Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - How is Huang Yueying described in The Romance of the Three Kingdoms?

How is Huang Yueying described in The Romance of the Three Kingdoms?

In fact, the name of Mrs. Huang, Zhuge Liang's wife, is not recorded in the history books, but there are two kinds of folk sayings. One is Huang Yueying, and the other is Huang Wanzhen. This paper chooses the former. Wan Zhen not only contains too many feudal feminine factors, but also easily reminds people of Orion's daughter who fought against the British army in Xie Zhuang in the late Qing Dynasty.

Yue Ying's appearance is really unsatisfactory. According to records, she is "yellow and black", her hair is dry and dull like hay, and her skin color is rough and dark like charcoal. With such a beautiful appearance, she married Zhuge Liang, an ancient wise man.

Needless to say, Zhuge Liang's talent and looks are quite good. Chen Shou wrote in "The History of the Three Kingdoms": Zhuge Liang "has few talents who love leisure and hate work and tools of heroes. He is eight feet long and has a great appearance. " Zhuge Liang written by Mr. Luo Guanzhong: "He is eight feet tall, with a face like a crown jade, wearing a black silk scarf, a crane, mountains and rivers gathering eyebrows, and hiding the opportunity of heaven and earth in his chest." As far as appearance is concerned, the actor of the movie Red Cliff chose Takeshi Kaneshiro to play Zhuge Liang, which is quite consistent with the description.

When two people stand together, the broad masses of the people will cry foul for Zhuge Liang: Sun Ce and Zhou Yu both got beautiful women, and they also married Jiangdong Er Qiao. It shouldn't be a problem for you to marry a beautiful woman!

However, don't be convinced that Huang Yueying has its own advantages. She said: I'm not as beautiful as big and small Joe, but I will. Will they?

The strange trick of locking the god operator

The daughter of Huang, a famous Henan scholar, is considered to be a good family, but she is ugly. She is not good-looking, but she has a high eye and has never liked anyone. Occasionally, someone proposes, which is also pushing from pillar to post.

Finally, one day, a stalwart figure broke into Miss Huang's heart. She fell in love with acacia. I really don't like ordinary people, but Zhuge Liang is well known.

Supposedly, like her appearance, I also want to see my dream lover, YY, and look at it from a distance. But the Huang Yueying girl refused. Everything depends on people. If she loves him, she decides to marry him.

Although ugly, I also have requirements.

However, how to attract the attention of handsome guys? People like to judge a book by its cover. Brother Zhuge turned around and left as soon as he saw me. What should I do?

So she confessed her heart to her father Huang. Lao Huangtou has always had a good relationship with Zhuge Liang and appreciates Zhuge Liang's talent. Father and daughter hit it off and agreed on a strange plan.

On this day, Huang invited Zhuge Liang to discuss at home. Zhuge Liang went with pleasure. As soon as he entered the door, Zhuge Liang was shocked to see two fierce dogs coming at him. Fortunately, Lao Huang came and twisted the dog's ear twice, and the dog actually retreated to one side and squatted down. Zhuge Liang looked intently and saw that it was a mechanical dog made of wood. He couldn't help laughing. On closer inspection, I admire the exquisite workmanship and vivid image of the mechanical dog. Huang Chao leaned over and said, "I'm flattered. This is my daughter's casual play. Kong Ming was frightened.

After Zhuge Liang sat down, he caught a glimpse of a picture of Cao Dajia's palace on the wall, with sophisticated brushwork and beautiful artistic conception, and could not help but marvel. Huang caressed his beard: "Haha, my daughter's handwriting is just graffiti. Laugh. "

Then, Zhuge Liang saw the flowers outside the window, which were so beautiful that he could not help taking a deep breath and shaking his head slightly while enjoying them. Huang stood by and said, "Oh, these flowers are planted by little girls. From sowing, irrigation, pruning and nursing, she did it all by herself. "

Zhuge Liang is naturally curious about Huang's talented daughter for three transgressions of five times.

