Fortune Telling Collection - Ziwei fortune-telling - It is not only a folk custom for children to cry.

It is not only a folk custom for children to cry.

There are four main reasons why newborns cry: hungry, urinating, uncomfortable, just want to cry (insecure).

Rule out some minor illnesses, such as fever and pneumonia. Common discomforts include that the room is too cold (or wearing too thin clothes), the room is too hot (or covered too thick), and flatulence (the upgraded version is colic).

Find the reason, and it will be solved.

First of all, we should create a clean, comfortable and suitable temperature environment for our baby. Turning on the air conditioner in summer can keep the indoor temperature around 27 or 28 degrees. Heating can be provided in the north in winter, air conditioning can continue to be used in the south, and humidifiers can be turned on when it is dry in autumn and winter. Be careful not to use raw water, cold boiled water or pure water in the humidifier.

Then there are the baby's clothes. Ma Bao really won't cover his baby too thick. Newborns wear clothes. In principle, they only need one more than adults. Covering it too thick is easy to get pneumonia.

The baby was still crying when the room temperature was right. Let's see if the baby has peed or pooped, which is wet and sticky. Kids won't like it. If it is urine, clean up the baby and breastfeed it. You get hungry just after you pee. Newborns have no food in their bellies and grow very fast.

If the baby doesn't pee and still cries, it's hungry. Feed the baby. But after breastfeeding, the baby is still crying, probably flatulence or colic. You can try to feel if the baby's stomach is swollen. If it is swollen, you can give your baby exhaust exercise after breastfeeding for half an hour. If the baby always cries at dusk and is not well fed, it is colic. The baby with colic has no good medicine and can be held by plane. This situation will improve when the baby is older.

If the baby is still crying without the above situation, it means that he wants to cry and has no sense of security. Novice parents are advised to wrap their babies in swaddling clothes. The principle is to tighten and loosen them, and then give them a hug and comfort them.

Newborns sleep irregularly in the first three months, and novice parents will have a hard time. In fact, these experiences will be missed and unforgettable by parents when the baby is older. Because at this time, children need their parents most.

Therefore, when the baby is crying, the mother in the month should relax to avoid postpartum depression.