Fortune Telling Collection - Ziwei fortune-telling - It proves that China is one of the four ancient civilizations.

It proves that China is one of the four ancient civilizations.

Are China four ancient civilizations? My answer is yes, China is a well-deserved four ancient civilizations. But my answer is based on cultural influence. As far as civilization is concerned, China is qualified to be one of the four ancient civilizations, because only China can pass on civilization! But in terms of historical time? This answer will undoubtedly draw a question mark. p6C})R! @

In fact, this problem should be studied from the historical process. Only by comparing China with other ancient countries in the world can we come to this conclusion. Compare Chinese civilization in different periods with other ancient civilizations in the world [from community to speed information/]

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7000-4000 years ago

/w? HP0? 4W: 【 Seven thousand years ago, in the illusory Shennong era of China, the ancient civilization of China was still very backward in the Stone Age. However, compared with most parts of the world, this is actually a Stone Age. But there are exceptions for the masses, and this exception is the two river basins, one of the four major civilizations, which is Cuban culture. The Sumerians living there have entered the era of using stone tools and copper. The ancient copper smelting sites found in the two river basins can prove that in this era, ancient Babylon has been ahead of all the people and all the nationalities in the world, and first entered the bronze age. Then in 2000, the Babylonian culture in Cuba dominated, and the concept of city-state appeared in the two river basins. In the polis, some palaces are as big as hundreds of rooms. There are many offices, and the size of palaces even exceeds that of many modern palaces.

+C/o-t9L"Q3_ After the Babylonians, ancient Egyptian culture began to rise in the Nile Valley. The situation of ancient Egypt and ancient Babylonian culture was similar, and bronzes also appeared. Some of them have begun to use hieroglyphics. The most powerful thing about Egyptian civilization is the concept of empire. Six thousand years ago, a small city-state appeared in Egypt. More than 65438 years later, now, a unified empire has emerged in Egypt, and the world headed by Pharaoh was born. The first centralized country in the world, the Kingdom of Ancient Egypt, was also a famous pyramid age. I'm quite sure of the technical difficulty of the pyramids. Personally, I think that the pyramids in Egypt are bigger than the Great Wall in China in the ranking of ancient buildings in the world. (Only my personal opinion). At the same time, it was the most advanced in the world in the fields of bronze painting, architecture, astronomy and mathematics. In the 600 years after the ancient Egyptian Empire, the two river basins were also unified into a centralized empire, which was called Adeka Empire in history. Through archaeological research, it is found that the civilization of Adeka Empire is highly developed, and it is at the world's leading level in water conservancy, construction, mining, metallurgy, shipbuilding and textile. Only ancient Egyptian civilization can compare with it.

q VM " Ma4 | 6r2J } C; In 7000-4000 years, Babylonians took the lead in inventing bronzes, digging canals, using carts pulled by donkeys, taking the lead in using boats made of reeds and wood, and so on. At the same time, they also invented cuneiform and the world's first written law. This is the first lunar calendar in the world that uses 12 months. Make up for the missing days with leap years. We also use a unique hexadecimal system. We mastered the square root of the cube root and invented ancient beer and bread. We invented the world's earliest fork with the world's earliest soap and plough. The ancient Egyptian civilization that followed Babylon was equally remarkable. The Egyptians invented hieroglyphics. Invented the world's earliest glass and ink, took the lead in using plumb lines in buildings, invented basements and stairs in buildings, placed tables and chairs in rooms (tables and chairs appeared in the Han Dynasty in China), and took the lead in using scales to grow wheat, barley, flax, grapes and figs. The ancient Egyptians wore linen clothes, metal jewelry and cold nets j7Oef%Ses.

Compared with the ancient Egyptian and Babylonian civilizations of the same period, China at this time can only be described as barren. At that time, there were no bronzes, no characters and no city-states in China, only legends about the Huangdi Yao Shun Dayu in Shennong. It is difficult to compare China with Egyptian and Babylonian civilizations at this time. The accurate positioning should be the period and era, and it is not qualified to become an ancient country. Therefore, in this era of 7000-4000 years ago, there were only two big cities in the world. 5P

2Z C P\O.G Xia Dynasty [From Community to Quick Interest/]

P s3w, 0 nhp was about 4000 years ago. The imperial culture of ancient Egypt has lasted for 500 years, and the pyramids are no longer the favorite of the pharaohs. Because grave robbers are rampant, the dead pharaohs usually put their bodies on cliffs instead of the pyramids. Hieroglyphics developed to a high degree. Egyptians connected rivers, lakes and seas through sluices, and also invented sailing boats (in China, sailing boats did not appear until the Qin Dynasty). At the same time, the Babylonians in Cuba are still far ahead of other countries in the world. Gold and silver become common currency, and the state has the right to set the prices of major commodities. The degree of national unity is universal. Code of hammurabi was used all over the country. It is the first complete code in the world and is still preserved in the Louvre. Puku. com #/a _ LQ] MD

