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The seventh grade history first volume unit 3 examination questions and answers.

Try to do a day's seventh grade history unit test questions to get a good sleep; The following are the questions in Unit 3 of the first volume of the seventh grade history that I arranged for you. I hope you like them.

The seventh grade history first volume unit 3 examination questions

Unit 3 Examination of Qin and Han Dynasties: Establishment and Consolidation of a Unified Multi-ethnic Country

Time: 45 minutes Total score: 60 points

1. Choose one of the four wonderful questions, each with 1, *** 15.

1. On the right, the brick of the Qin Dynasty reads: "The ministers in the sea are mature at the age of ten, and the road is not hungry. Long live this practice. " Among them, the historical information reflected in "All Ministers at Home" is mainly has a vast territory and a large population.

B. National unity and centralization

C. Strict laws covering the whole country

D. Developed transportation and prosperous economy and trade

2. Historical Records? Qin Benji recorded: "As the first prime minister, Gan Mao was the left and right prime minister." When Qin Shihuang was prime minister, his main duty was to be in charge.

A. Prison B. Military C. Administration D. Supervision

3. A grain merchant in Xianyang of Qin Dynasty wanted to buy a batch of millet. When checking out, which of the following currencies should Xianyang businessmen pay for the goods?

4. Textbook drama is a favorite way for students to learn, but it should not deviate from the rigor of the subject. The following is the relevant information of the historical drama of Qin Dynasty compiled and performed by a class of students, and the historical facts are as follows.

A. A businessman took five baht to Nanhai County to do business. B. Scholars can go to private schools and read the history books of various countries.

C. local officials write notices in Chinese characters. Farmers pay taxes in barrels of the same capacity.

5. "Where there is a will, there is a way. Burn your bridges, 102 Qin Guan will eventually be Chu; Hard-working people, the sky pays off, go forward bravely, and 3,000 Yue families can swallow Wu. " The historical figures praised in this couplet are

A. Xiang Yu and Gou Jian. Chen Sheng and Guangwu.

C. Liu Bang and Xiang Yu D. Chu Zhuangwang and Jin Wengong

6. During the period of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, some ministers suggested that "anyone who is not a subject of six arts and is not a master of Confucius should never strive for progress", which was adopted by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. His proposal should be

A. oust a hundred schools of thought and respect Confucianism alone. B. Let nature take its course and "govern by doing nothing"

C. know yourself and know yourself, and you will win every battle. D. run the country with benevolence and be frivolous.

7. The classic epic "Hanwu the Great" tells the story that Liu Che, the Emperor of the Han Dynasty, experienced great events from childhood, such as taking risks in succession, mastering power, reforming politics with morality, respecting the king, resisting the Xiongnu, going to the Western Regions, witchcraft insurrection, expressing sin to the people, and so on, and became the overlord of a generation. The following statement about the measures taken by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty to govern the country is incorrect.

A. Issue "Enzhi" to weaken the influence of vassal states. B. establish a secretariat system to monitor officials in various ministries.

C. unify writing, currency and weights and measures. D. nationalize local coinage rights.

8. We can know that they are studying from the lines of the following short historical play.

Xiaohua: It takes a long time to send someone away. Your Majesty, please go back!

Xiaoming: Ai Qing, this trip to the western regions is extremely dangerous. However, as long as the Huns are immortal, the country will not be at peace. I hope you will live up to your mission. Go early and come back early.

A. Zhang Qian's mission to the western regions B. Putting down the rebellion of the seven countries

C. Wei Qing smashed the Xiongnu Ting Chen Guang uprising.

9. When a classmate was studying a class, he made such a knowledge clue: "Guangxu Zhongxing → consorts and eunuchs alternated authoritarian power → Yellow Scarf Uprising". The content of this student's study is

A. Qin Dynasty B. New Dynasty C. Western Han Dynasty D. Eastern Han Dynasty

10. The following figure is a schematic diagram of papermaking process with bamboo as raw material in ancient China. Please judge that this paper should not be earlier than

Retting bamboo, cooking, making paper and baking paper.

A. Warring States B. Qin C. Western Han D. Eastern Han

1 1. In order to save the cultural heritage of traditional Chinese medicine, CCTV will launch a large-scale documentary "Chinese Treasure-Traditional Chinese Medicine". It laid the foundation of traditional medical therapy in China in history, and was called "medical sage" by the late Buddha.

