Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - Appreciation of Shi Tiesheng's Acacia Tree

Appreciation of Shi Tiesheng's Acacia Tree

Acacia appreciation of Shi Tiesheng's text 1 Acacia is an article written by Shi Tiesheng in19841. This year, Shi Tiesheng won the National Excellent Short Story Award with 1983' s My Distant Qingping Bay, and his mood was naturally joyful. However, I feel a little sad at the thought that my mother, who has worked hard all her life, is dead. How sad it is to share the joy of this harvest with a loving mother, but it is impossible anymore! So I wrote this heartfelt memory in my heart.

The article takes "Albizia Albizia Tree" as the topic, taking things as images of people and expressing feelings with things. People in love should have fun together. Trees are also materials. Mother succeeded in raising children, so did the children, but mother died. Being happy together is exclusive, but being happy together is not enough. How painful! The article takes "acacia tree" as a symbol, as a clue, as a support, and contains thousands of tender feelings. A word "he" expresses all the sadness and sets the emotional tone for the article.

The full text can be divided into three parts.

The first part selects three life scenes according to age order: at the age of ten, at the age of twenty and at the age of thirty. These three shots are the three stages of "I" growth, which summarizes the growth process of "I". This process soaked the mother's hard work and consumed her life. Write in three layers. The first floor: When I was ten years old, I won the first prize for my composition, hoping to get my mother's praise, but my mother was "anxious to tell me about herself". "I pretended not to care about her words at all, and playing table tennis against the wall was enough to make her angry." At that time, my mother was young, smart and good-looking. This layer is the "angry" mother who blames herself and regrets, which can be seen from the three fonts "at that time". "At that time, my mother was still young", and "young" was the mother in my memory. This kind of affection can never be expressed and experienced by a child who has never paid attention to his mother's aging. Youth is a time when life is full of sunshine and vitality. However, when I think of my mother's youth, it is the time when she has lost her youth and life. Self-blame and regret are beyond words, which is heartbreaking to read. The second floor: "When I was twenty years old" and "My leg was disabled", my mother devoted herself to treating me. At that time, she was no longer young and began to have white hair on her head. This layer is gratitude and memory for mother, which is written in detail. My mother broke her heart for me. She "asked doctors for remedies everywhere" and "found some strange medicines for me to eat and drink, or wash, apply, smoke and moxibustion"; When I say, "Don't waste time, it's useless" and give up treatment, my mother always says, "Try again. How do you know it won't work without trying? " ; "My crotch was burned by smoke", and she "accompanied me day and night". As soon as the dressing was changed, she said, "How could it burn?" ; "I" pays attention to the value of life. When writing novels, she encourages "I" and "borrows books from me everywhere and pushes me to go to the movies in the rain and snow". This kind of language and this kind of action all show a mother's love for her son. The third layer: Thirty Years Old, My First Novel Published, My Mother Is Dead. My novel won the prize, My mother has left me for seven years. This layer is about grief, while "but already" and "whole" are about the depth of grief. The whole article is the foreshadowing of the whole article.

The second part writes "I" to avoid being interviewed by reporters after winning the prize. This part is the transition, reflecting on mother's death and seeking a little "comfort" from the soul. "Her heart is too bitter. God saw that she couldn't stand it and called her back. " Yes, life is creation, and death is rest. In the mother's mind, the greatest misfortune in life is the misfortune of children. Mother suffered the most in the world and used up the ointment of life for "me". It's time to rest!

