Fortune Telling Collection - Ziwei fortune-telling - The population of Shangrao

The population of Shangrao

Shangrao is dominated by agriculture since ancient times. With the development of the times, the main economic sources show the trend of agriculture, industry and commerce. Agriculture is famous for food production; Industry, copper shines in history; Due to the convenient transportation, the commerce between Wu Chu is prosperous. After liberation, Shangrao's economy has undergone tremendous changes: the output value of industry and agriculture has been increasing, the proportion of industry and agriculture has been changing, and business has become increasingly prosperous. In the early days of liberation, the total industrial and agricultural output value of Shangrao was only 6.5438+0.4328 million yuan. By 20 12, the annual GDP will be1265.4 billion yuan, an increase of 1 1.5%. 1953- 1990, with an average annual growth rate of 12.6% for industry and 4.2% for agriculture. 1986- 1990, with an average annual growth rate of 13.3%. The average annual growth rate of agriculture is 4%. While the output value of industry and agriculture is increasing, its proportion is also changing greatly. The industrial-agricultural ratio of 1949 is14: 86; 1990 is 61:39; 20 12 the proportion of the three major industries is 15.2: 52.4: 32.4.

The per capita GDP in 20 12 years is 19077 yuan. The added value of the non-public sector of the economy is 810.94 billion yuan, accounting for 64.8% of the GDP. The fiscal revenue is 20.036 billion yuan; Among them, local fiscal revenue1341600 million yuan. The fiscal expenditure was 30.426 billion yuan.

In 20 13, Shangrao realized fiscal revenue of 23.2 billion yuan and public budget revenue of164.4 billion yuan. Among them, the city level completed 2.497 billion yuan, accounting for 16.3% of the city's annual fiscal revenue (2.497 billion yuan directly under the city, 90 15.5 billion yuan in the Economic Development Zone and 385/kloc-0.00 billion yuan in Sanqingshan).

In 20 15, Shangrao achieved a GDP of1650.8 billion yuan, an increase of 9.5% at comparable prices; The quality of fiscal revenue has improved. Last year, the city's total fiscal revenue was 29.02 billion yuan, an increase of 10.5%. The price index rose moderately, and the city's consumer price (CPI) rose by 1.2% over the previous year. Shangrao belongs to a large agricultural area, which is located in the hilly region of northeast Jiangxi and the east of Poyang Lake alluvial plain. Nine counties and cities along the banks of Xinjiang and its tributaries have formed a large number of valley plains. Poyang, Yugan and Wannian counties on Poyang Lake are located in the lakeside plain, with flat terrain, fertile soil, criss-crossing river networks and abundant water resources. Paddy soil in valley plain and hilly valley and meadow soil in lakeside plain are all agricultural soils. Therefore, this area is a natural place for developing agriculture and an ideal base for producing grain. The total land area of the whole region accounts for 13.65% of the total land area of the whole province, of which the cultivated land area accounts for 73.76% of the total land area of the whole region. From 65438 to 0990, the agricultural population in the whole region accounted for 86.52% of the total population.

This area has a long history of agriculture, which was called "Land of Fish and Rice" as early as the Qin and Han Dynasties. It has always been an important commodity grain, cotton, oil, fish and pig base in the province. During the Southern and Northern Dynasties, China produced a kind of high-quality rice, which was cultivated from generation to generation and paid tribute every year, hence the name "Wannian Gong Mi". In the third year of the Great Cause of Sui Dynasty (607), in order to benefit farmers, the East Lake Fair of Poyang Lake was built. At that time, Yongfeng (now Guangfeng District) raised sheep, which was also impressive. During the Tang and Song Dynasties, the terraced fields covered a large area. In Song Dynasty, the establishment of water conservancy attracted people's attention. In Yuan Dynasty, Guangfeng Yin wrote books to persuade farmers to raise geese and ducks. In the Ming Dynasty, water conservancy was promoted and prospered. During the Kangxi period of the Qing Dynasty (1662- 1722), China experienced the grand occasion of "military reclamation", "civilian reclamation" and "prosperous times". Eleven years of Tongzhi (1872), dike 147, dam10/06, pond 1382, weir 57 and dam 9. During the Republic of China, land annexation intensified, farmers went bankrupt and agriculture went from bad to worse. By 1949, the total agricultural output value of the whole region was only123.32 million yuan, and the total grain output was only 546,438+0,300 tons. After liberation, the people's government attached great importance to agriculture, emphasizing that "water conservancy is the lifeblood of agriculture", and adopted a series of measures, such as developing water conservancy, changing dry land into paddy field, changing single season into double season, changing middle rice into early rice, planting green manure, popularizing improved varieties, improving water and fertilizer management, preventing and controlling crop diseases and insect pests, actively promoting agricultural mechanization, and adjusting rural industrial structure and crop planting layout. In 20 12, Shangrao completed water conservancy investment165438+45 million yuan, and added and improved irrigation area of 280,000 mu. The total power of agricultural machinery is 6 1.8 million kilowatts. Among them, 810.5 million agricultural tractors; There are 20,600 agricultural transport vehicles. The annual fertilization amount (in pure terms) is 6.5438+0.46 million tons. The number of national leading enterprises increased to 4, provincial leading enterprises increased to 84, and municipal leading enterprises increased to 18 1. The sales revenue of municipal leading enterprises reached 22 billion yuan, driving 65.438+0.2 million households and increasing farmers' income by 2.45 billion yuan. Farmers' professional cooperatives reached 275 1. Wuyuan County has successfully established a national organic product certification demonstration zone.

