Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Verdi's Opera Masquerade

Verdi's Opera Masquerade

[Edit this paragraph] Creation background

Three-act sad opera, written by SOMA and composed by Verdi. The play turned out to be Gustav III, which was written by the famous playwright Scrid for oberth. It is also called a masquerade. After the opera lines were changed from SOMA to Italian, the theme was taken from the Swedish assassination of Gustav III at the end of 18. 1858, an Italian tried to assassinate Charles Louis Napolé on Bonaparte during rehearsal at the San Carlo Theatre in Naples, so it was almost impossible to stage an opera with a similar theme. Later, it was discussed with the theater to change its name to "masquerade ball". At the suggestion of SOMA, the stage was changed from Sweden to Boston, North America dominated by Britain in the17th century. Gustav III became the governor of Boston, so he was allowed to perform. 1859 February 2007 17, premiered at the Apollo Theater in Rome. Although the stage and protagonist have changed, the play is still warmly welcomed by the Romans. Moreover, I took the opportunity to praise the core figure of the Italian independence movement, King Victoria Emmanuel of Sandia. Interestingly, the first letter of his name is Vitorio Emannele Re D'Italia, which happens to be Verdi. So people regarded this great opera composer as a symbol of patriotism and shouted "Long live Verdi" in the streets.

186 1 made its international premiere in Paris, London, new york and other places. Later, after the Swedish premiere in 1935, the Paris Opera House also staged the original work in 1958+065438+ 10, when the protagonist returned to Gustav III. Since then, other opera houses have occasionally performed the play in its original form.

The Masquerade, The Power of Fate and Don Carlo are considered as three masterpieces of Verdi's middle period. In this play, whether in form or even in the content of the play, it has reached a truly magnificent realm.

[Edit this paragraph] Summary

Ricardo is going to hold a dance. He invited Amelia, the wife of his friend Lei Natuo, because he loved her deeply. Ricardo didn't care when his servant Edgardo warned that someone wanted to kill him. He even laughed at the prophecy of the witch Eureka. Eureka secretly met Amelia for the first time in her cabin. What she wants is to forget Ricardo's secret recipe. Then, Eureka told Ricardo disguised as a fortune teller that he would die at the hands of a friend. Amelia came to the guillotine alone at midnight to look for the forgotten grass, and Ricardo followed closely and announced their love for each other. At this point, Lei Natuo came to inform Ricardo to watch out for assassins, and promised to take Amelia with her face covered to a safe place instead of him. However, the assassin forced Amelia to reveal her identity. In shame and anger, Lei Natuo decided to cooperate with the assassin for revenge. He assassinated Ricardo at the governor's ball, but Ricardo had long regretted it and was ready to let Lei Natuo and his wife return to England together. But the mistake was made. Ricardo assured Lei Natuo that Amelia was innocent before he died and forgave everyone.

Play time:

Prelude: 4 minutes Act I: 46 minutes Act II: 30 minutes Act III: 50 minutes.

Time:1end of August. Venue: British colony Boston and its suburbs

[Edit this paragraph] The characters in the play

Ricardo, mayor of Boston, tenor

Lei Natuo mayor's secretary baritone.

Amelia Lei Natuo's wife, Sopono.

Buzz, the enemy of Mayor Samuel.

Buzz, the enemy of Mayor Thomas.

Sylvain Noel sailor baritone

Edgardo Ricardo's waiter baritone.

Eureka fortune-telling witch contralto

Judge tenor

Amelia's tenor

Officials, parliamentarians, guards, gentlemen, servants of all ages, men and women, people attending masquerade parties, dancers and many others.

[Edit this paragraph] Story explanation

Prelude: It seems to imply that a tragedy is about to begin. This is a short prelude to Allegro, in which three important motives appear. At first, the first motivation for woodwind instruments and viola performance was the male chorus melody sung by the nobles at the beginning of the opening ceremony, which showed the people's love for Governor Ricardo (spectrum example). Then, starting with bass stringed instruments, violin as the leading factor, and guns as the order of staccato motivation, expressed the fierce hostility of people who held rebellious consciousness towards Ricardo, led by Samuel and Thomas. Subsequently, the third motivation for woodwind and violin playing was to express the love between Ricardo and Amelia, which appeared in the first scene of Ricardo's appearance, and Ricardo sang the romantic third scene and the second scene.

Scene 1: In the morning, the lobby of the mayor's residence in Boston.

There is a door in front and back leading to the mayor's bedroom. Ricardo, the mayor, won the hearts of the people, but was envied by the nobles and plotted to overthrow him. Before the curtain, the mayor was meeting with his subordinates, and the masses sang in unison about the mayor's good governance. Ricardo appeared soon. After greeting everyone, Oscar came in and showed the guest list of the masked ball. Ricardo saw the name of Amelia, the wife of secretary Lei Natuo, in the register, and sang the song "I can see her again". Then people sang their trust in him, but the mayor's enemies whispered "not yet" and then retreated together. Then the secretary Lei Natuo came in.

