Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - My horoscope. I hope someone who has research on constellations can help me analyze it. Thank you very much.

My horoscope. I hope someone who has research on constellations can help me analyze it. Thank you very much.

The sun is in Scorpio.

You are firm, active and smart, and rarely take a passive or neutral position. Deep personality, often taciturn, taciturn, sometimes full of jealousy, resentment, and even revenge, the body is also quite resilient. You are also a truth seeker; With keen judgment and profound insights, these qualities make it easy for you to exercise authority over others. You can choose science, medicine or other industries that emphasize precision. Willpower and persistence are your strengths. Although you are silent, you will become outspoken when challenged.

The moon represents feelings, intuition and the principle of negation.

The moon is in Gemini

You are particularly interested in instant intimacy. What your feelings want is change and freshness, not persistence and depth. You usually can't maintain lasting feelings and unshakable loyalty. Although your perception is not strong, your perception is agile and accurate. Its acceptance of external things is based on reason, not feeling. Your mind is changeable, but it often falls into chaos, but it can attract infinite details. You are versatile and adaptable, so you can do two or more jobs at the same time.

Mercury is in Scorpio.

You are critical and suspicious, sometimes even mysterious and suspicious. If you stick to your own ideas, it will be difficult for others to persuade you to change your mind. Smart personality, strong physique, easy to sharp mouth or sharp pen, easy to hurt people, it is best to turn thorns into wit. This curious personality is suitable for any treatment industry. It also applies to chemistry, photography, detective work, mysticism, research and bulk business. Your heart is deep, but you seldom forgive.

Venus represents feelings, your values and your social motivation.

Venus is exhausted.

You are inherently insecure. In order to make up for this, you are often a person who pursues social status and material life as an adult. The attitude of getting married and making friends, seemingly indifferent and calculating, is actually to protect yourself and be afraid of rejection. It's hard for you to express your inner tenderness to others. Appear arrogant and conservative in public; When you succeed, you are also a snob. You often suppress your feelings and sexual desire, but you are a functionalist at heart. Because your romantic part is not easy to carry out, you often choose older or younger objects to facilitate your responsible feelings. Once someone breaks into the emotional core, you will return it sincerely and intently.

Mars shows your sexuality and where you use your energy. The keywords displayed by Mars in different constellations represent the forms of energy display.

Mars is in Scorpio (entering the temple)

You are strong, self-disciplined, efficient, noble and emotional. Unless you already know what is best for you, you seldom act. You are an idealist, good at exploring, and your behavior is quite fixed. Personality is very trustworthy, but you have the same expectations of others, and you inevitably lack the ability to adapt and relax. You are a planner and an unparalleled strategist. You have an all-or-nothing attitude and it's hard to compromise. Sexually, you are strong and close to God; If you misuse this drive, you may become extremely jealous.

Jupiter represents the principle of expansion, so its word formula is "all possible forms of growth and expansion"

Jupiter is in Cancer (Wang Xiang).

Your sympathy, elegance and calmness imply that you have the ability of public relations. Because you like meeting all kinds of people, you are good at reasoning. Jupiter in this constellation shows that he has a good family background, loves children deeply and can build a stable family to share with relatives and friends. Be careful not to be too sad about spring or too worried about family affairs; You must also be careful about overeating. Can manage money well and profit from real estate.

Saturn is in Capricorn (entering the temple)

You are ambitious for power, prestige and power. Therefore, politics, business, science or any industry that is easy to win word of mouth is suitable. Because you are persistent, calculating, cautious and practical, you are an excellent organizer; You can accomplish your great goal easily. You may look heartless because you are surrounded by a solemn atmosphere. You can accept orders from your superiors and expect the following people to accept your orders. You work hard and feel that everyone should work hard to get something. Your good background makes you value family, pride and glory.

Uranus is in Capricorn

You want new changes in government and politics, and you are willing to legislate for a better future. Although you preach tomorrow, you will not give up yesterday. Your wise views make you an attractive and inspiring leader. You have a good hunch and insight. You can accept the old tradition and look at it in a new way. You are interested in land, resources and livestock, and you can establish relationships in these fields in a scientific way. But Capricorn and Uranus have essential conflicts. One likes to stick to tradition, and the other is a changing planet. If you can't adjust this conflict, you may become uneasy and nervous.

Neptune Capricorn

Neptune was last in Capricorn from 1984 to 1998. It was a conservative and serious era, and they had a deep sense of responsibility and self-discipline. We should also strive to turn creative emotions into practical and visible applications. When Neptune is stronger than Capricorn, they will integrate their spiritual and poetic imagination into their daily lives. 1984 When Neptune entered Capricorn, there were many practical discoveries. People have developed marine food or new forms of government and political concepts.

Pluto is in Scorpio (entering the temple)

From 1983 to 1995, Pluto will be in Scorpio. There were no great discoveries or any important astrology or revolution in this period; There is no important new wave in art, but there will be many wonderful explorations, which will bring great changes and turmoil. This may be the real beginning of the Aquarius era, or it may symbolize the Armageddon between good and evil predicted in the Bible. This will bring many commercial and financial reforms and brand-new medical trends; Perhaps it is the resurrection of natural therapy, and we will have a deeper understanding of the subconscious. They will be very sensitive to their environment, have strong feelings, be involved in mysterious things, have a keen eye for everything they undertake, and sometimes even be ruthless.

The rising constellation refers to the constellation that rose on the eastern horizon when you and I were born.

This "rising constellation" can be regarded as your soul orientation and the rudder of your life. Because before going out of society and self, a person only has personality, temper and so on, and there is no "positioning", but once he gradually goes out of society and self, the characteristics of the rising constellation will gradually become fully apparent. Therefore, when you are young, the position of the soul is not important, and it is not easy to be clearly distinguished, but its power will gradually increase after you are 40 years old, firmly locking the general direction of life for you!

Theoretically, different rising constellations will give you different shapes, but after the ten planets in our birthday chart play against each other, the pressure angle and harmony angle will distort our original basic model at will!

What is Ascending Constellation (ASC)?

At birth, the first rising constellation on the eastern horizon is the rising constellation. Because of this, the position of the first house on the birth chart must be in the rising constellation.

Ascending constellation-your personality mask

The rising constellation is our external manifestation, and you are perceived by the outside world. So the way you express yourself can also be known from the rising constellation.

Usually, a person's sun and rising constellation are different, which is why we call the rising constellation our "personality mask". Most of the time, our sun is hidden behind the rising constellation.

In the 24 hours of a day, the twelve constellations rise from the ground level in turn, so we can know that the replacement time of each rising constellation is about two hours. Besides, your sun sign is a sign that rises at sunrise on the day you were born. In other words, only those born at sunrise are the lucky ones with the same sun sign and rising sign, and their external manifestations are consistent with their internal essence.

The rising constellation will affect a person to hold a certain idea and think about how to behave in order to be accepted by others. Because the rising sign is also the first house of everyone's life, which means our childhood environment, we can know that the rising sign (that is, self-expectation) was affirmed and encouraged by our parents when we were young.

The rising constellation reveals not only our speech and behavior patterns, but also our clothes, hairstyles, appearances and so on.

Sagittarius rising

This rising constellation is really a hunter. They are always enthusiastic, adventurous, ambitious and proactive. They always appear optimistic and enterprising in front of people, and at the same time bring joy to all their friends. However, this rising constellation is also easy to give people a very reckless feeling, because their optimistic attitude will make some people who love to worry look down on this person and think that this person is not practical at all, so try to show your infinite vitality.