The grain crops in Shangrao City are mainly rice, and the cash crops are mainly cotton, tea, oilseeds (rape, sesame, peanuts), vegetables and fruits. 1953- 1984 turned over 88.8+03 tons of agricultural grain to the state every year on average. 1953- 197 1 year, with an average annual grain adjustment of 78,567.37 tons. 20 1 1 The grain harvest was the eighth consecutive year, with a total grain output of 3.227 million tons and a total grain planting area of 8.798 million mu. Tea production in Shangrao "began in the Tang Dynasty, flourished in the Song Dynasty and was close to the Ming Dynasty". By the Ming Dynasty, Wuyuan and Dexing were already "full of fresh buds". The tea produced in Shangrao, Lead Mountain, Guangfeng and Yushan counties is known as "race" and "river red", especially in Tongmuguan area of Lead Mountain, whose export history is far before Qimen black tea, and it is "the first tea in China". 1949, the tea garden area in the whole region was 74,700 mu, and the tea output was 1362.92 tons. By 1990, the tea garden area in the whole region has grown to 365,500 mu, and the output has increased to 8,052 tons. 1990 undertook the pilot project of low-level transformation with international loans, and set up 6 stations in the region, covering an area of 3,500 mu.

20 15 Shangrao has another bumper harvest in agriculture, steady progress in industry and prosperous development in service industry. The annual grain planting area was 595,000 hectares, and the total grain output was 3.52 million tons, achieving "twelve consecutive harvests".

With the adjustment of agricultural industrial structure and the acceleration of agricultural industrialization, a number of green and pollution-free famous new products have emerged in Shangrao City, forming pillar industries such as grain processing industry, aquatic product processing industry and livestock and poultry product processing industry. A number of agricultural products and processed products such as Wannian Gong Mi, Yiyang Dahemi, Yanshan Zixi Red Bud Taro, Guangfeng Baiyin Goose, Huang Er Chicken, Yugan Black Chicken and Wuyuan Hebao Red Carp have been rated as national and provincial quality agricultural products for many times, and a number of famous, special, excellent and new agricultural products such as Dabangshan green tea, lean pig and roasted eel have become the main export products of this city. The industry in this area has a long history, but it could not afford it in the past. Until the liberation of the whole region, the power left by the Kuomintang was only Shangrao, Lead Mountain and Wuyuan, and the total installed capacity was insufficient 100 kW; Only Shangrao Kengkou Coal Mine and some seasonal small coal mines are left. There are only a few small manual repair shops left in machinery. In addition, there are some individual handicrafts scattered in urban and rural areas. At that time, the total industrial output value of the whole region was only19.96 million yuan. 1957 realized the total industrial output value of1190,000 yuan, an increase of 49.52% compared with 1952. 1958- 1960, the industry is in a period of great development, a large number of industrial enterprises have been established, machinery factories have been set up in counties and counties, and agricultural machinery repair shops have been set up in social organizations. During this period, 7 13 mine with an annual processing capacity of 654.38+200,000 tons, serpentine mine with an annual output of 500,000 tons, Yushan sugar factory with an annual output of 5,000 tons of sugarcane, phosphate fertilizer plant with an annual output of 1 10,000 tons, and a number of mechanized textile mills and knitting mills were built. The annual output of raw coal increased from 70,000 tons before liberation to 600,000 tons. At the same time, there have also been some "Great Leap Forward" divorced from reality. For example, starting from 1958, * * built 165 small blast furnace and engaged in "large-scale steelmaking", which caused great waste. After the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee, industrial enterprises in the whole region entered a new period of revitalization. Guided by the idea of shifting the focus of work to the track centered on economic construction, in addition to Dexing Copper Mine and Yongping Copper Mine, there are coal, machinery, electronics, electric power, non-ferrous metals, building materials, light industry, chemical industry, textile and chemical industry in the area. , and has begun to form a relatively complete category.

