Fortunes Foretold: National Day Poetic Prognostications

Fortunes Foretold: National Day Poetic PrognosticationsMobile version content

As the golden hues of autumn adorn the land,

Fortunes unfold, guided by Feng Shui's hand.

In this vast expanse where rivers wind and mountains stand,

Destinies intertwine, as fate's decree is planned.

Amidst the celebrations of our nation's pride,

Let us delve into the mystic realms where secrets reside.

For in the tapestry of time, where destinies collide,

The whispers of the ancients, in our hearts, abide.

From the bustling streets to the tranquil countryside,

Each corner holds tales, where destiny does preside.

In the ebb and flow of life's eternal tide,

Fortunes are written, in every twist and stride.

In the heart of the city, where skyscrapers reach the sky,

Fortunes rise and fall, as ambitions soar high.

But heed the wisdom of Feng Shui, lest dreams go awry,

For balance and harmony, under heaven's watchful eye.

In the vast countryside, where fields stretch far and wide,

Fortunes are found, in nature's gentle stride.

Where the rivers flow and the mountains bide,

Prosperity blossoms, with each turning tide.

So as we gather to celebrate, our nation's grand parade,

Let us remember, the paths our destinies have laid.

For in the dance of fate, where dreams are displayed,

Fortunes foretold, in the echoes of accolades.

On this National Day, let us pause and reflect,

On the blessings bestowed, and the paths we select.

For in the symphony of life, where destinies intersect,

Fortunes await, in every step we elect.

So let us embrace the journey, with courage and with grace,

As we navigate the currents, of time and of space.

For in the tapestry of destiny, each of us has a place,

Fortunes foretold, in the soul of our nation's embrace.