Fortune Telling Collection - Ziwei fortune-telling - [Square stud? Heaven, earth, people and harmony] society is shallow and schools are deep? Notes on observation of internal syndrome

[Square stud? Heaven, earth, people and harmony] society is shallow and schools are deep? Notes on observation of internal syndrome

I read the notes on observing the internal evidence.

Last winter, some netizens recommended "Notes on Internal Evidence Observation", bought it from the Internet and read it carefully. The feeling after reading can be summarized by the word "shock". In the book, all kinds of physical phenomena observed by the author's internal evidence are recorded in detail, which makes people sigh that "harmony between man and nature" and "correspondence between man and nature" are so concrete and realistic, both magical and convincing. In addition, a few points caught my attention. First, the author puts moral cultivation in a very high position and thinks that internal evidence is not a technology, but a product of morality; Secondly, the author's anatomy of human beings has both "flesh" and "spirit", both "sex" and "fate", which is more in line with the truth of life than western medicine's only looking at the anatomy of flesh without looking at God. Thirdly, the author combines the influence of 28 stars and seven strategies (big universe) on human beings (big prosperous phase) with the operation of human the twelve meridians (small prosperous phase), and clearly expounds the relationship between human beings and the universe and the operation law of human small universe; The third is the description of meridians and acupoints, the explanation of acupuncture and the treatment principle of traditional Chinese medicine, which links the scattered knowledge about traditional Chinese medicine that I knew in the past. Although I can't fully understand many places in the book, I still want to say that it is really a rare good book to understand China culture and Chinese medicine.

This is a book that needs to be pondered repeatedly. I watched it again recently, and took notes at the places marked when I first saw it. The transcription is as follows: In short, each of us has three bodies: body, yin and yang, and empty body.

Internal syndrome is an ancient scientific observation and experimental method specially used by Taoism, Buddhism and Confucianism. The cultivation of Taoism and the cultivation of noble spirit, as well as the long-term practice and study of Chinese medicine, can reach a certain level of internal syndrome at a higher level.

Our ancestors believed that the root of morality is the function of heaven in human body, and life is morality. Without morality, existence is meaningless.

The anatomy of traditional Chinese medicine holds that human life itself contains morality. Human internal organs can produce morality. Immorality is a real disease. There is no contradiction between internal syndrome and science and technology. As the external syndrome technology of internal syndrome, contemporary science and technology will surely develop into the most important technical support of internal syndrome. Internal evidence may also correct the development track of science and technology.

Disease is a shortcut to know and discover the truth. Failure to convert to civilization, truth and morality is illness.

Since a person belongs to a civilization, it is only a matter of time before he really converts to the civilization he belongs to. Only the civilization to which you belong can save yourself.

Internal reference, in ancient China, is not a technology, but a product of morality, or internal reference itself is morality. If there is no morality, there is no internal evidence. Morality is the first key to enter the internal certificate.

Learning the life sciences in ancient China, including internal syndrome, really needs a certain material foundation. But this is not the most important thing. In addition to my sincerity and will, in addition to law and wealth, the first is the morality of learners. The realm that Buddha wants to pursue is that all beings in the world have spirits; Taoism preaches that the universe has virtue and pursues the highest state of human existence and the most fundamental objective truth in the universe. The purpose is to inherit our civilization and let mankind transcend endless ignorance. Confucianism wants to "establish a heart for heaven and earth, establish a life for the people, link the past with the future, and create a peaceful future for all generations." ..... So the internal evidence is not only the result of monasticism, but also a responsibility, a sacrifice and an abandonment to the world. Without the spirit of productism, there is no way to learn and use internal evidence just for personal benefit. ..... When we inadvertently explore the internal syndrome with a strong material desire, the internal syndrome is actually getting farther and farther away from us.

Things like "nothing" need to be observed with the "eye of heaven". ..... meridians, acupoints, great changes, hidden images, qi, etc. The universe and human body seen by Chinese medicine belong to such substances as "nothing" to a great extent.

