Fortune Telling Collection - Ziwei fortune-telling - Encourage classical Chinese translation

Encourage classical Chinese translation

1. Comfort and persuasion in classical Chinese, caress, encouragement, persuasion and exhortation in classical Chinese all contain the meaning of comfort and persuasion.

These words have different emphases when expressing this comforting intention. In different specific contexts of classical Chinese, each word also has certain differences in expressing comfort intention. Specific differences and examples in classical Chinese are as follows.

1. Caressing refers to sympathy, comfort and charity. Zhu Rong in the west and Fuyiyue in the south. -Biography of the Three Kingdoms and Zhuge Liang; And equipment make people feel comfortable. -"Purple Tongzhi Sword", the caress in these two sentences means comfort and comfort.

2. Encourage people to work hard and encourage them. Encourage your son with loyalty and talk to many elders in court. -"Father Huai gave Shangbao Temple" The encouragement here is to encourage rules.

3. Persuasion refers to persuading and explaining things to make people listen and encourage. Persuasion and encouragement. -Xu Shen's Shuowen in the Eastern Han Dynasty; I suggest you drink more wine. -Two sentences in Wang Tangwei's advice "Send Yuan and make Anxi" means that people obey the advice.

4. The admonition pointed out the various possible options stated by the emperor and put forward the best one. The extension means that when the emperor makes a wrong choice, he should speak out loudly. The minister protested strongly. -"Warring States Policy Zhao Ce"; Fu Su remonstrated with a few words. -The Road of Loyalty and Righteousness in Historical Records Chen She Family. -Zhuge Liang's exhortation in the three sentences of "The Example" is blunt advice.

2. What ancient texts are there to encourage learning? Is it difficult to understand what is happening in the world in Peng Duanshu's original works? For it, it is easy and difficult; If you don't do it, it's hard for easy people.

Is it difficult for people to learn? Learned, difficult people will be easy; If you don't learn, it will be difficult for easy people. I am too faint to catch people, and I am too incompetent to catch people; Learn once and for a long time, but don't be lazy, you will achieve it, but you don't know its vagueness and mediocrity.

I am smart, I am smart, I am smart, I am smart; Abandoning it is tantamount to fainting and mediocrity. The way of being a saint was handed down by Lu.

However, it is both stupid and clever. How can it be common? There are two monks in Shu: one is poor and the other is rich. The poor man said to the rich man, "What do I want in the South China Sea?" The rich man said, "Why should I go?" Yue: "I have a bottle and a bowl."

The rich man said, "I have always wanted to buy a boat for many years, but I have never been able to buy it." Why go! "In the second year, the poor will come back from the South China Sea to tell the rich, and the rich will be ashamed.

I don't know how many miles it takes to go to the South China Sea in Xishu, but rich monks can't go and poor monks can't go. People's aspirations are not as good as humble monks. Therefore, cleverness and sensitivity can be relied on, but they cannot be relied on; He who thinks he is smart and agile, but not a scholar, has lost himself.

Confusion and mediocrity can be limited but not limited; Don't limit yourself to mediocrity. People who are tireless in machinery are also self-reliant. Is there a difference between hard and easy things in the world? As long as you are willing to do it, the difficult things will become easy; If you don't do it, the easy things will become difficult.

Is there a difference between learning difficultly and learning easily? As long as you study, the difficult will become easy; If you don't study, it will be easy and difficult. I am too stupid to catch up with others; I am mediocre and can't catch up with others.

Keep studying every day and never slacken off for a long time. When I succeed, I don't know if I am really stupid or really mediocre. I am talented and superior to others; I am quick-thinking and superior to others. If I abandon it, it will be no different from a stupid and mediocre person.

Confucius' knowledge was finally handed down by Zeng Shen, who was not very clever. In this case, does the function of stupidity, mediocrity, cleverness and agility exist forever? There are two monks on the border of Sichuan, one is poor and the other is rich.