In the third part, I write my thoughts and recall the origin, cultivation and growth of "acacia tree" on the basis of "acacia tree". The experience of acacia is my experience, and the growth of acacia is my growth. That "acacia tree" was dug by the side of the road when my mother found me a job. I was brought into this world by my mother. In order to cultivate this "acacia", my mother has devoted a lot of effort; My mother spent her whole life trying to save my life. At first, my mother thought it was a mimosa, which was planted in a flowerpot and didn't germinate the next year. After sighing, my mother didn't want to throw it away, so she left it in the earthen pot. In the third year, Robinia pseudoacacia not only grew leaves, but also flourished. Mom was happy for many days ","I often went to help it ","After another year, she moved the acacia tree out of the pot and planted it on the ground in front of the window, sometimes chanting, I don't know how many years it will take for this tree to blossom "; When I was ten years old, I was angry with my mother. When I was twenty years old, my mother tried again and again for me, looking for doctors everywhere and finding some strange medicines. My mother is looking forward to the flowering of acacia, that is, looking forward to my adulthood. Now "acacia" blooms every year, growing as tall as a house, and "I" has some social value, and my novel has won an award. The "acacia" cultivated and "treated" by my mother has blossomed. "My mother left me for seven years"! How heavy and unforgettable this "pain" is "The earth lasts forever, and the sky lasts forever; One day, both will end, and this endless sorrow will last forever. "

In this part, it is also written that "a young couple lived in the house where we once lived", "a son was born" and "the child doesn't cry or make trouble, but just stares at the tree". The shadow of the tree is the shadow of me. My experience and path, my pursuit and efforts may become the material for people to educate their future generations, but what they see is only a shadow. "They won't know who planted the tree and how." This pen seems to be idle and redundant, but it is not idle and redundant. Without this stroke, the emotion expressed in the article is only personal. With this stroke, the meaning of the article is deeper, the grief is heavier, and it has social significance.

There are two points in the writing of this article that are most worth learning from.

First, the idea is ingenious. The article regards the tree as me, the tree as me, the tree as me and the tree as one. I don't know which is the tree and which is me. The article is about "acacia tree", which is about the love between mother and child, and the love between trees. The idea of expressing love through trees is extremely ingenious. The second is careful selection of materials. My mother did more than 10 million things for me, but the author didn't casually enter the text, but carefully selected and had details. The article chooses three points: at the age of ten, at the age of twenty and at the age of thirty. A lot has happened in these three points. The author chose three things: I won the first prize, my leg was disabled, the article was published, and I won the prize. Focus on "leg disability", with an overview and detailed description; There are language descriptions and action descriptions. The article is deeply attached to a calm narrative, and it is not urgent or impetuous.

Appreciation of the text of Shi Tiesheng's "Acacia Tree" 2 At first glance, I think the article should be a kind of prose, because the title is Acacia Tree; However, when I first read the article, I felt very strange: how to write a narrative? After reading the whole article, I have to admire the ingenious conception of the author.

The article begins with the sixth paragraph, "I left there shaking my car and wandering in the street, not wanting to go home." As a transitional section, the combination of multiplication and rotation is very natural. The first part is to remember my mother, and the second part is to miss acacia. Memories of my mother paved the way for the meaning of acacia and laid the emotional tone. These two parts are connected together smoothly and seamlessly.

In the first part, the author reproduces two scenes of mother's figure by writing with letters and strokes in chronological order along the memory path. They are full of deep affection, writing like running water, elegance in simplicity, and deep charm in plainness.

The first scene is: 10 years old, and my mother is very happy that her composition is better. "I" was not convinced and deliberately angered her. I think the young "I" haven't realized the joy and pride that a mother can pass on a good gift to her son. But I admit that she is very clever. She is the most beautiful woman in the world. She is making herself a skirt with blue background and white flowers. "It shows that when I recall this incident, my heart is full of respect and attachment to my mother.

The second scene is: at the age of 20, after my legs were disabled, my mother took great pains to let me stand up again and "treat me wholeheartedly." At that time, the hospital gave up "I", and "I" also "thought it would be good to die, but it would be good to die." My mother never gave up. This is a mother's deepest love for her son. Life is precious. A mother came into this world with her son, and his son became her other life. How can she watch a fresh life go to disappointment? The article said that "my crotch was burnt by smoke", and the doctor in the hospital said that "this is almost fatal". "My mother was scared for several months and stayed with me day and night. As soon as she changed her dressing, she said,' How can it burn? "I've been paying attention," fortunately, the wound is getting better, otherwise she will go crazy. "Life is alive, how many people can be crazy for themselves and hurt themselves?

