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The story of Fuxi gossip

Fuxi's Eight Diagrams Story Fuxi the Great was a great ancient emperor in the history of China. He unified the whole Chinese nation and taught people a lot, enabling people to survive on their own. There are also meditation ceremonies on Mount Tai. Next, I will introduce the story of Fuxi gossip to you, hoping to help you.

The Story of Fuxi's Painting Eight Diagrams

Fuxi the Great is a great ancient emperor in the history of China. He unified the whole Chinese nation and taught people a lot, enabling people to survive on their own. There are also meditation ceremonies on Mount Tai. After doing these things, he felt a little tired and lived in the mountains for a while.

Fu, a person who cares about the affairs around him, during that time, while enjoying the happiness of his wife and children, he performed natural changes. During the day, he looked at the fields below the mountain, and at night, he looked at the stars in the sky. Day after day, finally one day he had a flash of light and began to write and draw on the ground with branches. He once taught people to tie a rope to record things, and he used this method himself. He spent a lot of energy and a long time to deduce, and finally completed a very great thing called gossip.

Gossip is a very great invention of Fuxi the Great. Black and white are complementary, interrelated, interrelated and opposed to each other. Yin and Yang balance, balance, especially subtle. People like to use gossip to infer the development of things, calculate whether their future events are auspicious or cruel, and how to save the day.

In short, the eight diagrams were completed on the mountain. The terrain on the mountain is subtle, so the shape of gossip is a bit like the top view of the mountain. People always remember to look at the shape of the plain at the foot of the mountain where they have been in Fuxi (the plain basin is like eight diagrams).

In order to commemorate Fuxi's outstanding contribution to mankind, people named this mountain Guatai Mountain.

Fuxi innate gossip

According to legend, the gossip commonly used by people was drawn by Emperor Tai Hao and Fuxi, so it is called Fuxi innate gossip. Gossip is China's philosophy and wisdom that has been passed down for thousands of years. Yin and Yang transform each other. You have me and I have you. Black and white are completely different and complement each other.

Life is alive, no matter good or bad, turn danger into danger and turn every misfortune into good.

Bagua is also the earliest writing in China, which has yin and yang, deduces eight kinds of changes and then changes. Everything about nature is in this changing icon. Each hexagram represents a specific matter, and the whole universe is in this gossip. Yin and yang, five elements, everything in the world.

People often use gossip to tell fortune and watch geomantic omen, because it is an ancient culture handed down from ancient times in China, and it has also played a great role in other cultures in China, such as traditional Chinese medicine, China martial arts, classical music and mathematical operations. Taoism is China's own pure culture, emphasizing self-cultivation. When people are enlightened, a picture of Fuxi innate gossip is often painted on the back wall. In film and television dramas, Taoist places, robes or props are often painted with gossip. Taishang Laojun is an alchemist, and some versions of his clothes are also gossip, which is engraved on the blast furnace.

China culture is extensive and profound. Take gossip as an example. The images in the eight diagrams are changeable, and they are divided into hexagrams after basic evolution, and so on. Everything in the world, all kinds of reasoning evolution, is in the picture. Of course, people should not be too superstitious about gossip when they are not proficient in learning arts. If they misunderstand the meaning of gossip, that's too bad.

An analysis of Fuxi innate gossip

The famous congenital eight diagrams were invented by the legendary ancient figure Fuxi. Why is this gossip famous? Because it is an insurmountable existence in the history of China. Whether it's watching Feng Shui or a fortune teller telling people's fortune, it depends on this. Taoist priests with good virtue in ancient times also embroidered eight diagrams on their clothes, which were called Taoist robes. There are also gossip on the walls of Taoist places, which seems to be a symbol of Taoism.

There are eight images in Fuxi's innate eight diagrams, from which many shapes can be evolved, everything from heaven to earth. The whole universe is on this map, and everything can be used for deduction, prediction and explanation.

Gossip can be used to predict disasters and seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. When people feel that their official career is not smooth, they always like to find someone to calculate for themselves, to see if they have committed the crime of going into the lion's den and being a villain, and then to see how to lift it. Usually it is to break the money to eliminate disasters or change the feng shui of the door. Of course, this is actually unscientific. Fortune tellers are not immortals. Usually, their greatest skill is to fool guests. They don't know the real mystery of gossip. However, they are wearing innate gossip of Fuxi.

Many idioms we use now are also related to Fuxi and innate gossip. For example, Gan Kun and Mi Yi are two hexagrams in eight diagrams. Gossip is complicated and changeable, and it can't be understood overnight. To know and master gossip, we still have a lot to learn and a lot to go.

Fuxi Eight Diagrams Taiji Diagram

Fuxi is a mythical figure in ancient legends. It is said that he created gossip. Usually, the mythical characters don't really exist, and Fuxi is the legendary Di Qing. He even married Nuwa and had children. Most importantly, it is said that his figure is a snake head, not a complete human figure. Then how did he create the famous divination gossip that has been passed down through the ages?

Eight diagrams contain a lot of information about things. It is said that it was first used to remember time and farming season, and later evolved into divining the changes of things, predicting and inferring the development of things. Eight diagrams are so profound that most people don't understand and can't use them. It not only contains rich astronomical knowledge, but also contains certain philosophical implications. Its foundation includes the fundamental operation of everything in the world, and some people even exaggerate that the ancestor of the computer system developed today is the gossip principle.

Is Fuxi gossip true? How to answer this question? Gossip has really been used and studied by people since it spread, so is this legend true? Is Fuxi a real person?

Many myths are difficult to research because of the environmental age formed at that time, just like many unsolved mysteries in the universe. To put it more accurately, Fuxi is said to be the leader of an ancient tribe. His image of the snake head may be mythical, but it is actually a human being. The gossip he created is real, has been passed down to this day, and has evolved into many different forms, which has played a very important role in many fields. Fuxi's Eight Diagrams Taiji Diagram has made great contributions to human development.