Fortune Telling Collection - Ziwei fortune-telling - What fairy tales are there?

What fairy tales are there?

1. Ten ancient myths, in chronological order:



Pangu Tiankai: It is said that the earliest heaven and earth merged into one, and the universe was in chaos. There is a man sleeping in this chaos. His name is Pangu. There is an odd-looking axe next to him. Until one day Pangu suddenly woke up, but he felt that the space he was in was too depressing, so he picked up the axe next to him and waved it at the surrounding space. I don't know how long it has been, but this is a clear division between heaven and earth. However, it didn't take long for heaven and earth to separate, and then they began to close slowly. Pangu supported them with his own body for a long time. The position of heaven and earth has been fixed, but Pangu is exhausted. After his death, his body began to change, his bones became mountains and hills, his body became plains and basins, his blood and sweat became rivers and oceans, and his hair became forests, grasslands and swamps. His Yuan God reached the center of heaven and earth, but fell asleep because of fatigue.


Nu Wa made man: After Pangu became the earth, many kinds of creatures appeared on the earth. Many years later, an equally great figure, Nu Wa, appeared on the earth. Nu Wa found that although there are many creatures on the earth, they lack creative ability, so she pinched many little people in her own image with yellow mud, because Nu Wa.


Emperor Yan struck a stone to make a fire: the earliest fires used by human beings were all natural fires (mostly caused by lightning strikes on trees). A man thinks that man can't always rely on natural fire, so he decides to create a way to make a fire. In a hunting, he accidentally missed the stone javelin and hit the prey, but he found that the javelin sparked when it hit the stones on the ground, so he picked up many stones there for testing. As a result, he succeeded in getting the fire. Because he found a way to make a fire, all the tribes unanimously supported him as king. This man is Emperor Yan, and fire is king. Later, he created farming methods and taught human beings to farm, so he was also called Shennong.


Shennong tries a hundred herbs: It is natural to be born and die, but those who leave this world early because of "illness" are really worthy of sympathy. Shennong felt that he had a responsibility to protect his people, so he traveled all over China looking for herbs to treat patients. After finding them, he took them himself to determine whether they were useful or toxic. Finally, he found herbs that can treat many common diseases.


Jingwei fills the sea: Emperor Yan has a kind and lovely little daughter named Jingwei. She had a dream since she was a child, hoping to see the endless sea. The little girl grows bigger and more beautiful every day. Finally, when she thought she had the ability to find the sea, she quietly left the tribe. Finally, she found the sea. She reveled in its greatness. Just as she walked towards the sea, the sea was rolling towards Jingwei. Finally, I left this world with her. Jingwei just woke up before he died. The soul of Jingwei became a bluebird because of anger. Jingwei decided to fill the sea and avenge the sea, so he filled the sea with stones from the western hills day and night.


Dancing in the sky: Emperor Yan learned of the death of his beloved little daughter, and got a strange disease and was weak all over. When this incident was known by the Boxer Rebellion who had long wanted to usurp the throne, the Boxer Rebellion rose up and Emperor Yan was trapped in the barren hills. After the mutiny was known by Emperor Yan's most loyal soldier Xingtian, Xingtian immediately led the troops to quell the chaos. Although the people in Xingtian were brave, there were too many volunteers and soldiers, and all the troops in Xingtian were destroyed. After drinking the master's blood, Star Wars not only became extremely sharp, but also became extremely powerful. Xingtian killed all the tens of thousands of rebels with one man and one dog, and Yihe died in Xingtian under Zhan Ge. Xingtian successfully saved Emperor Yan, but suffered many fatal injuries, and finally died standing bloody all over.


Huangdi Zhan Chiyou: Maybe that sentence comes true, and the world will be unified for a long time and divided for a long time. The land of China is divided, wars continue, and people's lives are in dire straits. China is divided into five tribes, of which Huangdi and Chiyou are the most powerful. The Yellow Emperor wanted to stop this war situation because he didn't want to see the people suffer because of the war. If he wants to stop talking about endless wars. In the end, we had to fight violence with violence. We have successively eliminated and conquered three weaker tribes. Finally, we concentrate on fighting against Chiyou. Chiyou was defeated and fled. The Yellow Emperor ordered Ying Long (Ying Long, a winged dragon, accidentally subdued by the Yellow Emperor) to chase him. Ying Long didn't expect to kill Chiyou and cut off his back.