When Lei Natuo saw the mayor's pain and low face, he thought he knew the reason, so he deliberately scared him. Ricardo thinks he knows what is going on between himself and his wife, and he is also very nervous. But when Lei Natuo said that a group of enemies were waiting for the mayor's life, Ricardo laughed it off. Lei Natuo sang, "What should the people do if something happens in your life?" Then there is the aria "For Your Life", and I pledge my loyalty to Ricardo.

At this time, the chief judge walked into the scene and asked the mayor to sign a judgment approving the execution of the witch Ulica. This is due to the evil prophecy of this black woman living in a humble convent in the suburbs, which finally makes people feel uneasy. However, Edgardo sang "When a Black Face Looking Up at the Starry Sky", with a faint narrative, saying that her prediction and divination were really effective and defended this black woman. As a result, Ricardo, who became interested in the fortune teller, ignored Lei Natuo's warning and decided to visit the woman in disguise.

Then, the mayor called everyone in and asked them to assemble in the temple of the fortune teller at three o'clock. Edgardo was happiest at this time, and Lei Natuo was worried about the danger. The conspirators whispered that the opportunity should not be missed.

Scene 2: Black woman Wuulika's cave.

Late at night. In this suburban home in Eureka, the fire in the stove is burning, and there are three magical cauldrons on it. On one side is a dark cave, and on the other side is a winding stone step leading to a secret door. At the back entrance stood several young men and women, who were listening to the Oracle of Eureka.

After the gloomy prelude, pray first, and then sing an incredible spell "King of Hell, shake the atmosphere, come quickly" in front of the red flame furnace.

Just then, Ricardo, the mayor disguised as a fisherman, came in. Eureka's prayer continued, gradually boiling up, when the sailor sylvain came in and asked to calculate his own life. He said: "In the long years of fifteen years, despite the blood and sweat for the country, I never got anything in return." While reading his palm, Eureka told him, "Now is the time for you to be happy, and you will get money and fame."

Ricardo, who witnessed all this in the dark, quietly wrote a dispatch on a piece of paper, promoted him to an officer, and stuffed it into sylvain's pocket with several gold coins. Sylvain was very happy after hearing Ulica's divination, and inadvertently put his hand into his pocket, but as Ulica said, he was elated when he touched the gold coin and gave the order. People didn't realize that this was Ricardo's prank at all. They sang with one voice the magical power predicted by Eureka.

At this moment, Amelia's servant came in and told Eureka, "The lady outside wants to tell her fortune in secret." So Ulica said that because she wanted to see the devil, she told everyone to leave for a while, and then called Amelia in. Then Ricardo hid in a dark little room to spy out what happened.

When Amelia came in, she looked for some medicine to make people forget the unfair love. Ulica told her that "at midnight, go to the desolate guillotine in the suburbs and pick a magic grass, and you will get treatment." When Ricardo heard these conversations between two women, he knew that Amelia was still worried about her love. He felt very sorry for her and decided to go to the wasteland in the middle of the night. Then Amelia prayed to the Lord in fear, "Please give me strength to get rid of my inner troubles", and left after singing.

After Amelia left, Ulica opened the door again to let everyone in, including Edgardo, Samuel and Thomas dressed as vulgar. Then Ricardo sang the boat song "Please tell me if she is faithfully waiting for me" like a fisherman, and then held out his hand to show Ulica's palm.

As a result, Eureka predicted, "You will be killed by the people closest to you." In front of the surprised crowd, Ricardo smiled and said, "Just kidding, it's a joke." . Then she asked who would kill her, and Eureka replied, "From now on, you will be the first person to shake hands with you." . Ricardo jokingly held out his hand and asked others to shake his hand, but no one dared to do so.

Lei Natuo, who was late at this time, came in. He has no idea. Knowing that Ricardo was safe, he stepped forward and held Ricardo's hand tightly. Everyone was shocked. Ricardo smiled and said, "He is the person I trust most, and he will never be an assassin", and then gave the money to Ulica. Then, under the leadership of sailor sylvain Noel, we sang "Our Happiness is His Only Hope" in praise of Ricardo, and the curtain fell.

Act II: By the guillotine at midnight.

The guillotine in the suburbs of Boston at midnight. In the blue and white moonlight, the pillars of the guillotine stood upright. At this time, Amelia, wearing a veil, quietly came here alone. Seeing this terrible scenery, she trembled and said "This is the terrible place", and then sang an aria "If I can pick that grass and forget love" and poured out her troubles. When the clock struck twelve, she took off the magic grass instructed by Eureka and prayed to God in fear.

