Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Don't you understand the ending of Yunnan Worm Valley?

Don't you understand the ending of Yunnan Worm Valley?

There's another ending you haven't seen before. Because of the limited quantity, you can't post all of them. You can see it on the Chinese website of Heroes.


Chapter 235 Bremen Band

The tower burial of Moguoling Mausoleum has always been equipped with two sacrificial ditches according to its shape and size, which are like two dragons playing with pearls. Because there are a lot of wild animal bones as sacrifices in the ditch, Lamill locals call it Tibetan bone ditch. Unexpectedly, we entered Dinglong Glacier from a Tibetan bone ditch and finally climbed out of the ground, actually in another Tibetan bone ditch. However, there are abundant geothermal resources and dense vegetation here, which are rare in the mountainous areas of Lamill.

At this time, the stars are bright, the terrain in the canyon is also bumpy, and the pine and cypress in the forest are full of slopes, covering all the stars. Under the night sky, the air between Shan Ye is particularly cool and fresh, and the cool wind will seep into the heart and lungs as soon as it is called. I took two long deep breaths before I realized the happiness of the rest of my life. The rest of the people also refreshed, and the anxiety of waiting for death was swept away.

Who knows that something unexpected happens in the sky, a cloud floats over the top of the valley, joins with the rising airflow, and it rains heavily in the blink of an eye. Kunlun mountain has four seasons, and ten miles are different. It snows at the top of the mountain, maybe it rains at the foot of the mountain, maybe it hails halfway up the mountain. We were soaked in the rain before we even had time to complain about the bad weather.

I touched the rain on my face and looked at the surrounding terrain. This valley is ethereal and deep, and it has been inaccessible for many years. Most of the ancient relics in the valley no longer exist, but some stone piles and cracks formed by active volcanoes in the early days have remained intact after numerous wind and rain denudation. Not far from us, there is a cave, obliquely embedded in the cliff, which is a good place to shelter from the rain for the night.

I call on everyone to hide in the cave for shelter from the rain. Because there may be wild animals in the cave, the fat man carries a sports rifle and runs to explore the road first. Uncle Ming and A Xiang followed behind with their hands over their heads.

I found that Yang Ping was in no hurry. Even if the rain falls on her, she still walks slowly. She seemed to enjoy this feeling, so I asked her what she wanted to do slowly, not afraid of getting wet by the rain.

Yang Ping said that after drilling in the earth hole dug by Guanyin for a long time, his whole body was covered with dirty mud. Unfortunately, there are no mirrors now. Otherwise, let everyone see themselves, and most of them won't recognize themselves. Let the rain wash it away. When you get to the mouth of the cave, make a fire and dry it immediately. Don't worry about getting sick.

After hearing what she said, I just remembered that the five of us climbed out of the ground, covered in filth, really like a pile of unearthed cultural relics. However, although the climate here is warm, it is easy to get sick after a long rain in the mountains, so I told her to take shelter in the cave. Don't get carried away by her narrow escape, it will be clean soon. In case it rains and gonorrhea, it will not be worth the loss.

I took Yang Ping, followed by three others, and went into the cave. I smelled a faint smell of sulfur as soon as I entered. There are several white stone pits in the cave. It seems that geothermal water has been sprayed here before, and several hot springs have gushed out. Now it has dried up. Although the smell is a little uncomfortable, don't worry about wild animals.

There are many dead branches and leaves in the valley. Fat man and I went to a place where it didn't rain, and picked up a lot of them and brought them back. We piled them in the cave, built a bonfire on the ground, and took out the leftover Guanyin to bake. Guanyin's meat is like a fat hamster, fat and thin, with five flowers and three layers. Very suitable for baking. There is not much time to bake, and it is already golden yellow. There is no seasoning, so it is inevitable that there will be some rustic flavor when eating, but after getting used to it, the more you chew, the more fragrant you feel.