A. Zhang Zhongjing B. Hua Tuo C. Jia Sixie D. Li Daoyuan

12.2014 February 17, the newly cast "Hua Tuo Zhong" in the Year of the Horse crashed into Bozhou pharmaceutical market. Huatuo is now one of the most famous cultural symbols of Bozhou Chinese herbal medicine industry and Chinese herbal medicine culture. The following are Hua Tuo's medical achievements.

(1) Compiling Treatise on Febrile Diseases; (2) making hemp boiling powder; (3) Put forward the theory of disease prevention; (4) Compiling Wuqinxi.

A.①② B.②④ C.①③ D.③④

13. Dai Jia saw an ancient history without a cover in the library. The directory is shown on the right. According to what I have learned, this history book should be

A. Analects of Confucius

B. Historical records

C. Qi Yaomin's book

D. purple tongzhi scissors

14. The "Heaven and Earth" historical building complex experienced the Han, Wei, Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties, and it is an ancient building complex with the largest span, the most architectural types and the richest cultural connotation in China. Arrange the cultural connotations of the following buildings in the order of pictures. What is correct is that

Figure 1 Shaolin Temple Tallinn Figure 2 Songyang Academy Figure 3 Zhongyue Temple

A. Buddhism, Confucianism and Taoism

C. Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism

15. A TV series should shoot the following four sets of historical shots, among which the historical facts are

A. Liu Bang reads historical records under the lamp B. Zhang Heng draws a seismograph model on paper.

C. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty practiced the "Five Birds Play" to keep fit. D. Liu Bang led his troops to escape into the temple.

Second, the combination list

16. During the Han Dynasty, celebrities came forth in large numbers. 6 points

1 Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty accepted the suggestion of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, "to oust a hundred schools of thought and respect Confucianism alone".

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty accepted the suggestion of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty made two missions to the Western Regions and opened the Silk Road.

In the Eastern Han Dynasty, eunuch _ _ _ _ _ improved papermaking, and the use of paper became widespread.

A famous doctor in the Eastern Han Dynasty _ _ _ _ invented the whole body * * * agent "Mafeisan".

6 In the Eastern Han Dynasty, the famous doctor _ _ _ _ wrote Treatise on Febrile Diseases.

Third, analyze and correct mistakes.

17. Identify the right and wrong of the following historical facts and tick "√" correctly in the brackets before the question; Wrong "X" and correct it. 6 points

1 The first unified centralized feudal country in the history of China was the Xia Dynasty.

Correction: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

During the Western Han Dynasty, the Western Region was set as the capital to manage the affairs of the Western Region. This is the earliest administrative organization under the jurisdiction of the central government in today's X Xinjiang region.

Correction: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, in Hanzhong and Bashu areas, the Wudoumi Road founded by Zhang Jiao was believed by the lower classes.

Correction: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

Fourth, material analysis.

18. Read the following materials and answer the following questions. 10 point

Material 1: Confucius, named Zhong Ni, was born in the state of Lu in the Spring and Autumn Period. The founder of the Confucian school. Put forward the political proposition of "ruling the country by virtue". Confucius' thought takes "benevolence" and "ceremony" as the core.

Material 2: In order to strengthen ideological control, Qin Shihuang ordered that only books such as Qin history, medicine, divination and tree planting should be collected by the people except the imperial court, and all other books should be destroyed. Qin Shihuang also buried the Confucian scholars and alchemists who accused him alive.

Material 3: Emperor Wu adopted Dong Zhongshu's suggestion and praised Confucianism; At the same time, he attached importance to education, and set up imperial academy in the central government and Chinese studies in local areas.

Material 4: ... Modern countries certainly need to emphasize the rule of law, but they should also emphasize the rule of virtue. Rule by law and rule by virtue must be combined. Law can be benign and morality can be solid ... Only by vigorously strengthening ideological and moral construction and spiritual civilization construction, adhering to the unity of rule of virtue and rule of law, and paying equal attention to self-discipline and heteronomy, can society be stable and orderly.