In China at this time, the situation is not so optimistic. Although there was the first dynasty-Xia Dynasty, the concept of state was brilliant and casual. There has been no progress in the study of Xia Dynasty. Although some relics of the Xia Dynasty have been unearthed, the most critical capital and palace of the Xia Dynasty have never been found. The unearthed small bronzes cannot prove that the Xia Dynasty has entered the Bronze Age. To be sure, there were no bronze weapons in China during the Xia Dynasty. China in this era is not a bronze age, and there are few historical records about the Xia Dynasty. Xia dynasty, an illusory dynasty, is basically not found in the records of later generations, and the total number of written records that can be found does not exceed 2000 words. We can't prove the existence of Xia Dynasty with our mouths, but with concrete historical relics. Compared with Egypt and the two river basins in the same period, China is still very backward.

zM c+X0z! _ z At this time, China lags behind not only two ancient civilizations, but also many European civilizations. At the same time, the famous Minoan culture appeared in Greece. The ancient palace murals, gold and silver artifacts and gorgeous services that have been preserved so far can amaze the current visitors and even make the contemporary Xia Dynasty feel ashamed. The tap water system of Minoan culture was not surpassed in Europe until the19th century. The palace is like a maze, which makes people admire the wisdom of the ancient Greeks. After Minoan culture, Mycenae culture appeared in ancient Greek civilization. However, many Greek cultures are short-lived At the same time, in India, halaba culture has also flourished (Sam is different, it sounds like a pug). They were the earliest cotton growers in the world, with prosperous towns and ports, tools and weapons made of bronze, but they were more unfortunate than the Greeks.

Oddq。 Taken together, BdS usually refer to the four ancient countries as ancient Babylon, ancient Egypt, ancient India and ancient China, and China ranks last. However, when the other three cultures appeared, contemporary China civilization still lagged behind other ancient civilizations in the world. At that time, the Xia Dynasty lacked bronze tools, weapons, writing and a convincing foundation of civilization. At this time, the ancient China civilization lagged behind the other three ancient countries and the ancient Greek civilization. The names of the four ancient countries in the world need to be considered.

2Lw]{'Uc3T 1M+Y Shang Dynasty

3S # U3n(y5p . z; The development of China civilization began in Shang Dynasty. China people have their own characters, and bronzes are widely used. However, these achievements have lagged behind other cultures in the world 1300 years, and even ironware appeared in ancient Greece. They competed with China for the most powerful rival of the four ancient civilizations in the world-Greece, no matter in the Xia Dynasty. In Shang Dynasty, it far surpassed China culture. In the Xia Dynasty, when people were still using stone tools, bronze wares were widely used in ancient Greece. After Shang Dynasty, bronzes were widely used, and the Greeks had invented ironware. From the perspective of cultural development, ancient China has always lagged behind the civilization of ancient Greece. At the same time, the Hittite dynasty in the two river basins also invented iron. The use of iron tools is much higher than that of Greeks. It should be called the first level in the world. At the same time, China is still at the level of bronze ware, and there is indeed a certain gap with other ancient civilizations in the world.

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% ` 3 | V & amp? O}"v Looking at the comparison between the ancient history of the world and the history of China, in fact, ancient China coexisted with ancient Egypt, Cuba and ancient India, which is actually difficult to establish, or we have been lagging behind the other three ancient countries. Oh! Don't! To be precise, it should be two, ancient Egypt and Babylon. Indian civilization is splendid, but it is as short as the Greeks. Although Chinese civilization has lagged behind these civilizations for a long time, it has never stopped, whether it is an illusory 5000 years, an equally illusory 4000 years, a well-founded 36000 years or the most reliable 3200 years. No matter which of these statements is more realistic, it can't be concealed.

Go * o}-o (Y3W "| k) Or, although we are behind those precocious ancient civilizations in history, China is undoubtedly the greatest! Because today, when the three ancient countries have fallen, Chinese civilization can still stand on the top of the world, which shows that China people have never been conquered by foreigners in the true sense. On the other hand, we can rely on our own civilization to domesticate foreigners who have conquered us in form, and instead domesticate them into China people. These are the essence of China civilization. All rivers run into the sea, and it will develop forever. Let those ancient civilizations that once led us be ashamed. Sudan/Sudan

O$k"~Ef|3H So China is one of the four ancient civilizations? Puku. com-| AP #[V # g; J6z

In my opinion, from the perspective of culture, from the perspective of civilization evolution, that is, from the perspective of historical process, China's civilization is later than ancient Greece, and it also lags behind ancient Greece. From this perspective, China should rank fifth in chronological order, that is, the five ancient civilizations. However, the ancient Greek civilization was too short, and although the culture was brilliant, it did not last long. Ancient Greece was far inferior to China. In fact, China's cultural status has been seen by everyone in China. No matter how educated they are, China people always think they are the best in the world!