The sudden emergence of township enterprises has brought about profound changes in the rural economic structure. The development of township enterprises comes from the development of small hydropower. 1958 started the construction of small hydropower. In that year, 0/2 small hydropower stations were built, with an installed capacity of 442 kilowatts. Township enterprises in this area have developed through communes and large-scale enterprises after rural handicraft cooperation. 1956 the process of socialist transformation of handicraft industry was accelerated, and 458 handicraft production cooperatives were established, with cooperative production groups 138 and 24,536 members. From 65438 to 0957, the handicraft workers in the whole region basically realized the transformation from individual ownership to collective ownership. However, the handicraft society (group) is still a small-scale manual workshop with a single industry, and its production and sales are limited to "local materials, local processing and local sales". It was not until the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee that the Shedui enterprises entered a new period of rapid development. The development of township enterprises has opened up bright prospects for prospering rural economy, narrowing the gap between urban and rural areas and absorbing rural surplus labor.

20 15 Shangrao's industrial production is progressing steadily. In 20 15, the added value of industrial enterprises above designated size in the city was 69.05 billion yuan, an increase of 9.6% at comparable prices. Investment has stabilized and rebounded, consumption has increased, and external demand has gradually picked up. The investment market has stabilized and rebounded. In 20 15 years, the city's fixed assets investment was completed1560.2 billion yuan, an increase of 16 1%. Driven by the consumer market, the total retail sales of social consumer goods in the city was 63.72 billion yuan, an increase of12.7%; The external demand market gradually picked up, and the total import and export value of the city was 26.8438 billion yuan, an increase of 8.0%. Historically, Shangrao's commerce once occupied a place. As far back as the Western Zhou Dynasty, Tongjing Avenue from Luoyang to Guangzhou passed Shangrao, which was the official and commercial avenue leading overseas. During the Qin Dynasty, Fanyang County (now Boyang) in China was called "the metropolis in Wu Chu". Since the Tang and Song Dynasties, with the development of copper mining, lead smelting, pottery making, shipbuilding, textile, paper making, coinage and the production of grain, oil, tea and fishery, many market towns in this area have become material distribution centers in neighboring provinces. During the Five Dynasties, Yugan Ruihong became the distribution center of "Fujian-Vietnam Department Store". During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the town of Yanshan Hekou was known as the "eight-province wharf", which was called "an inexhaustible estuary and an inexhaustible Hankou". In Qing Dynasty, a material exchange network was formed in poyang town and Hekou Town in Raohe and Xinjiang river basins. Since the 1930s, roads and railways have been built, and land transportation has been continuously developed, and the distribution center has gradually turned to Shangrao. The establishment of New China consolidated Shangrao's central market position and promoted the development of business.