No matter when and where, the mother is a loyal and firm supporter of her son. My mother found out that I wanted to write a novel and encouraged me to help. "She borrowed books from me everywhere, and pushed me to go to the movies in rainy and snowy days, hoping as she used to ask a doctor for remedies." How can a person who is so persistent not light the fire of hope?

Finally, at the age of 30, "my first novel was published" and "my mother is no longer alive". Such mothers are great, they always pay for their children silently and selflessly. But I never remember the reward, and even sharing the joy of children's success is often deprived by ruthless life. "I" miss my mother, miss my mother far away, and quietly ask God in the Woods, "The wind is blowing in the Woods", and my mother seems to have come back. Maybe the mother never left, she lived in her son's heart and accompanied him all his life.

After careful reading, we can find that the three time periods chosen by the author are 10 years old, 20 years old and 30 years old. These three time periods are all important turning points in my life, and my mother plays an important role in them. Although my mother died at the age of 30, my achievement at the age of 30 was bought by my mother with her life's efforts. This shows the mother's important position in her son's mind. This also reflects the author's uniqueness in material selection and organization.

In the first part, we can't see any traces of acacia anymore. Judging from the text, there is a sentence in the eighth paragraph, "I didn't expect that tree to be alive." The acacia tree seems to have been lost in the author's memory. The floodgate of memory was opened in the words of an ex-neighbor: "Look in the small yard, your mother planted it." That acacia tree has blossomed this year! " "At that time,' my heart was shaking' and' it was not easy to get in and out of the trolley', so I refused acacia. Why do you "shake"? Afraid of thinking about mom? Afraid it's hard to take advantage of sadness? Shi Tiesheng's inner pain poured out in a word "shake".

Then, the author recalls the origin of acacia, from which we can see that when my mother planted acacia unintentionally, my legs were disabled. I think the pain in my mother's heart was beyond words. She dug up this "newly unearthed green seedling" largely out of a desire for evergreen life. Because green is a symbol of life.

We can savor this passage "Mother never liked these things, but at that time her heart was elsewhere." . The next year, the acacia didn't sprout, and my mother sighed, but she didn't want to throw it away, so she left it in the clay pot. In the third year, Robinia pseudoacacia not only grew leaves, but also flourished. Mother was happy for many days, and thought it was a good sign. She often took care of her and didn't want to be too careless. After another year, she took the acacia out of the pot, planted it on the ground by the window, and sometimes read it. I don't know how many years it will take for this tree to blossom. "This seems to be a portrayal of my mother's process from wholeheartedly looking for a prescription for me to supporting my writing. I think this mother must be full of hope for her son's recovery when she takes care of acacia.

The acacia tree was planted unintentionally and left unattended by the roadside for a year. But in the third year, "leaves grew" and it was still relatively lush. This is a tenacious life, surviving in adversity. Suffering is the best teacher in life. Only by facing it bravely can we have a sunny future.

My mother planted that acacia tree and took care of it. There is my mother's shadow, which reflects the deep maternal love. Although my mother has passed away, acacia is still growing healthily. "Bloom every year and grow as tall as a house" means that maternal love lasts forever.

The article mentions "newborn children" three times. The first two times said that he "didn't cry or make trouble, just stared at the tree." The "tree" here and the "tree" here are the shadows of acacia. Finally, he said, "one day, when that child grows up, he will think of his childhood, those swaying trees and his mother."

The author has always had a complicated feeling for acacia. On the one hand, he made excuses and refused to see it. On the other hand, he "regrets that he didn't shake his car to see it himself two years ago." Maybe he doesn't know how to face the loss of this heavy mother. Maybe he just wants to hide it all in his heart and chew it alone. Sadness is also enjoyment.

The article has never described the "acacia tree" positively from beginning to end, but only explained the situation of "acacia tree" one by one with the help of memories and other people's words. This is a master's handwriting, not a single one.

The language of the article is elegant and simple, expressing deep maternal love, as if chatting with readers is just talking about mother and acacia. The deep feeling inside is not like a flood that is ready to go, but still like a trickle, where gossip gathers and nostalgia and sadness are hidden between the lines. In addition to gorgeous rhetoric and deliberate carving, thoughts and brushstrokes are touching, which contains profound and meaningful true feelings.

