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Model essay on personal summary of farmland protection work

Article 1:

First, strengthen leadership and implement various farmland protection policies.

Cultivated land protection is an important part of land management, and the town government has been seriously implementing it. In accordance with the important instruction of "protecting cultivated land is to protect our lifeline", we attach importance to and support the work of cultivated land protection, and set up a leading group for cultivated land protection headed by the mayor, with a clear division of labor and responsibilities at different levels. Seriously organize intensive land use publicity and conservation within the jurisdiction, and stick to the red line of cultivated land. To implement the policy of farmland protection, no unit or individual may change the use and illegally occupy farmland without authorization, so as to achieve an irregular inspection system. Ensure that the annual amount of cultivated land and the basic farmland protection area are not less than the specified area. Set up basic farmland protection signs at major intersections and road sections in cities and towns to publicize the significance and purpose of protecting cultivated land.

Two, strictly implement the land planning plan, strictly control the scale of land use.

We strictly implement the approval system for occupying basic farmland and conscientiously implement the "approval" of basic farmland. Non-agricultural construction, whether it is national construction, collective construction or farmers' housing construction, has always been done: all projects that can occupy or not occupy cultivated land do not occupy cultivated land; If cultivated land is inevitably occupied, the occupied area shall be strictly controlled; All construction projects involving the occupation of basic farmland will be selected or set aside separately, so as to minimize the occupation of cultivated land for construction and effectively protect the farming in our town.

Land. At the same time, adhere to the use control system, strictly follow the plan, and resolutely refuse to go through the formalities of converting agricultural land into construction land if it does not meet the planned use.

Third, strictly manage rural homestead.

In view of the management of rural homesteads, the town and village offices will combine regular inspections with key spot checks, strengthen the planning and control of rural homestead land, strictly verify the land use standards, and clearly define the users of rural homesteads, thus forming a situation of "I know the earthquake, but I am in charge of violations". At the same time, taking the central village construction as an opportunity, we will actively and steadily guide the villagers' housing construction to gather in the central villages and towns as planned, and resolutely put an end to the phenomenon of disorderly construction outside the central village.

Four, standardize the construction of new villages and industrial projects.

20 1 1 In order to effectively protect cultivated land and truly implement the protection of cultivated land, the land for new village construction and industrial projects has been standardized and planned, which is mainly solved by increasing or decreasing. This year, the number of acres of construction land will be increased, and efforts will be made to achieve a balance between occupation and compensation by increasing or decreasing the number of acres linked to rehabilitation. In 20xx, according to the stipulated data, the living area will be reduced by hectares.

Five, investigate and deal with illegal occupation of cultivated land.

In recent years, the town government attaches great importance to land management and has established a land inspection system headed by the mayor himself and composed of the district head and the director of the administrative village. It insists on conducting inspections at least five times a month and dealing with problems found in inspections on the spot. Actively cooperate with the land administrative departments at or above the county level to deal with illegal land cases according to law. Through inspection and cooperation with the county land center and other departments, 37 cases of illegal land occupation were stopped, and no major cases of illegal land occupation occurred, especially cases of occupation of cultivated land and basic farmland, effectively curbing the phenomenon of illegal land occupation.

This year's farmland protection work has ended. Although some achievements have been made, there is still a certain gap with the requirements of superior deployment. There are many problems and difficulties: our town has a large population and a small number of people, and illegal land occupation occurs from time to time. However, we always adhere to the principle of "laws must be observed and violators must be prosecuted", which effectively curbed the momentum of indiscriminate occupation of cultivated land and provided a good resource guarantee for building a harmonious society.

Article 2:

In order to implement the spirit of the document "Notice of the Ministry of Land and Resources on Carrying out the Assessment of Provincial Government's Responsibility Target for Cultivated Land Protection in 20xx—20xx" (Guo Tu Zi Fa [20xx]1KLOC-0/No.), according to the deployment of the ministries and agencies and the municipal bureau, our county has seriously carried out the self-examination of the responsibility target for cultivated land protection. Now, the self-inspection of the target of farmland protection responsibility in our county is reported as follows:

I. Protection of cultivated land

In 20xx, the total cultivated land area in our county was 5509 1.06 hectares, all of which were dry land. The cultivated land decreased by 45.02 hectares in 20xx, of which 45.02 hectares were occupied by non-agricultural construction projects. The cultivated land increased by 2.44 hectares in 20xx, of which the agricultural structure was adjusted by 2.44 hectares.