Huang took the opportunity to get down to business: "I heard that you are not married. Although the daughter is not good-looking, she is generous and has long admired her husband. If you don't mind, I am willing to have a good relationship with you. "

At this time, Huang Yueying's outstanding talent has left a deep imprint on Zhuge Liang's mind. Although ugly, what are the disadvantages? So Zhuge Liang readily agreed to the marriage. Miss Huang's infatuation finally got her wish.

A girl whose appearance is not attractive enough, if she wants to win a blind date, she must do something extraordinary, show her strengths and keep her opponent down.

The second ugliest woman, Li Zhong, ran to the palace and shouted, "Your Majesty, you are too dangerous, too dangerous." Scared Qi Xuanwang for no reason, and then Kan Kan talked about the strategy of governing the country. Qi Xuanwang appreciated her talent and made her queen. This is forced to put all your eggs in one basket, not "lady" enough.

And our yellow girl, a victory for her father to take the initiative to match the media, is aggressive and has no retreat and shyness; The second victory is to skillfully show your talents one by one to your sweetheart and make a good impression first. Imagine that if Zhuge Liang saw Yue Ying's ugliness as soon as he entered the door, he might be disappointed and might not listen to her talent.

Therefore, ugly girls can still turn decay into magic and hold happiness in their hands with their brains.

"Don't be Kong Ming's wife."

Zhuge Liang's marrying ugly Huang Yueying has become the talk of local people after dinner, and various opinions emerge one after another.

Some villagers were outraged and felt that Zhuge Liang had been wronged. I think with Zhuge Liang's conditions, I can choose a beautiful and talented aristocratic family, but I can't find an ugly girl! So there is a proverb in the village: "Don't marry Kong Ming, marry an ugly woman." Kong Ming, you are really deficient! What a loss you are!

Don't, ZhuGeLiang ambition in the world, for political reasons?

Some people say that Zhuge Lianggan married an ugly wife because of his political future. His parents died young and were brought up by his uncle. His eldest brother Zhu Gejin went to Wu Dong to be an official, and his younger sister Zhuge Huiyuan married Nanzhang, leaving only his younger brother Zhuge Jun at home. Twenty-five years old, not married. I can't count on my family, so I want to find a more powerful family to be my backer. Huang, his father, is a generation of celebrities and has a good reputation in the local area. Huang's wife Cai and Jingzhou boss Liu Biao's stepmother are sisters. Zhuge Liang became Huang's son-in-law, and he also climbed to his relative Liu Biao.

According to this logic, although the ugly Huang Yueying is talented, Zhuge Liang won't marry her if her family is poor. This formulation commercialized Zhuge Liang's motives, and "Ge Fen" would not agree.

Others think that Zhuge Liang got married late because his thinking is different from ordinary people. He pays more attention to each other's talents when looking for a partner, but looks are second. Marrying Huang Yueying is from the heart and has nothing to do with utility.

The author thinks the latter statement is more credible. Zhuge Liang is not keen on fame and fortune. He said in the "Teacher's Watch", "I worked in Nanyang, and I have been in troubled times all my life. I don't want Wen Da to be a vassal." Later, although he became prime minister, his legacy was only 15 mu of thin fields and 800 mulberry trees.

So it is not too difficult for him to choose to value virtue over appearance.

In any case, in the surprised eyes of everyone, the prince and the ugly girl lived an enviable happy life.

A clever wife can cook without rice.

Huang Yueying, who doesn't take the usual road, always brings surprises to everyone.

Shortly after the marriage, Zhuge Liang's best friends Cui, Meng, Meng, and Zhu visited. Some wanted to eat and some wanted to eat noodles. There was no ready-made rice and flour at home, so Zhuge Liang had to accompany the guests and ask his wife to prepare quickly. I thought I would go to the market to buy it as long as it took. But not long after, Yue Ying said that rice and noodles were ready. The guests were amazed and Zhuge Liang was also very strange. There are not many domestic servants and maids at home, and the manpower is scattered. How can you prepare the meal so quickly?