The flame burns more and more brightly, which makes people feel hot all over, relaxes the tense nerves, and all the fatigue and pain accumulated in the past few days pour out, making them feel exhausted from the inside out. I chewed Guanyin's retreat for a long time. I almost fell asleep before I finished chewing the meat in my mouth. I yawned and was about to lie down and take a nap, but I found myself sitting opposite me, looking at me as if I had something to say to me.

"Will you go to America with me?"

Yang Ping said many times, but I never promised, because life and death were unpredictable at that time, and we lived like the end of the world every day, but now it's different. Now that we are free from the nightmare of curse, I must give her an answer. I have asked myself many times in my mind. Of course, I want to go to the United States, not because it is so good, but because I think I can't live without Yang Ping. But the fat man and I are poor now, and we can't make much money even if we pull the bottom of the box. How do we make a living there? Most of the comrades I sacrificed came from old areas and poverty-stricken areas. Who will take care of their families in the future? Of course, Yang Ping will not hesitate to solve many difficulties in our economy, but self-reliance is my principle. I never hesitate to do things, but I have to think about it this time.

So I said to Yang Ping, Give me some time to think about it. If I go to America, it will be useless for me to study geomantic occultism for the rest of my life. Ever since I first arrived at Panjiayuan Antique Market in Beijing, I have planned to make a big fight and make a windfall. Otherwise, wouldn't this tactic of touching the gold and looking for the dragon be a waste of knowledge? We haven't been to the dragon house, but we haven't touched anything of value either. It's a little hard to say. It's hot to go abroad here now, so it's fashionable to go abroad. Everyone is eager to go abroad. No matter which country you go to, even the third world countries are rushing to go. Anyway, they all plan to go abroad first. Of course, we also want to go to America, but the time is not yet ripe.

The fat man next to him said, "Yes, Commander Hu's grandiose words about taking a big fight as the goal of life are still in my ears. This is our highest ideal. If we don't give up this wish, we won't be able to eat or sleep well. "

Uncle Ming listened to our words and seemed to have some big plans. He quickly said to us, "Are you kidding?" You're going to make a big move before you get out of Kunlun Mountain? Do take me with you. I can provide the funds and all the necessary materials. Although we lost everything this time, we didn't lose the gamble. I believe that Brother Hu's strength will definitely lead to great events. "

I said impatiently to uncle Ming, "don't follow the input, okay?" Can't you see that there are three great inverted bucket workers here who are talking about the future of inverted bucket industry selflessly? It will be a sleepless night. "

Uncle Ming lost his wife and soldiers. Now, of course, he won't give up any chance to make money. He smiled and continued to say to me, "Of course, I know you are all people who do great things, but a hero has three gangs. Besides Fat Man and Teacher Yang, I can also help a little. " I have valuable information here. Have you ever heard of the tomb of King Hami in Xinjiang? It is said that there is a set of golden scriptures in the tomb of King Hami. Every page of the book is made of gold, and it is filled with all kinds of precious stones. Reading a line of scripture can make withered flowers bloom again, and reading two lines of scripture can make ... "Uncle Ming said, shaking his head with his eyes closed, as if the golden scripture had been touched and intoxicated by him.

Yang Ping saw what I was discussing and was interrupted by Uncle Ming. The topic is getting farther and farther. If we continue, we may have to discuss the Tianshan Mountain beating King Hami, so I cleared my throat and pulled my attention back from the topic of Uncle Ming. Yang Ping said to me, "You obviously said it yourself on the top of the statue that hit Leishan. You don't want to do inverted bucket any more. You want to go to America with me, and it's less than a day now, and you don't even recognize it. " But I'm not angry with you, because I understand your feelings. It's still a long way back. Please give me an answer when you arrive in Beijing. I hope the advice I gave you before was not in vain ... Do you know the story of Bremen? I think there are many similarities between this story and our experience. "

Me and fatty, you look at me, I look at you. We have never heard of a band that doesn't sell coal. Yang Ping actually said that our experience is similar to this band. What's she trying to say? I really can't figure out what is the connection between "Captain Touch Gold" and "No Coal Selling Band". Is it that a group of people are fighting and singing? So he asked Yang Ping what is a "band that doesn't sell coal"?

