Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Do you think fortune telling and Chinese medicine have anything in common?

Do you think fortune telling and Chinese medicine have anything in common?

They all belong to the traditional culture of China, are based on the restraint of the five elements, and conform to the Western-style "Cosmic Holography". In TCM, "preventing diseases before they occur" means giving priority to prevention, and "avoiding evil spirits" in "fortune telling" means giving priority to prevention. Traditional Chinese medicine pays attention to health care from face to point, and thinks that it is difficult to cure if you are really ill (the western micro-medical germ theory has also proved that it is a temporary solution, robbing Peter to pay Paul), and the "avoiding evil" of "fortune telling" is also from face to point, paying attention to the adaptation between human body and nature, and also thinks that it is difficult to correct problems. The treatment methods of traditional Chinese medicine are from point to surface, such as acupuncture and fortune telling, and from point to surface, such as choosing prescriptions and changing geomantic omen.