Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Ge's anecdotes and allusions

Ge's anecdotes and allusions

There is an article in Yutang Gossip about Ge's writing of Ge Zhou.

When Ge Zhou was guarding Yanzhou, he traveled and sat in a pavilion. There is a story, the little leader A, in his prime, is not married. This man is handsome all his life, good at riding and shooting, and has great courage. GeZhou called him in because he had something to report. At that time, his little wives were waiting on him. One of them is a little wife, who is very beautiful. Ge Zhou loves her very much and often takes her with him. A saw this woman and looked at it again and again. Gezhou asked him and said it several times, but he didn't bring himself back. Looking at the beauty with a greedy face, I forgot to answer. Gezhou had to shake his head. After that, get angry with him.

Someone told A, and A was afraid. Said he was in a daze. Besides, I forgot all about Gezhou's arrangement. For many days, I was in fear. Ge Zhou knew that he was afraid and was very gentle with him. Soon, there was an imperial edict to let Ge Zhou lead the troops to resist Tang Shi. The two armies fought a decisive battle in this place on the river for a few days, but the Tang division did not mess up. At night, the soldiers were hungry and thirsty, almost as tired as the dead. Ge Zhou called Jia and said, "Can we catch the enemy line?" A said, "Yes." And immediately led dozens of cavalry rushed out from the army. These people bravely walked up to the enemy and killed many people. Gezhou followed with a large army, and Tang Bing was defeated.

When Zhou Wang returned home in triumph, he said to his love general Ji, "Ali has made such a great contribution, and I want to repay him well. Please be his wife. " Aiji declined tearfully. Ge Zhou encouraged her to say, "It is better for you to be a wife than a little wife." And prepared a dowry for her, worth thousands of dollars. Zhou Wang invited Jia to say, "You have made great contributions to the river. I know you are not married. Now I'm going to give you anonymous as my wife. This woman is the one you were staring at the other day. Company A calls it a capital crime, but I beg to differ. Ge Zhou must insist before accepting it.