-"Modern Choice of China's Traditional Thought of Ruling by Virtue"

1 According to the material 1, what are Confucius' political opinions and ideological opinions respectively? 4 points

2 What historical facts does Material 2 reflect? What influence did this historical fact have? 2 points

Materials 2 and 3 reflect the different attitudes of Qin Shihuang and Han Wudi towards Confucianism, but the purpose is the same. What is their purpose? 1 point

According to material 4, what is the strategy of governing the country in modern society? How to treat China's traditional ideology and culture? 3 points

19. Read the following materials and answer the following questions. 10 point

Material 1: Zhang Qian's two missions to the Western Regions broadened the horizons of the Han Dynasty, aroused the strong desire of the Han Dynasty to trade with countries in Central Asia and West Asia, and contributed to the development and management of the Silk Road in the Western Han Dynasty. Zhang Qian's mission to the Western Regions was the first communication between China and foreign countries since China recorded it, which was called "Zhang Qian Cave" in history.

Material 2: The Western Han Dynasty * * * officially set up the Western Region Duhu in today's Luntai to lead the western countries and ensure the smooth flow of the Silk Road. The establishment of the western regions' capital government forced the Huns to give up their ambition to dominate the western regions, marking the beginning of the effective rule of the Western Han Dynasty.

1 what was the purpose of Zhang Qian's first mission to the western regions? 1 point

Why is Zhang Qian's mission to the Western Regions called "the hollowing out of Zhang Qian"? What's the important role? 3 points

Which historical fact in the above materials can best explain that X Xinjiang has been an inseparable part of China territory since ancient times? 2 points

Please tell me the route of the Silk Road. Give two examples to explain why the Silk Road is called the road of cultural exchange. 4 points

Verb (abbreviation of verb) public investigation

20. The Qin and Han Dynasties were the first period of great unification in China's history, and also the period of laying the foundation for the unification of multi-ethnic countries. The measures taken by many emperors in this period have far-reaching influence in history. 13 point

1 How did Qin Shihuang strengthen centralization? 6 points

The Qin Dynasty soon perished because of tyranny. What measures did the rulers in the early Han Dynasty take to draw lessons from history? 5 points

In terms of economy, what commendable measures did Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty take? 2 points

The seventh grade history first volume unit 3 examination questions reference answer.

1.B 2。 C 3。 B 4。 D 5。 A six. A seven. C 8。 A nine. D 10。 D 1 1。 A 12。 B

13.B 14。 A 15。 B

16. 1 dong Zhongshu 2 zhufuyan 3 Zhang Qian 4 Cai Lun 5 Huatuo 6 Zhang Zhongjing

17. 1× correction: Xia dynasty changed to Qin dynasty. 2√3× correction: the opening angle was changed to Zhang Ling.

18. 1 Confucius advocated ruling the country by courtesy and hoped to maintain social order with ethics. He put forward the theory of "benevolence", advocated love and mercy, and asked the rulers to cherish the people's strength and observe the public opinion. 2 burn books to bury Confucianism. It stifles ideas and destroys culture. Strengthen ideological control and consolidate absolute monarchy. 4. Combination of rule of law and rule of virtue. Take the essence and discard the dross.

19. 1 Contact Da Yue to attack the Huns. Zhang Qian's mission to the Western Regions was China's first foreign exchange in history. It promoted the mutual understanding and communication between the Han nationality and the western regions. Material 2: In 60 BC, the Western Han Dynasty established the Western Regions Duhu in the Western Regions, effectively governing the countries in the Western Regions. Chang 'an → Hexi Corridor → Western Regions → Central Asia → West Asia → Europe; For example, the silk of the Han Dynasty was transported to the western regions, Central Asia, West Asia and Europe through the Silk Road; Thoroughbred horses, walnuts and carrots from the western regions were introduced into the Central Plains. Buddhism and other foreign cultures were introduced into Chinese mainland through the Silk Road.

20. 1 in the central government, the supreme ruler of the country is called the emperor. He has supreme authority and commands all military and political power in the country. Under the emperor, there is a central political organization, led by prime minister Qiu He, which is responsible for administrative, military and supervisory affairs respectively, and the final decision is in the hands of the emperor. At the local level, establish a county system under the direct jurisdiction of the central government. Emperor gaozu practiced the policy of recuperation and reduced the tax corvee of farmers. Emperor Wen of Han and Emperor Jing of Han cared about farming and mulberry, reduced taxes and corvee, abolished heavy punishment and advocated diligent administration of the country. 3. Put the local currency and the right to operate salt and iron into the central government and cast five baht in a unified way.