Appreciation of the text of Shi Tiesheng's "Acacia Tree" 3 In the long river of time, there are always some memories that precipitate like pebbles, oppressing people's hearts and changing the trajectory of life. Love, especially maternal love, is such a heavy pebble of memory for Shi Tiesheng. It affects his life all the time, his perception of life, and even his unique voyage ... The essay "Acacia Tree" records all this quite truly.

Shi Tiesheng's works have always been famous for their lightness and remoteness, which is reflected in Albizia Tree. The full text is full of thoughts and ingenious brushwork. The image centered on "acacia" is not rigid, while the image centered on "mother" is always rippling away, with a plain and natural idea, which fully embodies the characteristics of prose "scattered in form but not in spirit"

The full text can be roughly divided into two periods: before and after the mother's death. When writing the scene of mother's life, the author described many details of mother's life with ten years as the dividing line: 10 "I" is a clever and naughty boy, and my composition is very good, but my young mother is still unconvinced-full of childlike interest; At the age of 20, my mother, whose legs were disabled, tried her best to fight against her fate, but it didn't help. The reality of despair and hope binds the mother and son together. At the age of 30, "I" finally walked out of the trough of fate, but my mother had gone by crane ... three scenes, three situations and three moods. "I" has gradually grown from a little boy who is not sensible to a man who can control his own life. My mother's subtle contribution cannot be ignored. After vicissitudes of life, the mother silently transferred the heavy blow of fate to her son, and her maternal love became more and more profound. Just when the son's understanding of his mother and the mother's love for his son reached maturity, everything came to an abrupt end because of his mother's death.

"Albizia tree" thus entered the author's attention field of vision. In his escape from his mother's death, in his infinite sadness-it originally appeared after "I" returned to the city and grew up with the author's unique sense of hardship. Once fragile and dying, it is now a projection of the author's real life. Like the author, it once carried the mother's care and expressed the hope for the inconvenience of her son's real life ... When the mother and son fought the disease wholeheartedly, the "acacia tree" had no time to take care of it and was left out in the mother-child world; Only when the mother's death left a blank in the world that the author could not bear, can it appear as a substitute in the sight of the author's sad search. There is no doubt that, in the author's view, the acacia soaked in the mother's hands is a comfort from heaven and a symbol of maternal love. Because of this, when facing the acacia tree, the author reveals an emotion similar to "Now, near my village, meet people". He is eager to get close to acacia and relive the scene of mother-child love in the past, but he is soberly aware that his mother has left after all, and acacia can never really replace her. Everything is just self-deception. Therefore, when describing the second paragraph, the author always lingers in a state of constant cutting and confusion-he wanted to see the acacia tree, but he failed in the end. This contradiction is an expression of the complicated nostalgia for mother.

Finally, this feeling has been sublimated. The author places some hopes on the next generation of children: this child "doesn't cry or make trouble, just stares at the tree (acacia) outside the window, and when he grows up," he will think of his childhood, those swaying trees and his mother ". The child is undoubtedly healthy and happy. At least he was surrounded by the warm arms of his mother and the acacia tree. At least he may not suffer the double tragedy of disability and loss of his mother like the author. In this child's design, the author obviously reveals a sense of desolation, a fantasy of longing for going back in time; Here, the symbolic connotation of "acacia tree" is once again highlighted. It is not only a symbol of the absent mother, but also a channel for the author to entangle with the past years, and it is the best testimony of the author's increasingly mature life perception.

After being endowed with so many meanings, "acacia tree" finally successfully shows its function as the title of the article. Its significance is no longer limited to the second paragraph, but also extends to the first half of the article. Although its image does not appear, we can clearly feel its status as a potential observer and sort out and guide the context of the whole article. Therefore, although the whole article often leads to the escape of side branches with pens, it can still lead to a sad and nostalgic tone consistent with the whole article, and the role of "Albizzia tree" as the central image should be said to be indelible.