Yang Ping said, "It's not that we don't sell coal. It is Bremen, a place name in Germany. This story is a fairy tale. The four animals in the story-donkeys, dogs, cats and chickens-all feel that life is too stressful. They decided to form a band to perform in Bremen and thought that they would be very popular there and live a happy life. In their hearts, reaching end of the tour in Bremen is their ultimate ideal. "

The fat man and I shook our heads at the same time: "This metaphor is very inappropriate. How can it be compared with the animals in these fairy tales? "

Yang Ping said, "listen to me first. In fact, the Bremen band they formed did not reach Bremen until the end, because on their journey to Bremen, they defeated the bad guys in the hunter's cabin with wisdom and stayed there to live happily. Although Bremen has never been to Bremen, they found what they wanted on their journey and realized their own value. "

Although the fat man still didn't understand, I have basically understood the meaning of Yang Ping's story. Bremen band, which has never been to Bremen, is really similar to those of us who didn't make a fortune by robbing tombs. Perhaps we have gained a lot of valuable things during our journey, and their value even exceeds our great goal of "making a windfall". The destination is not important, what matters is what we have gained in the process of going to the destination.

After listening to Bremen's story, I was silent for a long time and suddenly asked the fat man, "Why do we have to fight backwards?" Is there any other reason besides needing money? "

Fat man was I asked one leng, thought for a long time before he said, "inverted bucket? This is because ... because we can do nothing but inverted bucket. "

After listening to the fat man, I have a strong sense of loss. My heart is empty and I don't want to talk any more. After eating something, the rest of the people leaned against the cave wall to rest. Worrying about sleeping, it seems that something hidden in my heart has been touched, which is a review of my own destiny.

My background is similar to that of a fat man. We both came from military families and experienced the catastrophe of the Cultural Revolution for ten years. That age is the most important stage in the formation of values and world outlook in a person's life. The concept of innocent revolution and rational rebellion is deeply rooted, and the teachers in the school are criticized and their studies are basically abandoned. They want a culture without culture and production technology without production technology. This is not only the sorrow of the two of us, but also the sorrow of the whole era. Later, we called for "a vast world to train our hearts". We jumped the queue in the most remote ravine in Inner Mongolia, and truly realized a "vast world" where there was no one in a hundred miles. I am very lucky. I went to the countryside for more than a year and became a soldier. But the fat man packed his bags and ran back, but he didn't know how many years he would spend in the mountains.

Joining the army was my childhood dream, but I didn't catch up with the good times. I only dream of participating in World War III every night. The soldier worked for ten years and became a company commander at the age of twenty-nine. For me, it was a great opportunity to make contributions to southern Xinjiang, but my bright future was obliterated by the impulse on the battlefield. A man who has lived in the army for ten years loses everything once he leaves the army. After the reform and opening up, a large number of new things and brand-new values flooded into China. It's even hard for me to adapt to this change. I wanted to learn to do some business, but I found that I was not the material at all, and gradually lost my ideals and pursuits. I just ate it all day and died.

It was not until the fat man and I met the big gold teeth and started our career of "touching gold as a captain" that I found my goal little by little. For me, "fighting and making a fortune" may just be an unreliable idea, because as the fat man said, there is nothing we can do except fighting. I just want to live a full life instead of wasting my time in mediocrity. When I come to America, I can continue to struggle, earn more money and make people who need my help live a more relaxed life.

I have never thought about my life so carefully as I do now. My thoughts fluctuated at that time. Although I closed my eyes, I didn't feel sleepy at all. I heard that the rest of the people were very tired and soon fell asleep. The rain stopped outside, and I suddenly heard a man coming softly outside.

I quietly opened my eyes a little, and saw that the fire had been extinguished by half, and Uncle Ming was stealthily walking outside the cave. He was carrying a rucksack with some leftover meat, several assault suits and dry batteries. If you want to go out from the mountains, you must have at least these things. I immediately jumped up, grabbed his wrist and asked in a low voice, "Where do you want to go in the middle of the night?" Don't tell me that you always have to put grass at night, and you don't have to carry a backpack to put grass; Why didn't you tell me that if you had to hurry, I could give you a ride. "

When I came to the unexpected, Uncle Ming was too scared to have a heart attack: "I ... I ... Alas ... an old man is a drop in the ocean. How dare you bother to send him away?"

