Fortune Telling Collection - Ziwei fortune-telling - Raise asparagus indoors. Is smoking harmful to it? Is it harmful?

Raise asparagus indoors. Is smoking harmful to it? Is it harmful?

Smoking is very harmful to asparagus, so you must not smoke when raising asparagus.

In addition, the cultivation method of asparagus is attached:

If asparagus is not flourishing, it should be fertilized. Here's a local method. Watering asparagus with white sugar water can also increase nutrition. Watering asparagus with 5- 10% white sugar water every 20 days can make it flourish. Asparagus is one of the family potted plants that many flower lovers like very much, so the cultivation method and family maintenance management method of asparagus are also topics that flower lovers talk about. This paper introduces the cultivation method of asparagus and the family maintenance management method of asparagus. It is also important to be familiar with the growth habits of asparagus. Asparagus is native to South Africa. I like warm, humid and semi-cloudy environment. Cloth is cold-resistant and drought-resistant. I like fertile, loose and well-drained sandy loam. Asparagus likes shading and is mostly used for indoor desk decoration. Asparagus likes humidity, fears drought, avoids excessive humidity and waterlogging, and is strict with soil and water. Mastering the appropriate humidity of basin soil is the key to its daily maintenance. Key points of family maintenance

1. Potted soil

Asparagus is suitable for growing in warm and humid soil with rich rotten branches and good drainage. Asparagus is afraid of smoke. If it encounters toxic gas, its branches and leaves will turn yellow easily. Therefore, attention should be paid to keeping the environment clean during maintenance. Asparagus will enrich the soil. If there is no soil replacement and fertilization for a long time, the nutrient supply will be short and the branches and leaves will turn yellow. At this time, it is necessary to water the decomposed dilute liquid fertilizer or compound fertilizer once a week, and water the soil in time to make it turn from yellow to green quickly. If the fertilizer is too thick or does not decompose, it is easy to cause "watering the roots", resulting in dry leaves and falling off. At this time, it is necessary to dump the fertilizer in the basin, rinse the clods with clear water, and then replace them with new culture soil.


If potted asparagus is watered too much, the soil is too sticky and the drainage is not smooth, the leaves of asparagus will turn yellow and fall off, which will affect its life. Generally, you should wait until the soil is dry before watering. Water should be reduced in spring and autumn and controlled in winter. Too much watering and too wet pot soil can easily cause root rot and yellow leaves to fall off. When watering, pay attention to the water temperature as close as possible to the surrounding temperature to reduce the stimulation of the root system caused by the discomfort of the water temperature. When the weather is hot and dry, spray the leaves with water.

fertilize the soil or land

Asparagus is not a good fertilizer plant, but it cannot be short of fertilizer. Potted asparagus is limited by potted soil, so it must be supplemented with nutrients in time to meet its growth requirements. Asparagus fertilization should be thin and diligent, and never apply thick fertilizer, otherwise it will easily lead to yellowing of branches and leaves. The growing season in spring and summer is dominated by nitrogen fertilizer. The decomposed dilute liquid fertilizer can be applied 1 time a month. When modeling plants, fertilization should be properly controlled to avoid growing too fast and affecting the appearance of plants.


Asparagus cultivation should not be exposed to the hot sun, and should be placed in a cool and ventilated place in hot summer and autumn. I am afraid of both wind and rain during flowering. At this time, we should pay attention to good ventilation, otherwise it will lead to falling flowers and no results. When potted, it is suitable to put potted plants outdoors to receive sunlight on sunny days, which is beneficial to their photosynthesis.

5. Temperature

The environmental temperature of potted asparagus in winter should be kept above 5℃ to avoid freezing. Propagation method Asparagus is generally propagated by sowing or dividing plants. Spring should be sown in March-April, and it can germinate 30-40 days after sowing. It can blossom and bear fruit after 4 years of normal growth. 3~5-year-old asparagus can be propagated by dividing plants, but when propagating by dividing plants, it is necessary to cut off the joint of roots with a sharp knife, otherwise the damaged plants will recover slowly and have uneven shapes, which will affect the ornamental effect. Maintenance precautions:

First, prevent the sun from being too strong and keep it in a semi-shady place. Although asparagus likes warmth, its tip is easy to wither under strong light.