1949, the total retail sales of social goods in the whole region was 50.82 million yuan,10000 yuan in 952,10000 yuan in 957,134.42 million yuan,187.72 million yuan. After the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee, we carried out commercial reform, separated government from enterprise, and simplified administration and decentralized power. While adhering to the leading position of state-owned commerce in commodity circulation, we should actively develop collective commerce and individual commerce and fully prosper the fair trade market. Counties (cities) in the whole region have set up trade centers one after another, strengthened internal contact and external introduction, developed management and strengthened horizontal contact, and soon formed a multi-component, multi-channel, few links and open commodity circulation system. In addition, it is located in the favorable conditions between developed coastal areas. 1985, there were 27,984 retail outlets, and the retail sales of social goods jumped to 1 1 100 million yuan. 1990 rose to 2 billion yuan, of which the market trade turnover was close to 600 million yuan. The total retail sales of social goods in the whole region 1953- 1990 increased by 8.7% annually, 1986- 1990. In 20 12 years, the total retail sales of social consumer goods was 42.69 billion yuan, an increase of 15%. The proportion of retail sales of trading enterprises above designated size has gradually increased. The retail sales of trading enterprises above designated size in the city was 9.32 billion yuan, accounting for 2 1.8% of the trading industry. Xinzhou District and Wuyuan County were approved as pilot counties (districts) for comprehensive reform of provincial service industry; The comprehensive pilot construction of modern logistics of agricultural products in China has been solidly promoted, with 44 commodity trading markets exceeding 100 million yuan in the city; The total turnover of commodities was 20.73 billion yuan. The "market project of thousands of villages and towns" was solidly promoted. The third batch of pilot projects of renewable resources recovery system in China started smoothly.

Shangrao's traditional export commodities include tea, tobacco leaves, pigs, feathers, eggs, Wannian Gong Mi, lead mountain historical paper, Boyang bodiless lacquerware, Wuyuan Weilong inkstone, Yushan Tam inkstone, Wuyuan boiled carp, Boyang melon seeds and lotus seeds, dried whitebait in Poyang Lake, Shangrao Daqingdou and jujube pear, Yushan mung bean, Guangfeng mung bean, Boyang black sesame, lead mountain red sesame and vegetable oil. After the founding of New China, especially since the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee, the export volume of foreign trade has increased rapidly. The export value of 1978 was 28.7569 million yuan, and 1990 rose to 256.57 million yuan, 8.92 times that of 1978. Before the 1960s, agricultural and sideline products such as tea, pigs and livestock products were the main export commodities. After the 1970s, the export of industrial products rose, with an export value of about 6.5438+0.5 million yuan, accounting for 8.6% of the total export. By 1980, the export of industrial products has expanded to 10, including machinery, electronics, hardware, minerals, textiles, medicine, food and so on, with hundreds of varieties. From 65438 to 0990, the export value of industrial and mining products reached 89.8834 million yuan, accounting for 35.03% of the total export value. Import trade completely got rid of the fetters of "foreigners". The foreign trade system is "feed in and feed out", and machinery and equipment were the main imports in the 1950s and 1970s. After entering the 1980s, imports gradually turned to large factories and mines to introduce advanced production line equipment and large trucks (machinery). By 20 12, Shangrao's total import and export volume was US$ 2.705 billion, and the total import and export volume of foreign trade accounted for 13.5% of GDP. 65 foreign direct investment projects were newly approved throughout the year. The actual utilization of foreign capital was $675 million. Among them, the actual use of foreign capital in the secondary industry is 589 million US dollars; The tertiary industry is $228 million. The actual introduction of provincial project funds is more than 50 million yuan and 30.567 billion yuan. 274 projects outside the province with an investment of more than 50 million yuan were signed, and 52 projects outside the province with an investment of more than 1 100 million yuan were signed. The "five scheduled trains" from Shangrao to Ningbo Beilun Port operated smoothly. The upgrade of Shangrao Office of Nanchang Customs is progressing smoothly.

20 15 Shangrao's social electricity consumption has increased steadily, passenger and freight turnover has increased steadily, and financial credit has been stable and orderly. By the end of 20 15, the city's total social electricity consumption was 1 192 billion kwh, an increase of 8.3%; The city has completed 98.77 million road passengers, 212.65 million tons of road freight, 0/65.438+0.65438+0 million people of waterway freight and 2129./kloc-0.50 million tons of waterway freight. The balance of RMB deposits in financial institutions in the city was 225.84 billion yuan, an increase of 3510.80 billion yuan or 18.5% over the beginning of the year. Residents' income has increased steadily, and people's livelihood expenditure has been effectively guaranteed. Residents' income has increased steadily. Last year, the per capita disposable income of urban residents in the city was 26,924 yuan, an increase of 2,268 yuan or 9.2% over the previous year. The per capita disposable income of rural residents 10 165438 yuan, an increase of 1065438 yuan over the previous year. People's livelihood expenditure has been strongly guaranteed. In 20 15, the city's public budget expenditure was 45.69 billion yuan, an increase of 18.8%.