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Self-growth psychoanalysis paper

In the psychological counseling work in colleges and universities, the self-growth of counselors is very important. The following is my self-growth psychoanalysis paper for your reference.

Self-growth psychoanalysis essay model essay 1: Reflections on the teaching reform of psychology and self-growth course Abstract: Psychology, as a science, has a strong scientific nature and is of great significance to the growth and all-round development of contemporary college students. Based on the basic content and significance of Psychology and Self-growth, this paper points out the common problems in this course at present, and then puts forward the ideas of teaching reform.

Keywords: psychology and self-growth; Teaching reform; all-round development

China Library Classification Number: G642.0 Document Identification Number: A Document Number:1674-9324 (2013) 35-0064-02.

First, the basic content and significance of psychology and self-growth courses

With the rapid development of science and technology and social economy, people's living standards are constantly improving, and more and more people begin to pay attention to the quality of spiritual life, including college students. In recent years, college students have more and more psychological problems due to academic frustration, poor interpersonal relationship, economic difficulties, lovelorn and other reasons. Therefore, in ordinary colleges and universities, not only students in normal colleges offer psychology courses, but also many students in non-normal colleges begin to take psychology courses actively, hoping to gain psychological knowledge from them. Starting from the fall of 20 1 1, our school offered psychology and self-growth courses to freshmen. As a compulsory course, every freshman must choose. The course is mainly divided into the following eight chapters: adaptation and development, autonomous learning, learning to get along, love and intimacy, emotional management, stress coping, time management, meaning and value. The purpose of offering this course is that in recent years, college students have encountered more and more psychological confusion during their growth. Through the study of this course, freshmen can learn more about the basic knowledge of psychology and realize that psychology can be a profound science, which has always existed in the growth process of college students. Through learning, students have the basic ability to distinguish psychological problems and treat them correctly. At the same time, it also enables freshmen to better adapt to college life and study, enhance the realm of life and promote the growth and all-round development of college students. After the course, the school psychological counseling center made a questionnaire survey of all the students who participated in the course. The results show that most students find the course very meaningful and have high hopes for the study of psychology, but what is their biggest opinion about the course? School hours are boring. Is it useless after school? This undoubtedly seriously affects the enthusiasm of students and teachers, and even the value of the course itself. So, how to carry out this course well and do a good job in psychology? Psychology? It has become an important topic of this psychology course to talk about psychology mysteriously, tell yourself truly and guide life practically.

Second, the common problems existing in the process of psychological and self-growth.

1. The simplicity of teaching methods. At present, most teachers still adopt indoctrination teaching method, and the teacher-centered teaching method has become a single way for teachers to teach. However, it is seldom used in students' participatory teaching, case teaching and activity interactive teaching. Even though some teachers adopt the method of case teaching in class, most teachers still adopt the way of self-explanation, lacking guidance for students. Therefore, in the process of passive learning, students are prone to job burnout and their learning motivation is weakened.

2. The course content system is open to question. At present, the contents of psychology and self-growth are divided into eight aspects: adaptation and development, autonomous learning, learning, love and intimacy, emotional management, stress coping, time management, meaning and value. Among them, the teaching contents of emotional management and stress coping overlap, such as autonomous learning and learning, and some contents overlap with some contents in the ideological and moral cultivation course, which is also offered when freshmen first enter school.

3. The examination method is single. At present, the evaluation methods of psychology and self-growth courses are generally based on the usual grades and final exam results. Usually grades account for a small proportion, including class attendance and answering questions in class, while the final exam is to submit a paper related to the course. Therefore, as long as students pass attendance and submit papers, they can achieve better results. In particular, the quality of the papers submitted is uneven. Most students download most of the content online, and only a few students combine their own experiences and feelings, which makes it difficult to achieve the teaching purpose.

Three, psychology and self-growth course teaching reform ideas

1. Teaching form reform. Change the single form of teachers' teaching, increase classroom interactive activities, give students feedback and evaluation in time, pay attention to students' dominant position, let students fully realize that they are the main body of teaching, experience the pleasure of success, stimulate students' interest, mobilize students' learning enthusiasm and optimize classroom teaching effect. For example, in the chapter of * * *, the author launched an interactive game, which divided the class into five groups, and each group 15 students introduced themselves from anyone: who am I, where am I from, and what is my personality? The students behind me should repeat what the former students said before introducing themselves, and so on, until each student wrote down the introduction of the end of the game and all the other players in the game. In the chapter of emotional management, the author makes every student personally feel what factors are related to emotional changes through music (cheerful and sad), action (laughing, bowing his head) and thinking (thinking about sad and happy things). In stress management, the author asked each student to write down the things that bothered him most recently on paper, knead them into a ball and put them in a paper bag, and then randomly select some to answer them one by one, which effectively helped students solve difficulties and relieve stress. The author introduces these forms and methods into the classroom teaching of this course, so that students can learn the course knowledge through activity classes. Practice has proved that these forms not only ensure the systematic study of subject knowledge, but also help to mobilize the enthusiasm of students, and have received good results.