The poor monk said to the rich monk, "I want to go to the South China Sea. What do you think? " The rich monk said, "Why do you go?" The poor monk said, "I just need a water bottle and a rice bowl." The rich monk said, "I have been trying to rent a boat down the river for many years, but I haven't succeeded yet."

What makes you go! The next year, the poor monk came back from the South China Sea and told the rich monk about his trip to the South China Sea. The rich monk showed his shame.

Sichuan is far from the South China Sea. I don't know how many miles it is. The rich monk couldn't arrive, but the poor monk arrived. Isn't a person who is determined to study worse than that poor monk on the Sichuan border? Therefore, cleverness and agility can be relied on, but not relied on; Those who rely on their own cleverness and agility and don't study hard ruin themselves.

Stupidity and mediocrity can be limited or not; Those who study tirelessly without being limited by their own stupidity and mediocrity learn by themselves.

3. The classical Chinese "Zi Mozi" was translated from Lu, that is, ① Qi. After an old friend, Zi Mozi said, "Today's ink is righteous, and the son suffers alone, but the son is unjust." Zi Mozi said, "Since there are people here, there are ten children, a plow and nine people working in ③, the tiller can't help worrying about it. Why? Then more people eat and fewer people grow. If you don't do the right thing today, then you will advise me. Why didn't you stop me? "

Mozi visited an old friend on his way from Lu to Qi. A friend said to Mozi, "No one in the world upholds justice now. You are the only one who is trying to uphold justice. You still stop! " Mozi said, "There is a man here now. He has ten sons. Only one son farmed, and the other nine were idle. Therefore, cultivators should be more anxious. Why? It is because there are more people eating and fewer people farming! Now no one in the world upholds justice. You should encourage me. Why do you stop me instead? "

Note: ① Leave immediately. ② Mo: No one. 3 places: living and leisure living. 4 such as: appropriate, appropriate. 5 persuasion: encouragement.

