Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - How to get the root of DNF light How to get the root of light quickly

How to get the root of DNF light How to get the root of light quickly

The root of DNF light needs to be obtained by ordinary Luke. Ordinary Luke can also get the root of light by completing daily tasks. Luke's tarot card won by the flop can also dig out the source of light.

The Root of Light can be quickly obtained by teaming up with black brick players to brush ordinary Luke. Because black brick players can improve the probability of ordinary Luke Gabriel appearing in customs clearance, Gabriel has the root of selling out in mystery shop.

The extended data DNF light source can be used to exchange Luke cards, which can be used to generate Luke spheres. Luke orbs can enchant earrings to increase its four-dimensional attributes and its own attributes. DNF light source material has reached 70, so you can enter the Luke team channel, which means you can make a copy of Luke team.