I told uncle Ming, you are a senior, why don't you send it? Where the hell do you want to go? Uncle Ming stamped his foot and said, "It's a long story ..." When he spoke, he looked worried and whispered sadly to me, "To tell you the truth, this time I came out alive from the ground and felt like a dream. Looking back, I feel that life is like a big dream, painful and short. I survived this time, but everything was open. I have a plan to go to a temple to be a Lama, recite scriptures and worship Buddha, and spend the rest of my life confessing my sins. But I was afraid that A Xiang would be sad, so I'd better not make her sad, so I decided to leave without saying goodbye. I think, with your brother Hu around, you will have a good home, so don't bother to take care of me. I am an old man in the wind, let me go with the wind. "

I almost didn't ask uncle Ming to cheer me up. If I play this trick for the first time, maybe I will really be fooled by him, but I have understood his plan. Old Hong Kong farmers seem to have promised Yang Ping to go to the United States when they saw me. Nine times out of ten, there will be no more inverted bucket. At present, there is only one way to hide the bones, and it is not difficult to get out, so they want to escape from the golden cicada. He still owes me a room full of antiques. How can he run away? So I grabbed Uncle Ming's backpack and said, "All the monks are empty, but don't go in a hurry. It was agreed in Beijing. That shelf of antique toys, including the jade that Yang Guifei moistens her lungs and quenches her thirst, should be mine. Let's wait until we get back to Beijing to settle accounts. Whether you want to be a Taoist or a Lama is none of my business, but before that, we have to be close and inseparable. "

Chapter DiErSanLiu Wish

I think everyone else is sleeping soundly at this time, and everyone is really tired. There is no need to disturb others because of Uncle Ming's cleverness, so I can't take my backpack back from Uncle Ming and put it under my head to tell Uncle Ming to leave, but I can't take anything with me because we need it. If you don't want to leave, find a place to have a good rest and don't wake others.

Uncle Ming had no choice but to come back, sit on the ground and whisper to me: "Brother Hu ... let me say one more thing. It's a pity that the tomb of King Hami didn't fall last time. Let's work together to make it bigger. " Don't look at my age, but through the ages, how many tough veterans have there been? Po knows the art of war, and he is a great statesman ... "

I left my pie mouth, closed my eyes and went to sleep, ignoring him. Uncle Ming felt bored, but he didn't succeed in running. He was inevitably embarrassed and had to rest on the spot.

This time, I really let go of the world, and the dream soul flew away from home. I don't know how long I slept, but I was awakened by Yang Ping. It's getting dark and the weather in the mountains is changing. Now that the sky is high and the clouds are light, we must leave this valley. The underground volcanic belt is extremely active, and the sulfur smell in the valley is much stronger than at night. Although it is difficult to judge whether there will be danger, it is not advisable to stay here for a long time.

We have nothing left, so we don't need to do any more sorting. At present, A Xiang is still carried by the fat man and set off.

After coming out of the underground, the diving watch in Citizen has been scrapped, and the compass on it has lost its function, because this multifunctional watch, although completely adapted to the harsh natural environment in the wild, has one disadvantage, that is, it is airtight. Precision mechanical watches are most afraid of water vapor, and the water vapor generated by high temperature can easily enter sealed watches. If the pressure in the gauge changes slightly, the precision parts will fall off and become loose. Mechanical positioning is no longer possible, but fortunately, the direction of this bone groove is very clear. Only after going out, in the mountainous area with high altitude, do you need to find the direction through the experience of field survival.

