Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Do you know anything about Zhang Youyi? How to evaluate her?

Do you know anything about Zhang Youyi? How to evaluate her?

Zhang Youyi and Lu Xiaoman once attended a dinner hosted by Hu Shi. Zhang Youyi also said that she couldn't figure out why Hu Shi invited her to dinner with newly married Xu Zhimo and Lu Xiaoman, but she felt that she had to go and would be "ambitious". What she probably means is to show the world that she is not an abandoned wife who dare not face it.

At dinner, Lu Xiaoman called Xu Zhimo "Mo" and "Mo", and Xu Zhimo called her "Man" or "Mei". Zhang Youyi remembered Xu Zhimo's brief and hasty conversation with himself, so he kept silent as much as possible.

Many years later, she recalled to her granddaughter Zhang Bangmei: "I can't avoid my feelings. I know, I am not an attractive woman, unlike other women. I am serious, because I am a bitter person. "

My friend Alice thinks this is Zhang Youyi's angry remarks, as if aimed at "immoral" Lu Xiaoman, but I think it is a very profound introspection. Zhang Youyi's lack of charm may really be because she is serious, and she is serious just because she is a bitter person.

Zhang Youyi, 1900, a native of Baoshan County, Jiangsu Province. She is four years older than Lin and three years older than Lu Xiaoman. The three girls are not much different in age, but the situation is completely different.

Lin and Lu Xiaoman, one born in Hangzhou and the other in Shanghai, have similar growing backgrounds. Lin's father graduated from Waseda University in Japan. He took an active part in the constitutional movement and served as the chief justice. During the Paris Peace Conference, he wrote "Diplomatic Alert for the People" with indignation, and he was a man of the hour in the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China.

Lu Xiaoman's father is not so dazzling, but he and Lin Changmin are also alumni of Waseda University. He participated in the League and served as a senior official of the Kuomintang. The similar background broadens their horizons and will not be limited to the foolish tradition of preferring sons to daughters. Therefore, Lin and Lu Xiaoman are the apple of their father's eye, and they are well educated. I have entered a prestigious school since I was a child.

By contrast, Zhang Youyi's childhood was much more bleak. Although her ancestors used to be senior officials, her father's generation is not what it used to be. Her father is just a small-town doctor with a good reputation. Judging from Zhang Youyi's account, his super-knowledge did not exceed his position at that time.

Zhang Youyi said that her mother had eight sons and four daughters, but her mother never told anyone that she had eight children, because only sons count and "women are worthless". She is even more alienated from her father: "I never appear in front of him unless my father asks me ... I won't talk in front of him unless he talks to me first." This is in stark contrast to Lin's experience. At the age of seven, Lin undertook the task of correspondence between her father's home and home. In her father's earliest letter to her, she wrote: "I am glad to know that I received your letter." My son is good at reading, gentle and sensible, and I love you very much ... "

Lu Xiaoman grew up under the doting of his parents. She is clever and naughty. She was out of control for a while. She was taught a lesson by her father before she got down to studying hard. Even so, her father attaches great importance to her.

On the issue of education, Zhang Youyi's father is also consistent with his surroundings. Zhang Youyi's second brother and fourth brother both went abroad to study early, and her father felt that it was an extravagant hope for girls to receive even the most basic education. Think about it. In Zhang Youyi's childhood, her mother tried to bind her feet, but she stopped under the resolute opposition of her second brother. She also knew how common her father's idea was at that time.

Only when Mr. Xue, invited by the Zhang family for boys, is free will he come and tell the girls about "filial piety" and "primary school". However, Zhang Youyi is a strong man. She tried her best to get an education for herself. When she was 12 or 13 years old, she saw an enrollment notice from a school in the newspaper. The fee was so low that her father was embarrassed to refuse. She took great pains to invite her sister who didn't like learning to go with her, in order to get herself into that school with extremely low teaching level.

So Zhang Youyi said, I'm from bad karma. Her pain is because she was neglected at home as a girl. On the other hand, she ranks second among the sisters. San Mao said that the second child is like a sandwich biscuit, which is most easily ignored by parents. What Zhang Youyi has been worried about is why the fortune teller said that her elder sister should not get married before she was 25, and her mother really wouldn't let her get married. The fortune teller said that she and Xu Zhimo were incompatible, but her mother would rather change her horoscope and promote this marriage. If we cherish Xu Zhimo, it is ok to give him her eldest daughter.

At that time, although Zhang Youyi knew it well, he could not question it. She always understands her situation and knows that only she can help herself. Whether it is actively helping parents to do housework and take care of their sisters, or actively seeking opportunities for education, it is a way to help yourself. It should be said that her growth is very inspirational, not giving up on herself, like a strong woman in social news.

However, strong girls often can't become attractive women, because they know from the beginning that no pains, no gains, and they lack a silly and naive trust in the world. They don't believe that they can be loved easily, so they can't laugh happily. When they are not confident and can't trust the outside world at the same time, they usually choose to be serious and tighten themselves. How many men will be happy to face the iron plate? At least the lively Xu Zhimo won't. Although Zhang Youyi is not ugly and very progressive, she is still regarded as a boring bumpkin.

Zhang Youyi doesn't know what to do, and he always thinks he hasn't done enough. Later, she did a lot for Xu Zhimo, but these made Xu Zhimo rely on her, trust her, respect her and never fall in love with her again.

Lin and Lu Xiaoman, whom he likes, are lovely because they are loved, and even more lovely because they are lovely. Their father's love for them made them confident, cheerful, lively and charming in the later men's world. This is a kind of temperament formed by them since childhood, which even formed a kind of hypnosis, making close men feel that they don't love them, which is simply unforgivable.

It is often said that girls should be raised well. This kind of affluence is not only wealth in money, but also a gentle package in the spiritual world. It not only makes a girl economically independent, but also enriches her spirit, makes her practical, firm and hesitant, and makes her elastic and not hysterical. Let's just say that a woman's opposite sex fate must be in direct proportion to how much love she gets. Father's love is the first bucket of gold that an ill-fated girl gets in her life.

Sadly, we were born at the end of last century, while Zhang Youyi was born at the beginning of last century, with a more similar fate. This may be the reason why Zhang Youyi is more popular with young women. We can always see our sad self from her puzzled face.

Hot life, telling shocking stories. Wechat official account: Qiqi Manyuedu (ID:qiqimanyuedu)