In 20xx—20xx, the cultivated land area was increased by 42.44 hectares, including 40 hectares of land development and 2.44 hectares of agricultural structure adjustment; From 20xx—20xx, the cultivated land area decreased by 65.02 hectares, of which 65.02 hectares were occupied by construction.

In order to effectively strengthen the protection of cultivated land, fully implement the responsibility system for cultivated land protection, incorporate the objectives of cultivated land protection into the annual performance appraisal of local party and government, implement the accountability system for illegal land use, and carry out the outgoing audit of government leading cadres for cultivated land protection and basic farmland protection. The county government and the townships (towns) signed the "Responsibility Letter of Cultivated Land Protection Target", which clarified the amount of cultivated land and the protected area of basic farmland in each township (town) and established a quantitative index system for cultivated land protection.

Intensify the propaganda of cultivated land protection and strive to raise the awareness of cultivated land protection of the whole people. Combining the opportunities of "4.22 Earth Day", "6.25 Land Day" and daily law enforcement inspection, we will carry out various forms of land laws and regulations publicity, such as making special leaflets, broadcasting special programs on saving and intensive land use on TV stations, and holding land management symposiums. Intensify the study and publicity of the land management law and the basic farmland protection regulations, improve the legal awareness of the whole people to protect cultivated land, and constantly improve the consciousness and consciousness of the leaders of the people's government to manage, use and protect cultivated land according to law.

Second, protect basic farmland.

In 20xx, our county demarcated 43,467.50 hectares of basic farmland, all of which were dry land, and the protection rate of basic farmland reached 79%. The county has set up 17 protection signs, 3 township basic farmland protection leading groups, 3 districts in the east, middle and west, and 26 1 village management and protection groups, and determined village liaison officers as protection supervisors. All towns and villages in the county have signed letters of responsibility for the protection of basic farmland. In 20xx years, the basic farmland in our county will not decrease or increase.

The daily management of basic farmland protection was strengthened, basic farmland inspection was carried out, and the basic farmland protection system was further improved in view of weak links. The county government documents were used to formulate and issue the work plan for the demarcation of permanent basic farmland, which defined the guiding ideology, basic principles, working methods and working steps, deployed tasks and arranged the implementation of working measures. The county has set up a leading group for delineating permanent basic farmland, with the county government in charge as the leader, the main leaders of the county supervision bureau and the agricultural bureau as the deputy heads, and the county finance bureau, the county statistics bureau, the county agricultural technology extension center, the county water affairs bureau and other relevant departments and the main leaders of villages and towns as members to coordinate and solve the problems encountered in the work.

Third, the balance of cultivated land occupation and compensation

In 20xx, it is planned to build 20 hectares of cultivated land, which is actually occupied, and it is approved to occupy 20 hectares of cultivated land. In 20xx, our county has 60 hectares of supplementary cultivated land, and the task is 60 hectares. Actual supplementary cultivated land 13.5 hectares.

Strengthen the planning and management of cultivated land occupation and supplementary cultivated land, and strictly control the occupation of cultivated land by various types of construction. First, strictly implement the land use control system, strengthen the binding force of the overall land use planning, determine the land use and land use planning arrangements according to the overall land use planning, and make rational use of land. Second, strict examination and approval procedures, special protection of cultivated land, strict restrictions on the conversion of agricultural land into construction land, strict examination and approval of agricultural land conversion and land requisition, strict implementation of the "approval" provisions on cultivated land protection, and no arbitrary reduction in the proportion and layout of basic farmland protection to ensure the rational utilization of land resources and the overall stability of cultivated land. Resolutely implement the system of "one occupation and one supplement" for cultivated land, compensate the cultivated land occupied by non-agricultural construction according to the principle of "how much is occupied and how much is supplemented", and protect the long-term stability of the existing cultivated land area and total balance. Third, while protecting and saving land, organically combine it with cultivated land development, give full play to the role of land development and consolidation, and actively explore the formation of a set of operational mechanisms linking project initiation with planning and design, land development and consolidation, cultivated land reserve with cultivated land occupied by construction projects, so that cultivated land can be replenished first and then occupied. Strengthen acceptance tracking, strictly accept every land development and consolidation project, do a good job in tracking inspection, do a good job in supporting farmland water conservancy projects, do a good job in soil and water conservation and soil improvement, and ensure the quality of cultivated land. Fourth, actively revitalize the existing land, increase the investigation and punishment of idle land, improve the tangible land market, and steadily promote the construction of the land market.

