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Test your future, how to test that you can predict the future.

Speaking of testing your future, as we all know, some people ask how to test yourself and predict the future. Besides, someone wants to test my future. Do you know what this is about? In fact, how can we accurately test what our future life will be like? Let's take a look at how to test ourselves and predict the future, hoping to help everyone!

Test your future.

1, test your future: how to test your future? Find something to prove it.

Test my future: test my future. I was born on February 4th, lunar calendar 197 1 to test my future fate.

3. Test your future: How to accurately test your future life? Look around you? .

Look at you now. ..

How can I accurately test my future life? What are you doing now? Test your future appearance.

From the little things around you, you can see a person's character.

? And see his future. Super-quasi-future test.

4. Test your future: There is no such software to test your future career. Even if there is, it is not allowed. You should look at your future career from your own personality, which will make better use of your personality.

5. Test your future: Test your future. When you are late in the morning, full of vigor and vitality, striding like flying, crossing the noon and setting the sun, how can you test your future?

6. Test your future: Testing the future software is decided by God, and everything depends on people. If you really want to find comfort, you can go straight to the kind that you know for 500 years, know for 500 years, know half in the sky, and know everything on the ground. Go to a fortune teller, he will be cursed for such disclosure.

7. Test your future: How many children will you have in the future? This kind of thing is really hard to predict. If you want to test your health, you may have more children if you are healthy.

8. Test your future: What kind of test can measure your future development? Don't rely on ordinary tests. Believe in yourself. Testing is just a dependency. It gives you a standard, but it may not be suitable for you. See what you like and what you can do.

9. Test your future: How to predict your future and watch a future science fiction film? You will be linked with the fate of most people. Maybe you didn't let history remember you. ...

Each man is the architect of his own fate. If you want to have a future, you must learn to go out. If you are lucky, you will have luck when you go out.

10, measure your future: how to measure your future height and predict your height?

Height is the most important index of body shape characteristics, which has attracted worldwide attention. There are many methods to predict height, such as bone age prediction, foot length prediction, parents' height prediction, children's and adolescents' current height prediction, initial height prediction and mathematical prediction. This volume of data only briefly introduces the tested and scientifically based forecasting methods at home and abroad. How to measure your future?

There are many methods to predict height, which can be roughly divided into two categories. One is to use the current bone age and current height to predict the adult height: the theoretical basis is that the height of each age stage is highly correlated with the adult height, R=0.8. According to the present bone age, how high can you predict?

From 1988 to 1988, China Sports Commission conducted a study on the bone age of China people, and formulated the CHN method for the development standard of carpal bones in China. It was approved as an industry standard and officially promulgated and implemented in 2006.

When shooting X-ray of carpal bone, the fingers of the left hand are separated, the palm is pressed down on the X-ray box, the hand is straight and in line with the forearm, and the X-ray lens is aimed at the third metacarpal bone, about 90 cm away from the back of the hand. X-ray should include not only all the hand and wrist bones, but also the distal radius of 3 ~ 4 cm. Test your future self.

The development degree of radius, metacarpal bone, phalanx and wrist 14 bone was evaluated by CHN method. Add up the grade scores of 14 bones, and then look up the table to evaluate the bone age. After systematic training and repeated practice, the error of CHN method in evaluating films is not great.

Biological age

Bone age assessed by carpal bone age method is also called biological age, which is a sign of human growth, development, maturity and aging. In childhood and adolescence, biological age is usually regarded as the degree of growth and development. The biological age is roughly the same as the life age calculated by birth date. However, due to the influence of heredity, nutrition, physical exercise, diseases and other factors in the process of growth and development, the development speed may not be completely consistent with the age. Some people develop ahead of time, and their biological age will be greater than their living age. There are also people whose biological age is less than their living age. The speed of development is sometimes uneven. A person's development is backward in a certain period, and after a period of time, it may be normal because of the acceleration of development. Habit: The difference between bone age and life span is within 1 year, which is called normal development. The difference between bone age and life age > 1 year is called precocious puberty. The difference between bone age and life span < 1 year is called developmental backwardness (short for late maturity). In the growth and development stage of children and adolescents, it is of great significance to regularly evaluate their development degree for promoting the healthy growth of children and adolescents.

By comparison, this method is more accurate in predicting the height of various bone ages. When forecasting, you need to input the current height and bone age, and girls also need to input whether they have been here. Then calculate the adult height with different forecasting formulas for men and women.

hereditary factor

The other is to predict adult height according to parents' genetic factors. There are also several forecasting formulas. After comparison, the error of foreign formulas is large. Hubei Institute of Physical Education 1984 investigated and counted the heights of two young men and women and their parents, and the calculated height prediction formula was smaller than that of foreign countries, which had a good effect in selecting athletes and evaluating teenagers' physique in China. The height prediction formula is as follows: (unit: cm)

Male height =59. +0.× height +0.× mother's height.

Female height =43. +0.× height +0.× mother's height. Let's measure what the future will be like.

The future height predicted by bone age is mainly predicted from the current development level, and the future height predicted by parents' height is predicted from the innate genetic possibility, so the prediction results of the two are completely inconsistent.

It should be noted that because there are many factors affecting height, it is impossible to take all the factors into account in the prediction formula no matter which method is used, and many changing factors such as nutrition, disease and environment of the predicted object cannot be predicted after a certain period of prediction. Therefore, although we are sure that these forecasting methods are scientifically based, the trend reflected by the forecasting results cannot be wrong. However, the error of height prediction is always inevitable.

The above is about how to test that you can predict the future and how to test that you can predict the future sharing. After reading it, I will test your future. I hope this will help everyone!