Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - On Yi People's Belief and Worship

On Yi People's Belief and Worship

Different people have the power to support themselves. Most of the old people we know will go to the Buddha to pray for a lifetime of peace afterwards, as if God were guiding our way. Do you know what the Yi people believe in? In this issue, I will take you into Yi culture and see Yi people's beliefs and worship.

Yi people's religion has a strong primitive religious color, and they believe in many gods, mainly including nature worship, totem worship and ancestor worship.

In the worship of nature, the most important thing is the belief in elves and ghosts. It is believed that many inanimate substances in nature are attached to elves, everything left by the ancestors of a family, such as clothes, jewelry, silverware, utensils and so on. You can attach the elf "Jill", which is considered to have the magic power to protect the family. In addition, it personifies natural things and worships various natural gods. It is believed that there is a god in the sky, a god on the ground, a god in the sun, and a god dominates all mountains, rivers and lightning.

Totem worship is the development and deepening of nature worship. According to the genealogy of Yi people, animals, plants or other natural objects are often used as surnames. For example, Liangshan Yi people have surnames such as "pulling (tiger) horse", "jima (bamboo)" and "cutting (carving)"; Until the 1940s, the Yi people in Wuding, Yunnan Province still retained the remains of the totem system such as monkeys, tigers, dragons, roes, rats, cows, buffaloes, birds, phoenixes, snakes, bees, pears, black sand, light, earth, mountains, forks in the road and hip flask.

Before liberation, Liangshan Yi people took ancestor worship as the core, and integrated nature worship, ghost worship and totem worship. Around these beliefs, we often carry out activities such as killing animals and offering sacrifices to ghosts, praying for disaster relief, evoking spirits and sending them away, as well as divination, divination and taboo. Yi people believe in ghosts and have the concept of "immortal soul". They believe that the human soul can exist without the human body. The soul is possessed at birth and wanders around the world after death. Yi language is "Ira".

The religious form of the Yi people is still in the advanced stage of primitive religion, and soul worship, ancestor worship, spiritual worship and superstition of ghosts and gods are the main beliefs of the Yi people. There are two kinds of religious hosts, Suri and Bimo. Religious activities include divination, sacrifice and witchcraft.