Four. Cultivated land quality construction

According to the classification results of cultivated land in our county, the highland 16720.29 hectares, the middle land 36876.6 hectares and the lowland 1538+0 hectares in our county.

According to the statistics of agricultural departments, our county has 22,040.87 hectares of high-yield fields, 22,040.87 hectares of middle-yield fields and 1 1020.92 hectares of low-yield fields, and established 1 cultivated land quality regional monitoring station and 45 long-term monitoring points.

Verb (abbreviation of verb) Problems in farmland protection

In the past five years, our county has made some achievements in fulfilling the goal of farmland protection responsibility, but there are also some contradictions and problems. The main manifestations are that the balance of cultivated land occupation and compensation is under great pressure, the quality of new cultivated land is uneven, and the quality of supplementary cultivated land and occupied cultivated land is different; Comprehensive investment in agriculture is still insufficient. The main reason is that there are many historical debts in the supplementary task of cultivated land planning, lack of reserve resources and great difficulty in development; The yield of some newly-added cultivated land is low, and the fertility cultivation cycle is long, which affects farmers' enthusiasm for farming.

An intransitive verb's plan for future work

This year, the task of land security for project construction in our county is very heavy, and the protection of cultivated land is still facing a severe test. Our county will closely focus on the spirit of farmland protection of the central government, provinces and cities, while ensuring the land for urban construction and key infrastructure construction, further implement the responsibility system for farmland protection, optimize the land use structure, vigorously promote the construction of land remediation projects, further increase agricultural investment, improve the quality of cultivated land, especially basic farmland, curb illegal occupation of cultivated land for housing, and promote the further improvement of cultivated land protection level.

1. Further implement the responsibility system for farmland protection. We will continue to intensify publicity and education on land and resources management regulations and policies, enhance the sense of responsibility of cadres and the masses to protect cultivated land, and constantly improve the administrative level of county and township governments and departments according to law. Further strengthen the township level.

Supervise, inspect and assess the implementation of the responsibility system for farmland protection, and implement a strict accountability and accountability system.

2. Continue to strengthen land law enforcement and supervision. Further strengthen land law enforcement and resolutely crack down on illegal occupation of cultivated land. Establish a dynamic monitoring system for farmland protection and improve the land law enforcement and supervision system; Strictly implement the dynamic inspection system and joint case handling system, eliminate resistance, dare to encounter difficulties, and resolutely investigate and deal with typical cases of violating farmland protection policies, destroying cultivated land and illegally occupying cultivated land.

3. Increase the cultivated land area through multiple channels to ensure the dynamic balance of the total cultivated land. First, vigorously implement land remediation projects and develop cultivated land from land. Actively declare the establishment of national and provincial land consolidation projects, and comprehensively improve and cultivate land. Vigorously promote rural land consolidation, so as to achieve early reconnaissance, early planning, early design and early construction; Integrate the resources of agriculture, water conservancy, transportation and other departments, increase investment, and reclaim cultivated land on damaged land; By popularizing agricultural technology and implementing grain subsidy policy, we can improve soil fertility, improve the quality of cultivated land, improve farmers' enthusiasm for growing grain, and put an end to the phenomenon of abandoned land.

4. Further strengthen the management of rural homestead. Focusing on the implementation of the Measures for the Management of Rural Homestead in Zhangjiachuan County, we will speed up the preparation of rural construction planning and strengthen the pace of new rural construction. Improve the management of examination and approval of farmers' building, speed up the registration and certification of rural collective land ownership, and promote the fundamental improvement of rural land market order.