The Buddha said that the Diamond Sutra has five eyes: at first glance, everyone has the naked eye. The observer of beauty and goodness sees it. The second eye, everyone has a natural eye. The sky eye can observe the universe and life composed of various substances such as existence and non-existence. Third, everyone has an eye and unlimited wisdom, and can practice and use wisdom in the world. Fourth, everyone has a right eye. It is possible to discover the laws of life and the universe and discover the truth. Can consciously use truth and laws to do things. Fifth, everyone has a Buddha's eye. Buddha's eyes are compassion, equality, self-sacrifice and great love.

Any internal syndrome includes the most basic contents: introspection, repentance, purifying the soul, strengthening the body according to the law of "nothing" material movement in human life, etc.

Technology beyond moral control is ultimately harmful.

Sex is human nature, nature, nature and truth, and sex is only a small part of it. ..... The master and representative of this part of sex was called Yuan God in ancient China. ..... This part of life, its main master and representative, is the heart, also known as knowing God. Human viscera, flesh and blood, meridians and genes all belong to the category of life.

The Confucian classic "The Doctrine of the Mean" says: "Destiny is nature, frankness is Tao, and cultivation is teaching."

Zhouyi Shuo Gua Zhuan: It's exhausting to follow morality and reason.

Zhang Sanfeng's Tao and Brief Speech: Hard work is the first level, and one step at a time makes great efforts. What is poverty? Read the truth, visit the truth, view nature and participate in Heluo. Use your leisure time to recharge your batteries and lay a good foundation. One side is poverty, and the other side is sex, which is a panacea for immortality. Sex is also included, and the living is also outside, and the inside and the outside are connected, and the road is completed. The word "so so" obviously contains the formula that sex will be established and will return to nature the day after tomorrow. If there is no sincere person, I will seek the formula in the formula.

Wang Zhongyang, the founder of Quanzhen religion, said: Sex is the Yuan God, and life is the vitality. Life is the root of pride.

A person's life mainly consists of three parts: one part is the ID and my true colors. In the human body, it refers to Shen Yuan. The second part refers to the part of matter that the universe naturally gives people, such as yin and yang, five elements, intelligence, information and so on. The third part is the part where our body is born by the combination of parents and sperm because of love. Modern life science believes that this part is composed of genes and so on. The second and third parts are a part of life.

Doum is the highest goddess of Taoist worship. In the important Taoism, there is a Chen Yuan Hall, the highest floor of which is dedicated to Dom Yuan Jun. ..... About three days before a woman's menstruation, the gas and light in the home star palace will definitely come into direct contact with a woman's body and run a special system in her life.

Ternary refers to Ziweiyuan, Taiweiyuan and Tianshi source, which is equivalent to the supercluster in modern astronomy. ..... Qiu means central in space, and Qiu is the upper wall of ternary. ..... the sky wall means the market in space. It is the next wall among the three walls, and its star name is named after commodities, electrical appliances and market types. ..... Ziwei Courtyard is a three-dimensional middle wall, living in the center of the northern sky. Also known as Zhonggong and Ziweiyong, it means Palace. The stars are named after palaces.

Seven strategies refer to seven stars: the sun, the moon, Jupiter, Mars, Venus and Mercury.

For Chinese medicine and human body, the sun is the most important and nearest star to transmit solar energy. The true qi of the sun belongs to the temple, bladder meridian and small intestine meridian of human body. The so-called qi of the sun refers to the true qi of the sun delivered to the human body by the sun in the sky through acupoints. ..... The qi of the sun is not only the qi of the sun, but also the standard and name of the qi with the strongest yang. ..... At noon, the sun transmits the qi of the sun to the human body, and then the qi in the human body rises from the Du meridian, descends from the front of the brain, passes through the heart and enters the kidney storage system. At this time, the heart and kidney are connected.

The true qi of the moon belongs to the lunar qi in Yin San Sanyang, which is an important source of lunar qi in human body. The relationship between the moon and the liver and spleen is similar to that between the sun and the heart, bladder and small intestine. The spleen and lung meridians of the human body are the Taiyin meridians.

Jupiter is responsible for transporting qi, yin and yang substances, five elements and essence to the liver and gallbladder; Mars is responsible for transporting the true qi, yin and yang, five elements and essence to the heart; Saturn is responsible for transporting qi, yin and yang, five elements and essence to the stomach and spleen; Venus is responsible for transporting qi, yin and yang, five elements and essence to the lungs.

