Fortune Telling Collection - Ziwei fortune-telling - Why does the horse's ear keep shaking?

Why does the horse's ear keep shaking?

The vast grassland and galloping horses, this scene let me appreciate the feeling of a vast grassland and feel the infinite power of horses. I believe you also like the feeling of galloping. When you look at the horse carefully, you will find that its ears often shake. Why?

Animals' ears are all hearing organs. But few people know that horses can use their ears to express various expressions such as "happiness, anger, sadness and joy" in addition to their hearing organs.

Horse owners generally observe the "mood" of horses from their various postures, the movements of muscles in various parts of the face, the movements of their tails and limbs, and the screams. But the most obvious part of the horse's expression depends on the face, in which the expressions of ears, nose and eyes are more obvious. Among these parts, the "expression" of the ear is the most easily perceived. Therefore, experienced horse owners can know the horse's mood from the "expression" of the horse's ear.

When a horse is in a "good mood", its ears are upright and strong, but they often shake slightly; When it is in a bad mood, its ears keep shaking back and forth; When nervous, it looks up high and its ears stand on both sides; When excited, its ears usually fall backwards.

When it feels very tired after work, its ear roots appear weak and its ears droop forward or to both sides; When it is sleepy and needs to rest, its ears hang down to its sides; When it is afraid, its ears will tremble nervously and make a sound from its nostrils, which is called "nose-lifting", especially at night.

Just by observing the horse's ears, we can know many different "moods" of horses. If we look at the expression of its nose and eyes and the flapping of its tail, we can know more about the "mood" of the horse.