2. Reform of curriculum content system. The author thinks that psychology and personality formation can be added to the course content, which can be described as a chapter. Make students understand the characteristics of people with sound personality; Look at yourself with a positive attitude, and be self-aware, self-respecting and self-accepting; Look at others with a positive eye, have good interpersonal relationship and teamwork spirit; Look at the past, present and future with a positive attitude. Enable students to use psychological knowledge to help them form a more sound personality. In addition, in the learning process of psychology, students must be encouraged to think actively, integrate theory with practice, master certain psychological thoughts and methods to solve problems, and learn to look at problems from the perspective of psychology. Therefore, we can add some links between theory and practice in the course. For example, through some typical cases of college students' psychological crisis, students are required to think, analyze and solve problems independently; You can also add some group psychological counseling to help students solve practical problems.

3. Reform of curriculum evaluation methods. At present, the evaluation method of psychology and self-growth courses is mainly summative evaluation, which is still insufficient in cultivating students' ability to integrate theory with practice, actively learn and apply psychological knowledge, and can not provide feedback information in time to help students and teachers improve their learning and teaching. The author thinks that the specific method of evaluation reform of psychology and self-growth course is to reform the proportion of usual grades and final grades. You can arrange your usual homework properly, such as arranging students to write case reports to explain real life with what they have learned; Questions about what you have learned; Thoughts after reading and watching psychological related literary works; Organize or participate in group discussions and a series of small assignments that can integrate theory with practice, so as to help students think positively, promote learning transfer, let students know when and under what conditions what knowledge can be used, and let students understand that what they have learned is useful in practical application. Finally, it can be evaluated according to the degree of completion, seriousness, initiative, integration of theory with practice and the depth of self-evaluation. In order to reduce the difficulty of homework, students can be divided into several study groups to complete the above homework. In addition, in the usual classroom interaction activities, it is necessary to increase the proportion of students' performance in the final grade evaluation, which can not only enliven the curriculum atmosphere, guide students to actively participate in the curriculum interaction, but also help to improve the teaching effect. As for the thesis writing of the final exam, the author thinks that the proportion should be reduced or even cancelled.

To sum up, it is very necessary to offer psychology courses in non-normal colleges, which can make students better adapt to college life and study, improve their life realm and promote their growth and all-round development. In view of the common problems in the course of Psychology and Self-growth, we should reform the teaching form, course content system and course evaluation method, guide students to actively participate in course learning, enhance their ability to solve practical problems by using psychological knowledge, and improve the teaching effect of the course.

Self-growth psychological analysis paper model Part II: Enlightenment of psychological capital on college students' self-growth Abstract: Psychological capital based on positive psychology and positive organizational behavior theory mainly includes four dimensions: self-efficacy (self-confidence), resilience, optimism and hope. There are nearly 30 million college students in China, so this study hopes to briefly discuss the enlightenment of psychological capital on college students' self-growth to help them grow.

Keywords: psychological capital; College students; Self - growth

About the author: Chen Lizao (1984-), male, from Longyan, Fujian, College of Education, Lanzhou University, higher education. Research direction: University Psychology.

[China Library Classification Number]: G64 1 [Document Identification Number]: A.

[ArticleNo.]:1002-2139 (2013)-11

In 2002, American management scientist luthans put forward the theory of psychological capital on the basis of positive psychology and positive organizational behavior theory, and thought that the theory of psychological capital mainly includes four aspects: self-efficacy, hope, optimism and resilience. In order to distinguish it from other elements of positive psychology, luthans defines psychological capital as: positive, based on theory and research, measurable, available and quasi-state individual characteristics, as well as positive psychological elements that affect performance and meet POB (positive organizational behavior) standards. From the perspective of positive psychology, Luthans defined psychological capital as a positive psychological state displayed by individuals in the process of growth and development [2]. Now, psychological capital has gradually become another capital advantage after economic capital, human capital and social capital.

Around 2008, before and after Li Chaoping translated Luthans's Psychological Capital, psychological capital gradually attracted the attention of some domestic scholars. Zhong Lifeng [3] and Wang Yanfei [4] introduced psychological capital. Ke Jianglin and Zhang Kuo localized the psychological capital questionnaire respectively.

This study hopes to explore the enlightenment of psychological capital on college students' self-growth on the basis of previous studies.

1. Establish self-confidence on the road of self-growth.

Self-confidence, also known as self-efficacy, refers to an individual's speculation and judgment on whether he is capable of completing a certain behavior (Bandura). If an individual thinks he has the ability to complete a certain behavior, it means that he has a high sense of self-efficacy, otherwise, his sense of self-efficacy is low.

