Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - What is Vitas's song?

What is Vitas's song?

■ Annual album "Genuine"

200 1 & lt; философиячуда>;

A philosophy of thinking/surprise

1.мечты/fantasy _ dream

2.7 элемент/7th Element _ Seventh Element

3. 10722 прелюдия/opera 2 _ Opera # 2

4.прелюдия/overture _ prelude

5.карлсон/ Carlson _ Carlson

6.опера 1 (Asian version. ) /Opera 1 _ Opera # 1 (Asian version)



9.тело/body _Body

10. старыйграммон/old phonograph _ old phonograph

1 1.цирк/Circus

12.опера # 1 (European version) /Opera 1 _ Opera # 1 (European version)


2002 & lt улыбнис11000! & gt

Smile! /Smile!

1.Улыбнись! /Smile! _ Smile!

2.блаенныйгуру/saint _ Blissful Guru

3.восковыеигуры/_Wax number

4.плачетчуаятоска/Others' sadness is crying _ others' melancholy is crying.

5.Аве Мария! /Hail Mary _ Hail Mary

6.холодныймир/Cold world _ cold world


8. Фантастическиесны/fantastic dream _ fantastic dream

9. Goodbye/Goodbye _ Goodbye

10.счастье/happiness _ happiness

1 1.отцелихризантемы/

12. додьвтбилиси/The rain in Tbilisi.

13.слепокхудоник/_ Blind artist _

14.милаямузыка/Dear (gentle) music _ my dear music

15. Belarus белоруссия/Belarus

16.досвидания/Goodbye, see you later.

2003 & ltмама& gt;;


1.звезда/star _Star

2.мама/ Mom _ Mom

3. An autumn leaf

4. Many years later, черезгоды/many _ passed through the years.

5.птицыулетели/The bird flies away _ The bird flies away.

6.посвящение/dedication _ dedication


8.бое, какяюблю/God, how much I love _ My God, how much I love her!

9.косички/pigtails Braids

10.Даже звезды покажутся письмами (Бессонница)

Even the stars look like letters.

11.инопланетныйдруг/Alien's friend.

Reward tracks:

12.листосенний (remix)/autumn leaves _ an autumn leaf (remix)

13. Just a moment.

2004 & lt мамы >

My mother's song/my mother's song

1. Happy птицасчастья/bird _ Happy bird

2.любитепокалюбися/Love, when you are still in love, just love.

3.вкрамагнолий/ On the border of Mulan _ on Mulan's land.

Almighty king, the king can do anything.

5.зима/ Winter _ Winter

6.гадалка/ fortune teller _ fortune teller

7.букет/ Bouquet _ Bouquet

8. морскаgпесенкаа/_ A Song of the Sea

9.говорящаякукла/talking doll _ talking doll

10. отцелихризантемы/chrysanthum Thank you.

1 1.горькиймед/Bitterhoney

12. ацыганиде10900/a Gypsies are marching, and Gypsies continue to walk.

13.одесса/ Odessa

10.2004 & lt; поцелуйдлиноюввечность>;

A kiss of eternity/a kiss of eternity

1, an eternal kiss/a kiss as long as eternity

Wherever you go, I will go/wherever you go, I will go.

Don't be so quiet and loud.


5. Half night, half day/half night, half day

6. Heartbeat/heartbeat

7.t-shirts and shorts/wearing tops and shorts


9. The streets of the capital

I believe in love/I believe in love.

1 1, Internet mood/Internet-mood

2007 & ltвозвращениедомой& gt;;

Go home/home

0 1 Lucia Di Lammermoor/ Lucia in Latin America.

02 оперная/Opera House

03 лебедьмой/My Swan _ My Swan

япрошувсехсвятых/_I ask the saints.

05 Где эти зимы? /

Where did you go in winter? _ Where are these winters?

06берегаросии/ Russia Coast _ Russia Coast

07 Здравствуй, Родина любимая моя/

Hello, my dear motherland! _ Hello, my dear motherland!

08 Прости, Господь! /Please forgive me, God! _ Forgive me, Lord!

09 вишневыйсад/cherry Orchard _ cherry orchard

10 милостыня/alms _ charity

11инопланетныйдруг/alien friend _

12друба/ Friendship _ Friendship

2007 Возвращение домой2

Go home 2/ Go home 2

01крикомуравлиным/Crane's cried.

Jamaica, Jamaica

03 ангелбезкрыла/Wingless Angel _ Wingless Angel

04 маленькийпринц/_ Prince Little

05 принцесса/Princess

06 мудрец/Sage Saint

07 топол?/poplar Poplar Poplar Area

08 старыйкалендар11000/_ old calendar

ятвоеовторяюимя/I whispered your name-I repeat your name.

10 колыбельная/lullaby _ lullaby

11листосений/autumn leaves _ an autumn leaf.