Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - What is the experience of having a "soul mate"? Come and find out!

What is the experience of having a "soul mate"? Come and find out!

First of all, "Are two people familiar with each other?" Okay? If you want to be together, you won't be embarrassed if you don't talk, and you will know what you want to say at a glance. Why don't you go to your mother? You don't even have to look at her. A phone call can tell that you want to ask her for money. It just means that you two know each other very well.

then what "Know you ≠ soul mate?" Okay? Knowing your nasty thoughts or something can only show that you know you. What is this? "Have you been together long enough?" And then what? "Emotional intelligence is high enough?" When these two points coexist, it is entirely possible.

Finally,? "Are two people like ≠ soul mates?" Okay? The ideological level is basically the same, and the basic consistency of the three views is indeed a necessary condition, but it is by no means a sufficient condition.

Personally, a spiritual partner must meet the following conditions:

1, has a certain level of thinking, and his heart is not barren.

2. Their ideological level is basically the same, and their three views are mature. They are in the same big field, or what they know and like overlap, but they are independent of each other.

3. When two people are different, they can find new things from each other, including fusion and collision. When they are together, they can make progress together, that is, there will always be quality time between two people. You are fertile ground for each other, and only by taking root in each other can you grow rapidly.

After couples or friends have experienced the initial strangeness and novelty, and told all the big and small things that happened to each other since childhood, there is often no more spiritual communication, and the conversation is occupied by daily chores. "Are you there? ? ",? "What are you doing? ? ",? "What did you do today? ? ",? "Go to dinner? ? "。

This situation will make people feel insecure (very replaceable) and empty (no spiritual communication), and then begin to complain that two people just play trivial and have no communication every day.

It is true that the other person is not your soul mate, and you will probably never be another person's soul mate. As the highest ranked answer says, you have no spirit.

A simple test method: suppose you have a soul mate.

Except yourself, no one will care much about your past, your emotional sky and your self-analysis.

Except the trivial things in life and all kinds of gossip.

Except for some meaningless adjectives including? "Ah, is G-Dragon so handsome?" ,? "Is this referee too special?" .

Maybe my list is not comprehensive, but what I mean is general. )

What can you think of in three seconds that can ignite your enthusiasm and make you want to talk to each other for three hours?

If not, perhaps, your spiritual world is really scarce. You can stop looking for your soul mate and enrich your spiritual world. There are many methodologies on the Internet, so I won't go into details here.

Soul mates don't ask you to talk about everything, but you should at least have something to talk about.

You shouted that no one could hear your voice, no one resonated with you, but what do you want to say? You have nothing to say.

You said that soul mates are two people who know each other's thoughts without saying much, so what are you thinking? Do you want something to eat next time?

Even if you try to find someone, you still call him your soul mate. The so-called understanding of your loneliness, your kindness, your all-encompassing, you are willing to listen to your self-analysis and countless repeated past, either from a complete person's pity for an empty person, or two empty people are hugging and warming up.

If you have nothing in your heart, why should others love what you have?

You should find your * * * and stop dwelling on the past. Even if you haven't found your * * *, you should be curious about unknown things, people and things, at least not too boring.

Suppose you meet the first condition, that is, you have spirit and your heart is not barren.

What other conditions should be met? Do you understand? Many people talk about it when describing that they don't have a soul mate? "Nobody understands me?" , all express themselves? "maverick?" ,? "There are thorns outside?" ,? "extroverted lonely patients?" Rack your brains to describe yourself as a monster, as if as long as you say so, no one will understand you, not that no one cares about you, but that you are a dark, clumsy, super abnormal and invincible math problem, so no one will understand you.

But I actually want to say that most people's so-called understanding is often not so mysterious.

Answer the Lord is a person who likes chatting very much. Once when I was learning to drive, I chatted with my coach all afternoon. Finally, the coach asked me: What do you think of me?

How do I know who you are!

Of course, I didn't say that. Based on my experience of contributing to girls' magazines such as "Tale of Constellation" in junior high school to earn pocket money, I thought about it. I tried to speak and said something specious, probably:? "I think, although you look careless, you can talk to anyone, your heart is not consistent with what many people say, and you look a little fierce, but if you really get acquainted with you, you will find that you are a very accessible person, and ...? "

I glanced at the coach's uncle, and his dark face was a little shiny. I guess I didn't say anything wrong.

? "What else? ? "He is a little excited and anxious.

? "And I think you are really good, you should not be confined to this place. ? "

I didn't tell the truth.

In the next story, Uncle Coach treated me as a confidant, saying that someone finally understood me after so long. He seldom uses an idiom called? "Briefly?" .

Look, many people say it's hard to find a soul mate, but I think among soul mates, actually? "Do you understand?" The word "two words" is not difficult to do. Most of us are creatures with countless commonalities, not maverick, have similar desires and contradictions, have similar happiness and anxiety, hate some things together and enjoy listening to some words together.

Why do you think constellation bloggers are so popular? Maybe there are some sciences in the world that I can't understand, such as constellations, but they should definitely not be those nonsense words that my junior high school or the blogger of Weibo Red Star said. How do I or he know the characteristics of each constellation? Did the god of constellations sent by heaven tell us? Or do I know it from the night? It's just that we have spoken out some commonalities of human beings and accurately poked some people's hearts with probability statistics. You think it's accurate because of probability, and you think it's not accurate because of probability.