When one side of the 28-star is in strenuous exercise, the true qi of the star on this side sometimes condenses into the image and appearance of the corresponding spirit in the four spirits. ..... Four Spirits, actually refers to the true qi form of the twenty-eight stars when they are full of true qi.

Great exuberance refers to the vigorous exuberance of lung, heart, liver and kidney in human body at the age of twenty-eight stars. The Great Prosperity is a season. ..... The most important feature of the great prosperity stage is that it is synchronized with the movement and gas exchange of 28 stars and one night of the same nature. Second, the vigorous movement is much stronger than the the twelve meridians movement. Compared with other Tibetan fu instruments, this season's Wangxiang movement is already the dominant movement. Small prosperous phase should be restricted by big prosperous phase. Thirdly, Dawangxiang often carries out complex and multi-track movements with the Qi in the local storage (such as liver storage), and even multi-gas and multi-track movements may occur.

The twelve meridians of the human body has a fixed order, and every two hours, there is a meridian flourishing ... called Xiao Wangxiang. ..... Twenty-eight stars and seven houses all attended the incense. Compared with the king, Wang Xiao's strength is weak and his time is short.

The true qi from each star will enter different organs of the human body, and there will be a phenomenon of meridian tropism dominated by one or two organs. The first yin-yang substance in TCM is qi. ..... Without Chinese medicine, the human body does not produce true qi. The second is that Chinese medicine contains yin and yang balls. ..... The gathering of the two spheres of Yin and Yang in the diseased parts of the human body will make the meridians of treatment suddenly run through after the symptoms of traditional Chinese medicine.

According to the number of yin and yang substances, the intensity and concentration of light, and the time of movement, the yin substance can be divided into three kinds of yin substances: Taiyin, Shaoyin and Jueyin, while the yang substance can be divided into three kinds of yang substances: Sun, Yangming and Shaoyang, which are usually called three Yin San yang. ..... The six substances of Sanyang are not solid things, but constantly moving and changing, like gas, like river, like light.

Five movements and six qi study the movement of the universe and atmosphere, especially the process and characteristics of immaterial movement. Study how the movement of qi in the universe affects people, what is the law, and then make predictions. ..... According to the observation, the influence of five movements and six qi is mainly directly influenced by the intangible part of human life, that is, the invisibility in the human body. ..... It will directly find a place in a special part of everyone's body, establish its own base for the five movements and six qi, and have a direct effect on the deepest part of the human body. ..... Building a warehouse is a compulsory way for nature to make people move with the sky.

There are two characteristics of the Five Movements and Six Gases: First, the Milky Way, the Twenty-eight Stars and the Solar System are the battlefields; second, in terms of the shortest time period, the Five Movements and Six Gases take 60 years as a cycle. ..... The core of five movements and six qi is the solar system and twenty-eight stars.

There are five elements in the 28-star, and the names of the seven houses are very distinct. ..... There are at least two things in the subdivision of the five elements in the sky. One is the movement of the stars and the five elements, which is called the five movements. It has a direct impact on people, and the great prosperity of people is the result. Second, the five qi produced by the five movements will be directly transmitted to the human body.

A movement line in the human body is called Xiao Wuxing. The five elements in the human body have two major processes, one is the process of birth, and the other is the process of grams. Raw is called antegrade, and gram is called retrograde. Taoism believes that shunsheng is a natural process from birth to old age. Retrograde is a procedure followed by monks and a real living method.

The basic operation procedure of Shunsheng is: the true qi is generated by the kidney and transmitted to the liver through a special airway; After the liver is in vigorous phase, qi is conducted to the heart through the airway; The heart stores qi to the spleen; Spleen storage is transmitted to lung storage through airway; Lung Zang transmits qi downward from both sides to kidney Zang through airway. And then recycled.

There are many ways to express and measure the five elements in ancient China. The first is to distinguish the stars, the second is to distinguish the colors, the third is to distinguish the directions, the fourth is to determine the great changes, the fifth is to observe the five elements of tectonic materials mentioned by Liu Mu, the sixth is to distinguish the yin from the number, the seventh is to observe the time, and the eighth is to distinguish between the meridian tropism and the Tibetan tropism.

