long and huge system. If the poet compares himself to a woman, taking this as a starting point, he compares the relationship between men and women to the relationship between monarch and minister; It is better to envy beauty than to envy virtue; Ask the media to compare with those who communicate with the king of Chu; A marriage contract is better than a meeting between a monarch and a minister. Metaphor is often used in other aspects, such as Ma Zhiguo, and comparing national laws with rules. The use of metaphor makes the whole poem vivid and colorful.

Lyrics are generally short and there is no story. "Li Sao" is not only magnificent in length, but also has a story component because the first part is lyrical on the broad background of the poet's historical development for most of his life, and the second part fabricates a series of dreamland such as the advice of the female beard, Zhong Hua's words, supernatural divination, witchcraft divination, wandering in the sky and so on. This kind of content and structure is characterized by ups and downs, seemingly at the end of their tether, but a new realm has appeared in an instant. In this way, the poet's long-term struggle experience and complex thoughts and feelings are vividly displayed.

The form of Li Sao originated from the people, but it has developed greatly in the hands of poets. On the one hand, he adopted the form of folk songs, on the other hand, he absorbed the brushwork of prose, elongated the poem and formed a huge chapter, which not only helped to contain rich content, but also effectively expressed his surging feelings. Li Sao is basically a chapter and four sentences, with different words and even different sentences, which has formed the characteristics of patchwork and neatness. The language of Lisao is very refined, absorbing a large number of dialects of Chu language. Function words are also used flexibly, adjectives are often used at the beginning of sentences, and sentences are also quite distinctive. In addition, besides the poet's inner monologue, Li Sao is also set as a question and answer between the subject and the object, and has a long and extravagant description, which has a great influence on later words. These also show the artistic features and achievements of Li Sao.


Chu Ci is the work of Qu Yuan, a Chu people in the Warring States Period. Regarding the title of the article, Sima Qian interpreted it as "leaving worries" in Historical Records and Biographies of Qu Yuan; Wang Yi interprets it as "Don't worry" in the Songs of the South; Approaching people is either interpreted as "complaining" or "another way to write the name" Lao Shang "in Chu State". About the writing age, some people think that it was written in the Chu Huaiwang dynasty, after the poet was alienated; Some people think that when the poet was released to Jiangnan in the Qing Dynasty. So far, there is no conclusion. Li Sao is the longest romantic political lyric poem in the history of China's ancient poetry. The poet described his life experience, moral character and ideal, expressed his anguish and contradiction in murder, and rebuked the king of Chu for his fatuity and small clique rampage, failing to show his persistence in "beautiful politics"

Ideal, attacking the dark reality, fighting spirit of not colluding with evil forces and patriotic enthusiasm till death do us part. Ancient myths and legends are widely used in the poem, and through imagination and association, a magnificent and peculiar fantasy world is formed, which also shows the poet's roaming in the fantasy world and his enthusiastic pursuit of ideals. The metaphor of "vanilla beauty" is widely used in the poem, and the profound content is expressed with the help of concrete and vivid artistic images, which is of great artistic charm. Li Sao has a profound and realistic positive romantic spirit, which has a far-reaching influence on later generations. I copied it. See where it can be used. Thank you for adopting it.