So he went to the kitchen with the guests. It turned out that his wife made several Woodenhead, let them grow rice, and made a wooden donkey, and soon pulled the noodles out and ground them.

Zhuge Liang greatly appreciated this. After the guests left, he humbly asked his wife and learned some mechanical skills.

Yue Ying handled the housework well, and Zhuge Liang lived a comfortable life, and he was more able to think about the strategy of governing the country. Every time Cui and Meng visited Zhuge Liang's home, they were warmly received. They felt comfortable and praised their sister-in-law.

Besides being proficient in mechanical engineering, Yue Ying also reads widely. Whenever the spring blossoms or the autumn moon is bright, she will have a long talk with Kong Ming, with substance in her words and incisive opinions. The answer between husband and wife, the style of study is Tao Ran and infatuation. In the candlelight of the sun and the moon, Yue Ying's thick face reveals holiness and charm. Between Zhuge Liang and Yiran, he was also moved by it. This little woman really has a unique beauty!


Later, Zhuge Liang became prime minister, devoted himself to national affairs and did everything himself. He died young because of overwork. His eldest son, Zhuge Zhan, was only eight years old when he died. In this way, Kong Ming naturally has no time to take care of children's education. This burden falls on the ugly daughter-in-law Huang Yueying.

Later, Zhuge Zhan, Kongming's eldest son, defended Mianzhu during the invasion of Wei Jun and died heroically. Later, Zhuge Huai, the youngest son, was unmoved by the knighthood of Sima Yan, the emperor of the Jin Dynasty, and insisted on returning to his hometown to farm. They don't have the luxury habit of playboy, which is all due to Huang Yueying's education.

The ugliest scientist

Huang Yueying won the respect of Zhuge Liang and the public with his intelligence. She will realize her further ideal and become a powerful pillar in the career development of her husband Zhuge Liang.

After Liu Bei's death, ethnic minorities in southern Shu and Han launched a rebellion. So in 225 AD, Zhuge Liang led his troops south. The miasma in the south is very heavy, so Zhuge Liang invented "Zhuge Xing Jun San" and "Wolong Dan" to ensure the health of soldiers. It is said that these prescriptions were taught to Zhuge Liang by Huang Yueying.

In order to make the ethnic minorities yield, Zhuge Liang adopted offensive tactics, captured his leader Meng Huo alive, but released him again. After seven escapements and seven verticals, Meng Huo finally surrendered completely, and the southern country was pacified, which relieved the worries of Shu Han. Among them, Zhuge Liang used many mechanical projects, such as raft and bamboo bridge, accumulating soil to attack the city, giant wooden beasts, and mines in Panshe Valley. It is said that most of them benefited from Huang Yueying.

Later, Zhuge Liang led the army to attack Wei, and six came out of Qishan. In order to solve the problem of grain and grass transportation in the army, the "wooden ox and flowing horse" was invented. It is said that a wooden cow can carry a year's grain and walk 20 miles a day; The floating horse has two square bags, each of which can hold two meters and three buckets. It can walk on the rugged mountain road.

He also improved the crossbow, which can fire ten arrows at a time, greatly improving the combat effectiveness of the Shu army. Zhang He, the general of Wei State, died under this weapon.

These inventions, together with Kongming lanterns and fire beasts, were probably taught by his wife Huang Yueying. Anyway, they were husband and wife, and there was no patent right at that time.

Supernatural magic

Zhuge Liang in Romance of the Three Kingdoms was appraised by Lu Xun as "wise and close to a demon". To say that Zhuge Liang's "black magic" is mostly learned from Huang Yueying.

According to Zhou Dahuang, a scholar of the Republic of China, in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Huang Yueying was proficient in Taoism:

In order to surrender to the barbarian Meng Huo, Liu Yuxin Chen personally came to Zhuge Liang's home to visit Huang Yueying.

