Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - How to take a bus from Pinghu to Puning No.2 Middle School New Campus?

How to take a bus from Pinghu to Puning No.2 Middle School New Campus?

Pinghu takes the bus to Shenzhen North Station, takes the train to Puning, and then transfers to school.

Pinghu Bus Station takes M300 bus to Shenzhen North Station.

It takes about 100 minutes to get to Puning by train from Shenzhen North Railway Station, and take a second-class seat in 74 yuan.

Bus route: Puning No.9 → Puning No.7, the whole journey is about 13.4 km.

1. Walk about 100 meters from Puning Railway Station and arrive at Puning high-speed railway station.

2. Take Puning No.9 bus and arrive at Zhonghua Xincheng Station after 5 stops (you can also take Puning No.999 bus).

3. Take Puning No.7 bus, pass 1 1 station and arrive at Chiwei Street National Tax Station.

4. Walk about 1.3km to the new campus of Puning No.2 Middle School.