The second is to prevent watering too much or too little. Although asparagus likes to be wet, it should not be too wet. If the basin soil is too wet and the drainage is not smooth, the roots will rot. Too little or no watering will cause the leaves to fall off because of the large evaporation and small absorption of asparagus.

The third is to prevent the pollution of harmful gases. Asparagus likes a clean and ventilated environment. If it is stimulated by harmful gases such as smoke, gas and pesticides, its leaves will turn yellow, curl and even die.

Dwarfing method:

The stem of asparagus is climbing. If it is allowed to grow, it will lose its lightness if it can reach several meters high. Measures to shorten asparagus are:

1. For seedlings, it is not allowed to apply more fertilizer in spring and summer when they grow vigorously, but only once a month. The amount of fertilization should not be too large, and the principle of light should be mastered. For old plants, it is best to apply little or no chemical fertilizer, just use the opportunity of changing pots to fill the bottom of pots with fresh soil or apply a little fertilizer. In this way, both young and old plants can maintain a stable growth potential.

2. Pay attention to frequent pruning. Asparagus grows fast, so it is necessary to trim the old branches and dry stems at any time and keep the posture of low bottom. At the same time, cut off the trailing branches in time to keep them tall, beautiful and lush and green.

3. Selection of dwarf asparagus varieties. Short asparagus stems have no tendrils and can be kept small and exquisite.

4. Using chemical dwarfing method. When the new seedlings grow to the height of 100cm, spraying paclobutrazol diluted by 1000 times can effectively control their growth height and increase their ornamental value and time.

5。 When asparagus reaches seedling stage, you can also spray a proper amount of chlormequat or Sanxi on the leaves, which also has a good ornamental effect.

Pest control:

Asparagus is a perennial green herbaceous flower, which is called yunzhu, Songshan grass and Yunzhushan grass in some places. Although asparagus has the characteristics of evergreen for many years, if it is not properly maintained, it will often appear the symptoms of yellowing of branches and leaves, which will affect the ornamental effect.

Why do bamboo leaves produce symptoms of yellowing? According to the author's practice of preserving asparagus, the original text; There are probably the following reasons: first, if asparagus is left by the fire for a long time, not only will the feathers of the whole branch turn yellow and fall off, but the stem will also dry up. Second, asparagus will gradually dry up when it is placed next to the TV. Third, exposed to strong light for a long time, plants first stagnate, and then their leaves turn yellow. Fourth, neglect watering, or only watering the surface pot soil, the roots did not absorb enough water, and the stems and leaves slowly turned yellow. Fifth, excessive watering leads to root rot, and then stems and leaves wither. Sixth, improper fertilization, high concentration or immature fertilizer application will easily dry up when using the seedling burning machine, and will also lose fertilizer and turn yellow if it is not topdressing for a long time. Seventh, plants will grow weak and turn yellow if they are placed in a cool environment for a long time. Eight is suffering from freezing injury, which leads to yellowing of branches and leaves.

In order to keep asparagus fresh and beautiful, the following measures should be taken to prevent the stems and leaves from turning yellow:

First, adjust the fertilizer and water. During the growth of asparagus, there is no need to apply fertilizer too frequently. Generally, it is only suitable for topdressing in spring and autumn, and dilute decomposed manure or low-concentration compound fertilizer solution, or rice washing water and bean juice water are applied every 18 ~ 15 days. High temperature in summer and low temperature in winter are not suitable for fertilization. Fertilization should be controlled not too much or too late. Water without watering. When it is dry, water it thoroughly at one time, and don't leave waterlogging on the basin surface. Dust on the leaf surface should be sprayed regularly to remove dust.

Second, proper placement. Asparagus likes semi-cloudy, semi-sunny and slightly wet environments. First, avoid exposure to the sun, but where you can see the sun; Second, you should be able to feel the air circulation; Third, stay away from stoves and televisions; Fourth, keep warm, and the room temperature should not be lower than 5℃. If the room temperature is between 0℃ and 4℃, cover it with plastic to keep out the cold.

