Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - What magic projects are there in Harry Potter? Who is the teacher?

What magic projects are there in Harry Potter? Who is the teacher?

Deformation class: Minerva McGonagall

Magic class: Flitwick

Potions: severus snape (1-5 grade)

Horace Lagerhorn (sixth grade)

Herbal course: germination

Defense against the dark arts: Quirrell (first grade)

Gidro Lockhart (second grade)

Remus lupin (Grade Three)

Alaste Moody (Mad Eye) (fourth grade)

Dolores jane umbridge (Grade 5)

Severus snape (sixth grade)

Protecting magical creatures: rubeus hagrid

Grampula (substitute teacher)

Phantom: Vicky Tekros

Flying lesson: Roland Hodge

History of Magic: Binns (A Ghost)

Divination: sibyll trelawney (Grade 3-Grade 6)

French (Grade 5-6)