A group of people went west and went out of the valley. They had to bypass the Dinglong Glacier and reach another ditch, where the yak team at the supply station should wait for us. Although we try to walk in low-lying places, the altitude is still rising sharply and the temperature is getting lower and lower. In the Cooper forest sandwiched by glaciers on both sides, there are gravel everywhere. Walking in it is like being in a river of stones and wood. Between the high rocks, you can occasionally see snow lotus in full bloom, beautiful and white, with pleasant flowers. In fact, snow lotus is not as precious and rare as the legend in the world. It can be seen in the market near the glacier, and it is widely used as medicine by local Tibetan doctors and monks. Only Bingxin Snow Lotus is extraordinary, so it is difficult to see it casually.

After half a day's journey, the clouds in the sky gradually thinned. The mysterious snow peak of Lamill in Khartoum inadvertently lifted the mysterious veil and looked up at the heights. Around the Dinglong Glacier, there are several snow-capped mountains, as if the goddess is wearing a silver crown, emitting dazzling light, standing tall and proud of the sky, which is different. The rare and magnificent ice towers on the mountainside, like diamonds embedded in the edge of a silver crown, are a world of stained glass. If the clouds were not very thin, you wouldn't see such a strange and charming scenery at all. The stone forest formed by countless strange stones under the glacier is densely extended and integrated with the ancient forest at low altitude.

Melting water from glaciers is undercurrent in the low forest, making a rhythmic jingle, as if the fairy's jade fingers were gently plucking the strings and flowing out a series of touching notes. Although we are hungry and cold, we feel that we can't breathe well, but seeing such a fairyland-like scenery, we have to sigh that it is really great to be here alive.

At the edge of the forest, people feel that their physical strength is close to the limit. The fat man gasped and turned purple, so he had to put A Xiang down first and couldn't walk without rest. A Xiang is already out of breath. I know it's not fatigue, but anoxic reaction caused by excessive exercise in plateau area. If you go all the way and the altitude rises gradually, you will never be able to breathe evenly, so you can only rest in place until their altitude sickness is alleviated. But without oxygen tanks, I'm afraid A Xiang can't survive.

I feel stuffy in my chest, too. I looked at the vast mountains and forests in the distance. I really don't know how far I have to go. I was in a hurry when I suddenly found several figures on the hillside in the distance. I thought my eyes were dazzled by the silver light of the snow-capped mountains, so I rubbed my eyes and looked at them carefully. There are no mistakes. This was indeed seen by someone, Yang Ping and others. Look at their clothes and clothes. Joining us into the mountain were several local porters.

The four men didn't find us. They seem to bow down in front of the misty mountain and keep kowtowing. When they finally found the yak team, they were refreshed, supported each other, waved hello and walked to the porters. When we approached, the porters also found us, and they were equally happy. They pointed to the snow peak and motioned for us to look over there.

I followed their hands, expecting to go. In a very high place, there are more than a dozen wild yaks, strong and huge, moving forward slowly like pieces of black stones, just like walking in the sky. They are twice as big as ordinary yaks. They are typical alpine animals, extremely hardy and few in number. They inhabit and wander near the inaccessible mountains, and their vitality is tenacious and remarkable. They are regarded as gods by local people, and they are symbols of good luck and infinite strength. It's hard to see one at ordinary times This time, I saw a group of people. What a wonderful omen. No wonder these people are so excited.

These wild yaks are huge, up to four meters long, majestic and powerful, with thick horns, long and thick black hair, and the skirt hair on the abdomen reaches the ground. Its tongue, horns and hooves are its three major weapons, and even kurama, bears and wolves dare not provoke them. It seems that these wild yaks came to the basin on the other side of the mountain on ice and snow.

Looking at the wild yaks walking slowly on the heavenly road, people have to feel awe of nature and life. Everyone witnessed a huge and silent yak gradually disappearing behind the ridge of the snowy mountain, and the clouds in the mountain closed again and wrapped the silver snow peak again. If we lose something in our hearts, we still look at the clouds every time, and it takes a long time to come to our senses.