* * * Workers' anger should not touch Zhoushan: Many years later, Zhuan Xu, the son of the Yellow Emperor, ascended the throne. Zhuan Xu has promulgated many codes to make China prosperous. These laws and regulations have brought benefits to most people, but they have also violated the interests of a few people. * * * Workers are the people who suffer the most. He stood up with many people. He attacked the city and plundered the land all the way, invincible, as close as Zhoushan (where the city is). Zhu Rong is a general. Lead troops down the mountain to fight. Zhu Rong's martial arts spells are extremely fierce, and the way to lead troops is far better than that of * * *, and the whole army is wiped out. Only the workers are left. * * * The workers would rather die than surrender, and finally they ran into the poor fairy mountain in a rage. * * * How powerful is the magic of workers? It was a terrible collision and knocked over the mountain. This is not only the place where the city is located, but also Optimus Prime. Tianmen is wide open, floods are rampant, and lives are ruined.


Goddess of mending heaven: * * Gonggong knocked over Lushan Mountain, and Nu Wa wanted to stop the flood in Tianmen from nine days. Nu Wa collects five-color stones everywhere and then refines them into sky-mending stones. Tianmen is full of mending stones.


Houyi shoots the sun: Many years later (when Emperor Yao was in office), there was a great drought in the world. There is a simple reason. Ten suns appear in the sky at the same time. In order to solve the problem of drought, Hou Yi trained a huge bow with infinite power. Hou Yi injected magic into the bow. Then he climbed the mountain with a bow, condensed it into an invisible arrow with his own magic, and led the bow to the sun. I want to shoot ten suns.



The period of the above myths is before civilization. It is called an ancient myth.

Only when Dayu ruled China did he really enter the civilized age.

2. The detailed version of the story of Huangdi and Chiyou:

Legend has it that the war between the Yellow Emperor and Chiyou took place in Zhuolu. Chiyou cast a spell, and the fog filled for three days and nights, and no one was seen across the street. The Yellow Emperor ordered the construction of the south guide car, determined the direction, defeated Chiyou, and finally captured and killed him.

After the Yellow Emperor, the outstanding leaders of tribal alliances in the Yellow River Basin were Yao (y2o), Shun (sh)n) and Yu (Y). At that time, the leader of the tribal alliance was elected. When Yao was old, a tribal alliance meeting was held, and everyone elected the talented Shun as his successor. After Yao's death, Shun inherited Yao's position. When Shun was old, he took the same approach and gave his position to Yu, who had made contributions to water control. This method of changing the position of the leader is called "abdication".

According to legend, Yao is very frugal. He lives in a hut, eats brown rice, drinks wild vegetable soup and wears a linen coat. Good moral character, can set an example. He plowed in Lishan, and the people of Lishan no longer fought for the field boundary, and they were very humble to each other. People are willing to live near Shun. Shun lived in a place for three years and it became a village. He won wide acclaim from the people. During the Yao and Shun period, there was a serious flood. Shun ordered Yu to control water. To introduce water into the sea by dredging. He devoted himself to water control, 13 years, went in the wind and rain, and didn't enter the house three times. The flood finally stopped and people lived a quiet life. Yu has established prestige in the hearts of the people.

3. Ganjiang, Mo Xie

There are two swords, but neither of them can be separated. Mo Xie and Gan Qiang are two people. Similarly, no one can separate them. Ganjiang and Mo Xie are two swords cast by Ganjiang and Mo Xie. Cadres are male swords, and Mo Xie is female swords. A good husband and Mo Xie's wife. He is diligent and Mo Xie is gentle. When the lieutenant made a sword for the prince of Wu, Mo Xie fanned the lieutenant and wiped his sweat. Three months later, the lieutenant sighed. Mo Xie also shed tears. Mo Xie know why lieutenant sigh, because the melting pot brings together five mountains and six rivers of gold and iron essence, no iron eagle can't cast a sword. Lieutenant also knows why Mo Xie shed tears, because if the sword can't be cast, he will have to be killed by the prince. The lieutenant still sighed, but one night, Mo Xie suddenly laughed. Seeing Mo Xie laughing, the lieutenant suddenly became afraid. Knowing why Mo Xie was laughing, the lieutenant said to Mo Xie, "Mo Xie, you mustn't do this." . Mo Xie didn't say anything, she just smiled. When the lieutenant woke up, he found that Mo Xie was not with him. He knows where Mo Xie is. Mo Xie stood on the towering sword-casting furnace wall, and her skirt fluttered like a fairy. Mo Xie saw the lieutenant's figure running from a distance in the morning light. She smiled, and she heard the general's hoarse voice: Mo Xie ... Mo Xie was still laughing, but at the same time, tears came down. The lieutenant also shed tears. In the hazy tears, he saw Mo Xie floating down. He heard Mo Xie finally say to him, Captain, I'm not dead. We'll still be together. ...

