Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - How to explain "lesson" in ancient Chinese?

How to explain "lesson" in ancient Chinese?

Lesson 1: Basic Word Meaning

1. A stage of teaching: class. ~ time. ~ room. Open it. Grant ~. ~ more activities. 2. Teaching subjects: ~ courses. ~ table. Basic. Major. ~ Ben. ~ Wen. 3. Teaching, lecturing or studying: ~ Apprentice. ~ reading. 4. An ancient tax: the state. Pay after the food is finished. 5. Let it pay tax: ~ tax. ~ service. 6. Institutions, enterprises and other administrative units (now also called "departments"): accounting. 7. a superstitious divination: from ~.

Detailed word meaning


1. From the word, fruit sound. Original meaning: assessment) 2. Same original meaning (verified according to some standards) [check]

Students, give it a try. -"Shuo Wen"

Fuck and kill, and teach capable ministers. -"Everything is wrong."

No lessons, no use, no trying, no hiding. -"customs law"

Without class, there would be no officials; There is no class without rewards and punishments. -Su Xun's Book of Kings 3. Another example is: teaching career; Class test (test, assessment); Performance (performance appraisal) 4. Supervise the completion of the assigned work.

The family members in the class left in a hurry with hundreds of pounds of things on their shoulders. -"Were" 5. Teach or learn [teaching and learning] according to the prescribed content and weight.

I have classes with teacher Lu until midnight every night, playing four drums. -"The Scholars" 6. Another example is: attending classes (teaching children to read); Classroom reading (teaching or learning according to the specified content and quantity) 7. Tax collection; Dispatch labor [taxes]

I am years old and started renting houses for foreigners in the south of Xuzhou. -"Song Xiao Shu Emperor Wu Ji" Volume 8. Another example is: class service (tax collection, corvee service); The lesson of heavy taxes. divine

It's amazing that people can attend classes one day and let them attend classes. -Hui Hong's Cold Zhai Night Talk 10. Another example is: class management (divination sign management); Tell lies in class (nonsense)

1. Teaching subjects [subjects; Courses]. For example, compulsory courses; Basic courses; Main course; Specialized course 2. Teaching time [class hours]. Such as: level 4; One Chinese class three. [Quantity]: part of the teaching course; In particular, it refers to the content of a subject completed within the teaching time of the unit (usually not more than one hour). For example, there are two classes today; This textbook is divided into twenty lessons. 4. Taxation

Free from class service. -Wei Zhi's Sui Shu 5. Another example is: national level; Salts; Class entrance (there were rents, levies and transfers in the Tang Dynasty, and the taxable population was called class entrance); Class households (taxpayers) 6. Government agencies, schools and other administrative units (also called departments) [departments] Such as: general affairs; Special high school curriculum 7. The first-level administrative unit [division] below the ministries and bureaus of the Japanese government. For example, the China Test of the Provincial Bureau (1).

(voice. From the old province, (k m 4 o) sound. According to Oracle Bone Inscriptions and Jin Wen, they both walk like crutches carrying old people, which is synonymous with old age. Original meaning: old, old) The original meaning is the same [old age]

Test, Lao Ye. -Shuo Wen

The test of wealth and longevity. -"New Tang Book"


Another example: longevity test (longevity); Final exam (whole year); Annual exam (enjoy life)



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Dead father

Father is a test. -"Erya"

Postgraduate entrance examination prolongs life. -"Cang Xie"

There is nothing to blame for having children take exams. -"One Ancient"

Running around, the road is long, and it's Xiu Yuan. -"Book and Wine"

Life is called father, and death is called examination. -Book of Rites Quli

Kao Temple, Wang Kao Temple, Huangkao Temple, Xiankao Temple and Zukao Temple. -Sacrificial Ritual Law

The exam is over in five days. -Book Hong Fan. According to the examination, candidates are called descendants.

My emperor said, "Bo Yong". -"Chu Ci Li Sao"


Another example is: Kao Yan (father called Kao, mother called Cong, commonly known in ancient times; Nowadays, people call their dead parents.




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Under the guise of "examination". Knock, knock [strike; Beat]

There are drums in your house. If you don't fight, don't fight. -"Poetry, tang style and You Shan"

Stone sounds, and it doesn't ring without inspection. -"Zhuangzi Heaven and Earth"

The poor man is looking for it with an axe. -Su Song Shi "The Story of Shi Zhongshan"


Another example: test (knocking at the door); Test (drums)


Under the guise of Kao. cruel torture

You prisoners have been plundered, and all the five poisons are involved. -"The Biography of Dai Jiu in the Later Han Dynasty"


Another example: exams (flogging, torture; Tortured to death in prison); Death by examination (torture); Test and kill (torture and kill)


Check, test [exaime; Check]

A brief test of his behavior. -Sima Qian's letter to Ren An.


Another example: compare (check; Verification); Textual research (evaluation of official achievements)


Check [test]; Check]

What's more, the name cannot be tested. -Preface to Sun Wen's Struggle for the Seventy-two Martyrs in Huanghuagang


Another example: textual research (according to); Correction (verification and proof according to literature); Inspection (careful investigation); Search (investigation and exploration; Research); Textual research (the way of being respected); Examination (exploration and research)


Complete; Establish [finish; Establish]

Kaoko's palace -"Zuo Zhuan, five years of seclusion"

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Another example: failed in the exam (completed; Completed); Pass the exam (completed; Built)

I hope you don't faint ~ ~