Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - What does the Antarctic laurel leaf mean?

What does the Antarctic laurel leaf mean?

Antarctic laurel leaf means the abbreviation of Bedolo leaf. This kind of leaf will not wither in winter, and it is often used by Indian scriptures to write scriptures, called laurel leaf sutra, or Biwan.

Myrica rubra leaves are leaves of plants, which are made by special production technology. The scriptures they wrote can be preserved for hundreds of years. The Bayeux Sutra first appeared in India, and then it was introduced to China with Buddhism. Many temples in Tibet and Yunnan have preserved a large number of Bayeux sutras.


Laurel leaf is a kind of palm, which is recorded as Bedouin tree in ancient books and grows in tropical and subtropical regions.


After Buddhism was introduced into Xishuangbanna, shellfish trees used to write scriptures in the western regions were introduced. Buddhists use the leaves of flowers to make scallop sutra, cut it into strips according to certain specifications, flatten it and bundle it, cook it in a pot with tamarind and lemon, wash it, dry it and flatten it, line it with ink, and then carve it into rows with an iron pen. Then, apply ink to the scallop covered with words, wipe it with a cloth, so that the ink stays in the notch to form a clear trace, and then bind it into a book for preservation.

Characteristics of Bayeux Scriptures

The shellfish leaves carved from shellfish leaves can be preserved for a hundred years after being moistureproof, moth-proof and antiseptic.