The molten iron melted and the sword was successfully cast. A man and a woman, named Mo Xie, only dedicated him to the king of Wu. The news that this cadre was hiding "Mo Xie" was soon known by the prince of Wu. The samurai surrounded the cadre and gave him up. He opened the sword box and asked in despair, "Mo Xie, how can we be together?" ? The sword suddenly jumped out of the box, turned into a beautiful white dragon and flew away. At the same time, the lieutenant suddenly disappeared without a trace The lieutenant is gone, and so is the "lieutenant" sword around the prince of Wu. Thousands of miles away in a desolate and poor county, a young white dragon suddenly appeared in a big lake called Yanpingjin. This white dragon is beautiful and kind, making decisions for the people, and the desolate poor county is gradually in good weather, and the name of the county is changed from poor city to rich city. However, locals often find that this white dragon looks around the lake in Yanping Tianjin almost every day, as if waiting for something, and some even see tears in its eyes.

Six hundred years have passed. By chance, Lei Huan, the magistrate of Fengcheng County, dug a stone box from the ground when he was building the city wall. There is a sword with the word "Ganjiang" engraved on it. Lei Huan was overjoyed and took away the famous sword. One day, Leihuan Road crossed the lake in Yanping, Tianjin, and the sword at the waist suddenly came out of its sheath and jumped into the water. Just as Lei Huan was surprised, the river surged and black and white Ssangyong jumped out of the water. Ssangyong nodded his thanks to Lei Huan frequently. Then, the two dragons intertwined affectionately, both of them dived into the water and disappeared. The people who lived in Fengcheng County for generations found that the White Dragon, which is said to have existed for more than 600 years, suddenly disappeared from the Golden Lake in Yanping, and shed tears every day. The next day, an ordinary couple moved to the county seat. The husband is an excellent blacksmith with superb skills, but he is bent on forging ordinary farm tools that can only earn a few dollars, but refuses to build weapons that can earn thousands of dollars. When he works, his little wife is always around to fan him to wipe his sweat.

Ganjiang and Mo Xie are swords of love.

4. Birds fly to Phoenix

A long time ago, Phoenix was just a very humble bird with ordinary feathers, which was not as dazzling as the legend. But it has one advantage: it is hardworking, unlike other birds who don't know how to play when they are full, but it picks up the fruits thrown away by other birds one by one from morning till night and collects them in the hole.

What's the point? Isn't this a money fan and a big fool? Don't underestimate this behavior of storing food. At a certain time, it can be of great use!

Sure enough, there was a drought in the forest one year. The birds can't find food, they are so hungry that they can't support it any longer. At this time, Phoenix quickly opened the cave, took out dried fruits and grass seeds accumulated for many years and distributed them to everyone to tide over the difficulties with them.

After the drought, in order to thank Phoenix for saving his life, the birds all chose the most beautiful feathers from themselves, pulled them off and made a dazzling bird coat for Phoenix, unanimously recommending it as the king of birds.

Every time the Phoenix is born, birds from all directions will fly to congratulate the Phoenix. This is a hundred birds flying to the phoenix.

In addition:

Nu Wa made man

Nvwa Patches up the Sky

Don't know your own strength

One day after emergence

Dogs eat the sun

The Goddess Chang's fly to the moon

Wugang cut laurel

A symbol of Jingwei's reclamation/tenacious determination

There are many Greek myths:

Helen of Troy

Prometheus and mankind

In the struggle between Cronus and Zeus, Prometheus sided with the Olympians. After that, he and his younger brother Epimetheus were given the task of shaping human beings and giving them and other animals the ability to survive. Epimetheus endowed all kinds of animals with courage, strength, agility and intelligence. On the other hand, Prometheus kneaded soil and water into mud and made man in the image of God. He makes people stand. Epimetheus generously gave all kinds of talents to other animals, but no decent talents were left to the noblest creatures. So theseus ascended to heaven, lit a torch in the sun carriage and sent the fire to the world. But Zeus didn't want people to use fire. Once, God and man were arguing over their respective rights in Xixion, and Prometheus played a clever trick in an attempt to make the solution of the problem beneficial to mankind. He divided a sacrificial cow into two parts, wrapped all the edible parts in cowhide and cunningly stuffed them with smelly internal organs; Wrapping the bone with a layer of fat looks like good meat. Then he let Zeus choose. The heavenly king saw through his plan, but he still picked out the pile of bones and fat, thus taking this insult as an excuse to deprive mankind of the right to use fire. However, Prometheus stole fire from Tianfu with a hollow tube and gained valuable skyfire again.

To this end, Zeus ordered Prometheus to be locked on the cliff of Caucasus Mountain and tortured by eagles for many years. It pecks at his liver every day, but never eats it up. Titan persisted because he knew that in the thirteenth generation, a hero, the son of Zeus, would come to save him. It's time. The hero has really come. He is none other than Hercules. He killed the eagle and liberated Prometheus.