Due to the rapid rise of geothermal energy, the clouds on the top of the snow were dispersed, and Xuefeng revealed its true self. This once-in-a-lifetime opportunity is worship and kowtow. Several porters who stayed in the supply camp came to pray for the care of the phoenix, and they were very happy to see the auspicious wild yak unexpectedly. There was a cold wave on the glacier a few days ago, and then an avalanche. They are very worried. At this time, we came back safely, and they shook the prayer wheel and praised the Buddha's compassion. Although I regret the death on the first day, the local herdsmen's views on life and death are completely different from ours. It is a great achievement to die under the sacred snow peak. Moreover, he killed the white wolf king, the incarnation of the demon, in Kunlun Mountain, and he will definitely become the protector of the Buddha in the first day and the next life. May he bless Lamill in heaven and never be threatened by the wolf disaster again.

There are a lot of equipment and medicines in the supply camp, and the deteriorating situation in A Xiang has stabilized. He put an oxygen bottle on the yak's back for two days, and there is no danger for the time being. Yang Ping said that she would take A Xiang to the United States, so that Uncle Ming wouldn't sell her in the future. In America, she can have eye surgery so that she can lead a normal life in the future.

We set off, rode yaks, and finally walked out of Lamill Mountain and returned to the desolate ancient grassland of Zajesse. When the shepherd saw the crowd returning, he was busy making rice cakes and butter tea for us, and soon began to bring meals for everyone to eat and drink. Although not as luxurious as dinner in the mountains, it is also rich and delicious. First, we ate hand-grabbed mutton, then Tibetan steamed buns with thin skin and plenty of meat, white sugar raisins for pilaf, and finally we gave everyone a big bowl of yogurt.

We haven't had such a decent meal for days. We threw away our cheeks and ate hard, and finally we couldn't sit still. Only then reluctantly did the shepherd remove the leftovers and asked people, "What time will dinner be served tomorrow morning?" Of course, such people are mainly me, fatty and uncle Ming. Yang Ping is not as worthless as we are, and A Xiang didn't eat much, only drank two bowls of yogurt.

In the evening, I drank Iron staff Lama and talked about my journey into the mountains. After hearing this, the Lama made a speech. "Auspicious and unique adventures are endless, and the whole is a brilliant victory. This is not only your nature, but also the care of the Buddha. This body is a container of pain, just like your own enemy. If you can make good use of this body by fate, it will become the basis of good luck ... "

Iron staff Lama doesn't know much about Dust Beads, so I simply told him some interesting things. In fact, the dust bead is chicken gall, and Tibetan tantric also has a geomantic theory, which is similar to China's geomantic theory, but the terminology is different. Just like the mountainous area of Lamill, Tantric Sect calls it Phoenix Holy Land, which is the land of phoenix birds; In the geomantic omen of Jade Bird, it means that it is the dragon top of the spine of heaven and earth, and the place where Yin and Yang meet.

After the fall of the magic kingdom, chicken gall flowed into the Central Plains. The princes and nobles in charge of divination in the Zhou Dynasty predicted that it was a secret weapon symbolizing immortality and rebirth, and it came from the land of the Phoenix. But how to use it correctly, there is no clue about divination. Only a few people who have mastered the 16-character divination can get a glimpse of the mystery. The hexagram has long been lost, and we can only imagine its content through some speculation. Since the Qin and Han Dynasties, some privileged classes have kept the keels of Feng Yin and Qishan, probably out of longing for immortality, hoping to unlock the secrets one day.

This phoenix gall is actually a sacrificial vessel used by the magic kingdom to sacrifice ghost caves. Phoenix Jingu is blessed with two pools. If we use Yin-Yang geomantic omen to illustrate, these two pools are small circles with black and white lines in the Taiji diagram. There is a line separating black and white yin and yang in the middle of Taiji diagram, and the black and white sides symbolize the integration of yin and yang. The pool of the Phoenix Shrine symbolizes these two points. If these two points are covered by opposite colors, then Yin and Yang are no longer integrated, but obviously separated.

I let Iron staff Lama look at the eye mark behind me. It has turned from red to black, indicating that the channel between reality and imagination has been completely cut off. I finally got rid of the entanglement of the murderous ghost hole. However, when we left the altar, we just happened to catch up with A Xiang's disappearance, so we were anxious, and then we forgot to get back Feng Dan, so it was impossible to go back. This is a great pity.