Research shows that self-confidence is positively correlated with mental health (Bi Zengzeng,), self-confidence helps individuals to reduce interpersonal troubles (Zhang Jiyuan, Bi Zengzeng), and confident individuals have positive attribution styles (Qin). ), and confident people are more inclined to pursue success than to avoid failure (Che Liping). The research also shows that self-efficacy (self-confidence) is negatively correlated with depression (Ge Minggui), positively correlated with self-esteem (Li Da et al.), negatively correlated with trait anxiety and test anxiety (Li Shoulong and Li), and negatively correlated with the total score of interpersonal distress (Zhang Qian and Gui Shoucai). It can be seen that self-confidence is of positive significance to self-growth, so college students should establish self-confidence on the road of self-growth.

2. Exercise toughness on the road of growth

Resilience, also known as resilience, not only means that an individual can recover to his original state after major trauma or pressure, but also can persist tenaciously under the threat of pressure, emphasizing the growth and rebirth of an individual after setbacks. People with high resilience not only show that individuals can return to normal after major trauma or stress, but also show that they can return to normal from high-intensity positive emotions. The reason why the hero of Jinfan Middle School finally went crazy has a lot to do with not recovering from strong positive emotions (overjoyed).

Research shows that resilience plays an important role in protecting adolescents' mental health (Hu et al.), resilience is negatively correlated with depression (Wang Xiuxi et al.), resilience is positively correlated with life satisfaction (Kari), and resilience is conducive to growth in adversity (Sean). This shows that toughness is also of positive significance to self-growth, so college students should exercise toughness in line with the principle of self-growth.

There is hope on the road of self-growth.

Rick, a professor of clinical psychology at the University of Kansas? Rick Snyder believes that hope is a state of positive motivation based on the experience generated by the intersection of successful motivation (the energy level pointing to the goal) and path (the plan to achieve the goal). That is, hope = willpower+method. Hope needs not only firm willpower, but also clear goal guidance.

Liu He pointed out in their paper "Hope: A Summary of Psychological Research" that the higher the hope, the higher the academic performance and the higher the mental health level, which is also related to their physical health. Snyder and others believe that hope has a positive impact on life satisfaction and quality of life. Luthans's research shows that in the field of human resource management, hope is positively related to organizational identity, and at present, only hope is related to worksheet. It can be seen that hope also plays an important role in self-growth, so college students should have hope for the truth of self-growth.

4. Learn to be optimistic about self-growth.

Seligman, the former president of the American Psychological Association (learned helplessness, the initiator of learned optimism), believes that optimism is an explanatory style, that is, positive events are attributed to their own, lasting and universal reasons, while negative events are attributed to external, temporary and situational reasons.

Research shows that optimism is positively related to life satisfaction and self-efficacy (Yuan Limin, etc.), optimists live longer (Matuuta), optimists are happier (Taylor), and optimism is negatively related to depression (Yuan Lixin). Temperament optimism can better predict people's future, improve people's mood and reduce mental illness, thus ensuring their adaptation to real life (Duan Haijun, Huo Yongquan). It can be seen that optimism also has a positive effect on self-growth, so college students should learn to be optimistic on the road of self-growth.

5. Pay attention to the coordinated development of various basic psychological qualities in the principle of self-growth.

Based on the theories of positive psychology and positive organizational behavior, this paper puts forward the concept of positive psychology. Compared with previous studies on self-efficacy, resilience, optimism and hope, it can better reflect a person's overall psychological quality. Research shows that people with high psychological quality in one aspect may not have high psychological quality in other aspects. For example, research shows that students with good academic performance tend to have a higher sense of self-efficacy, but they are not higher than other students in resilience, optimism and hope, or this explains why students with good academic performance tend to cause higher-intensity psychological conflicts (higher self-confidence, but lower psychological quality in other aspects) (Peng Xian, Chen Lizao). It can be seen that college students should pay attention to the coordinated development of basic psychological quality on the road of hungry oh's growth, rather than blindly emphasizing the development of one aspect of psychological quality.


[1] Luthans F, Yusuf Cm, Avolio BJ, and Li Chaoping, translated. Psychological capital. Beijing: China Light Industry Press, 2008. 5.

[2] Luthans F. and Yusef C.M., Human, Social and Present Positive Psychological Capital Management: Investing in People for Competitive Advantage. Organizational dynamics, 2004, 33( 2).

[3] Zhong Lifeng. The influence of psychological capital on employees' job performance, organizational commitment and organizational citizenship behavior. Journal of Psychology, 2007,39 (2): 328-334.

[4] Wang Yanfei, Zhu Yu. Psychological capital theory and related research progress. Foreign Economy and Management, 2007,29 (5): 32-39.

[5] Ke Jianglin, Sun Jianmin, Li Yongrui. Psychological capital: the development of native scale and the comparison between China and the West. Journal of Psychology, April 20091(9): 875-888.