Mrs. Huang readily agreed and said that I would go at night.

Huang Yueying's daughter-in-law Princess Chengdu is very strange. Seeing her mother-in-law doing housework all day is gentle and demure. How can she go to the battlefield to conquer the barbarians?

So at dusk, she sneaked on the window of her mother-in-law's room to watch. I saw Mrs. Huang take out a paper kite from the box, wrap a letter around the kite's foot and read it aloud. The kite suddenly became a real kite and flew out of the window.

Princess Jincheng was startled and aroused her curiosity, so she asked to go with her mother-in-law to surrender the enemy. Mrs. Huang embarrassed her, but she agreed.

In the middle of the night, they took a bath and changed clothes. Mrs. Huang, wearing a star crown and gown, came to the patio with Princess Jincheng and seven swords.

There is a picture of a thunderbolt car in the courtyard, but there are no horses and chariots. The princess was surprised when Mrs. Huang gently mentioned her and the paint car. The car turned into a real car, walking in the air, and Mrs. Huang sat in front and drove.

Besides, Lu Kai, the satrap of South Vietnam, watched a bird fly out of the window that night and suddenly turned into a kite. A letter was wrapped around the kite's foot, telling Mrs Zhuge Liang that she would arrive tonight. Lu satrap is skeptical. At the fifth watch, there was only a thunder, and a thunder car came at a gallop, with Mrs. Huang and the princess sitting on it. Mrs. Huang got out of the car and with a wave of her sleeve, the car flew into the air.

Princess Jincheng asked her mother-in-law, how far did it fly? Mrs. Huang said, "but" more than two thousand miles. Princess Chengdu was shocked.

After understanding the military situation and terrain, Mrs. Huang dispatched troops, set an ambush, deployed suspected soldiers, and used the skill of ghosts and gods to divide the barbarians by three times and five, and defeated them in one fell swoop. Meng Huo was also captured alive.

Under the threat of Mrs. Huang, Meng Huo swore in public that he would never cross the line again, or he would die. Mrs. Huang and Princess Jincheng returned to Chengdu by thunder car, and the man was settled from then on.

In this description in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Mrs. Huang pacified the south and went alone. Only one successful capture of Meng was much more refreshing than Zhuge Liang's mobilization of the main forces of Shu and Han in history.

It is said that Mrs. Huang Can can also read minds, divination, medical care, astrology and so on, and she knows almost everything, which is very helpful to Zhuge Liang. Now there is a two-part allegorical saying, "Zhuge Liang's ugly wife is a treasure in the family." This Mrs. Huang is really a treasure!

Ugly, or not ugly, this is not a problem at all.

Perhaps, after all, I am still worried about Zhuge Liang's handsome boys and ugly girls. As for Yue Ying's appearance, there is a folk saying that Huang Yueying is not ugly, but very beautiful.

Then why does everyone think she is ugly? There are three kinds of speculations: one is that Huang Yueying's beauty was envied by other young girls in the village, so she vilified her appearance; It is said that Miss Huang deliberately claimed that she was ugly in order to find a husband who paid attention to inner beauty instead of appearance, so no one cared. Zhuge Liang appreciated her talent and married her, and as a result, she won a beauty. On the other hand, at that time, the world was not peaceful, and thieves were in trouble. In order to prevent being robbed by robbers, Miss Huang deliberately dressed up ugly, and only after marrying Zhuge Liang did she recover her original appearance.

Huang Yueying is not so ugly in the games and cartoons about the Three Kingdoms. After all, players and readers also have a love of beauty.

In fact, it doesn't matter whether Huang Yueying is ugly or beautiful. She played the role of a good wife. She doesn't bother Zhuge Liang about family affairs, but helps her husband everywhere. She has made outstanding achievements and her reputation is far spread.

Your heart and concubine are a natural couple, and you will be blessed in life.

Who said Zhuge Liang was wrong to marry an ugly girl?