Ricardo came here to protect her, and he poured out his love to Amelia. At first, she felt pain because of her love and chastity for her husband, but in the end she couldn't hide her feelings for Ricardo. She ignited this deviant love and sang a duet "Oh, my heart is pounding" together.

When two people embrace together, intoxicated with the joy of love, Lei Natuo found here urgently. He told Ricardo, "There are a group of conspirators lurking around here!" Suggest that he take another road back as soon as possible. At this time, Amelia was afraid of being seen by her husband and immediately wrapped the whole head with black gauze. Ricardo ordered Lei Natuo to send the woman to the entrance of the street, but she was not allowed to look at her face. Then she ran away in Lei Natuo's cloak.

Rebels led by Samuel and Thomas appeared. They came to kill Ricardo, but the mayor escaped safely. While regretting missing the opportunity, the gang had an argument with Lei Natuo, who was guarding her, in order to see the true face of the woman who had a tryst with the mayor, so they drew swords. Because of the critical situation, Amelia tried to stop the two men from fighting in order to protect her husband, but the veil was pulled down.

When Lei Natuo saw that it was actually his wife who hugged Ricardo in this wasteland, he was both surprised and angry. The accomplice also laughed and said, "Although his wife was tempted, she still worked for the savage!" " , the best of insulting capabilities. Lei Natuo suddenly realized something and said to Samuel and Thomas, "Please come to my house tomorrow morning." Then I took Amelia back.

Act III Scene 1: Lei Natuo's study.

There are bookshelves on the wall, two bronze pots on the heater, and a portrait of the mayor on the other wall. Lei Natuo came in with Amelia, holding a sword. He began to condemn his wife's infidelity and ruthlessly ordered her to end her life. Amelia made her last request "my last wish", and she asked to see her son again.

Lei Natuo accepted her request, sang "Go ahead, you are allowed to see your son" and let his wife go into another room. Then stare at the portrait of Mayor Ricardo hanging on the wall and sing an aria "So you defiled her heart". He hated being teased by Ricardo despite his loyalty, and then recalled the happy time with Amelia.

Then Samuel and Thomas came to visit as agreed. Lei Natuo swore that he would take part in the assassination of the mayor even if his son became a hostage, so the three men discussed who would kill Ricardo. They decided to draw lots, so they put three pieces of paper with their names on them in the jar.

When Emiria came back, Lei Natuo ordered her to choose a jar. As a result, she picked up the note and saw that it was Lei Natuo. Excited Lei Natuo sang in a strange way: "Is this you? At this moment, Ricardo's waiter Edgardo brought the invitation card of the mayor's masquerade. Then the three conspired to assassinate under the cover of masks, but Amelia was extremely uneasy about it, while Edgardo was extremely happy with the lively dance and ended up with an interesting quintet.

Scene 2 Ricardo's study

Although Ricardo still misses Amelia, he made up his mind to send Lei Natuo back to England and forget his love for Amelia, so he sang an aria "I will lose you forever". He believes that his beloved heartbeat will definitely spread to her sky, and then he will sign his name under the dispatch.

Then the waiter Edgardo came in and handed Ricardo a secret letter from a strange woman. When I opened it, it warned the mayor that someone would assassinate him at the masked ball tonight. At this time, there was cheerful dance music in the ballroom at the rear. Ricardo pretended to be calm and decided to attend the masked ball as usual. After seeing Edgardo off, he sang "I can see her again" excitedly.

3 rd Jing dance hall

At this time, the masquerade was already going on, and gentlemen and ladies wearing various masks were dancing happily. The conspirators walked around in cloaks. They are looking for Ricardo. As soon as Lei Natuo found Edgardo, he lied that "the mayor must be found in case of emergency" and asked him what Ricardo had been transformed into. But Edgardo replied "I can't tell you" and sang an aria "Although you want to know how to disguise yourself". However, Lei Natuo cleverly used a trap to let him slip. Edgardo finally said that the mayor's costume is "a black cloak with a rose bow tie on his chest".

When Ricardo found Amelia, he immediately went over to verify that she was the one who warned her. Although Amelia anxiously asked Ricardo to "run away", he invited her to dance with him, poured out her love and told her, "I want you to accompany her husband to his new job."

When Ricardo told Amelia his departure, suddenly two men rushed to their side; Then, Lei Natuo stabbed the mayor in the chest from behind with a dagger, and Ricardo immediately fell in a pool of blood. When Edgardo shouted "Catch the assassin", Ricardo stopped him, pulled out an order to Lei Natuo from his chest pocket, swore Amelia was innocent, and then died after saying "I hope to forgive all traitors". People gathered together to curse this terrible night, praise Ricardo's generosity and pray for his blessing. The whole play ended in exciting music.