How do you think many fortune tellers make money? I admit that there will be foreknowledge in the world. Maybe there are some things that I really don't understand, but most of them are just the careful observation of the old drivers sitting halfway up the mountain.

So as I said at the beginning, "Do you understand?" This word is not difficult, emotional intelligence is high enough+contact is long enough, and it can be done completely.

It's just that everyone's understanding difficulty may be different. Some people have a difficulty of 1+ 1, while others have a difficulty of 13 to the third power.

Loneliness lies in that each of us hangs a sign that says? "What is 1+ 1?" , it says? "What is the root number 2 plus the root number 3?" Enthusiastically say to everyone who passes by us in life, come and solve me, come and solve me, these problems are destined to be solved, but no one stops.

At this time, some people may feel that it is not right. Why? Because this is a shallow understanding, understand your love and hate.

What do we mean by most of the time? "Soul mate?" It should be that Boya and Hippo chefs, Marx and Engels, or two people have the same preferences, and many places will resonate.

What do we say? "Soul mate?" They all have one thing in common, that is: hey, how strange. If we want to classify them into a big category, we will classify them as a text in general. That's because in science and engineering, apart from the beauty of mathematics learning, most of the time it exists as a tool.

Two writers and artists like one thing. What is this called? "Soul mate?" Two programmers who also like programming, if you really want to say that they are? "Soul mate?" That's good ... yeah, it's always a little strange.

A couple studying law around us are strikingly similar in many views. What do we call them? "Soul mate?" There is also a couple, both studying electronics, engaged in electronic design together, and went shopping together to send electronic products on weekends. "Soul mate?" It's a little strange, too.

We usually say they are? "A good couple in life and a good partner in work?" .

So these men and women studying science and engineering are doomed to be lonely all their lives? No, what we can do is to be curious about many fields and build up our enthusiasm and interest.

Another thing we can do is, as I said in the second condition: to have a mature three views.

In my understanding, a mature three views should be like this: your view of A and your view of B will not conflict, and it can be explained, and what you do will not conflict with your view.

It sounds simple, but it is extremely difficult.

Let me explain in detail how a mature three views work.

For example, it doesn't matter to me whether men and women should be equal, but.

If girls think that men and women should be equal, they should not say here, alas, girls have been treated unfairly, and say there, alas, how can you ask for AA! How can you let me pay for a house and a car! You are still not a man.

If boys think that men and women should be equal, they should not say here, I hope you want to be independent, have yourself, and don't do housework.

This is a typical contradiction, and the views on A and B are contradictory. ..

People's bones are full of the desire to die, but this is something thousands of miles away from others.

So how can a mature three views help you find your soul mate?

For example, my boyfriend likes playing games, and I like watching plays and movies. If I don't like being disturbed by others, I won't disturb him to play games.

For example, I like martial arts, but he doesn't, but he will take me to a martial arts-themed restaurant to thank me on my birthday, and I will also give him a mechanical keyboard on his birthday.

For example, if I am angry because the other party doesn't answer my phone, I shouldn't answer the other party's phone myself.

For another example, boys, if you are tired of playing games and don't like each other's thinking that you are playing games, don't say that you like Yifeng Li and Wu Yifan bigbang, they are all idiots.

Look, usually a person does a lovely thing because he has three lovely views. If you are a lovely person, how can you be lonely?

So I suggest you think more and build a complete three views in your mind, one by one, with clear but soft boundaries. The more you think about it, the clearer the three views will be.

I can draw a conclusion here, that is, I think a spiritual partner needs to meet those three conditions, and to find a spiritual partner, you need: extensive dabbling and mature three views.

For me.

I like math and martial arts, but my boyfriend doesn't. He likes games and tinkering with electronic products. I don't understand. It is rare that two people who like the same thing happen to be together. After all, it is rare for us to be like this, which is the normal state of most couples in the world.

But? "Complete the three views?" We don't ask each other to like the same things as ourselves. "extensively involved?" Still have similar preferences. We can talk about movies, WeChat and many things happening on the Internet together, and find that we have similar views on many things.

My good friend A has known me for nine years, and now she is not in my field. She studies economics and I study electronics, which is also the normal state of many friends. In different fields, she finally went further and further, and now I only see her twice a year. "extensively involved?" Let us have endless topics every time. Being in different fields makes us have many different views on many things. However, every time we chat, the other person's different knowledge background will deepen our understanding of a problem.

Oh, you can still think like this. I said in three conditions that we are fertile ground for each other, and only by taking root in each other can we thrive.

And my friend B, who studied architecture for nine years, has a right-wing political view. Do you really feel when you discuss many things with her? "Collision and fusion?" And friends who study law, such as C, and so on. If you are interested, I can give all kinds of examples with them. Very interesting, very funny, but I don't need to say more about this.

I think they are all my soul mates. Who stipulates that there can only be one person who understands and resonates with you? Because of them, I live an interesting and full day, always moving forward and full of courage. I am not poor or lonely. What about you? Do you like this article? Share it with other friends!