Whether it is a serious illness or a minor illness, it is caused by carelessness. Unhealthy qi, some related to qi itself, such as unhealthy six meridians, some coming in the wrong time and direction, or coming too much, are all unpretentious qi.

Traditional Chinese medicine mainly acts on the human body, with no substance, mainly qi and meridian tropism. ..... Chinese medicine believes that Tai Chi organs, black holes, yin and yang substances and so on can be produced in the human body. Traditional Chinese medicine can develop meridians and related meridians and viscera, and open acupoints that need to be opened.

Lemon is one of the fruits with the most medicinal value in the world, which enters the gallbladder and spleen meridians.

The top manager of this part of humanity is Shen Yuan, who constitutes a special management and control system, which can be called Shen Yuan system. The magic system in charge of the Yuan gods is mainly composed of three spirits, seven gods, spleen gods and liver gods. ..... (magic system) is composed of "nothing" and "empty" matter.

Ancient scholars believed that the Yuan God was good in nature and good at longevity, and there was another god called God after tomorrow. This god, good death, good secular desire.

Shen Yuan has several most important characteristics: first, it represents the true essence of human life; The second is a word "spirit", which is wonderful and magical; The third is light. Shen Yuan is also a special kind of phosgene. ..... Ancient explorers believed that Yuan God was the "true face" of human beings, the "true self" of human beings and the fundamental reason for human longevity. When parents conceive, the fetus has a god of yuan and a god of knowledge. Yuan God shows infinite truth and is ignorant. Knowing God is the essence of Taiji. Yuan God can master the essence of the body, and knowing God can change people's minds.

According to the Taoist scriptures, the soul is three kinds of true qi with human appearance and image, but the soul is a special gaseous thing. Soul is a substance, an image formed by qi, which exists in the liver, but loves sports.

"Su Wen's Six Sections on Zangxiang" says: "Lung is the foundation of qi, and so is God." Seven' o is in charge of human vitality. The desires represented by the seven spirits are different, and their images and appearances are also different. Excessive desire makes the seven spirits lose their normal human form, which is similar to the evil spirits, freaks, perverts and freaks in our imagination.

Dirty refers to the organs that make up the body, and hiding refers to hiding in a big warehouse, including and collecting many treasures.

It is said in Huangdi Neijing and Daozang that the heart stores the spirit, the liver stores the soul, the lung stores the spirit, the spleen stores the meaning and the kidney stores the essence.

In addition to these five treasures, each treasure also contains more than ten kinds of things necessary for our lives. These ten treasures are mainly sound (referring to music), direction, emptiness (space), number (referring to the inherent law of life), information, yin and yang, color, taste, true qi and net.

No matter whether it is three souls and seven spirits or five hidden qi, there are two most important similarities: one is that they belong to different qi, and they exist on its basis; Second, there is no body like a body, only images, representations and images, because they are all empty material forms, that is, they all belong to substances without classes, not to substances with classes.

The forms of Taiji organs are mainly spherical and ellipsoidal, and the movement of Taiji organs is mainly in the form of rotation. The immaterial subjects that constitute Taiji organs are Qi, Light, Five Elements, Yin and Yang, etc. , its movement position is relatively fixed. Therefore, this immaterial structure with spherical rotation is called Taiji organ.

Different Taiji organs have different functions in human body, which can be roughly divided into six categories. One is the main taiji organ in the human body; Second, there must be Tai Chi organs in important tricks, even a group of many; Third, there are many acupuncture points, even countless; The fourth is the temporary Taiji organ, which is mainly composed of five movements and six qi. Five, traditional Chinese medicine Taiji organ is a temporary Taiji organ made by traditional Chinese medicine in the human body. The sixth is "black hole Tai Chi", which mainly refers to black holes in the human body.

The three fields in the human body are the most important and controlled Tai Chi organs in the human body. For example, Tai Chi organs in the brain, Tai Chi organs hidden in the heart, and Tai Chi organs below the navel. Ancient monks called these three most important Tai Chi organs "Santian Single Field". Their main functions are receiving information, processing information, generating information and deducing.

