Fortune Telling Collection - Ziwei fortune-telling - Why is Ji Xiaolan's Notes on Yuewei Caotang so famous?

Why is Ji Xiaolan's Notes on Yuewei Caotang so famous?

Ji Yun, whose real name is Xiaolan, presided over the compilation of Sikuquanshu during the Qianlong period, which is a great wealth he left to future generations. In Ji Xiaolan's later years, probably from the 54th year of Qianlong to the 3rd year of Jiaqing, Ji Yun completed Notes on Reading Wei Caotang between the ages of 66 and 76. This work was very popular in the society at that time. When Ji Xiaolan finished writing some of them, all walks of life copied some of them and enjoyed a high reputation, enjoying the same status as Strange Tales from a Lonely Studio and A Dream of Red Mansions.

However, two works, Strange Tales from a Lonely Studio and A Dream of Red Mansions, are now widely circulated, but little is known about Yuewei Caotang. To understand an era, history books are the core part, but without flesh and blood, literary works at that time can truly reflect the social life at that time. Therefore, if readers want to know the history of China in the17th century, it is necessary to know and even read this book.

In order to make readers understand the content of this work more truly, this paper selects two articles from this book as the introduction.

Nonsense: there are people, animals and a pig in it. What should I do if I see my neighbors? Eyes growled and rushed to bite, but others didn't. The neighbor was angry at first and wanted to buy it and spit it out. I immediately froze and said, "This Buddhist scripture is the so-called injustice! There is nothing in the world that cannot be solved. " Sold it at a good price and redeemed it, and sent it to the Buddhist temple as a long pig. See you later. I'll be close to you. Not a state of recovery. It should be true to see a tiger lurking in Sun Chong's paintings. Li Yan, a Brazilian, wrote: "It is difficult for people to ride a tiger, but they are still aiming at horses." Is Ibn docile and docile, and the power of Tao is destroyed? I know that love can be contracted between heaven and earth. * * * Keep a heart of stone and be afraid of doing nothing. "You can explain some things.

The translation given here is not so particular, so it is a reference.

Nonsense, there is a man in his hometown who keeps a pig. When he saw the old man next door, he glared at him and became angry. He rushed up to bite him, but when he saw others, he didn't. At first, the old man was very angry and wanted to buy the pig and eat its meat. Later, I woke up and said, is this the injustice mentioned in the Buddhist scriptures? There is no great hatred in the world. The old man paid a good price for the pig, sent it to the Buddhist temple and raised it as a "long pig". Then when the pig saw the old man, he drooped his ears and approached him, not as fierce as before. I have seen the tiger painted by Zhong Sun, and the Brazilian Li Yan wrote a poem: "It is difficult for a man to ride a tiger, but he still rides a unicorn. Is Ibn docile? The power of Tao dispelled its charm. I know that love can be contracted between heaven and earth. * * * guarding the heart of the stone, afraid of doing nothing. " This poem can be used as an explanation of this story.

Liu Xiaolian in Cangzhou has a fox library. Talk to people during the day and throw stones at them, but you can't see their shapes and ears. It is well known that a good official in the plain, Dong Si, heard about this and drove himself away. People who say Chen are very strange. Suddenly, he said: Gong is an official, loves the people and doesn't take money, so he dare not attack Gong. But loving the public and loving the people is a good name, and not taking money is a fear of future trouble, so I don't avoid the public. On public holidays, don't say anything sleepy. Dong came back in a mess and was very unhappy for several days. Liu Yi's servant is stupid, but she is not afraid of foxes. The fox doesn't hit it, or asks the fox when talking to it. The fox said: Although he is in the army, he is really filial to his wife. Ghosts and gods still avoid seeing him, so I don't care if Liu Nai tells his servant to live in this room, and the fox will leave in one day.

Cangzhou Xiaolian Liu's study was occupied by foxes. Talk to people during the day and throw tiles and stones at them, but others can't see where the fox is. Dong Siren, known as a plain man, is a good official. When he heard about it, he went to drive the fox away himself. Just as he was talking about the difference between man and demon, he suddenly heard someone under the eaves say loudly: You are a good official, and you love the people without greed. I dare not hit you, but you love the people only for a good reputation, and you are not greedy but afraid of future troubles, so I am not afraid of you. Stop talking. Don't talk about asking for trouble. Dong came back in a mess and moped for several days. Liu Xiaolian has a rude and stupid maid, but she is not afraid of foxes, and foxes don't hit her. When talking with the fox, someone asked about it. The fox said: Although she is a servant, she is a truly filial woman. Ghosts and gods should refrain from it, not to mention me. Liu Xiaolian let the maid live in this room, and the fox left the next day.

The above two stories are taken from Ji Xiaolan's Notes on Yuewei Caotang. Although this book is in classical Chinese, there are still not many obstacles to read today. The main purpose is to punish evil and promote good, and to use more related contents of ghosts and gods.

This book is a story that Ji Xiaolan heard or heard from other places. Ji Xiaolan thinks this book is a true story. Why such a book is called a ghost fox photo, it will be better understood if it is combined with the background of the times at that time. People today generally don't believe in ghosts and gods, so from today's point of view, this is clearly a ghost novel. However, in Ji Xiaolan's time, most people believed that ghosts and gods really existed, so it is easy to think and understand things from the perspective of ghosts and gods, and we don't have to hold on to this point. After all, the definition given to him today belongs to short classical Chinese novels.

In A Brief History of Chinese Fiction, Mr. Lu Xun spoke highly of Reading Notes from Wei Caotang: "Only Ji Yun has a long writing style, many secretaries and a broad mind. Therefore, people who measure the situation of ghosts and gods and ask foxes to express their opinions are all witty remarks; There are textual research and sentiment. The narrative is elegant and elegant, full of natural interest. Therefore, no one can win its seat later, and it is not just looking forward to it. " Ji Xiaolan's works have not been circulated so far by virtue of his high status, and his reputation is very high. A simple example, his life's works are countless and have been passed down to this day.

Choosing two stories can narrow the distance between readers and ancient literati and broaden their horizons. Perhaps this is a way to learn ancient history and culture!