4. Lv Congyuan is willing to translate classical Chinese; Lu Huaishen is a native of Slippery State, about a noble family in john young. His grandfather, Lu Zun, was appointed as the magistrate of Lingchang County, so he became a native of Lingchang County. Lu Huaishen was already extraordinary when he was a child. His father's good friend Han Siyan lamented: "This child's talent is not * * *!" When he grew up, he became a scholar and served as a consultant. During the dragon period, he was promoted to counselor. Zhongzong went to Shang Yang Palace to meet Wuhou, and Wuhou wrote him a letter. Lu Huaishen remonstrated: "In the past, Emperor Gaozu was an emperor and went to Liyang Palace once every five days to meet the squire. Because he ascended the throne from Buyi, he owned the world and attributed the honor to his father, so he did so." What's more, yingtianmen is only two miles away from Xiangmen. You can't ride in a row, and you can't ride in parallel. It often comes out from here. If a fool invades the driver, it's too late to blame him. I think we should honor the queen mother in the inner court to avoid the trouble of going in and out. "Zhong zong didn't listen. He was promoted to Zhong Cheng in the right censorate. The last chapter states the politics at that time, saying, "I heard that good people continue to govern the country. "You can overcome cruelty and avoid being killed." Confucius said, "I am in charge of state affairs. One year is almost enough, and three years will be very fruitful." So Shangshu said: "Assess your political achievements every three years, and then decide to promote, commend or dismiss after three assessments." In the past, Zichan was the prime minister of the State of Zheng, reformed the law, and issued a punishment book. In the first year, everyone was angry and wanted to kill him. Recently, the state secretariat, the long history Sima, and the county magistrate of Gyeonggi moved officials in one or two years, or three or five months, regardless of their political achievements. In this way, people who don't move the official listened attentively, stood on tiptoe and rushed forward without shame. How can they declare corruption and pensions for your majesty? Etiquette can't be implemented, the registered permanent residence is more dispersed, the warehouse is more and more scarce, and the people are getting worse and worse, all of which are the reasons. People know that they haven't been an official for a long time, so they don't listen to his teachings. Officials know that the day of transfer is not far away, so they don't try their best. The title and stealing security are used to develop their qualifications and reputation. Although Mingjun has the ambition to rule the world diligently, the road of luck has been opened, and the upper and lower sides are deceiving each other. How can we be as open as possible? This is a national disease. What Jia Yi said about varus soles is a minor problem. The disease can't be cured, even if there are famous doctors. Xuan Di, Emperor Gaozu of Han Dynasty, assessed birthright and made great efforts to manage birthright, which led to the trend of ethos. Ba Huang was an excellent satrap. Xuan Di gave him gold to increase his rank and commended his achievements on the spot, but he finally refused to move him to an official position. Therefore, he was an official in ancient times. In this way, it can continue to future generations. I request the viceroy, the secretariat, the long history Sima, and the county magistrate of Jixian County to serve for less than four years, and they cannot move their posts. If the governance is particularly excellent, you can add the rank of salary officer to the horses and chariots, send envoys to express condolences, and write letters to encourage them. You can only be promoted when there are open vacancies to encourage those who are talented and capable. For those who are incompetent or greedy and tyrannical, they can avoid officials and return home. Only 100 officials. The number of officials in Xia and Shang dynasties doubled, and talents can still be appointed. " This means reducing the number of officials. Therefore, it is said that "officials don't have to be all, only talents." Don't neglect the official position, food is the first thing for the people. "I'm talking about the selection of talents here. Now there are dozens of times more foreign officials in various lawsuits in the capital, which is unprecedented in modern times. If a person can do his duty on his behalf, he will probably do nothing. However, hundreds of millions of dollars are spent on wages every year, which exhausts the national treasury in vain. Is this the original intention of seeking treatment? At present, the people's strength is extremely weak, and the expansion of the Yellow River Weishui water transport is not enough to supply the capital. The private losses of public officials are countless, and the border is still not calm. If there is a flood and drought, the tax revenue is reduced, the enemy is on alert at the border, and the grain reserve for relief is less than one year, what will your majesty use to solve the crisis? " Don't use the people's power easily, which will put people in danger; Don't stand still, because it's dangerous. " This means being cautious. Looking at these foreign officials, they are all talented and good officials in the world. Is it true that since ancient times, talents have been promoted but failed to play their role, respected by fame but failed to do their best? I request that talented foreign officials who can serve as local governors or spin doctor be promoted together, so that they can contribute to the local government and their achievements can be assessed by the imperial court. If the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled can't serve, everything will stop and the sages will be completely separated from the shameless. This is the urgent task at present. Fighting for power and profit, accepting bribes, bullying the weak and fearing the hard are the evils in political affairs. I saw officials inside and outside the court. And officials who killed civilians were exiled and demoted, but they were soon promoted back and still served as local governors. They were appointed in Jianghuai, Lingbiao and desert areas just to give a rough expression of punishment and condemnation. They give up on themselves, so that they are greedy for money, regardless of their health and have no intention of changing. A wise monarch should share the benefits equally with all things, and govern distant places with guilty officials, which is tantamount to giving a traitor a favor and abandoning the people far away. Ethnic minorities and China people live together in border areas. They are far away from danger, easily disturbed and difficult to settle down. If the Chief Executive is incompetent, civilians will be exiled and become thieves. From this perspective, ordinary people do not have it, let alone cunning officials. I request that those who have been suspended for taking bribes should be dismissed in less than a few decades, so they should not be given employment. The history books say that "distinguish between good and evil" is the truth. The children didn't answer. He was promoted to assistant minister of Huangmen, awarded uncle of Yuyang County, and Wei Zhigu was in charge of election affairs in Du Dong respectively. In the first year of Kaiyuan, they were appointed as both Wei Zihuang Men Pingzhang. Three years later, they were replaced. At this time, another imperial edict ordered Zihui and Huangmen provinces to verify the facts. Lu Huaishen and Yao Chong said: "Wang Xiantong's crime is very clear. If all the suggestions can be doubted, how can others believe them? "So the case is settled. Lu Huaishen thought he was not as talented as Yao Chong, so he went to work.