Acupoints are Artest's qi organs, and so are the dark orifices.

For the human body, losing the function of Taiji organs is a disease.

The acupoints on the meridians will rotate and expand in many directions whenever they are in a prosperous phase, so the number chain in the acupoints will undergo structural changes.

Acupuncture is the structure and organ of Taiji in acupuncture.

Dark acupoints are usually distributed in important positions of human body, which is more complicated than ordinary acupoints. It processes relatively important information and regulates some local functions of human body system, which is the key part of the main control system.

Black holes in the human body still have the three characteristics of circle, rotation and endless life, so they can also be classified as special Tai Chi organs. The difference is that black holes in the human body have two kinds of movements: inhalation and ejection.

Tai Ji Chuan's boxing is based on the principle of Taiji organs, and exercises Taiji organs in the human body. Every time you hit Tai Ji Chuan, you move the Tai Chi organs in the human body from beginning to end.

The five system substances of "Five Elements" move according to certain laws, forming a larger life system. This law is the law of "river map" and "Luo Shu" Some scholars have studied that "River Map" expresses the innate movement law of life, while "Luo Shu" expresses the acquired movement law.

"Nine palaces" refers to the mathematical law of the network and structural movement of "nothing". ..... "Huangdi Neijing" said that human life, within one year, is a procedural movement according to the time and space of Jiugong.

Mathematics in ancient China can be divided into two categories. In ancient times, it was called "internal number", and its essence was mathematics observed, produced and applied in internal syndrome. The other is called "external number", which is equivalent to our current mathematics and is mainly used for measurement and calculation.

Huangdi Neijing says that the liver is born on the left, which is just an objective life phenomenon observed in the internal syndrome: a large amount of qi and substances needed for the growth and movement of the liver come from organs such as the spleen on the left side of the human body. ..... The structure of pure yang substances needed for liver storage is all in the left spleen storage, and the derivation number and growth number of spleen storage are both fifteen, so a new round of derivation can be carried out. According to the law of internal numbers, ten is one and ten is one. One is the derivative number of kidney "water", which produces water and is beneficial to liver storage. The combination of true water and true water is full, which is beneficial to liver storage. In the derivation, the liver always needs the central soil, and the soil is mostly supplied, so it is said that "the liver is born on the left".

Huangdi Neijing says, "Those who are destined have eyes", but the eyes are destined. In other words, the eye is the life gate of the neutral part of human life, the most important life gate of human life, and the life gate of Yuan God.

Twenty-eight stars and seven political stars transmit scriptures to the human body. The meaning of meridian transmission is to transmit what is needed to the meridians of the human body. ..... The place where the meridians conduct is an important point on each meridian.

Meridian is composed of at least five things. The first is the mysterious meridian, which is composed of immaterial things. The second treasure is the number chain moving in the meridians. The third weapon is the essence in the meridians. The fourth weapon is the acupoint.

The shape (of acupoints) is spherical, and substances such as essence and number chains flow and rotate. Functionally speaking, the most important function of acupoints is to export and transmit, and its nature is nothingness.

Usually, at the beginning of the flourishing phase of meridians, there is always one or several acupoints before the flourishing phase. This acupoint may be caused by the qi emitted by the gallbladder meridian and the stars, or it may be caused by the vigorous phase projected by the acupoints on the related meridians. Through one or several acupoints on a meridian of Wangxiang, through the rotation and movement of these acupoints, the qi in the whole meridian is started, and the movement of these qi is promoted, so that the whole meridian is prosperous. Finally, activate the viscera to which the meridians belong, so that the viscera to which the meridians belong will also flourish.

The human body, even the most inconspicuous part, is not only influenced by parents, but also closely related to the stars in space. Huangdi Neijing said that the lung was born on the right. ..... When the liver is full, the liver and gallbladder are observed at the same time, and the lung meridian has started. The lung meridian is moved by the hyperactivity of the liver and gallbladder, and it is indeed that the lung is born on the right.

Besides my mother and the woman who loves you desperately, is there anyone who loves us like a star?