Iron staff Lama said that the original phoenix gall is the pearl of reincarnation mentioned in the poem of the enemy orb, that is to say, the hero king, like the infinite Buddhist Mani orb, can rival the pearl of reincarnation of the magic kingdom. The sky is boundless, the earth is impossible, the remnants of the magic country are still not clean, the law is changing, and the world is impermanent. What you have done can be regarded as a great good fruit, wonderful and auspicious.

The Lama said that he would go to the lake to fulfill his wish in the future and asked me what my plans were. I said I was thinking about going abroad. Speaking of which, it is his long-cherished wish to think that Iron staff Lama was old and died on the pilgrimage to the lake. Tibet is far from Wan Li, and I'm afraid I'll never see you again in my life. My eyes began to be sad.

Early the next morning, Yang Ping and Iron staff Lama discussed and wanted to donate a sum of money to a temple near Lamill to build a golden Buddha statue to pray for the dead. I know that Yang Ping believes in God and not Buddhism. She did this for us to a great extent, because I broke many rules when fighting with fat people and others. If it weren't for fate, she would have died long ago, and I am very grateful to her.

Iron staff Lama took us to a nearby temple, which was very small and had only two entrances. There are some stone piles nearby, and the name of the temple is Bailuoman, which is also related to local legends. There is an eight-year-old Buddha statue in the front hall, and a mural left in the Tang Dynasty in the back hall, which was once brilliant. The murals include the palace of the Dragon King, the bedroom of the witch in Luo Cha, the secret passage where the demon dragon haunts, and the valley where the spectre lurks, all of which were monsters taken away by the immovable King Kong Town. There are statues of the gods seeking incense on both sides, and they are responsible for supporting the gods with the wonderful music of pipa.

According to the local people, because it is remote and sparsely populated, this motionless Kongoji is not fragrant all over the world, and thousands of years have passed in an instant. Now it's only one-third its size, and it's very old. A long time ago, there used to be three Buddhist temples here, as well as Time Wheel King Kong and Victory King Kong.

Yang Ping decided immediately after reading it, and donated a sum of money for Kong Geqi to repeat his old ideas in Lamill. Iron staff Lama said that Yang Ping must be a ram (fairy) coming down from the snowy plateau, and the merits of building a temple will be rewarded in the future. According to Buddhist scriptures, there are four kinds of blessings for people who are the best in the world. The first is Dafu, with countless treasures and possessions. The second appearance is solemn and dignified, 32 issues. ...

I think these 32 blessings are not worth mentioning. If you really have 32 faces, even if you change your appearance every day and don't take something for more than a month, won't all your acquaintances recognize each other? But I'm afraid this is just a metaphor. Buddhist temple is a solemn place. Although I don't care about anything, I dare not ask such rude questions casually.

When he left, Uncle Ming wanted to stay in the temple and be a Lama again. Fat man and I threw ourselves into it and walked back with him. I suddenly had a bad feeling and asked Uncle Ming, "Are all those antiques in your Beijing home imitations? Why else do you always want to run away? I tell you, Hong Kong will return to the motherland sooner or later. You should be happy forever. This thunder is on you and you can't hide anywhere. "

Uncle Ming quickly said, "There is nothing wrong. I have always bought and sold in business, and there are no fakes mixed with water. Otherwise, how do you call me uncle Ming? " Clearly, where can I do that kind of shameful thing? Only when I suddenly saw through the world of mortals did I want to become a monk. I never thought about avoiding debt. "

Fat man and I immediately told uncle Ming that it would be good to see through the world of mortals. You have lost the bottom line in this industry. Originally, we couldn't bear to accept all this, but now you have seen through the world of mortals and are determined to jump out of the three realms and not hang out in the five elements. Those things outside you will naturally be safe, and we don't have to worry about it anymore. We just help you clean up your old life and help Uncle Ming. Say no matter Shu Ming miserable expression, even dragged him back.