Third, plastic surgery in time. Asparagus tends to clump. First, when changing pots and covering soil, it is necessary to trim old and residual fibrous roots and redundant stems and leaves to avoid excessive consumption of nutrients, so as to support roots and protect leaves; The second is to cut off the partially yellow leaves; The third is to cut off the stems and leaves that are yellow at the same time.

Causes of yellowing of asparagus leaves;

(1) Strong sunlight and direct sunlight easily lead to yellowing of leaves.

(2) Improper watering Asparagus likes humidity but is afraid of waterlogging, so it should be cultivated in breathable and permeable sandy soil.

(3) Asparagus doesn't like fertilizer if it is not fertilized for a long time, and it is easy to peel if it is fertilized for a long time, but it will also cause insufficient nutrients. Should be watered once every half a month, pay attention to water and loosen the soil in time after fertilization.

(4) Improper fertilization, such as applying original fertilizer or excessive fertilization, will make the leaves fall off. At this time, the basin soil should be washed and diluted with water in time, or the soil should be changed immediately for preservation.

(5) The winter pipeline with poor winter should be placed in a sunny place indoors, and the room temperature should be kept within 8- 12 degrees. Long-term shady, room temperature below 8 degrees, will lead to yellowing of leaves.

(6) Asparagus polluted by smoke is most afraid of smoke and harmful gases, so it should be maintained in a place with good air circulation to avoid pollution. You should also spray water on the leaves to wash away the dust.

Asparagus likes warmth, and it should be sunny in winter. If you put it in a place where you can't see the light for a long time in winter, poor ventilation or cold will easily lead to yellowing of the branches and leaves. At this time, it can be moved to a place with warm sunshine, and the room temperature can be kept between 12℃ and 18℃. Proper watering control can gradually return to normal. Asparagus is afraid of smoke. If it encounters toxic gas, its branches and leaves will turn yellow easily. Therefore, attention should be paid to keeping the environment clean during maintenance. Asparagus will enrich the soil. If there is no soil replacement and fertilization for a long time, the nutrient supply will be short and the branches and leaves will turn yellow. At this time, it is necessary to water the decomposed dilute liquid fertilizer or compound fertilizer once a week, and water the soil in time to make it turn from yellow to green quickly. If the fertilizer is too thick or does not decompose, it is easy to cause "watering the roots", resulting in dry leaves and falling off. At this time, it is necessary to dump the fertilizer in the basin, rinse the clods with clear water, and then replace them with new culture soil. Asparagus prefers semi-shade to strong light. If it is placed in direct sunlight in summer, it will easily lead to yellowing of branches and leaves. At this time, the flowerpot should be moved to the shade, and water should be sprayed on the branches and leaves frequently to increase the air humidity. When the damage is minor, most of them can be recovered. Bamboo likes wet, is afraid of drought, avoids excessive wet and waterlogging, and is strict with soil and water. Mastering the appropriate soil moisture is the key to the daily maintenance of asparagus. Usually, if there is too much water, it will cause the basin to be too wet or accumulate water for a long time, which will lead to poor root growth and root rot. First, the branches and leaves on the ground grow in vain, then the leaves turn yellow and fall off, and the new buds wither halfway. For vines over three years old, a large number of flowers and seeds fall, which may lead to the death of the whole plant. Too little watering will dry up the flowerpot, resulting in yellow leaves and twigs falling off, posture withering, and falling buds and flowers. Therefore, the soil in the basin should always be in a state of alternating dry and wet. If you find that the basin is too wet, don't continue watering. It is necessary to loosen soil, change pots and dredge bottom holes to promote the rapid release of excess water.

There are two main reasons for the yellowing of asparagus leaves: one is the low temperature, and the other is that the basin soil is too dry. Asparagus can only grow well at 18-28℃. Asparagus should see more sunshine in winter, and families with conditions can put asparagus on the balcony facing south; Avoid sunlight in summer, and put it in the shade if there is astigmatism.

Heating in winter, the home is relatively dry, which is not good for the growth of asparagus. Spray water on asparagus leaves every day to increase humidity. Asparagus should not be watered too dry or too wet, both of which will lead to the yellowing of asparagus leaves. Observe the wet and dry conditions of basin soil. If the pot soil of 1-2cm is dry, it means watering.