Pandora's box.

Pandora is the first human woman created by Zeus, mainly to get back at mankind. Because Prometheus, one of the gods, cared too much about human beings and annoyed Zeus.

When Zeus competed for the world of God, he got the help of Prometheus and his brother Epimetheus and was able to ascend the throne. Prometheus' name means "foresight". And his brother Epimetheus means "regret", so the styles of the two brothers are like their names, with the characteristics of "foresight" and "regret".

After Pandora was created, she was given to Epimetheus under the arrangement of Zeus. Because he knew that Prometheus would not accept his gift, he gave it to Epimetheus from the beginning. Epimetheus accepted her. At the wedding, Zeus ordered the gods to put a gift in a box as a gift for Pandora. It is not clear whether God's gift is good or bad. Epimetheus's brother Prometheus warned Epimetheus not to accept gifts from Zeus, especially women, because women are dangerous animals. Epimetheus, like his name, began to regret it soon after he married Pandora.

Because Pandora is jealous, greedy and loves beauty, but her greatest weakness is curiosity. Since she got married, she has been trying to open the small box given by the gods, but Epimetheus should always be on guard against her curiosity, because he knows that all the gifts in the box are not necessarily good. One day, Pandora's curiosity overcame everything. After Epimetheus went out, she opened the box. Then, a cloud of smoke rushed out and released all the gifts, happiness, plague, sadness, friendship, disaster and love? Pandora was so scared that she quickly closed the box, but it was too late, and there was only hope left in the box. So Pandora waited for Epimetheus to come back with "hope". Today, it has always been the source of human life power, because it brings endless "hope" to mankind, and it is the only comfort among all human misfortunes no matter what difficulties it encounters.

The fruit of right and wrong

Athena is the goddess of wisdom, but once she did something very stupid: she competed with Sheila and Venus for the beauty prize. The story goes like this: Peleus and Thetis invited all the gods to their wedding, except Eris, the goddess of dispute. The goddess was very angry and threw a golden apple engraved with the words "for the most beautiful goddess" among the guests. So Sheila, Venus and Athena all think they deserve apples. Zeus didn't want to decide such a delicate question, so he asked the gods to go to Ada Mountain, where the beautiful shepherd Paris grazed and let Paris make a decision.

Devins came to Paris. In order to win the golden apple, Sheila promised Paris power and wealth, Athena promised him glory and prestige in the war, and Venus promised him the most beautiful woman in the world as his wife. All three goddesses hoped that he would make a decision in their favor. Paris took a fancy to Venus' gift and gave her a golden apple. As a result, the other two goddesses became his enemies.

Paris went to Greece under the protection of Venus, and the Spartan king Menelaus warmly received him. But Menelaus' wife Helen was chosen by Venus to go to Paris. She is a stunning beauty. There are countless suitors who want her to be a bride. Before she made a decision, at the suggestion of Ulysses, one of her pursuers, all those who came to pursue her vowed to protect her from all harm and avenge her if necessary. She fell in love with Menelaus and lived happily with him. However, when Paris visited, with the help of Venus, she persuaded her to elope with him and took her to Troy, which led to the famous Trojan War.

Achilles' Heel

There is a famous figure in Greek mythology named Achilles. The Greek hero is brave and good at fighting. The best thing is that he is invulnerable. Only his heel is his only weakness. Achilles' parents are peleus and thetis in The Fruit of Right and Wrong. When Achilles was a baby, he was put into the Styx of hell upside down by his mother, and he was soaked in iron and copper. But his heel was caught by his mother and he couldn't soak in the river, so it became his death hole.

The Trojan War was triggered by the disharmonious golden apples. Greek troops crossed the Aegean Sea and besieged Troy. The war lasted for ten years, and the Greeks could not attack Troy, and the Trojans could not kill the Greeks. Later, Paris' brother Hector killed Achilles' best friend Patroclus. Achilles is a god-fearing and angry man who goes into battle like a tiger, looking for enemies. Hector turned to meet them. Brave as he is, he is no match for Achilles. According to Greek mythology, this is also destiny takes a hand. Achilles killed hector and dragged the body back and forth behind the carriage to express his hatred. Apollo was very dissatisfied and decided to punish Achilles.

Achilles was also doomed to die in battle. In an siege war, Achilles led his troops to approach the city wall, and Paris drew a bow on the city wall to shoot an arrow at him. It turns out that in Achilles King Kong's body, Paris didn't shoot this arrow. But Apollo seized the opportunity and used magic to make this sharp arrow hit Achilles' heel. Achilles was killed by an arrow and died at the gates of Troy.

Later generations used "Achilles' heel" as a metaphor for the only weakness, or the weakness that is enough to make people lose.